Chapter Thirteen:

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I'm still watching you Bulgarians.
I'm sticking to a schedule now, every Friday I'm gonna post.
I don't want this to end ;-; but I'm planing the ending as we speak.
The reason it's taking for ever is that I hated how I had written it so I restarted it better.
We've arrived at the castle in the nick of time as it looked like. Within the past weeks of leaving it, it looked completely different. The beaches had become rocky, making it impossible to dock. The forest laid on the inside had quickly begun to die off, leaving nothing alive. It didn't look like paradise anymore.
As soon as our row boat docked Bajan jumped out and tripped over a rock, landing hard. He let out a string of curse words as Bacca jumped out to help him. I rolled my eyes, stepping out carefully.
"This isn't right," Sky whispered, getting out and walking to the dying forest. I walked next to him and peered in, seeing no signs of life. Mu let out a high pitch chirp, running into the forest with Lox at his heels. Panicked, Sky followed after them. Fearing the worst, I pushed pasted my growing nausea and ran after them as well. They ended up finding the veil, running through it like it was nothing. Sky hesitated, before going in as well. I knew well enough I could already, but how did Sky pass suddenly?
Walking into it I slowed down my pace, breathing heavily. Everything in here look untouched by the islands sickness. Trees were in full bloom.
Terrified shrieks filled the air, snapping me into panic mode. I ran in further to see Mu and Lox crouching over something near the castles main doors. As I got closer I recognized who it was. It was the Mages helper, the one with the tattooed skin. He laid in a pool of blood, fear frozen on his face. It looked like he's been hit through the chest, three times. Mu let out a wail, looking like he'll cry any second.
"Seto," Bajan screened out, running from behind. When did he pass through? He ran past the two merthings and into the castle, leaving us in the dust. How did they all known them?
I followed after, mostly wanting to make sure he was alive, and for him to answer the questions racing through my head.
I slowed down when reaching the library, not seeing any one in sight. Bajan yelling helped me locate him again, picking up the pace once again to catch him.
I found him in the back outside, hugging the purple clocked mage. His ears were drawn back and his eyes shut tightly, his arms just wrapped around him.
"Bajan. You can let go now." Wow, I can understand him too now. Bajan pulled back from the mage, now seeing me. He went back to his normal scowl, crossing his arms.
"Why are you here Taylor," the mages voice got me to look at him now.
"Well. Um. You see," I was having a hard time finding a way around this. Giving up, I sighed. "I need your help."
He just nodded, motioning me to follow him. I followed him, going passed the library and into a darker room.
"I already know why you're here," The mage explained, "and please. Mage is too widely used. Use Seto."
I faltered in my steps, confused on how he knew I knew that.
"Mages can do a lot," Seto gave me a half smile, walking into the center of the bare room, "one thing we can't do. Is look into the future."
He formed a purple ball in his hands, throwing it up until it hovered. With a flick of his wrist the doors closed, leaving the ball the only light source.
"I have to say. Out of all the kings and queens generations, yours is the most interesting," he snapped his fingers and the ball exploded, showing lights. They started to form a... Tree? Each branch held a name and photo, dating back years and years ago.
"Have you been taught about the Great War," Seto questioned. I shook my head, still staring up at the formation.
"Sad. It took place a thousand years back. When your great grandfather was your age. He was nice," Seto pulled up that section of the tree, showing him to me. We almost looked identical.
"Well. It was between your kingdom and the Herobrine family."
Seto set off another ball of light, now a dark red. The tree was smaller, and had father dates than mine. He zoomed in to the one part...
"It's when the captain was turning 22," Seto's voice dropped slightly, letting it sink in. There was his face, but no name underneath.
"I bet your friends explained this part. That only one can be immortal at a time?" I nodded, finally able to follow along.
"Well. To become that. The Herobrine member has to find their 'other half' has you humans say. The correct term is mate but... I use other half. Well, they met on the battlefield... And that's exactly what happened."
Time slowed right at that statement, more pieces falling into place. How he never seemed to want to be close to me but at the same time did.
"Once you family and his family realized what had happened, they made a pact like promise. Herobrine let him live as long as your family never ran into him. If your family kept each son and daughter locked up until they married, Herobrine wouldn't cause the war again," Seto swiped his hands apart, the trees disappearing, "of course I knew one generation would escape."
He paused a second, looking at me. I shuffled slightly.
"If you can't see the future... How did you know I was going to," I questioned.
"My oracle... Brice," his voice cracked, suddenly looking weaker. He took in a breath, calming down.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't trouble you with that... He saw the futures lay out in two paths. Each path had one of you dead and a war following."
I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. If the captain could be immortal... Why wasn't.
"Human lives don't change," Seto seemed to just be reading my thoughts now, "that was another reason to keep your family out of it. He'd stay his age while they had generations. Although, I've never seen this one go as long as yours. They've always broken the rules and get themselves killed."
A shiver ran down my spine, thinking of just 'how many' Seto's talking about. He didn't answer that question though, staying silent instead.
"I want to go help him," I spoke with a confident tone, on the inside I was shaking.
"You're not supposed to. You weren't even supposed to discover the island. Or my guardians. You were supposed to either die at sea or watch the captain be killed," he suddenly stopped talking, his eyes going wide, "were... Were were were...."
He mumbled a few times before pausing and looking at me.
"You've completely changed the future that was laid out years ago. Finding me was a mistake yes. Taking my three guardians was a minor. Those minor things though took you off course of what would happen. You had to stop at the port, having you run off. It gave Herobrine a chance to catch up to you. Otherwise you'd be out sea," he trailed off, going back to mumbling. Now I was back to confusion.
"You've been watching me," my voice raised accidentally, but he didn't seem to notice.
"Yeah, you two are a war causer so I need to along with the other mages and witches," he snapped his fingers and purple streams came out, showing a layout of the castle.
"I'll help you. I have my own portal here. If you wish you may stay here. By my calculations Herobrine will wait for full power. In one week when the first day of summer hits," Seto made a mark of each location. I nodded along, trying to once again catch up.
"So he's always been after us?" I questioned on.
"Ever since the captain had you. Ever wondered why the ship had black wood?"
By the time Seto was done explaining, I had a clear mind on what I was going into. I planned to go to the underworld, help as much as possible, and... Ok, maybe not all the way planned.
I had found my way to what seemed like a living room, where the others had crashed out asleep. Mu was the only one up, braiding Lox's hair. As I walked in he looked up, smiling brightly. He and Lox were given a 'communicator' as Seto explained it, letting them talk to us.
"Hi Human Prince," he whispered called out, waving. I sat across from him, leaning into the chair. He stopped what he was doing to sit near my feet.
"What did the mage say," he gave me a bright smile, his fin ears moving slightly.
"Nothing. I'm planning on leaving in a week," I curled up into the chair, resting my head on my hand.
"Ok. Will you be back?"
I didn't answer right away, instead looking past him at the other four. I may not see them again.
"I see. The evil king is mean," Mu talking got my attention again, "he made The Mage upset again. The oracle had three bolt marks in his chest, not sword."
I froze at what he mentioned, "he was here?"
Mu shook his head, allowing me to relax, "many things that he spawns causes it. He doesn't want us here."
He turned sharply when Sky was moving in his sleep from where he laid on the couch.
"He's my other third," Mu explained, "and Lox's too."
"Three," I mumbled half asked. Mu just nodded, not needing to explain.
"Fawn guardian has the creature as his. Vicious bear thing with sharp teeth like diamonds. The one with you uses human form. Rare," Mu rambled, looking over at Bajan and Bacca. So that's why he took that name.
I felt my eyes closing, when did I become so tired? Mu spoke again but sleepiness was overcoming me quickly.
Come and get your prince.
Yay almost done!! Who's excited!! Always comment if you have questions or even remarks. I love hearing feedback. Yes I know I'm late I had bad writers block.
Quick question: who would read the lemon lemon (smutty smut) and who wouldn't want it in this story.

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