dry dirt ch:1

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Sophie woke up, the last thing she remebered was the ground shaking and blacking out. She looked around with blurry vision, but everything was too out of focus to be seen correctly. She looked down and made a face, her hands were coiled with green vines and red buds. "What the heck??" She exclaimed, her vision coming back into focus. "Where are all my flowers?" Sophie asked, realizing her garden was dry and barren of flowers. Sophie got up and looked around, realizing that the houses and roads were all cracked and torn down. "What the heck happened here?" Sophie wondered, looking at her arms again. "Thats a rose.. Thats a dandelion.. And-" Sophie stopped, feeling two large leaf-like things on her head. "THE FUCK???"


So short 😭 🤧 dont worry theres still life on earth.. Or soon to be called ora district. No more spoilers 🤔😣

Also the image is Sophie, and so is this:

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