Definitely different

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The lesson was soon over, the time had passed so quickly for Dean as he was so focused on Roman he had not realised how much time had passed. He walked out the class it was now lunch, he saw Roman as he went to walk up the hallway. Dean was unsure what he should do, he didn't want him to just leave. He cursed himself and run up beside him "Hey Roman, wait up!" Roman turned as he heard him, stopping till he caught up "oh hey again".

Roman had no idea where he was heading too as he didn't know where anything was in this school and he had no friends yet so he had no one to hang with. But he had kind of planned on being alone, he could tell Dean was being nice and wanted to maybe be friends but Roman just wasn't sure. There was a reason for it, stuff happened at his old school and he wanted to start here a new and keeping to himself seemed the by far safer option.

Roman looked over the guy who was now walking beside him with the turned backwards cap and tied back pink hair, he had never meet a guy who had pink hair before. It made him wonder why he choose that colour of all colours to of dyed his hair to. Roman spoke breaking the silence "So.. Why the pink hair Dean..?" Dean turned his head to look Romans way as he replied "It.. It was a kind of a spare of the moment kind of thing, I thought it would be an amazing thing to do.." Roman chuckled a little "Well its definitely different" he said back.

Dean looked down at the ground as he walked thinking to himself 'does this mean he likes, or doesn't like my hair?'. Dean takes advantage of the current convocation "Well not everyone can have perfect hair like you Roman.. And I have not even seen your hair down yet.." He smirked and walked out the school doors leading to the outside. Roman smiled looking Deans way thinking to himself 'wow someones trying to hit on me', he chuckles "Well... I guess thats true and sure you will see it down in time" he smirked joking with Dean.

Dean watched him looking away as he felt his cheeks warm up, he really did hope he could see Romans hair down soon. He spoke again "So.... Where you heading?" Roman shrugged as he replied "Hmm.. Well.. to be honest I don't even know.., I don't even really know where anything is yet..?" He looked down. Dean now knew that Roman was just walking and didn't even know where he was going to go, he walked in front of Roman now walking backwards "Well... Are you hungry...? Theres always the canteen!" He smiled goofily he knew he has no money but Roman probably wanted food.

Roman slowed up his pace as Dean walked directly in front of him, he really did love Deans personality there was no one else round here who acted the way he did. He tilted his head thinking "Well yeah I am.." His parents had given him money so all was good, Dean grinned at his reply "Too the food hall we go then" turning around so he was walking normally again and walked to the food hall Roman followed close behind chucking at Dean he sure was interesting.

The two walked into the large food canteen, many eyes went to look their way everyone in there probably wondering why 'the cool new guy' was handing out with 'the school weirdo'. Roman didn't even notice but Dean did, he felt the eyes all on him but he shock it off not caring. He wanted to get to know this guy and he would try his hardest to get what he wanted. He walked up to the food area and eyed over the food as his stomach grumbled, he smelt the pizza and burgers wishing he could get something. He watched as Roman picked up some items, Roman looked Deans way noticing how he had not picked anything up "You not getting anything?" He watched the other as he stepped away from the counter a little, Dean replied trying to not give away that he has no money and never did have any "Um.. Nah.. I'm um.. not too hungry..." Roman could tell that he was lying, he noticed more when Dean looked away frowning as he walked to the till waiting for him. Roman picked all the food he was buying and walked to the till and paid.

The two walked out the food canteen and Dean went to sit on a bench outside, he plonked down and leaned over the table resting his head on his arms like he usually did in class. His stomach growled hungrily making him sigh softly, He looked over at Roman as he sat beside him he put the food down. He eyed the food on the table he was surprised he would eat so much but he had to admit if he had the money he would get all that too. Roman felt bad that Dean clearly had no money for food so he had gotten him a burger, he didn't want to get close to Dean as he was scared to get close to another again. Despite what his brain told him he wanted to do something nice for Dean, he places a burger in front of Deans face knowing he wanted something to eat.

Dean looked at the burger that had just been placed in front of him, staring at it and then looking at Roman a little wide eyed as he sat up "Roman... You didn't have to get me anything!.." He was a little taken a back, no one else here had ever been that nice to him he knew this guy was different. Roman smiled as he started to eat his "Don't worry about it" Dean grinned back hoping he was not blushing at Romans kindness which he hoped meant that Roman liked him. Roman was feeling conflicted, he really was growing fonder of Dean but he couldn't let him know he was so scared of being hurt again. He ate his burger and stood up from the bench before Dean had even finished eating, Dean looked up at him a little confused before he could speak Roman said quickly as he grabbed his bag "Um.. Dean.. I've gotta go.. See you later" He walked off as Dean said "um.. Ok.." of course Roman never heard his reply, Dean was a little puzzled he frowned and finished his food saying in his head 'Roman your freaking confusing'.


The rest of the day Dean didn't see Roman again, he guessed they didn't share anymore classes with him. Classes were soon over for the day, he went to his locker and put his books away and headed home. He saw a few of the guys from the football team in the hallway as he went to head out of the school building, Dean stopped in his tracks as he saw them walking towards him the three were AJ Styles, Kyle Anderson and Luke Gallows. These guys always gave him trouble he hated them for how much they would pick on him "What do you three want?" Dean looked up at them looking uninterested, AJ who was the leader of the three chuckled "Well.. Loser we were wondering how you got the new guy to hang out with you? .. Let alone even say a word to you..?" Smirking as he stood only inches away from Dean.

Dean wasn't scared of them, he has dealt with them many times he didn't even care anymore. He said back "Why does it matter to you..?" AJ shrugged a little "Well Pinky.. Don't you think he is... A little too cool to be hanging out with the likes of a weirdo like yourself?" The other two laughed and Gallows said "Very true AJ.. Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to be associated with this nerd..?!" Making the other two chuckle again. Dean sighed he didn't want to waste his time on them, it was crazy to think that Dean actually used to have a crush on AJ. Why did it matter that someone wanted to actually be around him for once? it was most likely so that they could control everything like they always did, have him be on the football team and have yet another minion on their side to pick on him. Dean finally replied "Maybe because he isn't an asshole like you guys are.. And everyone else in this shitty school" he pushed past them and walked to the exit hearing the three making remarks as he left. Dean was sick of being alone and everyone always treating him like an outcast, but he was used to it he tried to not let anything they ever said get to him even if at times it was hard.

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