Dungeons & Anger

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Mabel POV:

It's been a couple of hours since Grunkle Ford managed to doom us. So far, Everyone was trying to think of a plan to get out of here with little success.

When suddenly the doors opened and Bill came in and he still looks very unhappy.

"So enjoying your stay?" Bill Asked.

"Let us go!!" We yelled. Suddenly we struggled to breath when the pressure got too much for us. Looking up my eyes widened, Bill was bright red and his eyes were slits.

"Who are you to command me to do anything? If you meatsacks don't learn your place in this new system of the world then maybe I should cut your stomachs and have you eat your intestines." Bill Said. 

Before Bill could say more, Dipper rushed into the room and hugged Bill.

"Bill, You're letting your anger get the best of you again. How about we go upstairs and watch some of those shows that you like and then I'll do whatever you want." Dipper Said. Bill slowly calmed down and started to glare at us with less intensity.

"You're lucky my wife came here meatsacks. Because if he didn't then I'll kill you where you guys are standing." Bill Said.

Bill and Dipper slowly went towards the door before someone opened their big mouths again.

"How could you do this Dipper? Why did you join this monster?" Ford yelled. Everyone signaled for him to shut up, but he ignored it.

"I'm sorry to say this, but there is no Dipper here. And before you insult my husband again.think about all the people got pulled into this mess due to what you said earlier. Besides look at what they're doing now..they're signaling for you to stop talking, but you're ignoring it just to say a few choice words that do nothing except bringing pain and misery to those around you." Dipper Said.

"My wife is right Sixer. If your keep this up then some of your beloved Cipher Wheel members will be punished for it." Bill Said.

We watched Bill and Dipper leave again and Stan quickly covered Ford's mouth. Which many of us are thankful for.

As they left we thought about saving Dipper from Bill's hands and saving the world again.

Don't worry Dipper..We'll save you.

Author Notes:

How was the Chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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