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Pinkie Pie POV
I was in my room at Sugar Cube Corner with my friends I was scared because I was getting married to my Coltfriend Cheese Sandwich my family wasn't coming because they didn't like Cheese I was really sad that my father wasn't giving me away the only member of my family who was gonna be there was Maud my older sister she was gonna walk me down the aisle she was mad at my family for not coming "well Pinkie lets get you ready for your big day!" Rarity said I nodded Applejack noticed "ya alright Pinkie ya aren't excited like you normally are." Applejack said I faked a smile "yup just-just nervous." I said "you know you can tell us anything right?" Twilight said I sighed guess they should know "well I'm sad because my family isn't here and Maud can't make it!" I said "wait wasn't Maud suppose to walk you down the aisle?" Rainbowdash asked I nodded and the other gasped "so now no pony is giving me away." I said sadly "I'll be b-back." Fluttershy said and left Rarity got me into my dress and did my hair my dress was an ivory white dress with jems my hair was in a bun with curled pieces my vail was put in put in as Fluttershy came in with Mr.Cake "look Fluttershy said no pony was walking you down the aisle and I knew that was important to you so I offered to do it." Mr.Cake said I hugged him "thank you so much." I said he just smiled "now it's time for you to get married!" Mr.Cake said and held out his hoof I gladly took it and we began to walk down the long aisle eventually I made it to Cheese "we are gathered here today to celebrate two wonderful Ponies Pinkiamen Diana Pie and Cheese Sandwich their love for each other has grown in so many ways they proved that they are ready to take the next step if anypony has a reason these two should not be wed speak now or forever hold your peace." Twilight said when no pony came up she continued "I was told that the bride and groom wrote vows for each other." Twilight said and Cheese went first "Pinkie I loved you the first time I saw you 5 years ago we were competing for best party planner pony I didn't know that I would fall in love you let alone get married to you but I stand here today with the love of my life in front of so many ponies to vow my love to you that I am yours forever." Cheese said and I started crying "Cheese you make my heart skip a beat every time we kiss all the complement you gave me the love you showed and most importantly my love you are the only one who knows my past I love you Cheese for now and forever." I finished he smiled while tears were coming down my face "may we have the rings please?" Twilight asked and Spike gave her the rings " Cheese Sandwich do you take Pinkie Pie to be your lawful wedded wife in sickness and in health for better or for worst till death do you part?" Twilight asked Cheese "I do." He said and put the ring on my hoof "Pinkie Pie do you take Cheese Sandwich to be your lawful wedded husband in sickness and in health for better or for worst till death do you part?" Twilight asked me "I do." I said and put the ring on Cheese's hoof "Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride!" Twilight said and Cheese dipped me while we kissed every pony cheered while Rainbowdash did a Sonic Rainboom on to the reception

The party was the best time ever Cheese and I went out to have our first dance as husband and wife I thought something was wrong but I ingored it a scream stopped us from dancing we looked and I was hit with beam of magic I screamed "PINKIE!!!!" Cheese and my friends screamed and ran to me I lost conscience before they got to me

Twilight POV
Every pony was panicking Pinkie was down and unconscious it was pure crazy I looked around saw nopony who could've shot the beam the Princesses and Shining Armor was trying to calm every pony down I took control at once "Cheese get Pinkie to the hospital right now girls let go Discord get him and Pinkie to the hospital we'll be there soon I hope." I said and within seconds the three were gone every pony calmed down and I spoke "I DON'T WANT YOU TO WORRY PINKIE WILL BE OKAY WE WILL FIND WHO DID THIS AND MAKE SURE THEY PAY FOR THIS AND THE RECEPTION WILL BE MADE UP UNTILL THEN PLEASE BE CARFUL NOW GO HOME." I said and they did leave the Princesses and Shining Armor stayed with me we grouped up "now girls we are gonna look around to find something if not we are going to the hospital hopefully Pinkie will be okay." I said we left at that our husbands went to the hospital we however searched we couldn't find anything as it was dark so we went to the hospital "hey." I said they nodded we were all still in our dresses and tuxes from the wedding "so how's Pinkie?" Rainbowdash asked "stable she'll be okay just sore for awhile she is still unconscious though." Flash said I nodded and we sat in quiet till it was time for us to leave but we were back the next day

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