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Ah the delicious smells of a carnival, thought a black fox Pokémon with red on her head that made it clear she was a Zorua.

She sighs as she sniffs the air.

A giggle came from her companion, her younger shiny brother.

This Zorua was searching the fair grounds. She licked her chops. She couldn't wait to have fun at this fair.

"Stay with me, Pelzig!" She informed her younger brother as she practically dashed through the fair, sniffing cotton candy and corn dogs all the same.

"I would if you weren't so fast! It's not my fault my legs are stubby!" He barked back, running as fast as he could in between the crowd.

She ignored him as she ran through the carnival, almost running over a random Zubat in the process.

"Pflege!" Pelzig barked with a cry. "Wait for me!" He whined as he hurried through the crowd himself, attempting to find his sister.

He got lost in the crowd. "Pflege!" He barked in a whine. He was lost. He lost his sister. His ears went down, while Pflege left, snuffling at the many scents, unawares.

She eventually noticed that her tiny brother wasn't with her, and her eyes widened with terror.

Oh no! She thought as she took a few glances around her.

Pelzig was nowhere to be found!

She let out a cry of horror. My mom is going to kill me if she figures out I lost my baby brother. Where is he?

With those thoughts she started running around the carnival, searching for the little guy.

It seemed no matter where she went she couldn't find her brother.

She sighed in half defeat, her paws hurting from the search. She had walked a lot. For two hours she had tried to find her baby brother, but it appears he was no where in sight.

Maybe he went to find an adult. She thought as her paws lead her to an area filled with Pokémon of all shapes and sizes.

"Pelzig!!!" She yowled at the top of her lungs. A head popped out from the crowd, their ears twitching. Blue tufts of fur was on their head.

Excited, Pflege bounded over to the Pokémon; she indeed found that they were Pelzig.

The curious thing was that they were with another Pokémon. A Riolu her age.

He must have thought she looked nicer than the other Pokémon and decided to tag alongside her instead of an adult.

She approached them, nuzzling her younger brother roughly. "Pelzig!" She barked with relief as her brother tenderized within her touch.

"Is He your brother?" The Riolu questioned her with a calm expression. She also seemed relieved at the same time.

She nodded, too relieved for words. "Hi, my name's Kunster." The Riolu introduced herself, holding out her paw in a calm fashion.

Pflege held out her paw to shake. The two didn't have much time to think of thank afterwards because a Pokémon approached them.

"Hello. We need two singers up on stage right now. We have one volunteer, but we could use two more for this song. What do you say?" A Flareon wonders, not giving either time to react and herded the two on the stage.

It was pretty awkward. Pflege was up there with Kunster, of whom she didn't know all too well.

Pflege glances down into the audience.

Oh great, Pelzig disappeared again! The Zorua thought with groan. The little coward!!

Pflege gritted her teeth.

"Hi!" A friendly voice exclaimed. The two fighters turned around to see an Eevee. He was smiling like there was nothing to worry about.

Of course there's something to worry about! They were up on stage with lots of Pokémon watching them! What could be worse than that? Other than being yelled at for losing your own brother when you promised you would watch over him.

"Hello." Kunster answered with a slight nod. Pflege didn't respond she just waved shyly at the Eevee.

"Don't you worry! I'm sure all females have listened to what we're going to sing! This is so exciting! It is such a sexy song! Did I mention this is the best song ever I-" the little Eevee rambled, continuing on and on about the song.

If it's so good then why are we just standing here not singing it, eh? Pflege questions in her mind.

That was when she was given a sheet of paper. She looks at it.

Oh dear Arceus! It's that song. Why do humans always have better songs than us Pokémon?

"Which part do you guys want? I want the better part obviously! It's the part that is sung by the sexiest character! She's daughter to the best villain of the best movie ever!" The Eevee squealed.

"So you like to sing backup?" Kunster asked with confusion in her gaze. There was enough Pokémon and parts for them all to be their respective gender of the person who sang that part.

It would make more sense if the song was actually sung instead of them just standing there trying to figure out what part they're going to sing.

Pflege opened her mouth to begin to ask Kunster which part she wanted when she said, "I'll be the obvious hot part." Well that answers that question.

Though the pun was not necessary.

" So that leaves me with the last part then." Pflege retorted as she began to feel her heart pound within her own chest.

This has got to be the weirdest thing Pflege has ever done in her whole life.

She sighed, but I guess it's necessary. Plus these two Pokémon are doing it. I can too!

She took a deep breath and said, " Bring it on!"

With that the three Pokémon began to sing the song that at least two of them were forced to do.

The lights and sound went everywhere. Pflege had to squint and bend her ears back.

She wasn't sure if she was going to like this. But Pflege guesses she should give it a try.

With that, Kunster began to sing her part.

"Listen, little girl, you're talking to a god
And I don't wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand," She sung.

Remind me not to judge her for being clam again.

With those thoughts she sung her part.

"Oh, I guess, that's why you ran"

Obvious sarcasm was in her voice. It was like they were the actual characters.

This is fun.

"Try being married to your momma!" Exclaimed the overhyped Riolu.

Do we all listen to this song, or is it just the fact that we're good at singing this song?

"You stink at being a dad" Plfege sang with as much valor as the original character would have.

"Poor Mali, are you sad?"

"Not as sad as you without your powers."

"I didn't come to fight, for once, do something right"

"I steal souls, were you expecting flowers?" Kunster sarcastically sang as she wrapped her paws around the other female's neck.

Pflege almost leaned away from her.

"I only need you 'cause I came here for something"

The female sang it to distract herself from the touch.

The two untangled themselves from each other.

"I've given you everything, by giving you"

" me"

The Zorua had interrupted her due to the part she sang forced her to do that.


This time they both sung that part

"I did what I had to do"

Kunster sang with as much selfishness as the hot character from the movie seemingly had.


By this point the Eevee was singing the backup with obvious way too much excitement.

"No, you only did what's best for you"

By this point the two singing females were closer up than they ever had been in the entire song.

This is more fun than I thought it would be. Pflege pondered with happiness as her tail wagged a bit.

"Well, you could learn a thing or two"


Eevee sounded like he could just sing the whole song himself.

"When push comes to shove, you do what you gotta do, yeah"

"You were never there. Guess you don't have a phone. You never called to say 'I miss you'"

"Hahaha, are you kidding? Is this a joke? You need to let it go. You're stronger with those daddy issues"

"Oh! Thank you!"

"Show me some respect. It ain't easy to neglect. My attention would've made you softer"

"Oohoo! Should I be proud? Don't turn this thing around"

"I guess you are your father's daughter, hahaha"

Is my new friend enjoying herself too? I hope she is. I hope I'm doing okay.

"Don't think I need you, I just came here for something"

"I'm given you everything, by giving you"



"I did what I had to do"

At this point it was the Zorua who was singing the part.


"I made it on my own, no thanks to you"

"Well, you could learn a thing or two" Kunster sang.


"When push comes to shove. You do what you gotta do. How 'bout I go with you and we'll spend some time?"

The Riolu had offered out her paw.

"How 'bout you stay here 'cause you're out of your mind!"

The Zorua took it.

It would be cool if we could be friends. She thought as her heart pounded wildly thinking about it.

"Let's make new memories, you can show me the town"

"No, you can keep your memories now"

"Get over it"

"I am over it!"

"I'm over you being over it!"

Both of them females were singing the song while dancing wildly to the song

"Let's dance!"

At this point the instruments took over until a point where the two had to sing the song once more.

"I did what I had to do" both dogging Pokémon sang.


"No, you only did what's best for you. Well, you could learn a thing or two" Both of The powerful Pokémon sang.


"When push comes to shove, you do-When push comes to shove, you do-When push comes to shove, you do what you gotta do!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

By the time the song was over both females were sweating profusely.

Pflege began to speak, but an angry Shiny Lucario stomped up to the stage, and grabbed Kunster, hauling the whining female off with her, saying stuff about how she left without saying a word, and how she didn't tell the adult where she went.

Pflege stares at the spot where Kunster had been dragged off to.

I didn't even get to talk to her much. The female thought softly before the Eevee started to talk to her, but she was too wrapped in her thoughts to listen.

I've got to find her no matter the costs.
Authors note: Man. I wrote a lot today. Hope you enjoy this. Please share this so others can know about it and read it.

I will now ask you guys what eeveelution that Eevee should evolve into. He will be very important in the story. I will let you decide how.

Here are the options I'm in between:

1) Leafeon
2) Vaporeon
3) Jolteon

Here some people I want to see their opinion of this...somehow Musical and tell me if I can improve on the song description too. No seriously tell me how to make the song description better. Lol.


Next time I make a story if anyone else just wants me to tag them there then let me know.

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