Chapter 10: Threats

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"So ready to tell me yet?" he asked I picked up the candle stick which made him snicker "I don't think fighting is goin' to get ye out of this one" he stated. "I think I'm quite aware of that by now" I placed the candle stick by my face "yet you see I'm the only one in this entire world that knows where I've hidden them and the only one who can get to them" I warned. "Are you threatening me with your own life?" kirk's face turned into slight shock for a second then he started to scowl deeply "As soon as I'm dead you're scr#wed" I smiled taking the upper hand once more.

Kirk tried to step closer "One more step and I'm a goner" I threatened coldly "ye bluffing" he stated as if it was fact. "Do you want to risk it and find out?" I asked I'd made him angry within the matter of seconds. I'd brought myself some time but the question was how much? "If you kill him, no more maps for you".

"Chuck him back in the brigs" kirk growled lowly never taking his stare from me "Aye cap'in" both men replied picking up Mathias again, I gave him a quick glance and could see he was clearly smirking about how I'd turned the entire situation. The 'feared' cap'in seemed tongue tied he was trying to think his way put of the situation I'd placed him in. The easiest answer was to kill me as I wasn't cooperating but he'd learned fully well to not under estimate me.

"Do ye telling me ye going to walk round with that candle stick all ye life just so I don't kill ye and ye first mate?" he asked rubbing at his temples "If I have to yes but I know any other methods of instant death if you try and pull anything" I stated letting go of the candle stick for now. I was the only way he was getting what he wanted, I used his greed against him. "Don't go thinking ye got the upper hand now lass, I can still hurt ye as much a I want as long as ye ain't dead it don't matter" he threaten holding his cutlass to the bandages on my neck.

I waited patiently for him to do something or to making decision. Soon enough he moved to a cupboard opened it and pulled out a chain and ball? Is he really, no! he can't be... He was, he was going to make me wear a chain and ball. He sat on my legs while he undid my wrist ties, so he wasn't taking anymore chances either? He placed the cold heavy metal cuffs around my sore wrist they soothed my raw skin but I knew were going to be a pain later. He then place a second pair cuffs around my ankles which were interlinked attaching on to a big heavy cement ball.

I only heard of these in insane a asylums how the hell did he acquire one. Soon enough I was completely shackled he stood up and held our his hand, I ignored his jester causing him to grunt as I tried to my hardest to get up. It was difficult with chains between the shackles every time I moved one hand the other had to follow.

It took me a while but soon I was able to rise to my full standing position. "Ye be staying by my side 24/7, ye understand?" he ordered I nodded grudgingly. Abruptly I was brought forward as he yanked at the chain "This close ye understand" he stared down at me a smirk plastered on his face. Emerald eyes clashed with my (E/c) ones. I scowled at his enjoyment making his smirk grow "30cms?" I hissed finding it unrealistic "Aye got a problem with that?" I just sighed and took a step back from him. He place a hand on my chain as if I was animal and dragged me along and out the door. I was still in my night gown, I stopped moving he was heading to the top deck. I'm not going out in the cold like this. He turned to me "Move" he ordered "No I'm not dressed" I hissed he looked me of over "forgot I nicked ye at night" he mumbled. "Stay here if ye move they'll be consequences" he growled I stood there making a horrid metal clank when ever I fidgeted. "Dress her" he returned with a familiar face, Francis stood there with a smile his arms folded over his chest "I think I have just the thing" I didn't like the sound of how he put that. I was lead to a room by Francis, Kirk following close behind "Call if she tries anything" kirk sighed as the door was closed.

Opening a closet Francis searched through it the pulled out something that made me want to be sick. "I'm not wearing that don't you have a spare t-shirt and trousers" I begged I would wear anything but that. He held out a corset and dress "Sorry ma'am but cap'in orders" he grimaced but didn't show any sympathy "Also this is the easiest thing to put you in with the hole chain and ball situation" he pointed at my bounding. The dress was was shoulder-less and a bright white with blue details the skirt was to the ankles but that's not what I was worried about it was the corset, old corsets where fine they actually considered you had to breath, but knew ones only cared about how thin you're waist looks.

"how am I meant to get out the clothes I'm wearing?" I asked knowing fully well I wouldn't be able to get them off like this. "simple hold your hand over your chest" I did as told and as he strode behind me and took out a dagger, in one movement a ripping sound coursed my night gown to go limp I held it over myself as he cut the selves. "great" I seethed sarcastically "I have plenty more" he rolled his eyes "here put this on and I'll do it up" I held what was left of my night gown and took the horrid corset.

I guess it better then being shoved in a cell but I'm guess kirk doesn't want me to do what he did. "turn then" I sighed at him Francis laughed then turned his back to me "I thought pirates had no shame" he stated I let out a groan at his pathetic attempt. "you can turn now" I sighed "don't do it up to tight " I pleaded "buts that's the fashion, tight" he tried to reason "more like how to kill yourself by suffocation" he snickered slightly and did it up but not too tight luckily.Even if Francis was an enemy he didn't seem to bad. It was hard to move in the corset but at least I could breath. He put on the dress for me. I looked into an oval mirror set up in the corner. I looked so girly, ridiculous I am a god damn captain. "Come on let's go" he pulled on my chain "I look horrible, ridiculous" I spat trying to stop him from getting me out that door "You look adorable come on" he pouted.

"What's going on" the door opened and Ar#ehole came in he stop and looked me over what a P. "Like what ye see" I growled lowley "Aye ye actually look like a lass 'n' not a lad for once" he mocked. I bet I could still strangle him with these shackles on.

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