143 Days Before

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Mabel stared at what was left of her brother's side of the bedroom. A mattress, an old pillow, and a cardboard box filled with old photos and random nicknacks. Her eyes settled on the snow globe from their fifth grade field trip to the Grand Canyon, then replica of the Declaration of Independence from a family trip to Washington D.C. She took the snow globe in her hands, shook it, and watched the glitter swirl around inside.

Finally, she placed the snow globe gently inside  the box that rested at her feet before picking it and disappearing into the hallway. She stepped out the front door and placed the box into the back of their great uncle's old car. She took a deep breath before slamming the trunk closed.

"Thanks for the help, kiddo," her Great Uncle Stan said while giving her a pat on the shoulder.

"No problem," Mabel responded in monotone.

"It's a shame old Sixer couldn't make it." Stan shook his head and crossed his arms. "The guy never takes a break anymore."

"Neither does Mason," she mumbled under her breath.

Finally, Mason joined them by the car.  His backpack looked heavy. It was overflown with books and old journals. He carried his pillow under his arm. A bright smile appeared on his face as he adjusted his lucky trucker hat that bore his new school's emblem; A hand with six fingers.

"Ready to hit the road?" he asked Stan, who
nodded and fished around in his pocket until he retrieved the car keys, which jingled when he shook them back and forth.

"I'll give you two some time to say your goodbyes while I start the car."

Once he was gone, Mason smiled and playfully nudged his sister with an elbow. She glared at the ground and took a step away from him.

"Come on, Mabes. I'm only gonna be gone for a month or two until fall break."

"Then you'll be gone again until Christmas and again until spring," Mabel snapped. "I know. I just don't understand why you're so excited about moving out the state just to go to some stupid school."

Mason's face fell. "I know how you feel about this but could you try to at least pretend to be proud of me? It's kind of a big deal. Pines Academy is the most prestigious private high school in the country!"

"Big whoop! Our great uncle established the place! Spoiler alert-it's not exactly a mystery as to how you got in."

"Uncle Ford would never cheat like that," Mason said defiantly. "He's not that kind of person."

Mabel didn't reply. She continued to stare at her shoes and picked at a loose strand of yarn that had unraveled from her sweater.

"Hey, Mason! Car's ready!" Stan called.

Mason stared sadly at Mabel, who still refused to meet his eyes.

"I really wish you could come, Mabel. You know that," he said quietly before turning to walk to the car.

He stopped and looked over his shoulder. He raised his hand to wave goodbye but stopped when he saw that Mabel had already turned around to walk back into the house. His arm fell back to his side and he slammed the door shut behind him.

Mabel paused in the doorframe and watched as the car drove far, far away, until it looked like it was just a dot. The dark clouds above her head began to let out a heavy downpour, but her feet felt too heavy to step back inside.

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