Enter the great swordsman and swordswomen! Ryuko, Satsuki and Roronoa Zoro!

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We see everyone as they were seen in Shelltown as they were seen looking around.

Zee: This place is rather nice.

Dimitri: And remember, the sooner we drop Koby off to the marines the sooner we can leave.

Ashton: Oh, come on you party pooper let's have some fun during our stay!

Dimitri: Well seeing this is a nice day, it won't hurt to stay for a while.

Ashton: That's the spirit! Quick to the tavern!

We later see them as they were in a tavern as everyone sat in booths

Ashton: Barkeep drinks are on me! Oh and a few ramens for everyone please and thank you.

We see the barkeep bring the group drinks and ramen to them as they begin to eat.

Dimitri: This stuff is incredible!

Babs: We should come to this place more often.

Ashton: That I can agree. Anyone have a plastic bowl with a snap on lid?

Milo: (pulls out a bowl and a snap on lid out of his backpack) Way ahead of you captain.

Ashton: Uh thanks.

Zee: And why do you need those?

Ashton: You'll see.

Dimitri: And I think we should go and find Luffy a swordsman for his crew.

Ashton: And two guesses where said swordsman is.

Ashton points at the marine base overlooking the town as we see them walking to it as we see the two looking over the wall.

Jessica: This is crazy you're both gonna get yourselves caught!

Koby: Please listen to her!

Dimitri: Not till we find the perfect candidate. Right?

Ashton says nothing as they notice him.

Dimitri: Ash?

Ashton made Dimitri look in the same direction as him as they saw three people tied to crosses in the courtyard as they saw a man with a bandana on and two girls as one had black hair and a red streak and one with long black hair as they both had only basic rags for clothes

Ashton: Hey! Are you three doing ok?

Dimitri and Ashton then jumped off the wall and ran to them.

Dimitri: We got some food for you.

Ashton pulls out the ramen bowls and chopsticks

Ashton: Who's hungry?

Zoro: What are you two doing?

Satsuki: The marines are watching!

Ashton: So? What do we care?

Dimitri: We want to help you three out.

Ashton: Time's running out ladies. I'm really considering eating this good smelling ramen myself.

Zoro: Fine, we'll have it if it'll get you to shut up.

Ashton: Good choice.

We then see them giving the three the ramen as they started to eat it.

Zoro: Thanks.

Dimitri: So what are you three in for?

Satsuki: We killed this blond idiot's pet dog.

Dimitri: Blonde idiot? Does he happen to have a girly haircut?

Satsuki: Yes.

Dimitri: And does this guy's attire scream "my daddy pays for everything and I don't care who knows it"?

Ryuko: Yes

???: What do you think you're doing!

Ashton: And does he sound like nails on a chalkboard?

Zoro: Yes.

Dimitri: And I am gonna guess that he's so freaking stupid that he put you three up like this only for him to go back on his word on letting you go once your time is up?

Ryuko: We would have gotten out of this but that jerk took our clothes and weapons away!

Ashton: Hey Luffy! We found some swordsmen for our crews!

Dimitri: If you guys don't know we decided to have you join before we saw you guys.

Zoro: What?! You can't do that!

Satsuki: We refuse to become pirates!

Ashton: Sorry pretty lady but we refuse your refusal.

Dimitri: So what we are gonna do is find the guy and find your weapons and clothes and then you are coming with us.

Ashton: So let's go!

We see the two and Luffy running off.

Satsuki: Those three are crazy.

Ryuko: Hey idiots! The marine base is crawling with marines!

Zoro: And you're going the wrong way!

Ashton noticed a blond man with an ugly haircut and puts his black and orange sword to his throat

Ashton: Ok pal here's how this is gonna work. You tell me and my friend with the straw hat where these people's things are and you get to keep your pathetic life.

Dimitri: Tell us what we want to know and we'll be on our way, or we could make things messy.

Helmeppo: Alright! Alright! They're in my room! I'll take you there! Just don't hurt me!

Dimitri: I knew we would come to an agreement.

Ashton: Now get moving punk.

Helmeppo: Right!

We see them going into the base as we later see them arriving at Helmeppo's room as they went inside and saw two sailor suits hanging in the closet and a bundle of six swords in the corner

Ashton: Now we got what we came for, we'll be going. Bye!

We then go to the three as we see the others and Koby coming to them and trying to get the ropes off of them.

Zoro: What are you all doing?

Satsuki: They said we only have ten more days to go until we get released.

Daphne: I don't know if you remember what our captain said but whoever told you that was lying.

Virgil: From what our captains told us that marine captain dude is planning to kill you three by tomorrow.

Ryuko: What?!

A crash was heard as they looked to see Ashton, Dimitri and Luffy coming out from the window of Helmeppo's room as they landed like superheroes

Ashton: That was awesome!

Luffy: Oh and we didn't know which swords were yours so we just grabbed them all, so Zoro, which of these are yours?

Zoro: The one in the white sheath with the white handle and the two in black. I use Santoryu, the three sword style.

Virgil: You use three swords? How?

Ashton: Two in his hands and one in his mouth.

Dimitri: Now let's get you three free and in proper clothes. Ash if you will.

Ashton: With pleasure.

We see Ashton using his black and orange sword as he swings it fast as the ropes then fall apart freeing the three.

Ashton: First the ladies should get dressed. We can't have our swordswomen wearing those rags forever can we?

Dimitri: And next up, Ash and I are gonna pay someone a little visit.

Ashton: No need to find him. Because he found us.

They all looked and saw a large man with an axe for a hand and a metal jaw on his face

Ashton: Ten bucks says he's married to a pineapple. An ugly pineapple.

Dimitri: (Chuckles) Good one. But I say it's time we put this guy in his place for abuse of power.

Ashton: What say you do testing our new toys?

Dimitri: Thought you would never ask.

We see Dimitri as he readies his watch and transforms into a green machine humanoid as the badge was on his shoulder.

Dimitri: Machino!

Ashton: My turn.

Ashton slams his watch and turns into El Chupacabra and was roaring loudly

Dimitri: Let's show this punk what real captains can do.

Satsuki: What are you people!?

Random marine: They must have a devil fruit power!

Dimitri: Well that guy is partially right but mostly misinformed.

Ryuko: Quit speaking in riddles and fight already!

Dimitri: Ok, and just to let you know, we're Dimitri and Ashton, and we along with Luffy are gonna be the kings of the pirates

Morgan: Kill them!

We see the marines shoot at them as Dimitri then holds his hand out as it sends a green field out making the bullets stop in their place and then fall down as the others see it.

Marine: But... how?

Dimitri: In this form I come equipped with a lot of technology, and I just used a special gadget to stop the bullets in their tracks. And Ashton...

Ashton looked at Dimitri wondering what he would tell him.

Dimitri: Smash.

Ashton then smiled and leapt towards the marines tearing them to pieces as he and Dimitri faced Morgan.

Dimitri: This will be your last chance, surrender now or we will bring you in by force or in pieces courtesy of my big hairy friend here.

Morgan: Never!

Dimitri: Hard way it is then.

Ashton: (growls and smashes his fists into the ground)

We see Ashton and Dimitri come at Morgan as Ashton punches Morgan in the jaw breaking the metal jaw as Dimitri fired an electric blast at Morgan shocking him as Ashton came at Morgan and started punching Morgan repeatedly as his face was all bruised and black and blue as he stopped as Dimitri came to Morgan and created energy cuffs.

Dimitri: Captain Morgan sir, you are under arrest

The rest of the marines all stood as they had witnessed Captain Morgan was taken down by pirates as they then pointed their rifles at them

Dimitri: Shoot at your own peril. My partner doesn't like being shot at

Then the marines started to aim their rifles up in the air and fired as they all started to cheer and celebrate as the others watched.

Ryuko: What's with them all of a sudden?

Milo: Guess those marines were scared of that captain guy for so long before we even showed up.

Daphne: Those two always look out for the underprivileged and bullied. You'd be stupid if you tried to attack them

We later see them at the tavern as they were seen eating and partying

Ashton: This has been the best day ever.

Dimitri: Amen to that.

Virgil: I'll admit you guys, being pirates is the best thing ever.

Zoro: You guys have been saying you were looking for members for your crews, so who else do you guys have besides the three of us?

Ashton: Our friends back at home and those willing to be with us.

Zoro: But you guys do have a ship, right?

Dimitri: Yeah, it's over there.

He pointed at a window as they saw the Kisame

Satsuki: Not a bad looking ship.

Phineas: Thank you. Ferb and I made it.

Dimitri: And the next thing we're gonna do is head to the grand line and find the one piece.

Ashton: Cause that's what pirates do.

The others all raised their cups to the air.

All: Aye!

We then see the door open as they all saw the marines.

Ripper: We heard that you fellas are actually pirates, is this rumor true?

Dimitri: That's right, we are pirates.

Ripper: We appreciate what you did and saved our town from that horrible tyrant that has been terrorizing us for so long. But as marines we cannot simply sit back and let you go about your business so we must ask you to leave immediately but out of respect we will not report you to headquarters.

Dimitri: Thank you.

Ashton: We'll leave as soon as possible.

Dimitri: But there is one more thing before we go. I ask if you can recruit him to the marines. (Points at Koby)

Ashton: Dimitri.

Dimitri: He is a good kid and has a big dream of wanting to be in the marines and I can respect that, so please allow this young boy to be in the marines. I made a promise to him that I would bring him to the marines and I always keep my promises.

Ripper: Very well, we will recruit him.

Dimitri: Thank you. Come on guys.

We then see the others as they started to leave the tavern as Koby watched them as we later see them on the Kisame as they started to set sail and leave Shelltown.

Ashton: Well shall we continue our journey?

Dimitri: Of course.

Koby: Guys!

They all turned and saw Koby as he was at the docks as he then saluted them as they saw it.

Ryuko: A marine saluting pirates?

Zoro: That's one for the history book.

Ashton: Well despite what they are, there are actually some honorable marines out there.

Dimitri: Yeah.

They then looked and saw the rest of the marines coming and they saluted them as the others smiled seeing how the marines respected them as they were seen sailing away to the sea.

Ashton: Alright everyone, where to-

Ashton hears something below deck

Ashton: Dimitri take over the wheel I hear someone that shouldn't be aboard

Dimitri: Go ahead.

We see Ashton as he walked down below deck as he comes across two women in his cabin looking for treasure to steal

Ashton: Excuse me ladies.

He then saw that one of them was wearing a black catsuit with white gloves and boots and the other was younger with red hair

Ashton: You don't belong here.

Ashton then used his watch as he then became an alien made of blue gems as the badge was on his left pectoral

Ashton: Now are we gonna have a problem?

He then sees the younger woman swing a Bo staff towards his head only for the staff to break upon impact

Ashton: Nice try.

Ashton then raised his hand up as we see crystals rise up and form around the younger woman trapping her in the gems

Ashton: Now as for you madam. I'd recommend surrendering and spare yourself the trouble.

Felicia: Oh sounds fun but no thanks

Ashton: Your funeral.

Ashton then formed his hands into jagged gems and points it at her

Ashton: Please surrender. I hate fighting women as lovely as yourself and your friend.

Felicia: I don't think so.

Ashton: Alright, don't say I didn't warn you.

We see him and Felicia come at each other and Felicia gets knocked out

Ashton: I warned her. Now I'm taking you both in and my partner and I will decide what to do with you.

We later see Ashton walking up the deck with the two stowaways tied up as he brings them to the others.

Ashton: I found these two sticking their noses where they don't belong. What do you think we should do with them?

Dimitri: Well I think we should hold on to them until we get to the next town on land.

Ashton: Fine.

Dimitri: We will have a lot more to do when we reach the next place, Ashton.

Ashton: Got that right, and will give us some time to know these two along the way. Even though you tried to rob us we will at least be civil to you and give you a meal.

Felicia: That's quite nice of you to treat a lady to dinner.

Ashton: I was raised as a gentleman. Taught to respect women in whatever form they come in. Now get cleaned up please we're having hamburgers for dinner. Dimitri, could you keep an eye on them so they don't try anything?

Dimitri: Can do.

We later see everyone at the mess hall as they were seen sitting down on a table as Ashton placed well made hamburgers in front of Felicia and the other thief

Ashton: Well? Go ahead and eat it.

They both began to eat as well as the others.

Felicia: So what reason is it that you all are going out to sea.

Dimitri: Well Luffy, Ash and I have one goal in common.

Ashton: And that is to find the one piece and become kings of the pirates.

Felicia: Becoming kings of the pirates huh? Sounds interesting.

Ashton: And as of now we need to go to the next land to make sure we are stocked up on supplies if you want-

Ashton notices the tattoo on Nami's arm

Ashton: You're members of the Arlong pirates aren't you.

Ashton points his finger guns at the two

Ashton: Start talking.

Dimitri: Calm down.

Ashton: Dude, we don't know if they're gonna lie.

Dimitri: Be quiet! I want to hear what they have to say.

Nami: We had no choice.

Felicia: She's right, what you don't know is that Nami's home was taken over by the pirate Arlong, so we were trying to get enough money to try and get it back.

Ashton curls his fingers and smiles

Ashton: That's all I needed to hear. We'll help you out. We have plenty of money. But in exchange you need to become our crews' navigator and professional thief.

Ashton sticks his hand out

Ashton: Well ladies? (Doing a Hector Barbossa impression) Do we have an accord?

Felica: Yes.

Ashton: Welcome aboard Madam Felicia and Lady Nami.

Felicia: Thank you and I would say this ship is nice.

Phineas: Thank you Ferb and I made her since we're the shipwrights.

Nami: Aren't you two a little young to be shipwrights?

Ashton: Yes. Yes they are.

Dimitri: At the moment we are helping Luffy with gathering crew members. His first recruit was the swordsman Roanora Zoro.

Ashton: And as of now Nami has now become the second recruit. All of us are going for the one piece to become kings of the pirates.

Felica: Well either you three are very determined or very nuts.

Ashton: Oh your words hurt me! I may never recover!

Dimitri: Say what you want lady but you're looking at the future pirate kings.

Ashton: There's bound to be countless amounts of treasure along the way.

Dimitri: So we better get ready then.

We see the others as they were heading off to be prepared for when they reached to shore


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