Chapter 36: Shark'n gum

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Villagers: hey ! Are you two alright ?! Were you done in by Arlong ?! Could you please move out of the way ? We have business to settle with those fishmen !!

Johnny: We challenged them in order to make up for doubting sister Nami, but we lost just by a hair... !

Yosaku: After hearing of Nami's true motives while in the forest, we realized we had made a terrible mistake. We don't have the right to face her again.

Johnny: I'm sorry, but we can't let you, who Stand no chance of winning, through !

Villagers: What ?!

Yosaku: We're waiting for a group of men that will undoubtedly come here soon enough !

Genzo: A group of men ?!

Arlong: Hey... You think those two ruffians just now, are part of Zoro's crew ?

Kuroobi: Zoro's crew ? Nah, couldn't be. They were way to weak for that. They weren't even worth killing !

Yosaku: B- BRO !!

Your POV:

"Alright, which one of you is Arlong ?"

Arlong: Who's that brat... ? Arlong ? That would be my name...

Luffy: I'm Luffy.

Arlong: Luffy ? I see... And just what the hell are you ?


Fishmen: Hey you, stop... Heh heh, where d'ya think you're going ? We can't have you go through without talkin' to us first. Hey... If you don't hold it right there...

Luffy: Move it !

Arlong: ... And what does you pirates want with me ?

Fishmen: AGHHHHH ! ARLONG ?!!

Nami: Luffy... Help me...

Arlong: Just what the hell...

Luffy: Don't you DARE, make our navigator cry !

Fishmen: Why you ! HOW DARE YOU... !!

Zoro: Small fries...

Sanji: ... Can just...


Fishmen: GUAHHHH !!

Sanji: Jeez... Running in head-first alone like that.

Luffy: Don't worry, I ain't gonna lose !

"Seriously, we're not worried for you."

Sanji: I only mean that you shouldn't hog all the fun for yourself.

Luffy: Oh.

Usopp: I d- don't particularly mind either w- w- way, guys.

Zoro: Ain't you gutsy, Usopp ?

Kuroobi: Roronoa Zoro... !

Hatchan: That's him ! The one who tricked me ! How dare he take me for a ride... No, wait. I was the one who actually gave him a ride !

Fishmen: That long-nosed human is... Still alive ! He should've been dead !

Arlong: Pirates, huh... I see... So that's how you're all related.

Villagers: hey ! Just who exactly are those guys ?! To be able to send Arlong's gigantic body flying back with a punch... ! that's not something a normal human could do !

Nojiko: Those guys... !

Johnny: If even those guys can't do anything against these fishmen, then East Blue has no future !

Yosaku: If you still wish to interfere with this fight, then you'll have to fight us !

Genzo: For what reason, do you two go so far... ?

Johnny: Because they made sister Nami cry.

Yosaku: Is this not the best reason to risk our lives ?

Arlong: So your goal from the very beginning, was only to get Nami, is that it... ? SHAHAHAHA ! Just what could 5 measly humans do ?!

Hatchan: You idiots ! As if Arlong would fight the likes of you ! I'll turn you all into fish food ! COME OUT, BEAST !!

Villagers: Wha... It can't be...

Usopp: W- W- W- What's going on ?!

Villagers: Could it be ?! The monster from Grand Line that destroyed Gosa ?!

Hatchan: Come out, Momoo !!


Hatchan: huh... ?

Villagers: That's the... Sea cow, Momoo... !

Luffy: Him again ?

Sanji: So he's one of them, huh.

"Well, that explain why he's here in the first place."

Momoo: Moo...

Hatchan: Momoo, wait ! Where are you going ?!

Arlong: Momoo... The hell do you think you're doing... ? Well, if you are going to run away, I ain't gonna try to stop you, but...

Arlong: Well, Momoo ?

Momoo: M... MOOOOOOOOOOO !!!


Fishmen: Alright, follow Momoo's lead !! Let's show these inferior humans not to mess with us !!

Luffy: Leave it to me ! They're just a bunch of time-wasters !

Sanji: The hell's he doing ?

Zoro: I have a bad feeling about this...

"Maybe we should back up a little bit..."

Luffy: NGHHHHH !!

Arlong: That's...


"Alright, let's hotfoot outta here."

Zoro: What the hell is he doing ?!

Sanji: Hell if I know !

Luffy: Gum-gum...

Fishmen: What is he... ?! Kill him !!

Momoo: MOOOOO !!

Luffy: I didn't come here to fight these small fries ! The one I want to beat up, IS YOU !!

Arlong: How excellent. I was thinking of killing you myself just now as well.

Kuroobi: Seems like we have no choice but to fight...

Hatchan: How dare you hurt our comrades !!

Smack: Looks like we need to teach these humans the difference between our races. Chu~

Zoro: Looks like the main force is out to meet us...

"Looks like we're gonna have a problem... They're four, and we're five..."

Sanji: That was way too dangerous ?!!

Usopp: Are you TRYING to kill even us ?!

Luffy: Ah...

Villagers: He flung... monster from Grand Line... ! What destructive strength... It's almost, too much to believe... ! To think that there would actually be humans who can handle fishmen... Is this really a battle of our world... ?!

Kuroobi: If this was how how things were going to turn out, we should have fought from the beginning. Arlong, please just sit right there.

Smack: If we let you fight while that mush enraged, all of Arlong Park will end up destroyed.

Hatchan: Mnnn ! Take this ! Zero field of vision...

Zoro: That octopus is doing something.

Sanji: First boil the octopus in salt water, slice it up, and add some olive oil and paprika to make an excellent side dish while drinking.

"Damn, that sounds really good..."

Luffy: Uhh guys, hear me out. I'm in a bit of a pickle.



Luffy: AGHHH !!

"Luffy ! Why didn't you DOOODGE ?!!

Luffy: Aghhh ! I can't see anything !

Usopp: Luffy ! Watch out !!

Luffy: Yeah, that's the problem... I kinda can't move... Nor see...

Sanji: What.

Zoro: For god's sake...


Hatchan: Tako-hatchi black ON THE...

Luffy: Huh ?

"Seriously, Luffy... You always act recklessly, that's gonna be the end of you someday."

Luffy: Nice one, Y/n !!

Zoro: My feelings exactly.

Usopp: He's amazing !

Sanji: Still, it's a 100 times better, than being in a pirate crew that would harm a lady.

Kuroobi: For a human, you're not half-bad... You've eaten a devil fruit too, haven't you ?


Usopp: Nggg !! You're feeling something yet, Luffy ?!

Luffy: Still not yet. My feet aren't budging one bit.

Usopp: Still ? What about now, Luffy ?!

Luffy: Eh, you're only stretching it. My feet are still stuck as ever.

Usopp: Are you even trying ?! Is it still not coming out ?!

Luffy: Nope, not even a bit.

Hatchan: You think you can just fool around, at Arlong Park ?!! I'LL KILL YOU ALL !!

Usopp: AGHHHHH !! Hurry up and get your feet out already !!

Zoro: Hey, octopus. They are busy right now. Why don't you play with me instead ?

Hatchan: NYU !! Roronoa Zoro ! That's right, I forgot !! HOW DARE YOU DECEIVE ME BEFORE !!

Zoro: Whoa !

Hatchan: Not only that, you cut down my comrades !!

Zoro: idon't care about ancient history. It doesn't matter for what reason you want to kill me, the situation's different now. You guys aren't going to be doing the killing. It's us that's going to be killing you !

Usopp: G- Good, Zoro. I'll let you deal with that octopus. Nice work- CRAP ! I ACCIDENTALLY LET GO ! LUFFY !!

Luffy: Darn it.

"Well, guess it's back to square one. Want me to try and blast off the thing ?"

Smack: Looks like you really DO want to be killed by me !


"Oh well, i'm sure he's gonna be alright. Now don't move, Luffy."

Luffy: Not like I can anyways...

Kuroobi: Arlong, I've already asked you not to fight.

Arlong: I ain't gonna fight, but...

Luffy: Ah. I'm gonna kick your... ASS !!

"Luffy, at least wait until I'm done before throwing punches."

Arlong: Do you seriously think you can win against us ?

Sanji: And what if we do ?

Luffy: You BET I think so, you idiot ! Now let go of my hand !

Zoro: Seems like he has something to say.

Arlong: No, no...

Arlong: Why don't we play this game ?

Luffy: W- W- Wha ?!

Arlong: Devil fruit users are said to be unable to swim. Well, in this situation, even a non-devil fruit user wouldn't be able to swim... ! SHAHAHAHA !!

Zoro: Don't tell me...

Sanji: He's gonna throw him into the sea ?!

Luffy: Ngh... Gum Gum... PISTOL !!

Arlong: Fool...

Luffy: Take this !! Ahhh ?!!

Zoro: Luffy !!

Sanji: You bastard ! I'll go s-

"Don't. That's exactly what they're waiting for. For one of us to dive after Luffy."

Sanji: So you're just gonna let him drown ?!

"What do you take me for, seriously..."

In a flash of blue light, Luffy and his concrete block were thrown out of the sea, where the second one got destroyed by a couple of beams.

Luffy: Woohoo ! For a second, I really though I was done for ! Thanks !

Arlong: I see... That one's gonna be troublesome, I can feel it.

"You have no idea... I'm usually rather calm, and only gets angry when innocent lives are threatened, However... When you try to lay a hand on my captain, that's where I draw the line. He's the one person in the world I literally cannot let down, no matter what. You should prepare yourself, bunch of future sashimi, because if you're a group of sharks... Then I'm gonna be a fucking killer whale.

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