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Mabel POV:

It's been a couple of days since Grunckle Ford managed to get us locked up in the dungeon. The fact made my blood boil since he cost us time to figure out ways to free my brother and to protect the survivors from Gravity Falls.

"You just had to open your mouth genius. Now look at where we are...we have no way to escape and we left unprotected survivors in the shack without any leadership." Grunckle Stan Said.

"But he..." Grunckle Ford started to say before Robbie interrupted him.

"Oh my god..Will you ever stop talking? Lots of us have love ones in that shack and we left them all to fend for themselves thinking that we will come back after a couple of hours. But thanks to you..we've been trapped in here for days." Robbie said.

"Robbie's right. really dropped the ball on this one." Wendy added. Before Grunckle Ford could say a response, Bill walked in without Dipper. 

"Hello again." Bill Said.

"Bill...Where's Dipper?" I growled. 

"Pinetree is feeling a bit under the weather today so I'm letting him rest." Bill Said.

"So what are you going to do with us?" Robbie asked.

"Well...I was going to keep you in here for a while and release you, but then someone had their open their mouth and talk badly about about my dear husband so..I think I'm going to kill you all." Bill Said.

"Thanks a lot Ford." Wendy said.

"Hey! Don't blame this on me." Grunckle Ford said.

"You're the one who couldn't shut up and now Bill's planning to kill us." Grunckle Stan Said.

"Well.." Grunckle Ford said before his mouth disappeared.

"That was getting annoying. As I was saying..I'm going to kill you all..later. Unfortunately I have more important matters to attend to involving my beloved." Bill Said.

"What?" I Said.

"Are you deaf Shooting Star because I just said that I'm going to kill you all later." Bill Said.

"What does Dipper have anything to do with it?" I asked.

"Well...I finally managed to make my darling Pinetree pregnant." Bill Said making everyone look at each other in shock.

"You impregnated my grandnephew?!" Grunkle  Stan Said.

"Yes. I can remember the night well in fact especially when.." Bill Said before I interrupted him.

"We don't need to hear the details of that." I shouted quickly. 

"Fine. But look at the bright side...I won't kill any of you, but I can easily injure you really badly." Bill said with a smirk making their blood run cold.

"How's that good news?" I asked.

"Because you guys will live to suffer another day...well I best be going. See you soon...Sixer." Bill said. As he left..I knew that we needed to escape this hellhole one way or another...

But by the time that I realized that it was hopeless..It would be too late to change anything.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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