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jungkook turned in his sleep and faced the other male who was still sleeping, his arms wrapping around the younger male tighter. jungkook rested his hands on the leader's chest as he kissed the skin softly, digging his face in the crook of his neck.

jimin groaned softly as his eyes fluttered open, seeing a mop of black hair and arms tightening its hold on his torso.

"baby?" the male's voice was hoarse, having just waking up from his sleep as he looks down at jungkook, the boy humming softly.

jungkook started drawing soft, imaginary patterns on jimin's shoulder, a chill runing down his spine at the low sound resonating from the other male.

"wake up jungkook, i told you i'm bringing you out"

"why are you calling me that?"

"baby come on" jungkook grins as he sat up and stretched, revealing the small patch of skin that the orange haired just had to kiss, making jungkook hitch a breath.

the younger looks down and smiles as he runs his hair softly through jimin's hair before standing up and head for a shower.

when jungkook steps out, there wasn't any sign of the mafia leader amd jungkook frowns, looking around the suite.


the boy pouts as he crosses his arms over himself, rubbing his skin softly as he walked around. a body suddenly pressed up against him from behind, strong arms holding up as lips connected to his neck.

"what is it?"

"where did you go?"

"no where"

jungkook wasn't fully convinced but just nodded his head, maybe jimin went out to the balcony wothout him noticing. jimin released him and took his turn in the shower, coming out with a towel wrapped on his waist, droplets of water dripping down his chest as he dried his hair with another towel after a decent amount of time.

jungkook bites his bottom lip as he sat on the bed, clenching the bed sheets as his throat goes dry. he has seen jimin like this so many times, but the feeling is as if it's the first because jimin is too hot for his own good.

this doesn't go by unnoticed by the other male in the room of course, but he just ignored in and wore the clothes he picked out earlier. jungkook watched as jimin put on the white sweater over his head, paired with black skinny jeans which hugs his legs perfectly in jungkook's eyes. seeing the older wearing these type of clothings are rare since it is normal for the male to wear dress coats.

why does he look so hot all the time?

he heard jimin chuckle from the other side of the room and his cheeks darken when he realised he said that out loud, mentally slapping himself.

"let's go" the older walked put the door and jungkook followed after, lacing their fingers together without hesitation even as he felt jimin tense before relaxing at the touch.

they walked out to the living room and jimin held a hand up when his men started getting up as well to follow them.

"it's alright. i want it only to be the two of us. all of you just keep watch here" the leader's eyes travelled to hoseok, nodding at him before asking him to give an update on shin if he receives any. hoseok nodded, shooting the black haired behind jimin a polite smile before they left.

jungkook felt the the flutters of butterflies in stomach when he realized that this is the first time jimin and him are going out alone. the other male was always guarded and now that he wasn't, jungkook didn't know what to feel.

"daddy" he says softly once they got onto jimin's car, the older turning his head to look at him while putting the key into the ignition, starting up the white porsche.

"where are we going?"

"a few places but since we woke up late, i guess we'll skip some" the male turns back to the front, driving out the car park and into the streets.

"an elephant park?" jungkook's eyes lit up and he beams once he caught sight of elephants around them.

truth to be told, jimin has never done these type of things for anyone. this is his first time. he had never planned things, tried his hest to make someone happy, or even spend time with people he loves.

but jungkook has been missing out a lot, always being locked up in the house and jimin feels that it is his responsibility as well to make the boy he adores brighten up on this trip.

the reason for bringing the black haired to an elephant park was because of the boy's interest in animals and he had once said that he wanted to ride an elephant but never had the chance.

"you like it?" jimin asks as he gives a pleased smirk at the boy's reaction. jungkook nods eagerly before placing a chaste kiss on the other's lips, smiling into it.

jimin hasn't really showed his true smile to him but jungkook knows it takes time.

being known by the whole population of south korea, it isn't surprising when the people there knows him too but it is a surprise to jungkook when he sees everyone there bowing at them, polite smiles and hands placed behind them in respect.

jimin gives back a small bow as a sense of respect to them before going in, a herd of baby elephants going into their line of vision.

jungkook squeals softly, eyes crinkling as he releases the hold he has on jimin's hands to go nearer to the bunch of calf at the front. they've been told that they could touch and feed the animals here but to be gentle as they are sensitive creatures and acts on instincts.

jungkook slowly reaches a hand out, petting the baby elephant softly while jimin made his way behind him, looking over at the younger in mild amusement and fondness.

the calf lets out chirp with its trunk, splashing around in the water with its legs. jungkook giggles softly while still petting the animal. they stayed there for a while, jungkook insisting and whining for jimin to touch and interact with the elephants too before the male gives in and slowly reaches a hand out to the the calf, caressing it softly and jungkook laughs as he plays with another elephant there.

they continued walking then, seeing other animals as well like zebras, ostriches, and tortoises there. the orange haired bought some peanuts for jungkook since he wanted to feed the elephants, seeing him happily going to the crowd of matured elephants and gently feeding them, placing the peanuts in his open palm as a peace offering.

this really isn't the mafia leader type of things buts seeing his lover happy, it makes him contented too, the stress from being a leader and all the work being pushed to the back of his mind at the moment.

"they're so beautiful" jungkook murmured as the elephant ate up the peanuts one by one, catching jimin's attention.

"know who's more beautiful?" jimin whispered, wrapping his arm around jungkook's waist. a faint blush tinted the younger's cheeks as he looks away from the elephant to face the older. the older smirks mischievously from turning his head away,

"that woman over there who sold me those" he said nonchalantly, nodding towards the peanuts.

jungkook's blush fades as his smile drops, shoving the older away forcefully and prying the arm on his waist as well.

he shoots a glare at the older before aggressively turning around and frowning while the elephant still feeds on the last peanut. jimin finds himself cracking out a small laugh at the younger antics, stomping off adorably while crossing his arms and purposely hits him with his shoulder, leaving the orange haired behind.

"baby" he calls but jungkook ignores him and scoffs, still walking further with the older trailing after him with a grin.


"jeon jungkook" jimin stops him and turns him around, bringing the bodies close as he stares at the other.

jungkook squirms under the intense stare but keeps his frown, although there's a pout forming on his red lips.

"why didn't you answer me?"

"what? why don't you just go with that woman over there? she's more beautiful than me isn't it? go ahead, no one's stopping you" the older raises an eyebrow as if saying 'do you think i believe that?' but removes his hands from the younger.

"if you say so" the male's expression changed, hands tucked into his pockets as he turns and begins to walk away when arms are wrapped around his torso, jungkook whining and nuzzling the back of his neck as a sign for forgiveness.

"sorry daddy"

"you're the most beautiful baby boy, don't you worry" jimin says once they're facing each other, caressing the other's apple cheeks, making the blush rise up his face again.

they went elephant riding before leaving, the black haired clutching onto jimin since he thought he would fall which jimin found adorable eventhough it was a wonderful ride.

they got back into the car in the car at half past six, the older driving them to a rooftop dining; 'vertigo and moon bar' in the bustling city of bangkok since it's almost night time.

jungkook became wide eyed and gasp softly once they reached and was taken to the highest floor in the tower, the sun already beginning to set, a beautiful hue of blue combined with the breezy wind in the open space. jimin orders the food for them both since jungkook seemed to be lost in his thoughts as his eyes roams around the place.

"baby, you alright?" jimin reaches out and takes his hand into his, the boy snapping out from his daze.

"yeah, it's just really beautiful" the boy said before going back to looking around.

"very beautiful" jimin find himself saying, looking at jungkook and god he is nothing compared to the beauty that jungkook sees now, finding himself unconsciously rubbing his thumb over jungkook's knuckles.

jungkook looks back at him and jimin leans forward to catch his lips in a tender kiss.

jungkook's cheeks were red when he noticed other guests staring and sunk in his while cupping his heating cheeks.

"daddy" he whined softy but their food arrived and jungkook pouts while fiddling with the sleeves of his sweater.

he started eating slowly when jimin called him out, motioning for him to eat because they have somewhere else to go.

jungkook looks at his food and then jimin, the other male eating silently, staring out once in a while and he so so badly wants to feed him like all couples do but jimin's a mafia leader and with a personality like him, jimin won't probably like the idea of it so jungkook pouts even more, jabbing at his food softly.

"baby what's wrong?" jimin suddenly asks, the younger looking up from his food with wide eyes.


"you were jabbing at the noodles"

"no, it's just that i. . ." he sighs then shakes his head.

"nothing daddy" he swirls his noodles with his fork and bites his lip, slowly losing his appetite. the orange haired notices it and sighs softly, putting down his fork.


jungkook hums, looking up again.

"you could just say it you know" jimin looks at the food then and jungkook and smiles a little.

jungkook blinks but then gapes when he got the point.

"i- what?"

"i mean if you-"

"no! no, i-" he whines pathetically before bringing up the food to the leader's mouth, looking at jimin expectantly.

jimin chuckles before taking in the food, jungkook's heart doing a somersault he thinks he can faint.

"wasn't that hard was it?"


"where are we going?" it's almost nine at night when they reached their last stop for the say, and jungkook shivers at the cold air hitting his skin once they step out from the car.

"you'll see"

the two walked further in until the ferris wheel was in sight. once they made it to the counter, jungkook realises they're gonna have a ride in there and his heart makes a flip because it's just going to be the both of them alone.

"come on" the worker throws them a smile before welcoming them into a booth, the door shutting close behind them. jungkook sits close next to him, leaving no space between them and his heart is beating so fast, he's sure jimin could hear it.

the wheel ascends slowly, both of them enjoying the night sky and the bright colours from below since they were in the middle of the city and a beeline of people scattered all over the place, roaming bangkok's night market.

"i know i didn't teat you like how you were supposed to be treated at first" the orange haired starts slowly, eyes still looking outside the glass eventhough one of his hand was locked with jungkook's, rubbing the skin softly. jungkook turns to him, wanting to say that it's okay and he's forgiven because jungkook loves him but jimin continues,

"i promised myself that i'll stop falling for anyone after yoongi's incident but then you came around, looking all beautiful and delicate at that corner of the bar, your finger fiddling with each other and your bangs falling over your eyes, being oh so innocent and vulnerable i just thought of how gorgeous you were under those neon lights. and fuck jungkook you ruined everything, you made the barrier i built for myself to not fall in love anymore collapse and i just. . .i'm not good at this, i'll never be. i'll never be able to truly tell you everything and it sucks so i'm sorry. i just want you to know this because i realised if i don't, you'll start to think that i'm just playing with you when i'm not. i don't want you thinking that i'm just using you because i really am not. i really do like you and i-" jimin took a grip on jungkook's waist and groans softly once the younger crashed his lips on his own, the cage shaking a little at the movement. jungkook craddled his face with his hands, carressing his cheeks and bites at his bottom lip, causing the leader to groan louder, his hold becoming tighter.

when they let go, jungkook's crying and his eyes are glazed over, the tears cascading down his cheeks but there's a magnificient smile of his face, his eyes crinkling and jimin can't help but to pull the younger back down, the boy giggling into the kiss as he wraps his arms around jimin's neck.

"oh god, i love you so much" he whispers, looking at jimin as if he contains the whole universe in his midnight orbs, closing his own eyes as his breathing slows down.

"i wasn't even finish baby"

"i still love you"

"i know" jungkook sighs, going to rest his head on jimin's shoulder.

"why won't say it back?" he murmurs but the next second he jumps because the fireworks starts exploding behind them.

jimin laughs a little looking at jungkook's shocked expression and little scream, the other punching him in the arm.

they made it back down in forty minutes, the younger rubbing his eyes sleepily as he lets jimin drag them back to the car.

"are you sleepy?" jungkook nods and leans his head to the window once jimin starts driving, hugging himself a little. the older takes his bomber jacket from the back seat and drapes it on jungkook before kissing his temple, focusing back on the road then.

once they made it back to the hotel, jimin barely made it to tuck jungkook in bed properly when hoseok came in.

"what is it?" he says as jungkook shifts in his sleep, jimin putting the blanket over him before straightening his posture.

"shin, i found him"

"right, i'll be out in five" hoseok nods before leaving the room, preparing himself as well.

"baby, i'll be back in a while alright?" jimin says but jungkook's probably dead asleep so he kisses his forehead then changed out from his clothes to a black buttoned down, paired with a black coat before exiting the room.

he didn't notice how jungkook looks at him worriedly from the bed.


both jimin and hoseok walked slowly inside the abandoned builing, only a few stray dim lights illuminating the dark alleyway. it was only the both of them, the others positioning themself in other sections of the building because jimin knows shin can be as sly as him.

they heard voices at the end of the hallway, hoseok pushing the door open to reveal a group of male sprawled out in the room, empty beer bottles and used cigarettes on the floor.

"park" a raven haired male speaks up, brows furrowed.

"where's your leader?"


a row of claps echoed in the room, all heads turning to the source of sound except jimin.

"jimin, what a pleasure to see you again"

"where's my money?" jimin hisses, walking in front of the blonde haired.

"i don't have no money" he slurs, obviously in a drunken state.

"i gave you enough time hoseok"

"fuck you" the male motions to the the group behind them and suddenly gun shots were heard, the blonde making his way of escape from the room, jimin trailing behind him.

"you're fucking dying today" jimin growls, wincing slightly at the burn on his right arm from a bullet that scraped him earlier as he runs as fast as he could towards the direction the latter escaped.

meanwhile in the room, jimin's other men and hoseok were injured lightly, a few bruises and scrapes while shin's men lay dead on the floor, the team leader quickly asking his men to find jimin and hoseok.

jimin slows down to a stop once he was in the ground floor of the building, looking around warily before he found his target, pointing his gun at him.

"wait! jimin, please, give me one more day and i'll-"

the sound echoed through the walls, a sinister smirk taking place on the orange haired face as his men arrived in time.

they well knew not to play with the male in front of them.

wow bless my soul.

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