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In America we see a city called Metropolis as everyone was seen enjoying their day as they went through their day as the scene changes to the sky as something bright shined engulfing the entire city as it zooms out to see the earth as the light engulfed it and then dies down as a young man with red and blonde hair hears a loud rattling noise coming from his kitchen

Ashton: The hell is that noise?

He then walked in the kitchen and sees the refrigerator as he sees that it was glowing and shaking violently as he grabbed a bat and slowly approached the fridge

Ashton: Please don't be something that kills me.

He then opens the fridge door and readies his bat as he opens one eye as he sees a group of fruits and vegetables glowing and change shape developing swirling patterns

Ashton: Oh, guess I got worried for no reason at glowing, swirl covered, possibly radioactive fruit.

He then picks one up which was orange and resembled a small fire as he looks at it.

Ashton: Strange, I better get Dimitri on the horn.

A while later we see Ashton opening the door as he sees a young man was there and was playing a handheld game.

Ashton: What's with the game?

Dimitri: Oh, I was in the middle of a really hard boss fight when you rudely interrupted me. Now what do you want?

Ashton: You need to see these.

He then led Dimitri to a table as the fruits were seen there.

Ashton: I saw my fridge shake and saw my fruits and veggies turn into these things.

Dimitri: That's weird. Same thing happened to my fruits and veggies. Look.

Dimitri pulls out his own group of swirly fruits

Ashton: When did that happen?

Dimitri: They changed after that weird bright light a few minutes ago

Ashton: So what do you think these things are for?

Dimitri: Maybe we both should try one and figure it out.

Ashton: So on three we both grab one and take a bite, right?

Ashton picks up a purple fruit as Dimitri picks up one that looks like an iceberg

Ashton: One...

Dimitri: Two...

Ashton and Dimitri: Three.

They both then took a bite out of their fruits as they feel fine

Ashton: Huh, nothing happened. Hey Dimitri, are you ok? Cuz you're looking frosty. Literally.

Dimitri looked and saw that he was literally covered in frost and ice

Dimitri: Whoa, that's strange.

Ashton: These things must be a source of people getting super powers. But this purple one I ate did nothing

Dimitri: Try doing something, it has to do something.

Ashton holds out his hand and a black smoke like substance emanates from his hand and the tv remote gets pulled into it

Ashton: What is this stuff?

Dimitri: Hey what happened to the lights?!

Ashton: No way. I can control darkness itself!

Dimitri: So if those fruits we had gave us these powers wonder what the other ones we have can do.

Ashton: Let's find out.

After a while we see the fruits on the table as each one had a bite taken out of them as we see Ashton covered fire, Magma, lightning, and glowing bright yellow

Ashton: Ok we confirmed I can control Fire, Magma, Darkness, Lightning, and Light

We see Dimitri as he was seen covered in ice, snow, sand, behind a barrier and was seen as a partial tyrannosaurus rex.

Dimitri: I can control ice, snow, sand, make barriers and switch between human and dinosaur

Ashton: Well that is amazing, but for everyone's sake we need to keep this between us. Lest some unsavory characters try to take these powers from us.

Dimitri: Agreed, so let's just go out.

Ashton: Right.

We later see the two as they were seen going through town as they were seen at the docks as Ashton was seen skipping some rocks through the ocean.

Ashton: These new things we got sure are amazing.

Dimitri: Yeah but being in this town every day is the same old thing. What we need to spice up this life is some fun and adventure for once.

Ashton: Preach!

Ashton then skipped another rock as it goes through the water as a thud was heard sounding like impact on wood as they both looked and saw a large ship docked near them as they saw a man with red hair walk out of the ship.

Ashton: Uh, this wouldn't happen to be your ship would it?

The man nods

Dimitri: Look sir, he is very sorry about that and we will be willing to pay for any kind of damage it might have caused to your ship.

Shanks: Ah it's no big deal. No harm done.

Ashton: Oh, ok then.

Shanks: So you boys mind telling me where me and my crew are at?

Dimitri: Uh, Metropolis. In America.

Shanks: America? Can't say I've heard of it.

Ashton: Well we would be happy to give you and your friends a tour mr...

Shanks: You can call me Shanks.

Ashton: Ok Shanks.

Dimitri: Then we can at least show you what this town has. Such as the many sights, the stores, and even places to eat and drink tons of booze!

Shanks: Then I might have to take your word for it.

Ashton: Alright, then follow us.

We see them as they were seen going through town along with Shanks and his crew as they were seen looking at the many things in the city as Shanks sees a window showing tvs as he sees the screens on the tv were showing an Anime that has a character that looked a lot like Shanks

Shanks: Hey, what do you boys call that? (Points at a tv)

Dimitri: A tv, and it's short for television.

Ashton: And it looks like it's playing One Piece.

Shanks: That sounds a lot like the treasure of my old Captain Gol D. Roger.

Ashton: Wait. Gol D. Roger? Oh my god!

Dimitri: Your Red Haired Shanks!

Ashton: But how did you even get here?

Shanks: Not sure, all I remember was I was out sailing and saw a strange light in the sky and the next thing I know we bumped into each other.

Ashton: Whoa, sounds almost like the past had come to the future.

Dimitri: Yeah, but maybe when we find a place to drink you could tell us everything you went through Shanks, if that's ok with you.

Ashton: Found one!

They looked and saw Ashton was near a pub as we later see them inside it as they were seen at a counter.

Ashton: Rounds on me.

Ashton then placed some money on the counter as mugs were seen brought to them

Ashton: Cheers to new friends and new powers!

Shanks: New powers?

Ashton: Oh yeah, we both ate some fruit with swirling patterns on them.

Shanks: Swirling patterns? You two ate devil fruit?

Dimitri: We may have had one or two or five we kind of lost track of how many

Shanks: And you're still alive?!

Ashton: Yeah, and what's about the devil fruit?

Shanks: When you both eat a devil fruit, they take away your ability to swim and if you try to eat another one you're supposed to die!

Dimitri: That doesn't sound good at all.

Shanks: Yet you're still alive after eating five devil fruits each!

Ashton: Huh, guess we were lucky then.

Shanks: So what's it about things here now?

Dimitri: Well you might not know this but people have learned to adapt and create new things to survive.

Ashton: Like telephones, tv, and Video games.

Dimitri: And with each country they have created their own currency, here people accept US dollars.

Ashton pulls out a 1 dollar bill

Ashton: They kinda look like this.

Dimitri: And they come in 1s, 5s, 10s, 20s, 50s and 100s.

Shanks: Huh, where I was from people accepted a currency called Berries.

Ashton: That's right.

Shanks: And I can say I'm starting to like you two.

Dimitri: Thanks.

We then see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen listening to Shanks as he was telling them both about his many adventures as the two were seen starting to form smiles on their faces as we later see them drinking with Shanks and his crew.

Yasopp: You know boys, I actually have a son named Usopp and he's probably about your age.

Ashton: Dude, you told us about him already.

Dimitri: Yeah, like a hundred times.

Yasopp: A hundred?

He then placed their heads in mugs, getting them stuck in them.

Yasopp: Well too bad! I'm telling you both again! It broke my heart that I had to leave, but I had to go. You see boys, when a pirate flag beckons, you must heed its call!

The rest of the crew then cheered as the two were seen looking at each other as they were seen leaving the pub.

Ashton: That was so much fun.

Dimitri: Yeah and Shanks told us a lot of fun tales. You know something Ash, this may sound crazy but I think maybe we both should become pirates like Shanks.

Ashton: With what crew and what ship? We are just two people with insane powers.

Dimitri: That is true we need a crew and a ship. We should start with getting any friends that we both would know

Ashton: Let's do this in Luffy's order of meeting his crew. So first up is the swordsman

Dimitri: And as well as a navigator.

Ashton: Along with a sharpshooter.

Dimitri: And the cook as well as a doctor, an archeologist, shipwright, musician, and helmsman

Ashton: Well we do have many friends who might have some skills to what we're looking for but how are we gonna have them together?

Dimitri: How about a meeting? You go and get the many friends that you know of and I will go and get any friends that I know of.

Ashton: Alright, then let's meet up at Sweet Justice.

Dimitri: Alright, and we'll meet there at how does 8 sound?

Ashton: Perfect.

Dimitri: I'll see you there then.

We see the two as they both took off in separate directions as we see a split screen showing the two as they were seen with their phones making a group text typing "Urgent meeting, meet at Sweet Justice at 8." as we later see them at a sweets shop as we see the two at a table as they were a group of many people they have brought for the meeting.

Dimitri: We are glad that you all are here for this meeting.

Vergil: Alright so we're all here, but what's so important?

Ashton: As you see the two of us have come to a decision we both have made.

Zee: Which is?

Dimitri: From this day forward, our normal everyday lifestyle has come to an end.

Ashton: That's right, we're all going to be...

Dimitri and Ashton: PIRATES!

Everyone at the table then started to look at the two with confused looks

Richie: You're kidding right?

Dimitri: No way man, we are going to set off to the great blue and find the One Piece.

Ben: The One Piece?

Ashton: Well for you all might know about history when the king of pirates was executed it was to discourage piracy right?

Dimitri: That is what history wanted us to think, instead during execution Gol D. Roger gave everyone his dying words and they were and I would quote (Speaks in Gol D. Roger's voice) You want my treasure? You can have it, I left all of it in one place. You just have to find it

Everyone looked at Dimitri as we saw Babs and Harleen were both clapping for his impression.

Ashton: So we need all of you as our crew so we can find the one piece.

Zee: Well you may not notice but we're all average people, not pirates.

Ashton: So are we. Devil fruit powers aside.

Dimitri: Remember that bright light in the sky? Well it seems that somehow but we both don't know how but everything from the past has come here to the present.

Ashton: And the fruits and veggies we both had turned into devil fruit and we both ate them and now have incredible powers like this.

Ashton points his hand like a gun and shoots a fireball leaving a hole in the wall.

Ashton: See?

Dimitri: And what fun is there other than going off to see and having the adventure of a lifetime?

Babs: I'm in!

Harleen: Me too!

Ashton: See? Those two get it.

Dimitri: And since you guys will be our crew then that will make both Ashton and I the captains.

Ashton: We need swordsmen, a navigator, sharpshooter, a cook, a doctor, an archaeologist, shipwrights, a musician, and a helmsman. Who's in?

Dimitri: And besides Zee, we bet there are a lot of places that would have excellent clothes and crowds for your magic.

Zee: Alright then I'm in.

Jessica: I'm in too, but only to support and encourage Zee's decision.

Ashton: And there is a lot for everyone else for the things they want.

Dimitri: So if you're in, raise your arm and say Aye.

All: Aye!

Ashton: Then it's settled, now we have a crew, the only thing left is a ship.

Phineas: (looks at Ferb) Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today.

Dimitri: Good, while they get the ship built the rest of us will go and get supplies and anything of value to each of us.

Ashton: And some of you can even wear these.

He threw a sack to the floor as Babs and Harleen looked in it.

Babs: Look Harleen. (Pulls out peg legs and eyepatches) Peg legs and eyepatches!

Ashton: So do you feel like pirates now?

We see Babs walking while having peg legs on.

Babs: Look, I'm Peggy the pirate!

Harleen then lost her footing and tripped as we see Halreen come wearing two eyepatches.

Harleen: I'm Blindbeard the pirate!

Ashton: And so you guys are aware, me and Dimitri must not, I repeat must not fall in the water.

Richie: Why?

Dimitri: The devil fruits have given us great powers but as you all know, everything has a price.

Ashton: Once we had eaten the devil fruit it took our ability to swim and if we so much as go above knee deep in water we sink like a rock

Dimitri: He's right and like I said, let's go get supplies while the ship is being built.

We see the others as they were seen going to various stores gathering many things and supplies as we see them with many bags of food and various things as we see them arrive at the docks as they saw a giant ship with a giant shark skull as a figurehead.

Ashton: Wow, now that's what I call a ship.

Dimitri: Now we can head out.

We see everyone as they were seen getting aboard the ship as Dimitri was seen walking to it we see a woman and man as they came to the docks.

Alana: I told you I'd find him, it's a mother's instinct. (walks to Dimitri)

Karlos: Instinct? He left us a note. "I'm leaving. I'll be at the docks."

Alana: Nevermind. Pick up those bags, your coming home right now.

Dimitri: No mom, I have to do this, I'm going off to sea right now with my crew. I'm gonna be a pirate, go to the Grand Line and find the One Piece.

Alana: (Looks at Karlos) Talk to him.

Karlos: Uh-

Alana: The sea?! You're just a kid.

Dimitri: I'm never gonna be someone here. I'm gonna be a pirate, I'm gonna meet new members for the crew, I wanna be somebody.

Alana: You are somebody. (picks up the bags) Somebody who's not getting on that boat.

Dimitri: My decision has been made. I'm going.

Alana: Karlos, talk to him.

We see Karlos walk up to Dimitri as he had a serious look but then placed his hand on Dimitri's shoulder and gave a smile.

Karlos: Go on ahead.

Dimitri: Really?

Karlos: You know, when I was your age, I wanted to be a musician. I played really well, but my dad was worried I wouldn't make a living. So he had me be a construction worker, I never complained but I always thought to myself if you were able to do it all over again, you would follow your dream. And you have a lot of heart and hope, I never doubted you.

Dimitri then smiled at his father as Alana looked at them and then came to Dimitri and handed him the bags as he looked at her and hugged her.

Dimitri: When this is over I'll be back.

Karlos: We'll leave a red flag out on the dock until you get back.

Dimitri smiled at his parents as he walked to the ship and got on board the ship as it began to set sail into the sea as the others looked back at the town.

Virgil: So this is it?

Ashton: What do you mean?

Virgil: I mean this is how the story for us begins.

Ashton: Oh, yeah this is our beginning.

Dimitri: But knowing the sea, it will have a lot of surprises waiting for us. So you guys did give your folks the message about this?

Jessica: Well I left a note at home, but I feel like my moms won't be super thrilled when they hear of it.

Dimitri: My mom wasn't happy either.

Ashton: Mine neither.

Babs: So where to now, captains?

Dimitri: Wherever the wind may take us.

Ashton: Now bring me that horizon.

Ashton mans the helm and pulls out a compass humming to himself

Ashton: And really bad eggs. Drink up me hearties yo ho.


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