Chapter 1 :Ye are thee Captian Now.

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I sat by the shaded old bed and held his wrinkled hand firmly "(F/n) I'm afraid I'm not going to last much longer" he groaned

Barely able to hold back the blood cuddling coughs that left his lips soon after. I hated seeing him like this, he looked so weak ; he once was so strong nobody would even qouestion his authority. "you can't leave me on my own I have no one else, no one" I pleaded staring into his cold stone gray eyes.

"(F/n) ye know that's a lie" he started hacking he soon calmed and carried on "ye have the crew" he finished tightening his grip on my hand. "yes, but I'm not related to the crew" I had know most of the crew form a young age but I didn't want to lose my only family, my farther. "listen to me..." he spoke sternly, strongly like he use to "ye are thee Captian now, ye hear" I nodded at him understanding the seriousness of the position he just passed me. "don't let nobody push ye around and don't bow down to no one this is ye ship now, ye freedom don't sell it away ..." he started coughing again this time bringing up blood "most of all do what ye wanna do, fulfill your dreams... " he wore a smile, a rare smile I hadn't seen for months "just don't forget about me..." his smile slowly faded " I promise I won't farther, I'll look after the ship and crew" I promised "and..." he dragged out the word "I'll fulfil my dreams..." I let out a little sigh, I've never really had a dream maybe silly little ones when I was little but now I held none .

Her closed his eyes peace gracing his features "chuck me in the sea" he spoke coldly "I bet ye'll be a fine captain" yet another small smile apon his lips, then he was gone.I let go of limp hand and held back the tears. The door slowly opened and the familiar Danish man stumbled in drunk.

"how's the captain?"he slurred he was my father's right hand man he hadn't been coping to well with my farther's illness and would drown away his sorrows with rum, as if that would help. "dead" I spoke coldly agitated by him not being here to see his friend off. His face set like a stone tears forming in his eyes "why didn't you tell me" he sobbed from his big blue puppy like eyes , even though I had know this man from birth and he'd been friends with me farther for many years, he'd never seemed to age.

My dad always joked he was a merman in discusse which always whined the man up to high heaven and always made me laugh. His name was Mathias Køhler. I walked past him not wanting to look back at my only relative and fall in to tears "he wanted to be given to the sea" I stated leaving the old friends alone.

It's not that I don't want to cry it's just I was always tort not to show any emotions that could provide a weakness and now I was the Captian I definitely could not afford a slip up.

I strode onto the deck and all eyes glued onto me, some of them wasn't going to take this well. I took position infront of the wheel. "Me Farthers Dead!" I shouted nobody seemed surprise though many where clearly sad considering how long they had know my father. Their was a pause I waited patiently for someone to ask the question soon enough a young scallywag did "Who's the captian now then?" he leaned to the person next to him thinking I wasn't able to hear his pathetic attempt at a whisper. People started shouting out stupid reason why they should be captain next and they started bickering among themselves.

3rd person:

"SHUT YOUR GOD DAMN PIE HOLES BEFORE I SHOVE A SWORD DOWN THEM" the crew fell into a shocked silence. They all new (F/n) could be easily angered but never had she raised her voice to all of them before. "I'M THE NEW CAPTAIN" . She bellowed; Laughter filled the air "What's so funny?" she stood infront of one of the strongest men on the ship, he froze as her eyes stared him down, "I asked what's so funny? " her voice was raised slightly becoming laced with venmon. "a woman being a captian" he couldn't stop his laughter "ye point is? " she raised a sword to his throat he still towered over her but she was easily underestimated yet she silenced him by her deadly glare, her (e/c) eyes gleaming as if thirsting to for blood. (F/n) hated being told what she was good at and not good at, everytime she went to land they always stared her down because she wore 'men's' clothes people would bat her down without even a chance but what she hated mostly was men saying they were better then her just because she was a woman. "n-nothing ma'am" he flinched away as everyone else watched also seeming to inch away form the scene. "It's captain to ye" she sighed slowly lowering the sword "now if any more of ye scallywags want to disrespect my farther's decision go ahead because you'll be sleeping with thee fishes" she growled lowly "Now Get To Work, We Dock At The Next Pirate port, und if ye good I'll buy ye an extra round of rum" she shouted truning her back to them they all cheered seeming to forget the pervious event she headed to her room though Mathias blocked her path he looked in shables.

Normal pov "Mathias we'll give him away tonight, there was nothing you or I could do...." he looked at her me and pulled me into a hug luckily none of the crew where around to see "y-yeah.." he hiccuped squeezing me tightly. I pushed away from him " now get yourself cleaned up, the crew can't survive without you, watch the deck for me will you?" he nodded whipping at his tears "cheers" I gave him a good pat on the shoulder then locked myself into my room chucked myself on my bed and for once in a long time cried.

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