[9] - All I know about filter

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This part was added in the beginner's guide a bit later since there had been a confusion in the tutorials section about filters.

IT IS LONG (exactly 1500 words), so just skip this part if you're lazy. Just remember to reference this part again if you have any confusion.


So filter is a tool in ibisPaint you use to add effects/filters on a layer.

There are ten sections in the filter tool, which are :

There are a lot of filters, and I don't use all of them, the ones I never use are :
• AI

So I'll only go over them briefly.

Before we begin, we have a sponsor, Rayco-- sorry. So, there are 3 locked filters in the free version, which are :

1. Adjust color

There are 9 filters in the adjust color section, and I've used all of them before, and it's the most important filter to me :v.

- brightness/contrast
a. Brightness = used to change the darkness and brightness of picture. If you drag it to the left, it'll be more darker whereas if you drag right, it'll be lighter.

b. Contrast = if you drag it to the left, the color will fade, where as if you drag it to the right, the color will pop out to contrast the darkness.

- hue/saturation/lightness
This filter lets you change three things :
a. Hue is for changing the shade of the layer. If you drag it to the left, it'll be more purple-ish, but if you drag it to the right, it'll be more green-ish

b. Saturation is the prominence of the color. If you drag it to the left, the color will slowly turn black and white, if you drag it to the right the color will be more vibrant

c. Lightness functions the same as brightness.

- color balance
This filter lets you change the whole color scheme of a picture by dragging red, green, and blue to determine the color you want.

- extract line drawing
This filter is more exclusive towards traditional drawing (as ibisPaint X is an app for drawing). You take a picture of a traditional drawing/sketch then use this filter to make it look more digital. Here's an example :

- change drawing color
This filter changes the layer as a solid color, which is great for making PNGs into silhouettes.

- monocolor
Mono = one. It's almost similar to color balance but all you need to do is just by choosing a color rather than setting other stuff.

- grayscale
It makes the layer black, grey, and white. You can also set the brightness in that filter.

- black and white
This filter is different than grayscale, since it makes the darker parts of the layer black and the rest of it is white. You can set how much black covers the layer and vice versa.

- posterize
This filter seperates gradient so you can see what color is used, this is great for vectors as you can sample the color directly and know when the colors seperate.

2. Blur

There are 9 filters in the blur section, and basically this section make all the images go blurry.

- gaussian blur
This blurring filter makes everything look like what use see without glasses. Jokes aside, it reduces details and smoothes everything out.

- zooming blur
This blurring filter makes the background blurry so it focuses more on the center which you can set the location of the area that you want to focus.

- moving blur
This blurring filter blurs in a straight line, depending on the angle you set.

- lens blur
This blurring filter is the opposite of zooming blur, it makes the picture look like it's out of focus.

- mosaic
If you drag it to the right, it'll look more 144p basically.

- unsharp mask
The more you drag it to the left, it'll blur the lines of the image, whereas of you drag more to the right, it'll sharpen the lines and details, which you can see above.

- frosted glass
This filter makes the image looks like what you see in the window during winter. Frosted glass (zooming) functions the same as zooming blur, and frosted glass (moving) functions the same as moving blur.

3. Style

There are ten filters in the style section and it is the most used as well along with adjust color, especially drop shadow.

- stroke
There are three types of stroke filters :
a. Stroke (both) is for adding outlines outside and inside the image

b. Stroke (outer) is for adding outlines outside of the image

c. Stroke (inner) is for adding outlines inside of the image

- stained glass
This filter makes a black outline around the picture and darker parts of the image to make it look like the stained glass you see at a church or in the beginning of Beauty and the Beast.

- wet edge
This filter darken the edges of the image to make it look sort of 3d.

- glow (inner)
This filter makes the inside of the image glowing.

- glow (outer)
This filter makes the images look like it's shining

- drop shadow
This filter adds a shadow beneath the image

- extrude (parallel) and extrude (perspective)
These filters expand the image to make it look 3d

- bevel
This filter makes the images appear metallic

- relief
This filter is like a spotlight, it shows a ray of light from a certain angle you set so one side looks brighter and other side looks darker.

4. Draw

This section actually consists of 5 filters, but I don't use the other two (those two gravitate towards making manga/comics). If I ever use it, I'll explain it next time.

- parallel gradation
This gradation is in a straight line from one end to the other, you can make it a pattern like the picture above, or just one wave like this :

- concentric gradation
This gradation starts at the middle, then expands wider. You can use this to create focus on the center, but I just like to add it behind my vector :v

- radial gradation
Radial gradation is like a ray of sunlight in cartoons. The gradient spins around and expands when it reaches the edge of the image. I rarely use this gradient though.

5. AI
This is where the app tracks line arts and automatically paints for you(?). I've never used this feature before so if you have used it before please comment.

6. Artistic

This filter basically basically changes the textures of the image.

- Anime Background
This filter changes the image to look like it's from an anime scene/illustration.

- Manga Background
It's similar to Anime Background, but instead this filter makes the picture look like it comes from a manga (Japanese comic), which is generally black and white and has little dot textures.

- channels shift (moving) and (zooming)
This filter causes the pic to multiply the amount to the side and the clones are solid colors. For channels shift (moving), the clones move to side, where as channels shift (zooming), the clones go behind.

- glitch
This filter makes the pic to br glitchy (I think ya'll know what a glitch is), or how VCR tapes looks like when they're paused. Or more simpler, it makes the pic looks misplaced.

- noise
This filter makes the picture looks like an old TV screen.

- Sheer
This filter changes the texture of the whole pic. It can be used as a special effect for comics and illustrations, or just for aesthetic purposes. (ibisPaint X is a drawing app, remember!)
a. Sheer (cross)
This filter makes the picture has full of '+'s

b. Sheer (line)
This filter makes the picture has lines, it can also be used to make a character looks like they're fast as frick or they're contemplating about their life.

c. Sheer (circle), (square), (hex)
These filters makes the the picture full of shapes according to which one you picked, the result makes it look like a watercolor painting.

7. Transform
Like the name, this section consists of filters that transform the image.

The reasons I don't want to explain this thoroughly :
- I've never used it before
- it did my man dirty T-T

8. Pixelate
Again, like the name, it changes the image to look more pixelated. It makes the image looks 144p but with different shaped pixels.

9. Frame

Finally, the last one.
- table (count) and (size)
So, you basically make a table. This filter is perfect for collage covers and moodboards. The difference between them are, for (count), the squares based on how many they are (e.g. 5, 7, etc). For (size), the squares are based on pixels (e.g. 5 px, 7 px, etc)

- blur frame
This filter adds like a sort of a one colored gradient around the image. I usually only use black to make the image look more scary.


● n o t e s ○

- If you've read this far in one sitting, WOW

- fonts : bentham, I think.

- I spent like 13 days writing this chapter lmao

- word count : 1500

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