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jungkook walks down the steps slowly, hugging himself as he pouts, eyes still red from crying. taehyung called him down for breakfast and once he nears the dining table, he sees jimin and the latter, talking while eating slowly.

taehyung flicks his eyes up, seeing the younger and shoots a smile, "hey kook" jimin doesn't even turn, continuing to eat as the both of them got back to their conversation.

jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat and sat down beside the leader, keeping a distance between them eventhough all he wanted was to curl up against jimin's side but he knows he can't. dejected, he picks up the fork and spoon, spooning a small portion of egg before munching it down, the food tasting plain to his dry mouth.

"you alright?" he hears taehyung asks when he keeps playing with the food instead of eating it after the first spoonful. he nods his head, looking down at his food.

"well i'll head off first, i have to deal with hoseok and the others about the accident last week" jimin gives a curt nod, motioning for him to leave.

jungkook looks up, seeing the brown haired boy exit the room, gulping when he realises that only he and jimin are the one in the room. but the silence remained, and it was too thick jungkook could slice it with a knife.

"i'm sorry" he says, hands clenched in his lap. it's always him to break first. his voice was so soft and broken, jimin almost didn't hear it.

he looks at the younger, gaze stoic before finishing up his food and asking the other finish his food too before he stood up and made his way upstairs, jungkook following him like a lost puppy.

once they entered the room, jimin locks the door, jungkook making his way to the bed, kneeling down on the mattress. the silver haired makes his way towards the end of the bed, looking down at boy before bringing a hand up to the other's face, the touch cold to jungkook's skin that his eyes flew shut.

"i'm sorry daddy" he says again, opening his eyes to look at the mafia leader, biting his bottom lip.

"you've been a bad boy, you know what bad boys get right?" jimin asks, voice gravely and low. when jungkook remains silent, the hand on his cheek moves to his black roots, pulling on it so hard jungkook whimpers, eyes screwing sharp.

"i asked you a question" jimin hisses, his grip tightening.

"punishment. they get punished daddy" the boy croaks out weakly, hands balled up against his side as jimin removed his hands from his hair.

"what you did out there was unacceptable, you know that right? easily succumbing to one's desire, such a fucking slut" he whispers near his ears, biting harshly and jungkook shivers. jimin moves over, sitting down on the bed.

"bend over on my leg jungkook" the said boy shakily moves, laying himself on the older's knees as his shirt was removed, his panty pulled down as jimin smooths a hand over his ass cheek, and without warning, strikes on it harshly, jungkook yelping in pain, eyes scrunched shut as his hands gripped jimin's thigh for support.

"count for me jungkook" jungkook gives a shaky 'yes daddy' before jimin slashes another strike on the same surface, the skin turning a faint red.

"two" he moans and jungkook doesn't know whether it's from pain or pleasure but his brain is in a frenzy he couldn't think.

"three" jimin smirks, smacking the skin two times continuously, the younger moaning out loud as tears spills out his eyes.

"four, five"

"such a fucking whore, never behaving when i'm not around"

"s-six, i-i'm sorry daddy, please forgive me"

"you think it's that easy? no baby boy"

"seven" he hisses out, the pain stinging his skin.

"was i better than that scum, that you easily gave yourself to him? tell me jungkook, c'mon" jungkook cries out at the smack, small sobs emitting out from his lips.

"e-eight. no daddy, i'm only yours, i'm only- daddy!- only for y-you. n-nine"

jimin smirks, giving the last strike, harshly smacking his palm down that jungkook jerks, screaming out in pain.

"ten" jungkook slumps in the other's hold, figure shaking as he knees gave up on him.

"up jungkook" he groans softly before getting up, the pain in his back burning.

jimin smashes their lips together, moving them so that the younger sits on his lap as he rests his back on the headboard. the older bites his bottom lip, eliciting a broken moan from jungkook, his hands in the older's chest as he hiccups, lashes still wet from crying previously.

"look how beautiful you are, baby, so fucking beautiful" jimin growls out lowly, biting jungkook's bottom lip so hard he might draw blood.

the older removes his sweater, jungkook now being able to see the other's sinful body and muscles, throat going dry at the sight as a shaky sigh leaves his lips. he immediately moves his hands to the leader's jeans, pulling off his belt before unbuttoning it, pulling the zipper and tugging down at it, jimin lifting his hips up to help him, and jungkook moans softly once jimin's clothed dick comes into his sight.

"please daddy, can i?" at the nod, he brings his body lower, pulling the older's brief down, throwing it away on the floor. he doesn't notice it at first, but when he does, he chokes as his mouth water, looking up to see jimin smirking, a dark glint in his eyes.

"daddy" he breathes out, eyes not leaving the sight of his lover's dick, and the silver metal on it.

jimin has a dick piercing and jungkook can't breathe.

"baby" his voice drops like honey, hand tilting jungkook's face up.

"i want you to suck me off while i eat you out" he smirks as jungkook trembles, shifting to climb on top of the silver haired, turning around so that his face is met with jimin's really enticing cock.

when a hand slaps roughly against the underside of his thigh, jungkook yelps before obediently opening his mouth, taking the head if jimin's cock into his cavern, the younger moans, feeling jimin given small licks on his rim before the tongue pushes past the muscle, mercilessly dragging the flesh in and out. jungkook clenches the sheets as his knees feel wobbly, swallowing more of jimin till the head hits the back of his throat. jungkook hears harsh groans from the back and hollows his cheek, bobbing his head up and down.

"daddy" he whines as he goes back up to the head, sucking on it softly as jimin glides a finger in his hole, still eating him out with his tongue.

jungkook can feel the tears brimming his eyes, gagging a little as jimin thrusts his hips up, grunting out lowly. then he stops, pulls his finger and tongue out of the younger's hole before asking the other to do the same.

"now remember, this is your punishment" he says, tone lilting as jungkook climbs onto his lap. the boy nods, easily granting submission as he allows jimin to do whatever to him so that he is forgiven.

jungkook lifts his lips up, the older's cock sliding in him as he sinks down slowly, moaning out as he tips his head back, feeling the metal ring inside him. he feels something sliding through his dick and whimpers when he sees jimin slipping on the ring on him.

jimin stares at him, midnight orbs dark and intense before jungkook's lips were devoured again, jimin bringing his hips up and slamming him back down, high pitched moans slipping of the younger's lips as he breaks the kiss and places his hands on the older's shoulder before riding him, bouncing hard and fast as he grinds himself down to the other.

"d-daddy i c-can't-"

"no. not yet. we're just starting baby" jimin replies hoarsely, his hold bruising on the other's hip.

with a last thrust, the leader cums into the the black haired, biting jungkook's clavicle to muffle his grunts. he brings them up from the bed, jungkook's legs wrapped tightly on the other's torso as jimin brings them to a wall, slamming jungkook against it making the boy yelp as the breath was knocked out of him. jimin turns him around, grabbing his hips again before thrusting in relentlessly, sobs and hiccups mixed in with moans tumbling out from jungkook's lips as he braces his arms on the wall to prevent being smashed into it from how hard jimin is pounding into him.

"please, daddy. can i come? i-i want to-"

"shut up. you like this don't you? being fucked rough and hard by me, my dick pounding your slutty hole. tell me who's better, that guy or me?" he hisses out as he licks the shell of the younger's ear amd jungkook shivers, screaming into his hands as jimin thrusts into his prostate, the pleasure and pain wrecking his body as the tight heat coils in his stomach.

"y-you, it's always you daddy. i'm so s-sorry, i p-promise to behave next time" jungkook whimpers out softly when jimin smacks his ass in warning, biting his earlobe.

"right" and he can feel the smirk eventhough jimin is behind him, eyes fluttering shut as he feels the silver haired feeling him up again for the second time that night. he visibly slumps, figure shaking but his cock is still red and hard and tears escapes his eyes as he bites his lips when jimin moves them from the wall.

"d-daddy?" he whispers out when they're laid on the bed again with jimin hovering above him, the dark glint in his eyes still there.

"one more baby boy, i know you can take it. and i'll let you come" jimin slips his cock back in, the cum making it easier but jungkook is still as tight. jungkook gasps weakly as he wraps his arms around the older's neck, legs wounded around his torso as jimin starts moving, jungkook's thighs quivering from the last two rounds they've had.

jimin eyes the flesh under him, wasting no time to attach his lips to it, sucking a big bright bruise on the skin that he knows will last for weeks. he soothes it with a lick of his tongue before continuing to mark jungkook, creating a ring of bruises on his necks and collarbone.

jungkook whimpers and moans brokenly, feeling jimin's cock ruining him, his walls clenching tighter as he throws his head back, his body numbing from overstimulation.

"daddy can i p-please come n-now? i c-can't any longer" he cries out when jimin keeps jabbing at his prostate, the heat licking in his lower abdomen again.

jimin looks at him once more, taking in the pleading look on the other's face as he had tears cascading down his cheeks. he brings his hands down to jungkook's cock, the younger moaning out just from the smallest of touch. he removes the ring and motions for the younger to come as he pumps the hard length in his hand.

jungkook lets out a choked out moan once jimin thrusts into him again, cum shootimg out of him in long stripes, splattering on his stomach and jimin's hand. jungkook turns them around before starting to bounce on jimin again, putting on the last bit of energy he had left as his eyes screws shut, jimin groaning as he cums in jungkook the last time.

he lays jungkook next to him, slipping out of him and jungkook winces at the pain, turning to hide his face into the pillows. he just hopes jimin forgives him because he doesn't want jimin to leave him again.

"daddy?" he asks, voice muffled by the pillow as he feels shuffling on the bed.

"come on, lets get you cleaned up before sleeping"

"y-you're not leaving m-me?" he asks painfully before moving to the edge of the bed, jimin picking him up easily as he squeaks out at the sudden action.

"no" relief washes over the younger as he just lets jimin manhandles him as they wash up, changing into fresh clothes before changing the sheets, jungkook just watching from the side as jimin takes care of him. his heart squeezes at the fact that jimin cares about him as he watches jimin moving around the room.

"come here jungkook" jungkook almost frowns at the name but masks it once he feels jimin pulling him against his side as they settle in the bed, bodies molding around each other as jungkook rests his head on the mafia's chest.

"are you in pain?" the older asks after awhile, hand stroking jungkook's back through the hoodie as jungkook snuggles in closer.

"no daddy" jimin hums, slowly falling into a slumber when jungkook speaks up softly.

"am i forgiven daddy?" he asks, his voice tiny as he looks up at jimin nervously through his bangs.

"for now" jimin says eventually, cracking his eyes open to see jungkook pouting as he looks down, hands unconsciously clenching the material of jimin's shirt. jimin brings a hand up to caress jungkook's cheeks, the boy's eyes snapping up. jimin brings his lips closer, meshing his lips jungkook in a slow kiss, easing the younger's doubts away, silenting telling him that he is forgiven.

he pulls away shortly, sees jungkook's cheeks tinting pink as he hides his face in the other's neck.

"sleep, baby boy"

"i love you daddy" jimin hums again before falling asleep, jungkook following soon.


"taehyung hyung" jungkook calls out, the both of them watching the tv as jimin and hoseok goes to check on the casino. jimin had told him to rest at home, seeing as the younger still limps a little. jungkook assures him he's fine before pecking jimin softly as he leaves.

"what?" the brown haired replied, still too focus on the show till jungkook blurts out his words, the older turning around as he cocks an eyebrow at the younger's words,

"i want a tattoo"

bless you (':

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