Chapter 119: Hope you're ready for a revolution

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Garp ?! What are you doing here old fart ?!"

Garp: Just one sec, you're number two on my list. Hey Luffy ! Don't you owe me an apology ?

*Marine HQ, vice-admiral Monkey D. Garp "Garp the fist".*

Nami: "Garp" ?! But that's the name of the hero of the Marine !!

"Yep, that's him alright... And also Luffy's grandfather, so I advise not to try anything. He's just as insane as Luffy loves meat."

Garp: Hey, hey ! Don't give them the wrong idea. When I pushed Luffy into a bottomless ravine... When I threw him into a jungle at night... When I tied him up to a balloon and sent him into the sky... I did all that to make him strong !!

"Yeah, and who exactly had to get him back each time... ?"

Sanji: I think I just understood where Luffy got his amazing ability to pull through anything...

Garp: In the end, I left you and Ace with my friends, asking them to train you guys. But I take my eyes off you guys, and look at this... I TRAINED YOU UP TO BE A STRONG MARINE !!


Garp: Letting "Red Head" taint you with his nasty ways, you fool !!

Luffy: Sha- Shanks saved my life !! Don't talk bad about him !!

Garp: WATCH YOUR MOUTH!! To speak to your grandfather with so little respect !!

Luffy: GYAAAH !! I'M SORRY !!

"Hey, cut it out, you two !!"


"EEEEK !!"

Sanji: What the hell ?! He subjugated them both so easily !!

Chopper: Oh no ! Luffy's been captured by the marines !!

Nami: Luffy !!


Franky: Hey !! What are we supposed to do now ?! I've never seen anything like this !!

Garp: Oh... Oh, OI fell asleep...

Luffy: *Snore*

Garp: Hmm... WAKE UP, LUFFY !! How dare you sleep when you're being scolded !! And speak to me with more respect !!

All: '... Oh, whatever.'

Luffy: ... THAT HURTS !!

Garp: beside, do you even know where this "Red Head" stands among the pirates ?!

Luffy: Shanks ?! Is he doing good ?! Where is he ?!

Garp: Good ?! Oh, you can say that !!

"Of the countless pirates there are now... He stands as high as "Whitebeard" as one of the most formidable pirates. There are four of them, that rule the second half of Grand Line as kings would, so they're called "Yonko", the four emperors of the sea."

Garp: You think you're smart for spouting things like that ?

"i don't know are you ?"

Garp: ... it's been a while since I've punched someone.

"It's been 10 seconds !!"

Garp: It is a while.


Garp: So where was I... yes, and it's to stop these four that the marine HQ and the Shichibukai exist !! if the balance between these "three great powers" is disrupted, it'll bring chaos to this world ! That's how strong they all are !

Luffy: ... Well, I don't really get it, but if Shank's okay, it doesn't matter. This brings back memories...

Robin: ... he knows that "Red Head"... ?!

"Well, who do you think gave him his straw hat to begin with ?"

Nami: I had no idea he was so great...

Garp: Hmm ? Hey, what's going on ? What's causing this ruckus outside ?

Officer: It's the man on the wanted list: "Zoro the bounty hunter".

Garp: I see... So he's with Luffy. He's a lively one... You guys, try to stop him !

???: Yes, sir !!

Zoro: A Khukuri knife, huh ? that's an unusual weapon.

Luffy: hey !! Zoro, wait !! You don't need to fight !

Luffy: What the !! Damn it !

???: Soru !

"Again with this kind of technique..."

Soldiers: Lieutenant ! Lieutenant-Commander !

Garp! Bwahahaha ! You guys don't stand a chance, huh ?!

???: You really are strong... Just as I expected !! I've completely lost... Luffy, Zoro, Y/n. It's been a long time. Do you recognize me ?

Luffy: ... Who are you ?

Koby: It's me !! Koby !! Don't you remember me ?

"Koby... Uhh... Wait."

Luffy: I've got a friend with that name but... He's way smaller than that.

Koby: I'm that Koby ! Koby the crybaby, that wouldn't do anything, that's me !

Luffy: NO WAY !!

"Well, between the height adjustment, the promotion and the fact this is Grand Line, meeting you was among the last thing I would've expected."

Koby: Well, I'm not used to my position yet, but I heard you guys were here !! I just had to come see you ! After all, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be here !!

Hermepp: Hmph, well, not really, but I'll let it pass.

*Marine HQ, Lieutenant-Commander: Koby.*

*Marine HQ, Lieutenant: Hermepp*

Koby: It's a long story, but right now we're being trained by Vice-Admiral Garp in the HQ !

"... I'm sorry for your loss."


Luffy: I see !! But you've really changed a lot ! You used to be so pudgy and all !

Koby: I'm sorry, you must be tired from the late events.

Luffy: No worries !! Let's have a party ! We haven't had those in a while !!


"... Who're you again ?"

Hermepp! It's me !! MEEE !!

Zoro: Doesn't ring a bell.

Hermepp: The answer is... Hermepp ! I'm captain Morgan's son !! It's me, Hermepp !! You know the guy that tied you up and almost had you executed, Roronoa Zoro !! Hehe !! Hey, c'mon, get it already !! You know the idiot son that was living off his father's glory ?

"... Oh, that guy. Yes, I remember. Ballistic projectile and meat-shield, yes."

Hermepp: DAMN IT !! I really can't forgive these guys, Koby !!

Koby: I can't be helped, you've gotta accept your past too.

"Hey, he's doing at accepting that he was human trash back there."


Garp: Well then... You guys !

Soldiers: Yes sir !!

Garp: Fix this wall up.

Soldiers: What ?! You can't do that ! If you're going to make us fix it, why did you break it in the first place ?!!

Garp: It's more impressive to make an entrance like that !

Soldiers: Please ! Don't break it for a reason like that !! If we're gonna fix it, at least work with us, ok ?!

Garp: Huh ? Well, ok.

Sanji: Your grandfather, he must be a great person.

Luffy: Hmm, I don't know much about his job.

"Trust me, no one in Luffy's family can be labeled as 'Normal'."

Garp: Oh, right, speaking of. Luffy, I heard you met your father.

Luffy: Huh ? Dad ? What're you talking about ? You mean, I have a dad ?

Garp: What, so he didn't even introduce himself... ? Apparently he sent you off at Loguetown.

"Loguetown... You mean that was him back there ?"

Luffy: What's my dad like ?

Nami: I'd like to know, too...

Garp: Your father's name is "Monkey D. Dragon". He's a revolutionist.

Luffy: ... Dragon ?






Luffy: hey, what's gotten into all of them ?

Sanji: You idiot !! Don't you know who Dragon is ?!!

Nami: Your father gives new meaning to the word "extreme" !!

"I think he needs an explanation..."

Robin: Well, how should I explain this... Pirates... Usually don't attack the government or the marine. But right now, there's a force that's openly trying to overthrow the "World Government" directly. That's the "Revolutionary army" and Dragon's the man that leads them. Their ideas are spreading in numerous countries all over the world, stirring rebels in kingdoms, and a number of countries have already been "Liberated".

Robin: This has of course angered the Government, and they have been searching for the man behind it all, "The world's worst criminal", Dragon, but... He is a man of mysteries, no one even had so much as a clue of his background or location. And yet...

Luffy: And yet... ?

Garp: Huh ? You guys didn't know that ? Hey, I'd thought you would've told them already. After all, you were part of this organization.

"Keyword, 'Was'. I've had other things to worry about lately, you know. Also, I'd appreciate if you didn't reveal that when an entire marine battalion is listening."

Garp: Bwahaha ! Well, please forget it.

All: ... ... ... WHAAAAAAT ?!!

Sanji: Y- Y- You... Were... WHAT ?!

Luffy: Oh, so that's what you meant when you said you worked with my dad ?

"Kinda, yes. It's been 10 years since I've last seen him though. I wonder what he's up to."

Koby: So the vice-captain of Dragon's son... Is a member of the revolutionary army...


Garp: Well, because you're my grandson, i'm gonna give up on catching you here ! That's gonna be my excuse to the Marine, anyway, so don't worry, be our guest here.

Officer: That's not actually a good excuse, sir... let's just say he ran away.

Garp: Anyway, I only came along for the sake of those two guys, so go on and talk at leisure with them. i'm going home.

Luffy: Okay, see ya !

Garp! THAT'S WAY TOO CASUAL !! Show some regret, you idiot ! I am your long separated grandpa, for fuck's sake !!

Luffy: Well, what the heck did you expect ? All you've been doing is beating me up !

Garp: That's just 'cause i'm showing my love for my grandson !

"if this is how you love, I'd rather have you hate me."

Garp: You're off to a good start !! You were supposed to look after Luffy, not encourage him !!

"... Hrm. Taking your exact words, you asked me to 'Take care of Luffy and make sure he doesn't die'. Never said anything about making him a marine."

Garp: ... ...


"... Owie..."

Nami: Feels like an amazing ego runs in the family... And even beyond...

Sanji: That geezer swept through like a storm...

Robin: I was quite surprised by the news about Dragon... That's certainly no ordinary bloodline.

"Far from it. They share more than just a letter in their name."

Zoro: You're the one we were the most surprised about ! You worked with the most wanted man in the entire world !!

Robin: I wonder... Does that mean you know where their base is ?

"if they haven't moved it since last time... But don't get your hopes high, I'd die before giving out the information."

Zoro: Well, now I get how you met Luffy to begin with...

Chopper: Speaking of, where's Luffy ?

"Outside, with Koby."

Sanji: hey, you okay with that ? He's your pal too.

Zoro: It takes us back, but the one with the strongest connection to Koby was always Luffy.

Chopper: Nami's not here, either... I thought she'd want to listen to the conversation with the marine... Maybe she got cold feet ,

Robin: Actually, she went to the pool with Kokoro and the others.

"Pool ?"

Robin: there's a swimming-pool for Galley-La company employees behind this building.

Sanji: OOOH !! Nami-San in a swimsuit ?! I must AB-SO-LU-TE-LY bring her a drink !!

"... If that can be any help, i'm pretty sure I saw her with a black Dendenmushi earlier."

Luffy: EHHHH ?! You're really going back ? C'mon and have some food first ! Food !

Koby: We're enemies... I can't get too friendly with you. Luffy ! Do you know the name of the second half of this sea, Grand Line ? The sea that spreads out beyond Red Line, that final sea... people have one other name they call it by... "The New World".

Luffy: ... The New World !

Koby: the sea where those who would open up the next era gather ! The one who conquers that sea will undoubtedly be the Pirate King ! Luffy ! Let's meet again there, some day for sure !! I'll catch you that time ! iIll get stronger and stronger ! SOMEDAY I WILL... I WILL... TAKE THE POSITION OF ADMIRAL !! ... ... ...

Koby: I... I- I- I- I'm sorry ! That just slipped out on the spur of the moment ! I feel so embarrassed I want to crawl into a hole and hide ! I should be grateful meeting you again, but I...

"Ah, I was scared for a moment, but here's the Koby I knew."

Luffy: Koby ! You're gonna fight us, right ? Then of course you're gonna get that strong !

Koby: ... It's okay with you ?

Luffy: Next time we meet, we're gonna be stronger... Greatly !

Koby: 'Even though it was just a dream I was talking about... how can he believe in me so strongly ? The one who can hunt down these people would truly be terrifying...'

Zoro: Hey, what's this ? I thought you said you were cured of being a crybaby, Koby.

"You know what they said, you can't change a man's heart."

Koby: I... I'm really glad I could meet up with you guys again today... We're... GONNA GET STRONGER AND STRONGER ! WITHOUT A DOUBT ! WE'LL MEET AGAIN IN THE NEW WORLD !


"... I've heard of something... That your worst enemies, are the ones you create yourself..."

Luffy: Koby can do it ! I know he can !

Sanji: Nami-saaaaaaaan ! The aqua meat has been grilled !

Nami: Okay !

Kokoro: Ngagaga ! It smells good !

Sanji: okay, go ahead and eat !


Chopper: D'LISHIOUS !

Sogeking: D'LISHIOUS... ! An Aqua meat barbecue !

"Wait, when did Sogeking... ?"

Sanji: How is it, Robin-Chan ?

Robin: Yes, it's delicious !

Sanji: It's filled with caring service !

Family: Strawhat ! You wanted to see us ?

Luffy: Oh, it's the Franky Family ! Come on over here and eat !

Family: Whoa, a barbecue ! That's my favorite ! Hey, there's a lot of us, so save some of the meat !

Chopper: Sodom and Gomorrah are here too !!

Shipwrights: Oi ! Straw Hat ! You finally awake now ? A barbecue !

"The Galley-La company ?!"

Kashii: Man, I'm starvin'

Oimo: Me too !

Sogeking: AND THE GIANTS ?!

Paulie; What are you doing at the pool... ? GYAH ! YOU SHAMELESS WENCH !!

Nami: You know this is a pool, right ?

Iceberg: Hmm. Something smells good here.

Franky: We won't stop for a moment when we're building a ship ! So I'm gonna catch the rhytm right now ! Don't count me out !

Squares: Don't'cha do it !

Family: We've been waiting for ya, bro !

Sogeking: All right, let's go ! Sogeking's first verse ! Let the singing commence !!


Robin: ... ... ...

???: Just listen from there, Nico Robin.

Robin: 'It can't be !!' A- Aokiji !

Aokiji: Why didn't you just run away, as always ? You could have escaped from CP9 at any time.

Robin: Didn't I say things were different this time ? I couldn't just stand by, and watch them die.

Aokiji: ... Twenty years ago, the giant who fought for the island of Ohara, Jaguar D. Saul... He was a good friend of mine. On that day, I respected his wishes, and let you run away from that island... And so, I have a duty to see how your life turns out. But even after twenty years, you hadn't found a place you belonged in. I decided I couldn't let a wild bomb like you fly around free any more. I thought, in the end, you had to die. This time, I was going to eliminate the last vestige of Ohara for good. I honestly never expected these kids could bring down CP9... Have you, at last... Found a place where you belong ?

Robin: ... yes !

Aokiji: Saul's decision to let you live, whether his choice was right or wrong... Will you show me the answer from now on ?

Robin: ... I hope so.

Aokiji: ... ... ... ... ...

Robin: ... Aokiji ?

Aokiji: ... I feel like I will have to take my lead sooner than I expected.

"Oh really ? What gave you that idea ?"

Robin: V- Vice-captain... !

Aokiji: Ararara... Yes, there was that thing I forgot to take into account... The fact that someone else was there on Ohara, and watched over you for 20 years...

"If you're going back to HQ, or even to Mariejois, maybe you can relay this... Tell them that from now on, Nico Robin is under protection of the Revolutionary army !"

Aokiji: ... Hahaha... Looks like you found someone to defuse you... If you truly care for them, Nico Robin... then live on. As long as you live, Ohara is not truly gone.

Robin: Ah ! Aokiji !

"He left already."

Robin: ... Can you really go around proclaiming things like that ? Even if you were apart of it...

Luffy: Hey, Robin ! Look at this ! Over here !! HOW MUCH CAN YOU EAT ? MEEEEEEEEAT !! Bwahahahaha !!

Sogeking/Chopper: Luffy, you're the greatest !!

"... On the mood for the party ?"

Robin: After all that transpired ? Definitely. I wonder, what will I see from now on ?

Luffy: Whoa ! You're doing great, Robin !

Sanji: P- Please stop, Robin-Chan !

'The light of this world... I guess that once again, I have to swore on my own life that I'll keep it safe...'

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