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During the middle of the party, Simeon smiled watching Mammon have the time of his life. He felt a great sense of joy seeing the Avatar of Greed being happy.

He hated seeing Mammon look so sad and gloomy especially when it came to the brothers' verbal, sometimes and sometimes physical abuse towards the second eldest.

He remembers there were times when Lucifer and the other brothers would tend to ignore him when Mammon tries to come up with a conversation with them.

But now, it was Mammon's time to be getting the attention.

It was his birthday party and he had the right to be greedy, no matter what the other brothers say.

Simeon: I'm so glad you're enjoying yourself, Mammon. I hope this became the best birthday party ever for you.

???: Simeon.

The Archangel sighs recognizing the annoyed tone coming from the first eldest of the demon brothers. He turned his head to see him whom had an signature frown on his face.

Simeon: Yes Lucifer?

Lucifer: A word. If you don't mind.

Before Simeon could even voice his complaints, Lucifer dragged him out of the ballroom.


As soon as they were away from prying eyes, Simeon sighs again knowing what's going to happen.

Lucifer: *Demanding* Explain.

Simeon: Explain what Lucifer? You need to be more specific.

Lucifer: You know exactly what I'm talking about! How dare you keep Mammon from us?!

Simeon: Lucifer. Mammon decided on his own to stay with us for the time being.

Lucifer: You better not be manipulating him!

While Simeon is shown to be somewhat of an oddity amongst angels, with a friendly attitude towards demons, and his rather blatant committing of sins. Like we talked about before...He lies, and admits to doing so. He steals, and admits to doing so. And he manipulates, and admits to doing so.

So what Lucifer is saying is understandable but he doesn't have the right to say that since Lucifer himself had manipulated many others including Mammon himself.

Simeon: Pot calling the kettle black, Lucifer.

Lucifer pushed him to the wall and grabbed him by his shirt.

Lucifer: *Threatening* Give Him Back.

Simeon made his own frown. Give Mammon back? To the brothers who wasted no time mistreating Mammon to the point where he is just beneath them because of his sin. Yeah, he don't think so.

Simeon: NO.

Lucifer: Excuse Me?

Simeon: You heard me Lucifer. The answer is no. I won't betray Mammon.

Lucifer: I'll say it again. GIVE. HIM. BACK.

Simeon: Mammon made the choice to stay at Purgatory Hall, Lucifer.

Lucifer: How Long?

Simeon: Til he feels like returning to the House Of Lamentation. Probably won't be for a long while...given how you all treated him.

Simeon chooses to put the wellbeing of Mammon and MC above his own duty as an angel, and is quite upfront about enjoying being back with the former angels he missed so much. And his teaching of Luke is designed to show the younger angel the benefit of thinking for oneself rather than following orders.

However, he is also reporting back to Michael, and passing messages from Michael to Diavolo via duplicitous means. How much he truly feeds back is unknown, but the presence of Luke probably means any omissions would be caught.

Lucifer: This is ridiculous. Mammon shouldn't be staying with you angels! He should be at home with his brothers!

Simeon: Oh really...So you're telling me he should stay with the people who waste no time bombing him with insults?

Lucifer: T-That's none of your business!

Simeon: The wellbeing of Mammon is my business now, Lucifer. In case you forget. He's my little brother too.


Simeon: You hurt him, Lucifer.

Lucifer:....No...I didn't...

Simeon: For once Lucifer. Throw away your pride. You hurt him. The other brothers hurt him. Micheal hurt him. He's had enough and plus...you guys forgot his birthday...


Simeon: Whether you like or not. Mammon still sees me as a brother and I've always still think the same with him. Plus, Luke also sees Mammon as a big brother.

Before Lucifer could say anything else to counter-argue. Simeon continued talking before he even got the chance.

Simeon: Actions have consequences, Lucifer. I'm sorry but it's time you and the others to understand that. Even if you do apologize or not, I don't think it's going to change how Mammon feels about you guys now. If only...I haven't left him under wing if this was going to happen...

The grip on his shirt loosen as Lucifer finally let him go.

Lucifer: That's...I...No...

Simeon: Mammon is going to be with people who truly care about him and would treat him better. He's moving on with his life, Lucifer...so tell me, when will you?

The archangel didn't bother to wait for Lucifer's answer as he leaves the prideful demon there in the cold silent hallway.


The party ended hours after that but Mammon & MC. They said goodbye to their friends as they shared one last dance together.

MC: That was do much fun~!

Mammon: I know! I know~! The party was amazing! Lord D surely outdone himself once again!

MC: Did you like it~?

Mammon: I love it~! It may have not been the greatest birthday party ever but I enjoyed myself. Now my room is going to be filled with so many amazing gifts! I can't wait to open them up!

MC: I got another gift for you~!

Mammon: Hm? What is it~? The Great Mammon must know!

MC: This~!

MC kissed Mammon on the cheek which shock but delighted the Avatar of Greed.

MC: Happy Birthday Mammon~~~!

Mammon chuckled before he picked up MC and swung them around in his arms.

Mammon: That was the greatest birthday present ever~!

MC giggles as the two praise each other more with love and affection...


???: Uhhh...

Mammon: Huh?

Mammon along with MC turned their heads to see the other brothers excluding Lucifer not too far away from them.

How long were they there?

Asmo: H-Hi MC, it's been a while...

MC:.....Yeah...Where's Lucifer?

Satan: Tch. Probably doing paperwork as usual. He didn't bother to show up.

Belphie: No one cares about him, anyways...

Mammon: What do y'all want? In case you're here to see MC, forget it.

Levi: Hey! You can't keep MC all to yourself!

Satan: Levi! Shut up! That's not what what we're here for!

Mammon looked confused. Surely, they were here for MC, right? It has been a while since the human had any physical contact or meet up face to face with the other brothers. That had to be it....Unless....

Mammon: MC...Could you step out for a bit...

MC: Mammon...What if...

Mammon: Don't worry. I won't let them hurt me.

The brothers flinched. Did Mammon really believe they're here to hurt him...

The guilty looks all came back...

MC: Alright...But I make this clear. I'll never forgive them. I don't care anymore about the fact that you guys are demons. They hurt you for far too long.

Hearing the uncharacteristic cold tone in MC's voice made them all shuddered. Great, MC hates them. Sure, there were times when MC had called them out on their behavior towards Mammon but of course, they never took them seriously. They always come up with excuses like...

"MC, stop worrying over Mammon."

"Pay more attention to me!"

"Mammon is a scumbag, remember! At any moment! He'll abandoned you or sell you for cash!"

"Don't waste your time with that guy!"

"We're protecting you from him!"

"Mammon deserves to die anyway, MC! Stop caring so much about him!"


Remembering all those times they berated MC for protecting Mammon from them. It was understandable now and why MC won't forgive them so easily.

Mammon: I'll be fine MC.

Belphie: Actually...They can stay. We would like for them to listen what we have to say.


Mammon: *Frowns* Okay. Fine. What do you guys want?

They didn't say a word yet until Satan pushed Leviathan in front of them. The third eldest looked shock for a moment before chuckling nervously.

He tried not to look Mammon in the eye while trying to avoid that cold stare the second eldest gave him.

Levi: I...I should go first...right
...Mammon. I'm sorry...

Oh here we go again. How many times are they going to be apologize. Mammon heard enough.

Mammon: For....

Instead of getting angry, he decided to encourage them.

Levi: For many things. For accusing you of taking my stuff even though most of the time it was misplaced...and telling you to go die many times...while laughing about it...I was just...so jealous of you...I know it doesn't excuse my behavior but I'm truly sorry Mammon...


Satan: M-My turn...Mams...You raised me...you took care of me when no one did. I was angry. Angry of everything. I couldn't control it because of my sin. When the others treated you badly and you couldn't do nothing about it. I...started picking up from their bad habits and begin treating you poorly instead. I know it sounds dumb but did that because I didn't want to be dependent on you anymore. It doesn't excuse my rash behavior either but I'm apologize for my actions as well.

Asmo:....Mammon...I'm also sorry. For being a terrible brother. When I told you to go die...I wasn't being serious. I just...I was just joking...I...Ugh! This is so hard! I don't know how to apologize correctly! I guess...you were right. I only such a pretty face and that's the only reason why people love me....It doesn't excuse the fact of being horrible towards you. I thought you wouldn't take us seriously. But yeah...I'm really sorry.

Then the twins were the last to apologized to Mammon.

Beel: I'm sorry I ate your cake. I'm sorry for forgetting your birthday. I'm sorry for not helping you when you needed me the most. I'm really sorry Mams...

Belphie: I'm...I'm...I'm so very sorry...I always tried to deny that you didn't care about us. You only cared about money and fame...I always thought you was a scumbag. But...it took me too long to realize how much you truly care about us and we threw that away. I thought our lives would be better without you. But...I've been having bad dreams..about Lilith...About her blaming me for treating you so poorly and...I'm so sorry...I miss you big brother...


The Avatar Of Greed didn't know what to say at this moment.

He felt relieved...to see that his brothers actually feel guilty of their actions. He thought they wouldn't and would continue to belittle him and greet him with insults.

Mammon: I see...thanks you guys...

Levi: Do...you forgive us...?

Mammon:....Sorry but I don't.

Hearing that made the brothers' hearts sunk to the floor. MC could've swore they heard it.

Mammon: I'm happy that you guys are apologizing....But it took you all this long to realize this. And...well...I still can't forgive you guys. You hurt me for far too long. Now it's your turn to know what I've went through. So I'm cutting myself out of your lives...

Hearing that crush the brothers' hope for recoiling their relationship with the second eldest.

Levi: Mammon...

Asmo: N-No!

Satan: Mammy! Please! Let's talk about it!

Mammon: Tch. You guys surely don't give up, do ya?

Satan: Of course we don't!

Levi: We're your brothers! W-W-We love you!

Mammon:....Hah...Well ya guys are terrible at showing it.


MC: Mammon...Are you sure about that this?

Mammon: Yes...I...just can't take it anymore. Think about it MC. Even if I did forgive them and came back. What if they go back to way they were and just started insulting me again. They probably would forget my birthday again!

Brothers: NOOOO!!!

Suddenly Mammon felt Beel and Belphie hugged him. They both were crying.

Beel: P-Please...It feels boring without you!

Belphie: Please don't go...

Mammon: Beel...Belphie...

Asmo brought his arms around Mammon as well.

Asmo: We're sorry! We're really sorry! We'll make it up to you! We can go shopping together!

Mammon: Asmo...

Satan did the same...

Satan: We'll do better for now on! We still need you! I still need you! You're my Mammy! If it makes you feel any better! We hang out again like we used too! I'll read to you so many of my stories and novels! We can also go to the cat cafes! Anything you like!

Mammon: Satan...

Levi cried as he was the last one to hugged the second eldest. Basically a pile of crying brothers begging Mammon to come back.

Levi: I'm just an worthless otaku!!! You're the only one who actually listens to me! Please don't leave us!!!

Mammon: Levi....

Brothers: *Crying* PLEASE DON'T GO!!!

Mammon:....If you guys really do love me...Then just let me go...

Beel: No!

Belphie: We won't let you!

Asmo: You're not leaving!

Satan: You're staying!

Levi: Please stay!

Mammon: GET OFF!

Mammon finally used his power to push them all off. They were tossed to the side like ragdolls once again. How humiliating...

Mammon:....I'm sorry guys...but it's going to take me time for forgive y'all...Besides Beel, I'm still wondering if I should even see the rest of you as my brothers anymore...


Mammon: Come on MC, let's go...I'll take you home back to the human world. After that, I'm going back to Purgatory Hall.


Satan: MC...Please...try to get Mammon to change his mind.

MC:.....Why should I? Tbh, I don't mean this to hurt you all. But I believe this is the best decision he's ever made...


The two left leaving five heartbroken brothers.

QOTD: How do you guys feel about Mammon's choice?

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