[15] - Explaining the Covers I Made

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Yes... I'm not dead yet.

This is not a tutorial, but here are some brief explanations for the covers I made below. Think of it as class presentation :v.

First of all, I'm honored WattOriginals gave me the opportunity to make covers for 5 talented writers!

4 of them haven't used it yet, but one did and I'm happy about it :v.

1. Ditch by @/ Lei Andre

It's my least favorite tbh because it's just too... simple? Idk, it just seems so underwhelming to me and the original cover of the book was already nice lmao.

How I made it :

1. Add a picture then lower the opacity for the background
2. Insert the title, username, etc (make it big if as you can so the picture inside later will be visible)
3. Add another picture (make sure it's above the layer of the title)
4. Then go to 'clipping' (circled below) on the layer section and an arrow will appear next to the selected layer. (What it does is basically 'clip' on the layer below it, so it doesn't go out of line and it's way easier than the selection method).

*what it looks like without clipping :

If you don't understand what I'm saying, please refer to part [6] - pictures in titles for the full tutorial. (It uses a different method but the results are the same).

2. I Can See the Stars by @/ Onyeobi Hadassah

It's basically just galaxy over galaxy lmao.

How I made it :
1. Add your face claim (optional) and title, etc
- I also added blur frame by going to filter > drawing > blur frame (blur frame is the dark corners around the cover, basically a frame but it has blurry edges).
2. Put the galaxy picture above the face claim layer, above the title layer, and above the blur frame
3. Clip the galaxy layers like so below :

4. Once you're done you can play with the opacity and blending mode of the galaxy layers.
5. I added a paper texture so it doesn't look bland

3. A Different Kind of Hero by @/ Nikki Johnson

I used Superman because I was running out of ideas, okay? :v

How I made it :
1. Add the background picture/texture then the face claim (zoom in as much as you can)
2. Add the other pictures you want to put inside the face claim and clip it
3. Adjust the colors so it looks coordinated and fit the mood
4. Add the title and done

4. Broken Revelations by @/ Asmaah

When I saw the word 'broken' in the title, I decided LETS MAKE IT CHAOTIC

How I made it :
Basically, all I did was add a pic, adjusted the color and/or blending, play with colors, and scribbling the background. I don't want to explain it thoroughly bc the main goal I want to achieve is to make it look as chaotic and broken and messy as possible, so there are no rules in this cover.

5. Challenge Accepted# by @/ Ons Ben Makhlouf

It's lowkey hilarious the fact I used a burger to make it the main focus lmao.

How I made it :
1. Add an object/face claim to the center of the cover
2. Go to filter > adjust color > grayscale
3. You can adjust it more through filter > adjust color > brightness/contrast
4. Add the title, etc
5. I added two diagonal lines at the top and bottom

BTW if ya don't get the filter stuff I'm talking about please refer to part [9] - All I Know about Filter at the Basics with Potato section.


This is not a part of the covers I was assigned, this is for an upcoming graphic class me and my friends are planning to open on December afyer finals (sadly, it's not in English).

How I made it :
It's too complicated for me to explain, but I might make a full tutorial on it.

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Thank you for reading!

Congrats to winners of the writing contests!

It's been awhile since I last updated and it'll be another while thanks to finals coming up this Monday.

Thanks to online school, I've never hated a school and *ahem* a teacher as much as this. I can't believe they're still giving assignments instead of reviewing materials through Zoom (not all of them, but it's still annoying)

Thank you to freepik and PNGtree for providing the textures and overlays

The pics I used for the banner :

Goodbye! ♡

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