Chapter 4: Cafe

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"Whispers will be written like this" " normal monolog will be written like this" Serious Thoughts will have no ""s around them and less serious thoughts will still be written like this.
I know it's a little complicated but plz try to read it anyway!
Shout out to KanaAlison who didn't want to read it before I published this chapter! Plz follow her too because she is better than me at writing!

Pix's P.O.V.
I've spent ten minutes in the bathroom at the cafe making sure my hair isn't a mess (yes, even if my hair is really short. Don't judge me). Why am I so nervous? It's not like it's a date. I-is it? I mean... I-I don't know... it's just odd. Wait... I just met him today. How do I already feel this way? I've never felt like this yet now I do once I've spent one day with someone. Too cool! Ugh... I gotta stop doin that! I don't like being a girly girl... well it might be because I'm a wizard... I've had a little time to change out of my hoodie and into some more confident clothes. At least these weren't drenched in tears. I feel super worried but super excited. It's about time to go in the cafe. I scope out the tables. No Justin. How can I ask him where he is? Oh, wait... DUH! I'm a WIZARD!... "Hey! Where are you Justy? I'm at the cafe. A-are you okay?" I whisper as I sit at one of the tables.

Justin's P.O.V.
"Umm... I'm on my way. See ya soon, Pixie!!!" That was a close one. I'm in the cafe's boy's bathroom. I can do this... it's not a date, it's just a friendly meal. I look down at the flowers next to my hand and back at the mirror. Here we go... I pick up the flowers and walk torwards the door. As I push it open I feel a sudden wave of relief. At least there is other people in the cafe. I immediately notice Pix's short brown hair and walk until I am a few feet behind her. "Guess who?" I whisper to her. She instantly turns around in her seat and flashes me a smile. Her blue eyes gaze into mine and I almost space out. She stands up and walks towards me. I feel myself stiffen as she wraps her arms around me.What is the deal? I make a poor attempt to hug her back. I think she could tell I was nervous because she looked up at me a little worried. "I-I uh... got these for you Pixie!" I said as I showed her the flowers."Oh My... Thank you!!!" She looked like she was about to cry. I brushed her cheek. She didn't seem to mind me. She took one of the flowers and tucked it behind her ear. "Not nearly as beautiful as you" I cooed. What would even give me the idea to use a stupid pickup line like that!? She kissed me on the cheek and I instantly feel it redden. "What a stupid pickup line!" She said as she shook her head and giggled. We both started to laugh as she set the flowers on the table behind her. "How are you so cute?!" I ask her. She raised her shoulders with a smug grin on her face as she pulled back her chair. I could see a slight blush on her face. We sat down facing each other. Soon, a cute girly waitress dressed in a maid outfit came to take our orders. "I'm paying!" I tell Pix. I could tell she was checking her pockets. She looked a little worried at first. She went to protest against it but I waved it away. "Don't worry bout' it Pixie! My pleasure!". The waitress seemed a little irritated. "I'll have a small coffee please and uh..." I say motioning to Pix. "Oh uh... I'll have a small coffee too please!" She responded sheepishly. "Alright, so two small coffees. Is that all?" The waitress asked not leaving her eyes from her small note pad. "Yup!" Pix says in agreement. The waitress shot her a nasty glare as she left us. "What was that about?" I ask her in a low tone of voice. I don't think the waitress would be happy if she heard me. She raised her shoulders as she shook her head. "Maybe she was jealous!" The last word hung in the air. "Umm... about what Justy? It sure would not be about me... I meen... would it?" Pix asked. I blushed. She jumped."You just read my thoughts... sort of... guess I can't keep secrets from you now... Darn!" "So, what were you thinking this time, genius? " she said jokingly. "Well since you wanna know... fine. But I'm warning you that you are gonna blush once you hear what I gotta say..." it was my turn to grin mischievously. "Okey dokey! Now spill!" She exclaimed perkishly. "Well, I was just thinking that she might be jealous of your beauty!" Her cheeks turned red as I started to laugh. "Y-you...are so.....emba...barrassed.... pwahaha!!!!" I exclaimed still gasping for air. She amicably punched me in the arm as I continued to laugh. Once I managed to stop laughing I realised that a small cup of coffee was set in front of me. I took a sip of it as I watched the waitress hurry away from our table. "You, Justin Brooks, are insane!" Pix said jokingly. I replied with a nod as I took another sip of my coffee. She rolled her eyes at me and took a sip of coffee aswell. "Maybe we can talk about our pasts... it might help us if we knew more about each other.". I was a little surprised by the question I had pulled out of thin air. She nearly spat out her coffee but managed to swallow most of it. I don't think she is going to be alright with that, due to her response, but I'll find a way. "It's okay if you don't, I just..." I didn't have time to complete that sentence before she took my hand. "Sorry..." I responded passing my other hand through my hair. "'s okay to be curious. I've just never really told anyone about my past. It's just too... painful. So before I tell you, I want to know... can I trust you???" I'm not too sure what I should say.

Pix's P.O.V.
I don't know if he realises how hard it will be to tell him. To tell anyone for that matter. I've kept this a secret for 14 years. Am I even sure I can tell someone? He hesitates and nods, which meens I can trust him... I think. "Okay, maybe we can talk at the park?" I said replacing his hand with my coffee. "Uh... yup! After school today?" He asks. "No, after school next monday. I know it's a week away...I just need some time to think about it, okay?" He nods. "Phew, good. I also need to do some research on, well... 'our kind'. There may be a way I can show you my past. Any way, thank you for understanding." I reply relieved that I may have found someone to rely on. He put a hand on my shoulder and gazed into my eyes. "Don't worry. Wizards can trust wizards! My past may be kind of boring but I can share it with you if you want." I nod. "I'll explain in a week." I reply. He let my shoulder go and stood up. I grabbed my coffee and flowers. I rose from my seat and walked around the table to face him. I hugged him. This time he was not nervous to hug back. "Why are you so nice to me?" I whimper. He brushes his fingers through my hair and kisses my forehead. I almost start to cry but manage to make some sense out of my emotions. I squeeze him a little tighter before I let go. I kiss him on the cheek and it turns red just like when I left him in the library. "Bye!" I say as I turn around to leave. He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around to face him again. Before I knew what was happening, his soft lips were pressed against mine. They left just as suddenly as they had came. My face felt like it was on fire.

Justin's P.O.V.
I kissed her. It was all so sudden. I felt like a kiss on the cheek in one day was wierd, but nothing compared to this. It was nothing to write home about, but still short and sweet. As I pulled back I realised that her face was completely red. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I was smiling, hoping for the best. She smiled and spun around. She left the cafe leaving me to lose myself in my thoughts. It was only once she left that I realised that Julie, my ex-girlfriend, was standing behind me, flabbergasted. She ran past me and out the cafe. She looked a little hurt. Whatever! You deserved it after dumping me for my own twin! I smirked and realised that every one in the cafe was watching. I sat down and finished my coffee. What a day...
0o0!!! I was SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY TO WRITE THIS!!!!!! It even made ME feel like I was in the story! I was so HAPPY!!!!!! :^))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Hope you guys felt HAPPY too!!! Chapter 5 is gonna be AWESOME!!! Hope you LOVED IT!!! I ADORED IT!!!

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