Chapter 3 ~ Secret Glances

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As the winter grew more severe, Washington had set forth some ground for resources. Stealing, demanding, providing. They had stole from British supply lines, and some effort and profit had been provided from hunting.

His aide-de-camps had been right along, helping with plans. Unfortunately, Hamilton had been left bed-ridden, unable to provide his service. Laurens, on the other hand, had stood in for Alexander in this occasion, leaving the Caribbean man to heal.

"Mr. Laurens." A firm voice addressed. 

"General Washington, your excellency." The Carolinian smiled, looking towards the Commander. "Do you need something, sir?"

"Not quite... How's Mr. Hamilton?"

"Alexander? Alexander has been doing better. He's been able to get up and to work on correspondence. Any news from the Congress?"

Washington gave a dull look, forcing a laugh. "Those ignorant buffoons? The only good news we've gotten from then was the news received in '76! You'd think that if they are insisting with going to war, they'd provide for their defenders. These men are struggling- I've seen a couple barefoot and starved." 

"We're that low on supplies?" Laurens questioned. "Goddammit... Maybe we can have more of the well-fed men skip meals-... Try to talk with more tailors in the local area- get fabrics and those who can sew out here-"

"You aren't suggesting bringing those who shouldn't be out in these condition into them are you? We've done it in the past- and you saw how well that went-"

"No- no! Only those who'd volunteer!" Laurens explained. "Most of the men are experienced with some form of hard labor- sewing- hunting- leather work-"

"We're running out of volunteers... There doesn't seem to be another man out there who'd be willing to join this cause." Washington muttered, running a hand through his red hair. His lips pursed in fair annoyance as he stared at the letter on his desk.

Laurens glanced to it as well after a moment, curious by what it could contain. "Is something of bother to you, sir?"

"It's nothing... Damned Congress can't lend any good news."

"You're talking about an area where men don't know how to buckle a boot. They're so used to things being handed to them- they get willy-nilly and do whatever they please as long as it doesn't involve providing much effort."

"Ah, yes... Shameful bunch." Washington grimaced, plucking his quill up, a hidden glance of hatred behind his grey eyes.

"I couldn't agree more." Laurens muttered, his annoyance much more apparent to that of the general. 

Both men, however, was drawn to attention as the tent flap was pulled open, and a certain, flustered, Frenchman came walking in. His face was red, and from what Laurens could hear, there was a whole lot of swearing. 

"Marquis? Is there an issue?" The blonde questioned, hurrying to join his lover. "What happened?" He took the Frenchman's hands into his own, and smiled simply when the man lifted and placed a soft kiss on his knuckles. 

"Bâtards... Ils ont pris plus que nécessaire (Bastards... They took more than necessary)."

"Vous plaisantez (Are you kidding)?"

The Frenchman scoffed, moving further. "Non."

Washington paused, fairly unfamiliar with the French language, having failed to learn it. "... Might you shed some light on the situation, Marquis?" He asked, fingers drumming against his desk. 

"Non, je ne pense pas que je le ferai (No, I don't think I will). Si quelqu'un, ayez Laurens (If anyone, have Laurens)." Laf growled, moving past the man, grabbing a bottle of whiskey that the general had. 

Catching Laurens's name, Washington gave him an expecting gaze. 

"From what I can conclude... There are some rogue soldiers taking more than necessary. Using resources they don't need." 

"Which ones?"

"I... I don't know... Do you Marquis?"

Laf had popped the bottle open, pouring a glass. He looked at Laurens for a second, remaining in long eye contact as he downed his drink. "Devinez (Guess)..." He finally spat.

Washington looked between the two men, soon standing up and addressing Marquis. "This is odd behavior, especially for you."

"He's upset. What more do you expect, General?" 

"He has no reason to get this upset when the problem is fixable."

"What do you mean? I have every right to be angry right now! Those bastards are taking away from poorer men who need it far more than they do. So, yes, I am pissed!" Lafayette growled. Washington took a step away, yet interest seemed to spark in his eyes at the Frenchman's anger.

"Well... We're stealing more resources from the redcoat supply lines-" 

"God, I would kill every redcoat in my proximity if I was granted the permission. Not one of those men would live to see another day," Laf intervened, walking over to Laurens. He took the man's hand, and gave an almost apologetic look. "Excuses, mon amour (Apologies, my love). Je n'avais pas eu l'intention d'élever la voix (I hadn't meant to raise my voice)..."

"It's okay, Marquis... Please, simply settle down for me..." Laurens whispered, placing a soft kiss on Laf's cheek. Washington cleared his throat, looking at the two men. 

"Here I thought it was you and Alexander, Mr. Laurens... It appears that Mr. La Fayette may be a part of this little relationship too, hm?"

Laurens shot a glance to the general. "... What are you going on about?"

"Do you think I'm blind?" The older man questioned, standing up. "I know the way you and Hamilton share secret glances. The way you two act in private. I do you think I had you two share a cabin? A cot at that."

Laurens froze, and shook his head. "Never mind." He dismissed, grabbing Laf. "Are we dismissed, sir?"

"Go right ahead." Washington leaned back in his seat, arms crossed across his abdomen. He leaned his head back, staring the two younger men over. His eyes traced from their faces to their belts.

Laurens smirked a bit at the glances but walked out alongside Lafayette, whose face burned red. Laurens hummed quietly, looking the Frenchman over. "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine soon... I just need to blow off some steam... Hopefully, this weather will help." The Frenchman muttered, looking into the snow. They approached a small hill, and they easily placed their feet in a sideways angle, making their way down. "Do me a favor, will you?"

"Of course, Marquis."

"Tell Alexander I wish him a fast recovery. I miss seeing him around." Marquis laughed softly, ruffling Laurens's hair. The blonde smiled warmly, nodding his head.

"Right away, commander." He saluted. Glancing around, he shook his head, placing a kiss to Gilbert's cheek. "See you soon."

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