Chapter Twelve:

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I'm going to make all of you mad and sad and confused.
So many reads oooo. I'm using all my Will power to not post each story under a day.
2k by June is my next goal.
Try to keep up with plot twists.
Plus I still find it hilarious that SOMEONE is reading this from Bulgaria (I have my eye on you troll)
Unluckily, once back on the captains ship Sky lead me down to the cells, mumbling sorry a couple times. He set me down in one and started checking my hand.
"He didn't do much damage," he observed, trying to not open it more. I let out a hiss of pain when he tried moving my fingers.
"Try moving your thumb," he commanded. I moved with a little pain.
"Try your index," we tried the other fingers, each one unwilling to move. I bit my tongue again, realizing that I couldn't use that hand anymore, least it wasn't my writing one. Sky set it down and stood up.
"Give me a moment," he reassured, "I need some bandages."
Once he left I pulled my knees to my chest, flinching when even that movement hurt. I must have looked like a wreak. Blood was still coming out of the wound, plus I felt some drip down my nose.
Sky came back with rolls of white bandage, alone with a cloth, some thread and a needle. He set the stuff down and took my hand again, pushing the needle through. After some difficulty, mostly me jerking away, the gaping hole was sewn shut and wrapped properly. He then started working on clearing the blood from my face.
"I don't know why you stay with him," I mumbled, feeling the wet cloth press against my face, "you clearly know who he is."
Sky raised in eyebrow at me, faltering his movements.
"And how do you know this?"
"I met your old roommates."
"Ah. Annoying bunch huh," sky joked. I nodded in agreement.
"That didn't answer my question."
"I stay cause I want to. Who gets a chance to meet a run away prince? Let alone two."
"Keep in mind that you stole me," I corrected him. He chuckled, his shoulders shaking with the movement.
"You would of died. Thus blaming the captain and having a war," Sky explained. I narrowed my eyes.
"Why does everything involve me starting a war," groaned, hissing once Sky pressed down on a growing bruise.
"You play a key factor. You die, king goes into fits of rage and blame the Herobrine family. The captain dies, Herobrine himself goes after you and the king," Sky explained, wrapping my arm up and pulling the sleeve over. I rolled my eyes.
"The captain isn't going to die. He's immortal," I said in a matter of fact.
"Just so you know, only one Herobrine Royal can be immortal. Otherwise the strongest kills the weakest," Sky used my same tone, 'accidentally' hitting my injured hand.
Noises from the deck echoed overheard, signaling that the Captain was near.
"You were never on that ship. I found you in the market ok," Sky whispered, handing me a pair of gloves, "hide your hands."
"You didn't tell him," I whispered back, slipping them on.
"He'd kill both of us," Sky whispered, hiding the medical things and closing the cell.
"I'm not talking to him," I whispered.
"You gonna have to," Sky kept glancing at the opening nervously. I thought for a moment, then got an idea.
"I'll talk," I started, Sky looked relieved, "if he releases the guy you put down here."
Sky opened his mouth to argue, but quickly closed it. All he did was rush up the stairs to the main level.
I pulled back into a curled position, steadying my breathing so I hear. Their voices were muffled, but I could almost make out that they were arguing again. A heavy thud followed, then silence. I sucked my breath in, thinking of the worst.
Next thing I knew the captain was coming down, he looked clearly agitated. As soon as he met my gaze it evaporated to some emotion I couldn't recognize.
"Alright. Talk," he ordered, sitting and crossing his legs. I pulled the gloves tighter over my hands.
"What do you want me to say," I answered.
"Why the hell did you leave," was he seriously asking me this? You've got to be kidding me.
"Why? Cause you clearly don't trust me with very important information," I didn't realize I was raising my voice. Now it was his turn to be confused.
"What are you-"
"I know who you are. You're Herobrines son! The missing prince," I sat up straighter, fully turning to face him.
"I didn't think that you'd-"
"Would what? Did you really think I'm some fluff filled prince? I can do my own research. I'm not that stupid."
"I never called you," he started again.
"I could clearly see that you thought that. Why not tell me though," I demanded. He looked... Not scared. Fearful?
"I... Just can't," his voice breaking threw me off. I backed off a bit, lowering my voice.
"I just... Can't," he sighed. I was going to yell at him, do something to make him tell me. I'm sick of not knowing. Though I couldn't just bring myself to, he just kind of looks like he wouldn't handle it well, me yelling again.
I turned away, not wanting to even look at him now.
"I'm done talking," I kept my voice low. I knew he would try to argue back, so it was shocking when I heard him get up and leave. I buried my face into my knees, trying to wrap my head around everything and to at least understand why.
I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I was waking up to darkness. Must be night, I thought, stretching my legs up from my cramped position. The boat was rocking slightly, meaning we must have set sail when I was sleeping. I let out a sigh, closing my eyes again. Absolute quiet, no footsteps, no voices, nothing. It was like I was back home, minus the rocking. The silence broke when I heard footsteps, making me open my eyes again. I knew that some people patrolled at night, but these ones were heading to the opening.
I quickly pulled my legs back up, leaning my head to the side to look like I was still asleep. Someone came down, but I didn't dare see who. I heard a soft click and the cell opened. I tensed up, I didn't feel like dealing with whoever this was. Before I could give myself away to run, something soft pressed against my cheek, pushing my hair back.
Oh my god it's a hand, I immediately started silently freaking out. I wanted to pull away, but the other half wanted to stay and wait it out. The hand pulled back, making me relax just slightly. Then the person spoke. It was quiet and I almost missed it, but it echoed in my head.
"I'm...... So sorry."
The person then got up, hearing him walk slowly away. The person paused, and spoke again.
"I'm... Jordan," he whispered, then left. As the footsteps grew distance, I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I brought my gloved hand to my face, placing it where the person did.
I forgive you
The next time I woke up was due to loud thunder crashes. It jolted me up, frantically looking around. My cell was still open from last night, but what threw me off was that it was bright as day out. More thunder rolled, growing louder. I stood up, keeping low as I peaked out on the deck. Not one cloud was in the sky. I stood up more, craning my neck to see more. No one on deck, absolutely dead. I was about to crawl up but something caught my eye. The black wood that made up the ship was swirling. Creating rough patches. A section on mast literally peeled off, becoming a moving blob. I blinked of couple times, hoping I was imagining it.
I wasn't.
It formed a three headed skeleton. The wood on the mast was a normal color now. Another started forming, located near the wheel. I was frozen in place, this wasn't normal. A ship shouldn't be coming alive.
A click grabbed my attention, looking down to see an opening compartment under the stairs.
"Taylor," Sky hissed, he was on the other side, "come here. Hurry."
I got down and crawled through. I was in the sleeping quarters now. The crew was blocking off the entrance, using rope and crates. Sky pulled me over to a corner.
"Stay here. And stay quiet," he instructed. I wanted to argue back, but just closed my mouth.
"Hey, human prince," I looked to the voice, seeing Bajan right in my face.
"How'd you get that," he pointed to the amulet around my neck.
"How can you-"
A loud clap of thunder interrupted me. It echoed for seconds before it went dead silent. No one was daring to move. I held my breath, trying to hear what might be going on above.
You've been hiding far too long. This wasn't from my own thoughts. It had various voices rolled into one, echoing in my head. It wasn't directed to me either. Another clap of thunder sounded, this one louder than the rest. Followed by a flash of white.
Sky was the first to react, moving to the barricade.
"Move it! Now," he commanded. The thing came crashing down and he was out. I stood up, following him.
The deck was back to black, no sign of those creatures. The Captains door, was ripped off. I peaked inside, seeing Sky pulling out maps.
"What going on," I asked, making him jump.
"We need to find that Mage now," Sky went back to the maps, trailing his hand around, "The captains gone and I'm in charge. If we can't get him back hell will literally rise."
He took a marker and placed an X down.
"We leave now."
Wow I always end a chapter with a spoken part.
I didn't want to split the chapter so there's a lot happening.
I would love to hear your theories on what the hell is happening.
1600 words. My longest one yet.
Also am I updating too fast? And do people even read these bolded?

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