Chapter 180: Standing

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Soldiers: There's no mistake ! Those are the death row inmates from Impel Down's level six !! Why are they here ?! They've all committed crimes so heinous that their very existence have been erased, they're the world's worst criminals !! We can't let a single one of them escape !!

Soldiers: That giant creature is... IT'S THE GIANT BATTLESHIP, SANJUAN WOLF !!

Wolf: Ah... They saw and recognized me... !

Soldiers: The evil king, Avalo Pizarro !!

Pizarro: It's been a while since I've been out...

Soldiers: The drinker, Vasco Shot !!

Vasco: Toputoputopu... Can I kill these guys ?

Soldiers: The crescent moon hunter, Catarina Devon !!

Devon: Murunfuffuff, I like you guys.

Soldiers: And Shiryu of the rain, the head guard from Impel Down !! What's going on here ?!

Sengoku: Shiryu, you... !! What happened to Magellan ?! What happened at Impel Down ?! How did you all get here ?!

Shiryu: You can go figure it out later... Anyway, I'm sticking with these guys. Pleased to be here.

Soldier: Fleet Admiral Sengoku !! I didn't have a chance to tell you, but a short time ago, the Gates of Justice opened, and an unidentified battleship passed through !

Sengoku: So that was them... What is the meaning of this ?! There should only be marines in the control room, and I didn't hear of any disturbances !

Lafitte: Hohoho ! My apologies, it's a simple story ! Before we departed, I hypnotized the control room marines. They were instructed to lat all battleships through the gates, though it looks like some other people benefited from that too...

Blackbeard: If the government saw me as an enemy while I was a pirate, I wouldn't have been able to open the gates and infiltrate Impel Down ! The only reason I sought the Shichibukai title was for this !! I DON'T NEED IT ANYMORE !!

Sengoku: You were planning on freeing them all along ?!

Blackbeard: ZEHAHAHAHAHA !! Yes, everything was about this from the start !! Now you understand !

Whitebeard: TEACH !!

Pirates: Captain, look out !!

Blackbeard: Gh... You're not holding back ! I guess not !

Whitebeard: I won't call you my son anymore, Teach ! You killed one of your comrades... Breaking the only ironclad rule on my ship !

Marco: Boss !

Whitebeard: Don't interfere, Marco !! By killing this idiot, Fourth squad commander Thatch can rest in peace !! On the meantime... Keep an eye on that brat, he's already doing enough damage as it is !

Blackbeard: Zehahahahaha ! That's just what I want ! BLACK HOLE !!

Blackbeard: Thatch is dead... And so is Ace, old man !!

"... ... ... ... !"

Blackbeard: I truly respected you... Admired you !! But you grew old ! So old that you couldn't save one of your own men !! Even though I let him live at Banaro Island !!

Vista: That bastard !!

Blackbeard: Ohoho, there's no use !! All powers are useless against me !! BLACK WHIRLPOOL !! Zehahahaha !! How's that ?! You can't make anymore earthquakes...

Blackbeard: HAAAAAA !! DAMN IT... THAT HURTS !!

Whitebeard: Yourweakness... Is that you overestimate yourself and get careless...

Blackbeard: E- EH ?! Hey, stop !! STOP ! OLD MAN !! I'M YOUR SON, YOU CAN'T KILL... AAAAAAAH !!


Pirates: BOSS !!

Blackbeard: ZEHAHAHAHAHA !! Get him !! Turn him into Swiss cheese !!

Whitebeard: ... ... ...

Whitebeard; You're gonna die, Roger ?

Roger: Yeah, I don't have long. Wanna know how to get to Raftel, Whitebeard ?

Whitebeard: Even if you told me, I wouldn't go. I'm not interested in that.

Roger: You know what those government bastards have been calling me lately ? "Gold Roger". That's wrong ! My name's Gol D. Roger !

Whitebeard: I run into guys with the "D" name now and then... I've got one in my crew, by the name of Teach. Just what does the "D" mean... ?

Roger: Oh, you wanna know ? Then I'll tell you... It's a story from long ago...

Blackbeard: Nah, out of ammo...

Whitebeard: It's not you... Haa...

Blackbeard: Y- You're still alive ?!

Whitebeard: the man Roger is waiting for... is definitely not you, Teach...

Blackbeard: WHA ?!

Whitebeard: There are those who inherited Roger's will... And one day, someone will appear who will inherit Ace's will... Haa... As long as that "Bloodline" survives, their flames will never die... That will has been passed down from long ago !! Haa.. And in the future... Someday, a man will appear, bearing the weight of centuries of history on hi shoulders, to challenge the world ! Sengoku... Your world government is afraid... Afraid of the coming war that will engulf the world ! I wasn't interested... But when someone finds that treasure... The world will be shaken to its core ! Somebody will find it... That day will certainly come...

Whitebeard: The One Piece... THE ONE PIECE IS REAL !!

Sengoku: YOU... !!

Blackbeard: Zehahaha !!

Whitebeard: 'Forgive me, my sons... I left behind this huge fool... This is it for me. Everything I have, I got it from you.'

Pirates: How can a pirate not be interested in treasure ? What exactly do you want ? Hey, Newgate !

Newgate: there's something I've wanted... Ever since I was a kid.

Pirates: Oohh ! Tell us what it is !

Newgate: ... ... A family...

Pirates: What ?! That's ridiculous ! Gyahaha...

Whitebeard: 'You have my thanks. Farewell, my sons... !'

Blackbeard: Hm ? ... Ah ! ... H- He died... Standing there !

Pirates: Boss !!

*Whitebeard has died.

Even after he died, with his face half gone, his body would not yield. Cutting his enemies down, he was the very image of a monster. In this battle, he suffered two hundred sixty-seven sword wounds, as well as one hundred fifty-two bullet woulds. And forty-six cannon wounds. But on his proud back... And indeed, in his life as a pirate, he did not suffer a single coward's injury.*

*The news spread around the world in an instant. Roger's son, Ace, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, was not saved, and the captain, Whitebeard, died. This historic incident would be passed on for generations. But the people witnessing it.. Could only watch in silence.*

Rayleigh: So you're gone, Whitebeard...

*He was a man who sailed the seas with the Pirate King. Age 72 at the time of death. The captain of the Whitebeard pirates, the great pirate Edward Newgate, AKA Whitebeard. In the bay of Marineford, the Whitebeard pirates and the combined forces of Marine HQ and the Shichibukai fought a great battle... and there he lost his life.*

Blackbeard: Haa... Haa... Hehehe !! Now, let's get started !!

Soldiers: They're still planning something !!

Pirates: That bastard Teach !! he's doing something to our dead boss !!

Blackbeard: Zehahaha... Now I'll give you the ultimate show.

Soldiers: What's that black cloth ? Blackbeard and Whitebeard are inside ! What are they planning ?!

Lafitte: Hohoho. Now now... Nobody can enter for the time being.

Devon: i'm looking forward to this !

Shiryu: If it fails, are we splitting up ?

Lafitte: Oh, and, by the way... Don't you think you have enough to worry about right now ?


Pirates: Why is he just blasting at the ground like that ?!

Garp: It's like... he's looking for something...

Escapees: Captain Buggy !! Where are you... ?!

Buggy: We're gettin' outta here, you idiots !! We can't take Whitebeard's head anymore !! 'I couldn't do it !! I was so scared, I couldn't even get close !! I was so scared !! Whitebeard is scary !! the summit is scary !!' if you think I'm pathetic, go right ahead !! We'll part here, bastards !!

Escapees: Captain Buggy... Is crying... You know what they say: "Yesterday's enemy is today's friend". Whitebeard was truly his great rival !

Escapees: He showed Whitebeard's a man's mercy ! Even though he could have taken Whitebeard's head !! And then... he left without making any excuses !! WAIT !! TAKE US TOO !! CAPTAIN BUGGY !!

Pirates: HURRY, TO THE SEA !!

Jinbe: Haa... Luffy ! Hang in there !! You have to live !! Ace is gone, but you must live... Day after day !! You have to hang in there, and survive !!

Ace: Jinbe... If I die like this, there's a good chance things will go downhill really fast... if that happen, could you... Look after my little brother for me ?

Jinbe: I'm sorry, Ace. You shouldn't think too highly of me... i'm not that good of a person. And even if it's your brother... He lives in the pirate world. I only lend my hand and protection to men that I respect.

Pirates: JINBE, GET ON HERE !! Hmm ?!

Pirates: Damn ! He froze the sea !! Hurry, do something ! We can't depart !! Push Aokiji back !!


Pirates: W- WHAT NOW ?!

"... ... ... ..."

Jinbe: It's you... Wasn't he after Akainu...

Akainu: It looks like I've been discovered... Doesn't matter, everyone is here. I already said I wouldn't let any of them escape. Won't you idiots just give up already ?

Pirates: Akainu ! You weren't down ?! He melted through the ground and came around us !! That's why he was aiming at the ground this whole time !!

Akainu: Give me Dragon's son, Jinbe. Him and his guardian, I'll execute them both myself, here and now.

Jinbe: I can't do that. I've decided, I'll protect this man, even if it costs me my life !

Akainu: Well, then... I won't ask again.

Pirates: protect Ace's brother !! Ace's family is our family too !!

Ivankov: Move it, all of you ! You won't take the Strawhat boy !! HELL...

Soldiers: Blackbeard's come out ! What did he do ?! Whitebeard looks the same ! And Blackbeard doesn't look any different...

Blackbeard: marines... Let me show you my power, now that it's clear we'll be enemies again... Zehaha...

Blackbeard: THIS IS THE POWER OF MY YAMI YAMI NO MI !! and this...

Soldiers: Eh... ?

Pirates: Th- That stance..


Burgess: Uiihahaaa, you did it, captain !!

Soldiers: H- He took Whitebeard's power !! How can he use it ?!

Pirates: The boss' earthquake power ?! What's going on ?! That teach bastard !!

Blackbeard: ZEHAHAHA !! the power to return everything to nothing, the gravity of darkness ! And the power to destroy everything, the power of earthquakes !! I'VE GOT IT ALL !! NOBODY CAN STAND AGAINST ME ANYMORE !! I AM THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD !!

Soldiers: I don't know how he did it... But he stole Whitebeard's ability !! How is that possible ?! Then... We're not done with these earthquakes !!

Pirates: It shouldn't be possible to have two devil fruit powers...

Marco: It would be impossible for a normal human. But you should all know that Teach is a little different ! The very structure of his body... Is strange ! Is that hos he pulled this off ?!

Blackbeard: Hey... Did you see that ? Zehahaha... Show it to the world !! To all the boring, peace-loving citizens ! To the marines ! To the World Government !! And to all the pirates out there !! this world's future has been decided !! Zehahahaha... ! Yes, from now on... THIS IS, MY AGE !!

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