¤Author's Note¤

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 Throughout my childhood, my dad and I used to play this game: we brainstorm some ideas (most of them so silly that mom would eventually scold us for being psychotic) in which the world becomes a better place. One time, we divided the universe into two categories:The Pear Community: People who belong to this category are totally normal. They live their life normally, eat meals every day, and socialize with others on a daily basis. But dad used to joke about them, saying that they act like zombies (minus the brain-sucking, of course). Their emotions are stable. Too stable, actually, that they could substitute for zombies: blank, with faces as hard as stones.The other sort, the one my dad proudly claimed that I belong in, is the "Piña Coladas". These people are rare. And, to some extent, dangerous. You won't be capable of identifying them just by looking at them. These people are highly complex. Mentally and Emotionally. They feel things with much more intensity, tending to magnify everything around them 10 times more than things really are. .I was so little when my dad made this list. It had been long buried since he died. But now, as I pack my suitcase that will take me away from my bitter past, I realize that this theory, which my dad and I named : The Pear-Colada Theory, would be the most important gear I'd ever need. It's just a small, insignificant head-start, but I'll carry on with it, like a precious family heirloom that passed down to me. Over the years, I've made mistakes. Lots of them. And I need a chance to start over. But first, I'll require a well-planned scheme to get started.  


Hey guys! So I'm not going to rant here too much but this is some story idea I came up with (I don't know what is it with ideas of beverages and ice cream flavors these days) and I'm looking forward to start working on it (that is if it doesn't build a huge wall called 'plot gap', consequently urging me to remove it altogether). Everything is bound to get edited any time.


So the rules (the usual, boring af guidelines):

1- DO NOT STEAL MY WORK: well if you know me well enough, you'd stay away from my angry, revenge-seeking side. If you don't, well, you'd never want to give it a shot. 

2- DON'T BEG ME FOR UPDATES: even though that never happens, one day it might (fingers crossed). If I'm getting nagged on too much, the result would be crappy. I'm telling you from experience. 

3- Though I have an editor (Luna, aka my life savior), I'd appreciate it if you point out mistakes. And please make sure to be a lil bit less witchy about it. Thanks :P.

4- DO NOT SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT MY CHARACTERS. They are my friends. Hurt them, and you would never see the sun. 

5- DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR STORIES/GRAPHICS/WEBSITES IN THE COMMENTS SECTION. If you dare to try to do just that, re-read the last two lines from rule 1. Scary, eh? Tell me about it. 

6- THE CAST WON'T NECESSARILY LOOK SIMILAR TO THE ACTUAL CHARACTERS: You are free to use your own imagination when it comes to my character. I chose the cast according to how I see them.

7- I'LL APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT ^_^ you don't know how happy I get with every read/vote/positive comment I get! They boast me up, generating my eagerness to post parts earlier.I'd really appreciate your full support, and I could do with hints and suggestions through DM.


All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior permission of the author. 

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