Chapter 1

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I enjoy being alone. Actually no, I enjoyED being alone that was before Peter Parker came into my life. Before he came I was lost. I'd had cut my hair, moved schools around and around, try being a new person. As soon as I stoped moving/running; Liz saw straight through me and brought me crumbling to my knees, again.

Welcome to the story of me. I'll fill you in here. My name is Michelle. I'm fourteen years old. I enjoy drawing, anything. I have no date to homecoming, but I'm planing to take Peter. Yes as in Peter Parker.

Alright, gym class...

"Come on everyone! Peter slower." The coach yelled. From under the bleachers I sat, drawing-can you guess who? Yup you got it-little smexy Peter. The hottest, smartest, kindest guy in the whole school. I scribbled back and forth, imagining what he'd look like without his shirt.

'He's a nerd, do you actually know what he looks like?'

'Nope but I'd like to.' I question and replied to myself. ..."Hey Michelle I was wondering...would you like togowithmetohomecoming?"..."Me? Peter...ummmm sure." And then I run off screaming, I hope, I'd die if that happened.

'It's not, you know that he likes Liz. You hear him talk about her all day everyday.'

"PETER KNOWS SPIDER-MAN!!" What? Ned's comment brought me out of my train of thought and back into the real world. Peter knows Spider-Man? HOW?!?!!


"Dude I'm doing you a favour, in fact he's best friends with him!" Ned called. Wait Peters best friends with Spider-Man? I asked myself.

"He even knows who Spider-Man is!"

"Ned shut up! Uhh no I don't." Manuel jumped up and walked over to him.

"If your friends with him, then bring him to Liz's party."

"Yeah and you can come as well!" Liz said. If Peters going then I'm going, I'm going to see if he actually knows Spider-Man.

Here's a short chapter for all y'all people.

Omg I watched it last night (7/7) it's fab I absolutely love the movie. I just had to make a fanfic.

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