It's the end of the world

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*Ages- Mabel & Dipper: 16

Mabel POV:

I can't believe it! Grunckle Ford gave up the equation for our safety. Now everything is lost to this  damn dorito.

"Thanks for the equation Sixer! Now this world is mine to control!" Bill said. I shuttered at the thought of being enslaved by this demon. 

"Now let my niece and nephew go Bill!" Grunckle Ford Shouted.

"No! I have to get rid of one of them in order to keep you from ending my new empire!" Bill said with a fiendish smirk."I know how about I get rid of Shooting Star!" 

I knew that my time was almost over and I waited for my demise at the hands of this dorito. However my end was halted by the shout coming from my brobro.

"What is it Pinetree? Your turn will come just let me destroy Shooting Star first!" Bill Shouted. 

"How about we make a deal?" Dipper Asked.

Bill POV:

When Pinetree asked for a deal, I smirked inside. He was always the most interesting Meatsack and one that I wouldn't mind saving as a pet or a lover.

"What kind of deal Pinetree?" I asked.

"How about you spare my family and friends from destruction?" He asked with a determined face. However I knew that he was faking it, which made him even more valuable in my eyes.

"What's in it for me?" I asked.

"How about me?" He asked. 

"Why would I want you?" I asked. I needed to ask this question so I wouldn't seem so eager. It's a sign of weakness which some of these meatsacks will exploit for their own benefit. 

"I mean why wouldn't want me? I know the journals as common knowledge and I'm the one who defeated you twice." He said.

"Point taken, let's shake on it!" I Said. I slowly raised my hand to shake his and watched as he ignored the shouts from his family and grasped it. 

Afterwards I snapped my fingers and placed him to sleep inside a blue bubble with a Pinetree symbol on it.

Mabel POV:

My brother?! Why did he have to take him away too? He's one of the most important things that I I have left in this new world.

"Give him back!!" I Shouted. 

"No! He's my prize!!! Besides it's time for you to go!" He said. I started to rush him, but he snapped his fingers and we all were transported back to the shack.

I broke down crying. One of the people who I treasured is gone!! 

And the worst part is....

I'll never get him back!!

Author POV:

How was this?

See you later!! Bye !! 🤗🤗

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