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Third Person P.O.V

            Tuesday after school, Blaise kept his promise and drove to the Malfoy firm after dropping Draco at home.

            He parked the car and walked into the office.

            "Hello, may I help you?" A woman by the name of Doris asked. She was an older woman around her late 60's and very petite.

            "Um, I'm here for Mister Malfoy? I'm-"

            "Blaise?" She smiled as he nodded. "We've been expecting you. Mister Malfoy is in his office so you're free to go in there now." Blaise bit his lip not knowing which door it was so she grinned. "Here honey, let me take you there." Blaise nodded and followed the lady after she walked. His office was second on the left and she opened the closed door revealing Mister Malfoy.  He was typing away at his computer, not even bothering to look up.

            "Come in Doris." He ordered.

            "Actually Mister Zabini is here sir." She told him. He sighed and again without looking up, he beckoned him inside.  Blaise thanked Doris and walked into the room.

            "Alright Mister Zabini." This time he looked up and stared directly at Blaise.  "What I need you to do first is make photocopies of the things I just printed." He nodded his head in the direction of the printer. "Then file them under Johnson."

            "Um both copies sir?" He asked.

            "No, give the originals to me. Then I will ask you to do some phone calling." He told Blaise who sighed but nodded. This was going to be a long day.

            While Blaise was working off his butt, Draco was at his house doing some of his homework in his room.  He subconsciously rubbed his belly as he did some math problems. When his phone rang, he looked at it and grinned.

            "Hey Hermione." He answered.

            "Hiya Draco." She replied. "What are you doing?"

            "I'm doing some math homework, what about you?" He asked.

            "Well Luna and I are stopping by the diner to pick up some food before we go to the library and study, wanna come?" She asked and he sighed.

            "I wish I could. But part of the rules is I gotta stay home." He explained and then paused. "How about you two come here? Would you want to do that?"

            "Yeah that sounds great actually, what do you want?"                                 

            "Oh you don't have to bring me food."

            "Nonsense, we want to." She said and he grinned.

            "Can you get me a garden salad with some grilled chicken? Oh! And if you can, I've been craving bread."

            "You got it." Hermione laughed. "We'll see you in half an hour." She told him and then hung up the phone.

            He took this time to pack up his books so they could study on table in the dining room. He got up and then caught a glance in the mirror. He was wearing his own shirt, he had been wearing Blaise's sweatshirt over it but took it off, so his bump was evident. He bit his lip and gently put his hand on it. It was weird to actually see it, sure he's seen it by looking at it but seeing it in the mirror was different.

            He thought it was strange to see himself with a small belly for he had always been slim. He was glowing and he looked down at his belly.

            "Can't wait until you're here bumblebee, I love you already." He told his belly. He rubbed his hand over it and smiled.  He walked out of his room and down the stairs. He cleared the table off and sat down to continue his studying.

            He got his math and science homework done before there was a knock on his door. He got up and answered it.

            "Draco!" Luna beamed. She was carrying their food and smiling widely.

            "Hey, come in." He motioned for them to and they did going straight for the table.  He closed the door and walked to sit back in his seat as his friends made themselves comfortable.  

            "Draco, your belly seems a tad bigger."  Hermione pointed out and Draco grinned placing his hand to stomach.

            "Yeah, I wear Blaise's stuff because he's bigger than me and it hides my belly. I'm not ready to tell anyone else at school so it's better."

            "Well I think it's cute." Luna told him. "They're growing." He nodded at her comment as Hermione smiled. She placed Draco's salad in front of him and then gave him four dinner rolls.

            "Here you are." She said giving him a fork. "Hope you enjoy."

            "Thank you." He smacked his lips together and dug in as did they.

            They did their homework, laughed and had a good time. Draco's mum came home and was pleasantly surprised to see Draco's friends.  He almost never had them over and was happy to see the smile on his face. It tended to lack now that he was pregnant, he was a bit more on edge.

            She offered for them to stay for dinner but the respectfully declined because Luna was going to cook for her father as Hermione promised her parents she'd be home. It was okay though because when Draco's father got home, he brought Blaise over who was very happy to see Draco.

            They cuddled on the couch waiting for dinner to be ready. Draco's head was in Blaise's lap as Blaise gently ran his fingers through his hair.

            "So your first day was okay?" Draco asked as he rubbed his thumb on his Blaise's hand.

            "Your father is a very tough man but I did learn a lot." He admitted. "I'm just a bit tired."

            "Well you can stay the night if you want, I'm sure my parents won't mind." Draco gently stroked Blaise's face. "I'd actually really like it if you'd stay." He admitted and Blaise grinned. He leaned down and kissed his lips.

            "Well then I'll stay, I want my honeybee to be happy because when you're happy, I'm happy." He said and Draco laughed pecking Blaise's lips.

            "Great. I've got some of your clothes here so you can just wear those in the morning."

            "Okay, do you mind if I shower here?" He asked and Draco shook at all.

            "You better shower before you get in my bed, it's all clean and I don't need your stinky butt messing it up." 

            "You love butt." Blaise scolded causing Draco to laugh.

            "I do and I love you."

            "I love you back."

Draco's P.O.V

            My parents were more apprehensive than I thought when I asked them if Blaise could stay the night. I had thought since I was already pregnant, there would be no issue. They thought since I was still only 16, I shouldn't be having sleepovers with my boyfriend. I explained to them that I just wanted to be with him and after much debate, they agreed to let him stay.

            So as Blaise showered, I changed into my pajamas and grabbed my book getting into bed. I rested against the headboard and read at least a chapter before Blaise emerged. He was wearing just a pair of sweats and he grinned at me.

            "Look at you all cozy." He cooed as he slid in next to me. I had a full sized bed so we could both fit comfortably.

            "I am cozy." I was wearing a big night shirt with some pajama pants on.  "Are you?"

            "I am now." He told me cuddling closer to me. "Come on, put your book down and snuggle with me." I sighed and bookmarked my page before placing it on my bedside table. I shut the light off and we laid down. He wrapped his arm around me and put his hand under my shirt to touch my bump. I shivered and buried my face into his chest. "I don't think I've ever got to hold you two like this, going to sleep and all." He mentioned.

            "No, we've never actually stayed the night." I agreed.

            "Well we should change that, yeah? Spend more night together. After all, when you have her, we'll need to be spending a lot of nights together." He informed me. "Because it wouldn't be fair you needed to take care of her all night by yourself."

            "Well I won't have to take care of him all by myself because you will be there. You're right, we gotta get used to spending the night together." I yawned and snuggled closer. "I'm gonna sleep now, I'm knackered."    

            "Okay baby, goodnight I love you." He told me and pressed a kiss on my head.

            "Night, I love you back." I told him and closed my eyes.

            As I was slowly falling asleep, I heard Blaise gently started talking to my belly and I felt his hand gently touching it.

            "And I promise to try my hardest to be the best parent I can be to you. I know it's not going to be easy but I want you to know, it's going to be okay." He whispered and I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face before falling asleep.


            "So Blaise, how was your first day at work?" Cedric asked as we took our seats at the parenting class.

            "It was alright." Blaise answered. "I learned a bit from Draco's father but I look forward to the money the most." He said and I laughed rolling my eyes. I rubbed my belly and placed my head on Blaise's shoulder. Harry grinned and placed his hand on his belly. It had gotten bigger, not a lot bigger but bigger.

            "I remember when Ced got a job, the first thing we did with his pay check was go out to dinner. You should go out as a couple, when's the last the time you went on a date?" Harry questioned and I sat up looking at Blaise.

            "I reckon not since before we got pregnant." I shrugged.

            "You should go on dates more." Cedric mentioned. "It'll better your relationship and not put so much strain on it." He explained.

            "Plus when your baby comes, you'll never have time for each other... well alone time." Harry chimed in and grinned. "Just a few words of advice." I laughed and then kissed Blaise's cheek.

            "Well thank you because I'd like to go on a date. Maybe we could go on a double?" I suggested and Harry grinned widely.

            "I'd like that a lot, maybe Friday after class?" He suggested and I nodded.

            "Yeah sure but you gotta pick the place since we're not from around here." Blaise answered and I grinned.  Cedric and Harry both laughed.

            "Fine with us, what do you guys like to eat?"

            "Anything at this point." I said shrugging and they laughed.

            "Great. We know this cute Italian place that we can take you to." He offered and I grinned.

            "Yes perfect. It's a date." I said and they grinned.

            "It's a date."

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