Chapter 26: Red-leg Zeff

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Carne: I told you so ! This is the real Krieg ! And now he's gonna take over our ship !

Customers: Get on the boat ! We've gotta get out of here before we're surrounded !

Patty: Ugh... What's with all the noise... ?

Gin: Don Krieg... What about your promise...

Krieg: My ship's all worn out, so I've been wanting a new one. Once my business is done with you, I'll have you get off of this ship... Right now, I have around a hundred subordinates on my ship, and they're all starving and critically wounded. So prepare enough water and food, to feed all 100 of them. There are a few who've already starved to death, so make it quick !

Carne: You're asking us to willingly feed a hundred pirates, knowing that they're going to attack us and steal our ship later ?! We refuse !!

Krieg: Refuse... ? Seems like we have a little misunderstanding on our hands. I wasn't asking whether or not you'd do it... I'm ordering you. And nobody disobeys my orders !

Gin: Sanji... I'm sorry... I... Never intended for things to turn out this way...

Patty: Sanji, you bastard ! It's because of you that we're in this s... Hey ! Where do you think you're going ?!

Sanji: To the kitchen, in order to prepare enough food for a 100 people.

Cook: WHAT ?!

Krieg: Wise choice...

Cook: Who the hell do you think you are, Sanji ? Krieg's secret agent or something ? We ain't gonna let you take one step to the kitchen. We've had enough, of your insane and reckless actions !!

Sanji: Fine, stop me if you wish. Go ahead, shoot. I know... I know that they're nothing but scum who aren't worth a dime saving... But to me, none of that matters. Thinking about the consequences of feeding a person, it's all such a big hassle. A cook should freely be able to, feed anyone who's starving ! Isn't that ideal ?!

'... What kind of things did he went through... ?'

Cooks: Patty !!

Patty: Hold him down ! Sanji ! I know you feed the customers I chase away from time to time, and I'm not going to say who was right and who was wrong for all those times... But this time, it's all your fault ! So don't you dare do more unnecessary things ! I'll protect this restaurant myself ! Fortunately, we only have Don Krieg alone to deal with. Just what can he do against all of us ?!

Patty: This is the Baratie, the restaurant that deals with all sorts of pirates on a daily basis. We're more than prepared to handle any customer that might come !!! If you're finished with your meal, how about having an iron dessert ?! INDIGESTION MEAT-BALL CANNON !!!

Krieg: Son of a...

Patty: Agh, damn it. I ended up destroying the entrance... The owner's gonna have my head for this...

Carne: It's fine. It's just collateral damage from protecting the restaurant...

"What about his underlings on the ship ?

Patty: Well... maybe we should butter his ship and roast it with fire... ?

Krieg: That's the best dessert you've got, you lousy cook ?!

Patty: It can't be... !

Krieg: Serving that pile of crap for dessert... This is the worst restaurant I've ever been to...

Luffy: Woah ! His body's all gold and shiny !

"That's some fancy armor he got here."

Cooks: Get him ! Let's go !!


For some obvious reasons, none of the bullets even grazed me, they all seemed to avoid me at all cost.

Sanji: Guns... ?! From all over his body !

Krieg: You damn worms think you can defy ME ?! I'm the strongest !! Nothing is stronger than my arms !! Or tougher than my torso covered in Wootz's steel !! And these diamond-covered fists, that can pulverize anything ! My entire body is a finely tuned weapon ! I'm the fleet admiral of 50 ships and the commander of 5000 men ! I've won every single battle I've been in ! There is no other man more worthy of the title "Don" than I am !! So if I tell you to prepare the food for my men, then you shut up and do it ! NOBODY GOES AGAINST DON KRIEG !!!

Cook: Owner Zeff !

Zeff: There's enough food here for a hundred people. So hurry up and bring it to your men.

Krieg: Did... Did they just say, "Zeff ?!"

Cooks: Sir ! How could you give them the food ?! Just what's the meaning of this ?! Once those pirates on that ship recover, they'll take over our restaurant !

Zeff: That's only if, they have any fighting spirit left at all... Isn't that right, defeated warriors of Grand Line ?

Cooks: W-What ?! Don Krieg defeated ?! The strongest man of East Blue... the pirate fleet admiral of 50 ships... Even he was utterly defeated by Grand Line ?!

Luffy: Grand Line ?!

Krieg: You're... "Red-legs Zeff" !! So you were still alive... The peerless captain and cook of his own pirate crew.

Zeff: So what if I'm alive ? It's got nothing to do with you. As you can see, I'm living here as a mere cook now.

Krieg: Hahaha... Interesting to hear it put that way... But from the way I see it, you're living as a cook not by choice, but because that's the only thing you can do.

Krieg: Where are your infamous "red shoes" ? To speak of "red-legs Zeff", is to speak of the master of kicking who refused to use his hands in battle ! The pirate whose destructive kicks could pulverize boulders, and leave a clear imprint even on steel ! Your nickname "red-leg" refers to your legs, that would be dyed in the blood of your enemies after a fight. Though I've heard from rumors that you died during a shipwreck, it seems that you've managed to survive, though at the cost of one of your precious legs. With one of your legs gone, you shouldn't be able to fight anymore.

Zeff: I may not being able to fight anymore but I can still cook as long as I have these hands. But just what are you getting at exactly ?

Krieg: Red-leg Zeff, you're a man who once braved the waters of the devil's hideout, the Grand Line itself ! Not only that, you returned without injury. You must've kept a log during your time in Grand Line. So what I'm getting at is... Hand over that log to me !

"So, you've been to Grand Line, old man ?"

Zeff: yes. You are certainly correct to assume that I kept a log, and I indeed have it to this day. But I won't hand it over to you. That log is the pride of my men who bravely ventured into Grand Line together. It's much too valuable to give it to the likes of you !

Krieg: Then I'll just steal it from you ! It's true that I came defeated from Grand Line... ! But even so, I'm still the mighty Don Krieg ! That ocean shrouded by darkness, the mention of which alone causes weak men to tremble in their boots... ! I had enough power to conquer that sea ! Enough manpower ! Enough ambition ! The only thing I lacked was information ! That was my only flaw !! I simply did not know enough... Which is why I'll steal your travel log and this ship !

Patty: Like hell we'll let you ! If we lose this ship, We've got nowhere to go !

Carne: That's right ! All the cooks here were chased out by other restaurants before finally finding their home in this place !

Cooks: Owner Zeff is the only one who accepted us as chefs ! He's our savior ! We ain't letting you pirates steal our home away !

Krieg: Silence ! The difference in strength between you and I is clear as night and day ! I even proved it to you now ! Don't you dare forget that I'm the strongest !! Once I obtain Zeff's travel log, I'll reassemble my pirate fleet, and find the One Piece to become the greatest pirate of this era !

Luffy: Hold it right there ! The one who'll become pirate king is me !

Carne: W-What did that errand boy say just now ?!

Patty: Hey, stand back down kid : Or you'll be killed !

"Nah, we're not standing down, especially on this point !"

Krieg: Did you say something, brats ? I'll be nice enough to let that comment just now slide...

Luffy: It's fine, you don't have to let it slide. I was only stating the truth.

Krieg: This ain't a game.

"Of course, this is no game, it's life."

Usopp: Did you hear that just now ? Even Krieg couldn't make it in there ! I won't say anything bad so let's just give up on going to a place like that !

Zoro: Just keep your mouth shut. You planning to rumble, guys ? Need a hand ?

Luffy: Oh hey, Zoro, Usopp. No it's fine, you can just stay sitting down.

Krieg: Ha... Ha ha ha ! Ahahaha !! Those are your crewmates ? A rather small bunch, aren't they ?!

Luffy: What're you talking about ?! We've got 2 others as well !

Sanji: I'm pretty sure he counted me in it again...

Krieg: Don't joke with me, punks ! Even my fleet of 50 ships and 5000 pirates, were utterly decimated by that devilish sea in just 7 days only because we lacked information !

Cooks: S-Seven days ?! The entire Krieg pirate fleet annihilated in just a week ?! J-Just what exactly happened to them ?!

Usopp: Did you hear that just now ?! 50 ships gone ! In just a single week !

Zoro: Heh, sounds interesting.

Krieg: Even as a bluff, your comments just now show how completely ignorant you are to reality ! If there's one thing I hate, it's empty boasting like yours ! Keep saying that and I'll kill you right on the spot once I get back from unloading this food.

Krieg: As for the rest of you, I'll give you a little extension. i'm going to deliver this food to my subordinates, and then return back here. I'd suggest you to leave this place within that time if you don't want to die. The only things I need are this ship and Zeff's travel log. If any of you still feel like dying even after I warned you, then so be it ! I'll bury you to the bottom of the sea for eternity !

Gin: Sanji... Please forgive me ! I had no idea, no idea at all that this would happen... ! I...

"Stop crying already. What is done is done, we cant change it anymore."

Zeff: the cooks of this restaurant acted out of their own free will, and this is the result of that.

Patty: Sir ! How could YOU of all people side with Sanji on this ?! Just what's the meaning of this ?!

Cooks: That's right : he's the one to blame for all of this ! He just wants to destroy this restaurant that's so important to you, sir ! SANJI ! Were you planning on using this mess we're in to become the next head chief ?! Or have you just completely lost it ?! Which is it ?!

Zeff: Silence, you numb-skulls !! Have any one of you been hungry enough to die... ? Do any of you know just how terrifying and painful it is, to be stuck in this ocean, deprived of food and water ?!

Patty: Wha... What do you mean, Sir ?!

Zeff: If you've got time to be crying over spilled milk, then just leave this place using the back door !

Patty: I'm... I'm gonna stay here. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just left without a fight.

Cooks: Same here, this is the place we live and work at. Not like we've got anywhere else to go to...

Gin: W-What are you all doing ?! Haven't you realized how powerful Don Krieg is by now ?! You need to run away !

Sanji: Hey, Gin... Let me tell you something. It's my duty as a cook to feed anyone who's starving. But the ones who're coming to attack this ship are those who've already been fed. So you better not complain when I kill them. If someone is planning on stealing this ship, then I'll kill that person without a second thought, even if it's you. Got that ?

Patty: Hmph, you save a person only to kill him afterward ? Some guy you are.

Sanji: Shut up, you shitty cook.

Luffy: Hey ! What do you think about him ? Pretty good, right ?

Usopp: Who cares about him ! If we don't get out of here soon...

Zoro: Calm down. Our enemies are wounded pirates.

Luffy: That's right. And besides, I have to fight with that guy. If he truly is strong, then he and I are going to butt heads eventually anyways !

"But, that's right, Gin ? You said you didn't know anything about Grand Line. But didn't you guys go there ?"

Gin: What I don't know is the truth... I just can't believe it... I just don't know if those 7 days we spent in Grand Line were real or just a nightmare... I'm still wrestling with it in my mind... he just appeared all of a sudden... To think all 50 ships of the Krieg pirate fleet, were destroyed by a single man... !!!

Everyone: WHAT ?! IMPOSSIBLE ! The entire Krieg pirate fleet was crushed by a single man ?!

"What's so special about that, I can do it too..."

Gin: While we still had no idea what was going on, our ships sank one by one... And if it wasn't for that storm that washed us away, ever our main ship would've sunk... I don't even know how many of our ships managed to survive... It's just terrifying to believe as real... ! I don't even want to think about...

Gin: That hawk-eyed man whose glare is sharp enough to kill a man... ! I don't ! I don't want to think about him !

Zoro: WHAT ?!

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