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Draco's P.O.V

            The school week had been so frustrating. People started asking questions as to why I stopped going to P.E. My teachers thought it was appropriate to ask me questions about it and on top of that, I wasn't allowed to participate in the chemistry experiment because it was too dangerous for my 'situation'. I was assigned a paper on acids and bases instead. Chemistry was my favorite subject, not being able to participate upset me deeply.

            I was a bit too overwhelmed so that's when Blaise found me crying on the stairs. He had comforted me and held me as I cried. Apparently someone saw me and texted Blaise telling him I was upset.

            Now that it was Saturday, we had an appointment with the doctor. My mum had taken us this time so we were all sitting and waiting in the waiting room.

            "Now what you're gonna have to do today is have some blood taken and you'll have to give a urine sample." My mum explained. She had a faint smile on her lips and I know despite my age, she was at least a little excited about being a grandmother.

            "A blood sample? For what?" Blaise asked. 

            "To check for any birth deformities such as a down syndrome." My mum explained and I swallowed hard.

            "Birth deformities?" I asked. "What are the chances of that happening?"

            "Not entirely high since you're young however it's still possible. Shouldn't stress about it too much." She patted my knee. "You'll also be getting an ultrasound."  She turned to face me and grinned. "Which means you'll be able to see that little nugget." She told me and I chuckled.

            "Nugget?" I questioned smiling. "Cute nickname mum." I giggled.

            "Mister Malfoy?" I was called. I stood up and grabbed Blaise's hand having him follow. Mum stood and followed us into the room. It was small but able to accommodate all of us.  I sat on the table bed that was provided as my mum sat in the chair next to it while Blaise stood.  "How are you feeling today Mister Malfoy, any headaches?"

            "Yeah it's like a dull achy one." I told her and she jotted it down.

            "How about stomach cramps or nausea?" She asked and I shook my head. "Okay I'm gonna ask you to just pee in this cup, you can leave it in there for the doctor to take." She informed me handing me a cup. She pointed to the door that was in the room. I got off the table and walked through the door that was just a small bathroom. I did what she asked and washed my hands before going back out. She had me sit again and then took my blood before bandaging me.  "The doctor will be in in just a second to give you an ultrasound."

            "Thank you." I told her and she walked out.

            "Wow." Blaise breathed.  I rested my head against his chest since I was sitting up. He ran his fingers through my hair.

            "My head is hurting." I disclosed.

            "You're almost out of your first trimester so the sickness will go away." My mum explained and then studied me. "How is your sex drive?"

            "Mum!" I gasped.

            "I'm only asking because you'll be going through a lot of changes now that you're pregnant. One of them being increase in libido." She explained and I covered my face that was quickly heating.

            "It's fine now." I mumbled.

            "Well be prepared for that to happen."  She told us. "And since you're already pregnant I am not going to tell you not to do anything. However I do advise you to be careful." She told us and I groaned again. Blaise just ran his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head. The door opened so I pulled away and the male doctor grinned at me.

            "Hello Mister Malfoy, how are you doing today?" He asked.

            "Alright I suppose, how are you?" I replied.

            "Just peachy." He grinned. "Do me a favor and lie down?" He asked. I lied on my back as he turned on the machine. "I'm gonna ask you to lift up your shirt." He turned to Blaise. "Do you mind turning the lights out for me?" He questioned and Blaise shook his head. He walked over to the light switch and turned it off. The doctor grinned as Blaise made his way over to me. He turned on the machine and then squirt some liquid on my belly.

            "Cold." I shivered.  He smiled and put the wand to my belly. I gasped and grabbed Blaise's hand. The doctor flipped a switch and a fast thumping sound filled the room. "What is that?"

            "That." The doctor grinned. "That is your baby's heartbeat." He told me and I felt tears prickle to my eyes. "Very strong." He commented.


            "Yes." He laughed. "Are you ready to see the baby?" He asked and I nodded. He flicked another switch and then moved the wand. He moved it closer to my lower abdomen. He grinned when he got it. "Here you are, theres your baby." He told us and we looked at the screen.  There was a little figure on the screen in the shape of a baby. It was small but it had a head and a body. That's when I lost it. This was real and I was having a baby. Something that would need to depend on me but something that would love me.         

            I started crying and when I looked at Blaise, he was crying too. He looked down at me and then pressed a kiss to my lips.

            "The baby is in good health. I can tell you the gender if you'd like." He suggested but I shook my head.

            "I want it to be a surprise." I told him and he smiled.

            "Well if you change your mind, we can tell you at any time."

            "Thank you." I told him and he nodded.

            "I'll print you out a copy of the sonogram, okay?" He asked and I nodded. He turned off the machine and then handed me a towel before getting up. He turned on the lights before leaving the room. I wiped the goo off and Blaise wrapped me in a hug.

            "That was amazing." He disclosed and I let out a little laugh.

            "It was." I told him. "God Blaise, it's so real now."

            "That it is." My mother agreed. She wrapped us in a hug and kissed our heads. "Congratulations." She told us.

            The Doctor, Dr. Gens, came back and handed me the sonogram. He also took my urine sample then sent us on our way.


Blaise's P.O.V

            I walked into my house after saying goodbye to Draco. I had spent most of the day with him, understandably speaking but my mum wanted me home for dinner.

            When I walked through the door, I smelled some fish that my mum was cooking so I walked into the kitchen. I had to walk through the living room and passed the stairs.

            "Hi mum." I greeted. She looked up from the pan and grinned.

            "Hello, how was the doctors?" She asked and I grinned. I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and then pulled the sonogram out of that.  I gave it to her and she gasped.

            "Doctor says the baby is in perfect health. We got to hear the heartbeat too, it's strong." I told her with a smile on my face.

            "Do you know the gender?"  She asked admiring the sonogram.

            "No Draco doesn't want to know it. I do but I know that if I know, I'll spill it to him." I explained.

            "Well that's good then. You'll find out soon enough."

            "I honestly want a little girl." I confessed. "She'll be the most beautiful girl on this planet mum. Light olive skin, Draco's eyes, my hair color, Draco's nose, my lips... god mum, she'd be perfect." I gushed and my mum let out a soft laugh. She put the sonogram down on the counter and lowered the gas on her fish.

            "Sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this." She grinned. "But what if you had a boy?"

            "He'll be very handsome. My eyes, still olive skin but my nose and his lips."

            "Why reversed?" My mother asked. She went to the fridge and pulled out some corn. I shrugged as I pouted my lip.

            "I don't know, just seems like what's going to happen." I told her and she laughed.

            "I'm sure whatever the baby looks like, they'll be beautiful." She told me and I smiled.

            "Yeah I think so too." I agreed.  "Um mum?"


            "Do you think we'll be alright? Like I know we're young and all but I kind of think we can do it, how hard could it be?" My mum gently put down her turner and looked at me.

            "Blaise, it's not going to be easy, you need to remember that. Sure I will always support you financially when you need me to but a baby is not just some doll that can be left alone. There's a lot that goes into it. Late night feedings, late night changing, sickness, doctor's appointments, sleeping, bathing..." She trailed off. "Plus after the baby is born, one of you is probably going to need to move in with the other or at least be there most of the time. Since you're just the father, Draco will probably want to stay at his house so you'll be there a lot to help out. This is why you're going to the class, it's going to teach you the responsibility you obviously need." She told me and I sighed. She was right, I was in over my head.

            "Sorry, I um I let my excitement get the best of me." I apologized and she shook her head.

            "You can be excited just have a realistic view on it."

            "Okay." I grinned. "Um when will dinner be ready?"

            "About ten minutes, why?"

            "I'm gonna call Draco." I told her and then hopped off the stool I had been sitting on. I pulled out my phone and looked at the lock screen. It was a picture of our first kiss. It had actually been his first kiss in general so that fact that I had it as a picture made it really special.

            I unlocked my phone and pressed his name.

            It rang a few times before he picked up,

            "Baby?" He questioned.

            "Hi honeybee, I just called to tell you that I love you." I told him. I felt him smile from the side and I grinned.

            "I love you back sweetheart, I miss you already." He told me and I laughed.

            "I miss you too. I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

            "Yup, I'll come over about one. Have you showed your mum?" He asked.

            "Pretty sure the sonogram is already on the fridge." I explained and he giggled.

            "It's so real now Blaise, we're gonna be parents. Teen parents but parents." He said softly and I grinned.

            "I know, didn't think this would happen but honestly, I don't care that it did." I confessed and he got quiet. "Honeybee?"

            "I don't either." He admitted. "I'm... I'm actually quite excited." It was the first time he had uttered those words. He was usually a nervous wreck about it. "Love me?" He asked.

            "More than you know."

            "Blaise, set the table and wash up please!" My mum called so I smiled.

            "See you tomorrow sweetie." I told him.

            "Laters baby." He said and I chuckled. With a kiss, I hung up the phone. Grinning, I walked into the dining area.

            I was in for the long run, no matter what was thrown my way.

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