Chapter 182: Turn back

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd Person POV:


Speaker: Breaking news... This is a message from Marine Headquarters to the entire world...

Pirate: Captain Drake !!

Drake: ... ...

*At the stage for the battle at the summit, there are seven ships on the water of Marineford's bay. These men who will carry the new pirate age would not have missed this junction in history for anything. They see the signs of war rising from Marineford, as proof of the establishment of a new age.*

Pirate: Looks like it's over...

Drake: The marine have won out... And things will change !

*And they feel the age's frenzied flow upon their skin.*

Bege: In a little while, Whitebeard's territories... Will become seas of blood.

Urouge: Blackbeard was the key. Make no mistake, he's going to become the eye of the storm !!

Apoo: He saved someone who'll become an enemy one day ?! What the hell is he thinking ?!

Pirate: What' are you talking about, Apoo ?

Apoo: Trafalgar Law !! Isn't he supposed to be known for his brutality ?!

Bonney: Everything is his fault !! We have to find him ! Let's go !! To the New World !

Hawkins: Strange...

Pirate: What's wrong, Captain Hawkins ?

Hawkins: Strawhat Luffy and his vice-captain's chances of survival... No matter how many times I check... It never comes out to be zero...

Pirate: Honestly, I was scared when the war broke out... But now, Whitebeard is dead ! Now it's all over...

Kidd: Hahaha !! What's over ?! Blackbeard has been born as a great power !! The New World is ruled by the Yonkos, the Four emperors of the sea, Red-Hair, Kaido, Big Mom ! Now that the balance has been broken, who knows what'll happen ?! A NEW AGE IS DAWNING !! THE LIKES OF WHICH WE'VE NEVER SEEN !!

*East Blue, West Blue, South Blue, North Blue and even the Grand Line...*


*As if it had already been written in history, the news was whittled down as it spread. Until the only word carried throughout the oceans was the marines' "Victory". The world grows restless at this news.*

Citizens: The marines have won !! Thank God !!


Soldier: Someday... I'll become strong enough to get called to headquarters !!

*The people didn't notice...*

Citizens: Uwaaaaah !! Don't come any closer ! Don't come into the town !! Th- This island is... !!

Pirates: Ngahahahaha... Hmm ?! This island is... What ? Whitebeard's territory ? Yeah, it was ! But what is it now ? You've heard the news, right ?



*The marines have won, but that outcome doesn't necessarily bring peace. With the threat of Whitebeard's wrath gone, chaos has begun to reign.*

Hancock: How is Luffy doing ?! And his friend, too.

Bepo: You did well to figure out we were surfacing here. We thought the marines were here, so we freaked out for a moment.

Hancock: Salome was following you on the sea floor. And don't change the subject, you dumb beat !

Bepo: Sorry...

Pirates: So pathetic !

Bepo: Ah ! Captain !!

Law: I've done all I can. The effectiveness of the operations are tied to their conditions. They've taken an impossible amount of damage, so I can't guarantee either of them will survive.

Hancock: ... ... ...


Newcomers: That's right !! They tried their hardest !! We were able to escape prison thanks to them !!

Pirates: WHO ARE THEY ?!

Hancock: Prisoners from Impel Down... It looks like they're Luffy's allies. They snuck onto the battleship.

Newcomers: And we're heading to the place we've dreamed of for so many long years, the kingdom of Kamabakka !! From Newkama land to the true home of Newcomers !!

Ivankov: The strawhat boy was already injured so badly he couldn't stand at Impel Down !! It's amazing he managed to do anything in that condition !! And his vice-captain ! Never would I imagine I'd meet my boss here of all places ! I can't even begin to imagine the amount of strain he inflicted on himself all along !

Newcomers: That's right !! they really tried ! We know !

Ivankov: And that was all so that they could rescue Strawhat-boy's brother, Ace !! That brother they tried so hard to save died right before their eyes... No God or Buddha would have caused that ! It wouldn't be surprising is their spirits were broken !

Law: ... Their bodies being broken is enough hassle already... That Y:n guy... He'll have a bunch of long-lasting scars...

Newcomers: Damn it, hang in there, guys !! Hang in there !!

Hancock: How tragic... If I could, I'd suffer in his place... I feel so bad for you, Luffy...

Pirates: 'I- It must be nice, having the pirate empress think of you that way...'

Ivankov: By the way, are you a friend of them ?

Law: No... I had no obligation to help him. But if you're uncomfortable with my kindness, shall I make something up ?

Ivankov: No, that's fine. There are times when instinct moves your body.

Jinbe: Wait ! Haa... Haa... You're Trafalgar Law, from North Blue, right ? You have my thanks for saving my life...

Law: Jinbe... If you don't sleep, you'll die.

Jinbe: My heart won't calm down... It's futile... What I've lost this time was too important to me ! And compared to that, Luffy and Y/n's loss was even deeper... When Luffy lost consciousness, it must have been a defense mechanism to prevent him from losing his life... i'm more worried about what happens when they awake...

law: If they awake.... Shattered bones, torn muscles and tendons, crushed internal organs, 3rd degrees burns on almost all of his body, literally no blood left and a missing right hand... To be honest, the simple fact his vice-captain could even stay alive so long is a mystery to me...

Hancock: You, beast ! Do you have a dendenmushi ?

Bepo: We do. Ah... Yes, we do... Sorry...

Crew: It lust be nice, being like the empress' slave...

Hancock: If we call the Kuja pirate ship, we can pull this submarine across the Calm belt. If the government learns that they are alive, they'll definitely come after them. We'll hide them on the island of women. And if I'm still one of the Shichibukai, they can safely recover there.

Officer: Fleet admiral Sengoku ! So here's where you were ! We've been able to confirm the situation at Impel Down !

Sengoku: Is Magellan all right ?

Officer: He was badly injured, and just barely alive ! he's being treated at intensive care right now. he's a very straightforward man... He's already taken responsibility for everything. If he could move, he might try to slice his own stomach...

Sengoku: DON'T LET HIM DO ANYTHING THAT STUPID !! Just what happened inside the prison ?!

Officer: Judging by the aftermath, level 6 was where the most tragic incident happened.

Sengoku: Tragic ?!

Blackbeard: Good day, prisoners who are cursed to waste their lives in these cages ! Zehahahaha !! You're all just waiting for death to come anyway, so how does this sound ?! Go ahead and kill each others in your cells !I'll take the survivors to the surface as part of my crew !

Prisoners: Hey, really ?!

Sengoku: ... So he chose his crew from the worst prisoners in the world !

Officer: Yes, he brought four prisoners out with him ! But there are many more prisoners from level 6 missing.

Sengoku: So there were other prisoners from Level 6 who escaped ! Confirm the number and names of the escapees, and send out wanted posters immediately !! EVEN A SINGLE LEVEL 6-CLASS PRISONER COULD BE A HUGE DANGER TO A COUNTRY OUT THERE !!

Officer: ... ...

Sengoku: What's wrong ?

Officer: But... The government has ordered... That the level 6 incident be covered up... As any further failures could cause faith in the government to fail...

Sengoku: ... ... ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?!

Moria: Gh... Doflamingo, you bastard... !

Doflamingo: Fufufufufu ! Moria... You're no longer strong enough to bear the Shichibukai name... Doesn't "Died in battle in the war at the summit" sound nice ? Better than "Disposed of by the gove" anyway !

Moria: Who ordered you to do this... ? Haa... Sengoku... ?!

Doflamingo: No... Someone higher-up !!

Your POV:

*Roughly two weeks since the war at the summit... removed from the chaos of the world, the isle of women in the Calm Belt, Amazon Lily. A special exception was made for Law and his crew to help Luffy's recovery. And so they were allowed to stay on the island.*

Ivankov: Well then, my duty to protect Strawhat boy ends here ! Yeehaaaw !! Can you take care of things from here, Jinbe ?!

Jinbe: Yes. I still can't swim at my best, so at the very least, I'll watch over them until they recover. Though I don't know how much help I'll be...

Newcomers: SEE YOU, GUYS !! THANK YOU FOR SHOWING US THE LIGTH OF THE SURFACE ! GIVE THEM OUR REGARDS WHEN THEY WAKE UP !! If it's meant to be, we'll meet again ! Don't die on us ! Hang in there !! You can pull through this !! You can do it !

Luffy: ACE !!

Crew: Look out !! Calm down, Strawhat !! Where are you going ?! Keep it together !! Fire Fist is already...


Crew: We can't stop him !! Strawhat !! Stop !

Jinbe: What'll happen if we just leave him like that... ?

Law: Well, that's simple... If he reopens his wounds, he will really die this time.


Kuja: Lady Hebihime !! Luffy has awakened !!

Hancock: Really ?! Haa... That's great ! I want to see him right away !

Nyon: Absolutely not, Hebihime ! Everyone wants to see them. If you go and see them by yourself, it'll set a bad example ! This is the island of women, letting those unknown men stay in the bay is already a huge exception !!

Hancock: I... Know that, but...

Sandersonia: More importantly, sister, you must eat !

Marigold: That's right, you've barely eaten anything since you returned !

Hancock: That's right, Luffy and his friend must be hungry as well ! Make a mountain of food for them right away !

Kuja: Yes ! With pleasure !

Hancock: I'll help as well ! And then... I'll deliver it myself~...

Nyon: You're still trying to go !! You promised to only see Luffy once they have fully recovered ! Wait until then !

Hancock: I can't wait !! I am the Empress, don't order me around !!

Nyon: Absolutely not !! Your most important duty is to protect the laws of this island that have been passed down for generations !! My goodness... 'She's come down with a terrible virus... ! But... Impel Down, and then Marine headquarter ! They truly were like ants in the midst of a great storm ! It was practically an act of god that they returned, even if barely alive... Just what does the heavens want with these two... ?!'

Crew: Where did Jinbe go with him... ? That empress told us not to leave this camp...

Crew: Jeez... This is the island of women that I've heard rumors about. I heard that any man who enters gets turned to stone and is never heard from again... But it might be worth risking it.

Shachi: You said it. The Kuja pirates are nothing but women... And they smell great. I wanna go peeking in this dream country filled with women~ !

Penguin: You'll die, you idiot~ !

Bepo: You think there are any girl bears ?

Crew: It's the Island of WOMEN !!

Bepo: I'm sorry...

Law: ... ... We have better things to do than sightseeing...

Penguin: WHA ?! Take a look at that ! It's a gigantic sea king !!

Shachi: What's going on ?! Is it fighting with something ?!

Penguin: It... It's dead !! Something just killed that thing !! A monster of that size... I couldn't even see what it was fighting... This is one terrifying ocean...

???: Dear me...

Crew: What ?! A man ?! Hey ! Who are you ?!

Rayleigh: Ah, I know you people... We met at the Sabaody Archipelago.


Rayleigh: Well, you see... I ran into a nasty storm out at sea. My boat sank, so I had to swim the rest of the way. My body doesn't move the way it used to... I really am getting old.

Penguin: A storm ?! There are no storms in the Calm belt... ! Which means... Your boat sank outside the Calm Belt, and you actually swam all this way ?! Then... The one who was fighting with that Sea King... Was that you as well... ?!

Rayleigh: Mmmm... now then. I'm guessing that Luffy and Y/n are somewhere to be found on this island ?

Law: ... First, I'm gonna ask you to take off that sword if you want to meet them... As for where they are, Luffy went running who-know-where in the jungle with Jinbe after him.

Rayleigh: I see... All of this has been rough on them both... But why ths sword ?

Law: We had to remove anything remotely close to a knife from this side of the island... it's the sixth time he tried to end his own life already.

"... ... ... ..."

Rayleigh: And now your hair and clothes are going nicely together, all white everywhere. Even if I'm scared to see what could be under these bandages. You really went all out back there, did you ?

"... i'm not in the mood for jokes, Rayleigh... It's the first time in 20 years... that I failed..."

Rayleigh: It's a good thing you're talking about the past... You see, just like a bunch of other people, I was watching what happened... And I have a few questions about who... No, rather, what you really are. You're more than just Dragon's right arm, are you ? You, your powers, the fact you still look like you're 20, even after more than 20 years passed...

"... What makes you think I'd answer ?"

Rayleigh: Come on, it's not like keeping things to yourself will help at this point. After what happened at Marineford, you can be sure the marine and government will come to certain conclusions by themselves. So ?

"... ... What do you want to know... ?"

Rayleigh: As much as possible... From the very beginning.

"... ... ... 10 years ago... When Garp entrusted Luffy to some mountains bandits-"

Rayleigh: We aren't talking about Luffy here. We're talking about you. Leave your captain's story for another time, it's yours that I want to hear now.

"... Fine... grab a seat, it's gonna be long... It's been about 40 years... Since that day I died."

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