Happy birthday to me

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I'm 17 now , In a year I'll be an adult and out of high school, I'm so not ready for that.

The eclipse today was really cool, it didn't get as dark as I thought it would where I live though. I didn't have the glasses to look at it either, so I got two paper plates and used pinpoint projection to see it. It actually worked and it was pretty cool lol.

But yeah today was my birthday, and it would've been more enjoyable if Sam was here though. My mom got me the old Disney movie Treasure Planet ( it's a great movie, don't judge lol) and a $25  iTunes card thing. Honestly that's all I wanted lol. But then she gave me $100 dollars and made a comment about how I'm weird because I never really want anything haha. Honestly though that $100 will probably last all year XD. My sis is sending something in the mail since she's unable to be here.

On Saturday two of my close friends and I got pizza from somewhere and then went to the mall to see a movie and spent the night at my place afterwards. That was really fun, except for the part when we were outside at night, stargazing, and a pack of coyotes decided to start howling and scare the shit out of us XD.
And I got my ass kicked at monopoly the following morning haha.

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