twenty three

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"baby?" jimin calls hoarsely, blindly looking for the male but finds the sheets empty. he looks at his phone, the screen blaring blightly, showing that it's three in the morning. he hears retching from the bathroom and gets up, finds jungkook hovering over the toilet seat, heaving harshly.

the younger has been waking up at random hours throwing up, not telling jimin anything and the male has let it slide but after a few days of the same routine happening, he has had enough. jimin kneels down and holds the boy in his arms when he falls limp, flushing and closing the lid. his eyes flutters shut as he coughs, the silver haired looking at him with worry.

"jungkook?" jimin shakes his head when the boy doesn't reply him, wipes his face and carries him back to bed. he's sure to find the answers he wants tomorrow morning.

jungkook draws invisble patterns onto jimin's chest, waking up earlier than him but it's not like he had gotten enough sleep this entire week. jimin blinks his eyes open, sees jungkook atop of his chest, the light casting a shadow on him. he wants to ask what's going on but knocks were heard on their door and jungkook shifts, lets jimin see who it is and sighs, baekhyun and hoseok appearing as they tell the leader that his father wants to see him.

jimin washes up and changes his clothes, tells jungkook have breakfast first and kisses his forehead before leaving.

jungkook stays for awhile more before rushing to the toilet to throw up again.

"another unit has been attacked i see" his father starts, looking at the four in the room.

"we need to find out where the min's are operating all this. the only thing we know now that it's surely in daegu, it's where yoongi is" he continues, turning to jimin who looks deep in concentration.

"there's a pattern, if you look clearly. they've been attacking at places where our continents are the largest, sooner or later, this house is going be blown up as well, this is just a warning sign. i'm very close to finding out everything about them, that's why i've been busy this whole week. they may be smart, but not tech smart. i've asked my mens to trace over numbers and scan records, i just need that little more information. as of now, i know i'm the biggest target, so i'm laying low, and so should all of you" the others nod, the leader leaving the room only to see taehyung at he door standing awkwardly.

"why are you looking at me like that kim taehyung?" the male rubs his nape, looking uneasy, "jungkook, uh, he's crying and he doesn't want to eat but i don't know why. when i asked him, he just screamed at me, i didn't do anything to him i swear"

"he's been acting weird, did he tell you anything?" taehyung shakes his head. both males walked along the hallway in the basement up to the dining room, sees jungkook poking at his food grumpily.

"baby" he starts, the boy immediately turning and dropping his fork, looking like he's about to curse up a storm. "where were you? i've been waiting for you for so long! i hate you!"

"what? jungkook i told you to have breakfast first-"

"i don't care!" the chair screeches against the marbled tiles as jungkook stomps up to their room, slamming the door.

"you should ask him what's going on jimin, go" both of them are wary, the boy might just burst but jimin enters the room, this time a fluff of black hair crashing into his chest, crying messily.

"daddy i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i won't scream at you again, i'm sorry" jimin holds him, rubs his back to soothe him and jungkook calms down, wipes at his tears harshly with his sleeve.

"jungkook, i need answers alright? what's going on baby? you know you can tell me anything right? you've been out of it the whole week, throwing up and snapping at me, i need to know what's wrong" jungkook pulls him by his shirt collar, bringing heir lips into a deep kiss and pulls away after awhile.

"i. . ."he plays with his fingers nervously, his anxiety coming back that he can't even look at the older as he says the next few words.

"i'm. . .i'm pregnant" when he doesn't receive a reply as the silence stretches, the tears brimming at his eyes starts cascading down again, "i'm sorry- i couldn't, i didn't know" he gasps when jimin laces their fingers and pins him onto the bed, hovering above him.

"tell me again, and look at me" he says lowly, eyes shining with desire and oh god is that surprised or happiness?

"i'm. . .pregnant" jimin catches his bottom lip with his teeth, lips moving against one another as jimin shifts them so that jungkook is sitting on his lap, lips still lock. jimin breaks it off, staring up at the younger before he laughs, the sound sending shivers down jungkook's spine and, "oh no daddy why are you crying? daddy no!" jungkook wipes at the few tears that escapes his dark midnight orbs before jimin wraps his arms around him tightly, "i love you, so much. that was the most wonderful thing i've heard among all this chaos"

all jungkook can numbly mutter is a "what?" jimin pulls away to look at him, "why did you hide it from me baby? were you afraid i would get mad at you?" at the timid nod he gets, he kisses the younger's forehead and shakes his head.

"why would i be mad? you're carrying a life for me baby, that's amazing, you're amazing you know that?"

"but. . .i thought you would get angry daddy, i mean we're not even married and with everything that's happening now, i just, i got really paranoid and scared when i saw the results" he hides his face in jimin's neck, hears the older saying how wrong he is and how much he loves him.

"after everything is over, a ring will be permanently be on your finger for the rest of your life and i'll take care of you, and our baby here" hearing jimin say 'our baby' makes everything inside of jungkook warm and he snuggles more into jimin for the comfort and safety he had always been getting.

the news received rather, loud acknowledgements. taehyung had screamed, running to hoseok to tell him the news and the male had congratulated the silver haired who was beaming. the others in the household had congratulated him too, including his father, surprisingly and had even told jimin to take care of jungkook properly. jungkook blushed and hid behind jimin the whole time, looking down at his feet.

"you have to be prepared for my mood swings daddy, i'll just burst at you anytime, it sucks" jungkook says and pouts while they lay in bed, the moon shining it's light into their room.

"i'm used to it, you're already bratty even before you were pregnant"

"no i wasn't! you're mean, i'm going to sleep"

jimin just smiles, jungkook caving more into his chest for warmth despite acting like a child earlier on.

"i love you daddy"

"your mood swings are quite terrible"

"i hate you!"

mpreg? hell yes.

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