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"you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? it's not that far jimin" hoseok asked as he drove them back to the hotel. jimin hissed softly as he applied pressure on his arm. he mouthed out a 'no' and the other gave up, knowing well enough how stubborn the orange haired is.

there was blood trickling down jimin's face, a few scrapes and cuts that were starting to form once jimin went back to his suite, dismissing his mens before walking toward the bedroom, locking the door behind him softly to not wake the boy sleeping on the bed.

the clock shows 02:29 am and jimin looks at jungkook before heading towards the bathroom. he removes his jacket, wincing at the pain, slur of curses falling off his lips before he opens the drawer and took out a bandage, gauzes and alcohol. he took a glance at himself through the mirror, seeing dried up blood and some still flowing down his cheeks. pouring the alcohol onto the gauze, the leader slowly dabs it onto his face, jaw clenching at the sting when jungkook suddenly appears into the room.

his once sleepy and droopy eyes becomes wide, concern laced in his features before he went closer to his lover, taking his face into his hands, jimin averting his eyes away as he placed the gauze down.

"what happened?" the younger breathes out softly before taking the gauze and pushing jimin till his back hits the counter, applying it softly to his face.

"the usual" he answers shortly, seeing jungkook's unsatisfied expression while he unbuttons jimin's shirt, seeing the graze on his arm. jungkook bites his lips, rubbing jimin's arm softly, seeing the damage on the older,

"hey baby, look at me" jimin drawls out softly, the boy immediately looking up at jimin, taking a deep breath in.

"don't worry about me okay? i'm fine. this is what i do okay, don't worry about it"

"but i'm scared. what if one day you-" jimin shuts him up with a kiss, a warm, calming approach that had jungkook melting as his worry slowly fades away.

the black haired continued nursing jimin's arm, the older washing his face and changing out of his clothes after he's done before joining the younger on the bed.

"daddy" jimin hums, carding jungkook's hair softly with his hand. jungkook turns and pulls jimin closer to him, the room dark except for the moon that illuminates a shadow on them.

"i love you, you know that right?" jungkook asks, rubbing jimin's nape as he hid his face in the crook of his neck.

"of course i do, baby" jungkook sighs before closing his eyes, breathing evening out as he dozes off.

they flew back to seoul after two more days, the younger thanking jimin for the trip with kisses and jimin feels contented. jungkook fiddles with his hands and bites his lips, all the while looking at the tattoos that jimin had as the older was sleeping.

once they reach the park's mansion, jimin excuses himself to greet his father and brother while hoseok brings jungkook up to his room.

"hoseok hyung! jungkook! " taehyung chirps brightly, hugging the boy after he lands a kiss on hoseok's lips.

"hey baby" hoseok greets while pulling him into his arms, taehyung telling on about how much he misses his boyfriend and how he didn't have a friend when the both of them including jimin were gone. the older phone's rings and hoseok asks taehyung to bring jungkook back up as he makes his way to the basement.

"taehyung hyung" the latter hums, opening the door to jimin's room, settling their bags down.

"i'm bored" taehyung laughs, slinging an arm around his shoulder.

"i'll tell jimin about it" jungkook's eyes widen as he shook his head.

"no da- jimin hyung is busy" he pouts, releasing taehyung's hold on him and shuffles to the bed, switching on the tv and watching it blankly.

taehyung narrows his eyes at the boy before walking out and closing the door behind him.


the male turns in his seat, taehyung entering his office and taking a seat on his couch.

"what do you want kim? i'm busy" taehyung sighs before shaking his head.

"stop stressing yourself, i told you so many times. anyways, jungkook says he's bored, can i bring him out?" jimin arched a fine brow, looking at the other cautiously.

"i have hoseok for christ's sake. i just want to get the boy a life" jimin sighs before humming in approval, going back to his laptop screen.

"one second taehyung" the said male stops in his tracks, turning back around.

"yes sir?" he teases and jimin glares at him and he stops, sensing that the other male is being serious, motioning for the him to come closer.

"the min's up to anything?"

"no, nothing that i know of"

"look at this" he nods to the screen blaring at them, pictures and informations on the min's popping up.


"they're buying weapons. everything. from guns to knives to grenades. everything that is available here and they have gun shippings coming their way from what i heard"

taehyung runs a hand through his hair, inhaling deeply.

"we do know that they are up to something. and i think we both know who yoongi's current target is" jimin looks up at him and clenches his jaw, midnight orbs darkening.


"where are we going?" jungkook whines as taehyung grabs his arm, pulling him out from his room and down the stairs.

"babe, you're hurting him, stop" hoseok chuckled before prying the brown haired arm's away.

"i'm bringing him out, wanna follow?" jungkook physically barfs at the older, earning a hit on the head.

"kim taehyung" all three turned their heads, seeing the orange haired male walking towards them.

jungkook wraps his arms around the older immeadiately, nuzzling his neck.

"and you say i'm needy" taehyung rolls his eyes at jungkook and the younger just sticks out his tongue, the other two males shaking their heads at their lover's antics.

"daddy, taehyung is bringing me out. am i allowed to go out with him?" he asked, looking up through his bangs, bottom lip tucked by his top row of teeth.

"of course baby, i'm not following you though, i have work" jungkook visibly pouts, burying his face deeper into the male's neck.

"how about this, i'll pick you up when you're done for the day alright?" jungkook peers at him before nodding his head, turning to taehyung and hoseok.

"is hoseok hyung following us?"

"no, but i'll pick you up with jimin okay?" he assures once he sees taehyung's sunken face.

jungkook kisses jimin on his cheek sweetly before parting with taehyung, both of them getting into taehyung's car before speeding off and jimin just hopes taehyung takes care of jungkook well.

"first of all, jimin told me to get you a new phone" taehyung chimes once they step into the mall, the older dragging both of them to a gadget store.

taehyung buys him the latest phone model, and says it's jimin's orders and money when the younger refuses.

"you can thank him later on" they shop for a while more, buying jungkook more clothes and taehyung finds out the other likes wearing oversized and lacey things and also thigh high stockings which he begins to tease the other mercilessly. he got multiple hits on his head in return eventhough jungkook doesn't recoils the statement since it's a fact. but hey, he buys all these things to please jimin as well so don't blame him. even taehyung tells him jimin's going to go crazy over the items they bought so sometimes having a friend as wild and idiotic as taehyung isn't that bad.

"let's go to a club" jungkook turns and his eyes widen at the word.

"what? jimin will not approve!" taehyung laughs before starting his car, ignoring jungkook's ranting on why they shouldn't go there.

"taehyung, jimin's going to be mad at me"

"loosen up buddy, just have fun. i told jimin and he said he and hoseok will pick us up in an hour"

jungkook shoots a glare at the older before reluctantly stepping foot into the club. the neon lights reminds him of his past, shuddering at the thought. being the famous club in the city, jungkook finds it hard to maneuver around lanky, sweaty bodies as people crowded the place.

he finally made it to the bar, taking a seat, taehyung joining him after he manages to squeeze through people. taehyung orders a drink for him and the younger, the bartender ringing up the orders in a few minutes.

taehyung drank his vodka in one shot before pouring more while jungkook just looks around.

"drink up jungkook" taehyung clanks their glasses together before drinking one more shot, jungkook downing the liquid too.

"i'm gonna dance. follow me"

"um, no taehyung i think it's better-" taehyung pulls him out of his seat and jungkook curses under his breath as he was pulled to a not so crowded place. taehyung starting dancing to the beat of the song, quickly finding a partner and jungkook knows taehyung's just having fun but he has hoseok so jungkook doesn't understand how he can be so care-free about things like this-

a hand came up to his waist pulling him into a broad chest, making him yelp as he craned his head to the side, seeing an unfamiliar face.

"you look lonely, dance with me?" jungkook gulps and tries to remove the hand wrapped around his waist but to no avail, slowly stopping his restraints and moving along to the song as well as the male behind him kept his hands there as they danced. he knows it the alcohol buzzing in his system but once he saw the familiar face of his boyfriend, he freezes and pushes himself away.

jimin stood in front of him, face showing no emotions as hoseok went to grab taehyung somewhere. his hair was dyed to rich colour of silver, styled upwards and to the side. his  tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he had his hands in his pockets, looking at jungkook with eyes so intense jungkook feels like crumbling inside.

"nice dance there you put out" before jungkook could even utter out a word, hoseok appeared with a passed out taehyung and jimin looks at them before turning around and walking out of the heaty atmosphere of the club.

jungkook rushes out and tries to get to the other but jimin's too far away, already walking out to the valet and taking his car back. hoseok rode his own car, both couple leaving separately.

jungkook slid into his seat silently, shaky hands folded in his lap as jimin started his porsche, eerily silent that tells jungkook he's in trouble.

as the sped through the streets, jimin didn't even glance at the other and jungkook feels the tears starting to sting the corner of his eyes but he blinks it back.

"daddy i-" he starts but jimin cuts him off.

"i don't want to hear your voice" and jungkook feels like crying but he turns back and looks out the window to calm himself down.

once they reach back to the park household, jimin walks away from him and not towards their room, leaving jungkook alone in the stairway. the tears started falling as he took fast steps to their room, closing the door behind him softly as he dropped to the bed, tucking his legs up to his chest. he heard footsteps and quickly wipes his tears, the door opening and seeing jimin walking in.

"daddy, jungkook's sorry" the boy knelt on the king sized bed as he looked up at the other who was hovering in front of him.

the silver haired chuckled deeply, hand brought up to jungkook's cheek, caressing the skin softly as he stared at the boy, jungkook squirming under the intense gaze, a chill running down his spine.

"of course you're sorry" he replied lowly, fingers tracing down to his neck, playing with the small hairs at his nape, "of course"

then the hand was gone, the male walking out of the room.

jungkook knew he was not forgiven.

and worst of all, jimin didn't sleep with him that night and left him all alone again.

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