Chapter 6: The geek deal

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♡ Sorry but I'm super busy lately with school, band practice and the dance class performance was this week so I haven't posted. This chapter is probably gonna be super short and possibly only text messages. Hope you guys don't hate me by now ♡


f you guys are squeamish, you might have to skip part of the chapter. One of the characters is going to get in a fight... and there's gonna be some blood. Just to warn ya! ;3 Also a kawaii heart-to-heart conversation between 'unbiological brothers'


reference to an anime series called 'One Piece' (which is addicting) and a horror movie called '1408' (really well made and has a nice twist at the end). Go check em' out if you want to know more about the type of stuff these characters watch. Don't worry, I won't spoil them for you by putting important info. X3

Pix's messages Justin's messages

Hey Pix!

Hello Justin, how are you?

Better now that you are here.

Where did that come from?

My best friend/matchmaker stole my phone for a second... sorry about that Pixie!


Tell him he has to get new tactics

He almost threw my phone across the room! Do you know how much this thing costs!?



Why did you message Justin? It's 6 o'clock on a Sunday night.

I dunno, I got bored



What's the problem? Do you have plans?

Yes actually!

What kind of plans?

Sitting on my bed, leaning against the wall and stuffing my face with popcorn while I watch the latest season of One Piece

What is 'One Piece'?

Anime tv series

About pirates

And treasure

And magic fruit

And legends

You are such a geek

It is vital to have my routine Popcorn night


What do you do on Sundays?

I am not a geek. I don't plan my days!





What do you mean?

Oh great, now you are even quoting songs

Ok, explain the problem with me and not having a routine... then you can explain why I can't quote my fav artist.

First of all, I don't understand how you survive. I have been planning my days since I was six years old.

And, if you think quoting songs is cool, it ain't.
Who's the geek now? \(^~^)/


Ask your friend

Hold on... I'm going to call, ok?
I want to make sure that you aren't lying when your friend goes against you

If he says that you are the geek, then you owe me something

Like what?


Like something

Fine, but if he says YOU are the geek, you have to do my homework for a whole month! Is it a deal?

Ok, Deal.

Eager, are we?

Are you still gonna call?

I have a better idea...


Nope, then you could see what I'm doing






Out of curiosity, what are you doing?

Just call...

Alright mr bossy, I'll call.

Do it then slow poke!

...Phone ringing...

(A/N, Pix is written like this, Justin is written like this, Pix and Justin together is written like this and Justin's best friend is written like this. *sounds will have stars around them* This is a phone call between three people)

"Hello, pizza delivery. Have you recently ordered 21 pizzas?"
"Hey Pixie, I'm about to ask Joseph"
"Joseph is your friend?"
"Yeah, why?"
"He is my sisters boyfriend. "
"It's a small world after all"
"Now you're quoting Walt-Disney? You're such a dork"
"Joe! Get over here"
"Who is more of a geek here?"
"I'm going back to my box of pizza"
"Wow, you two had ordered pizzas"
"Who are you talkin to?"
"Hey JJ!"
"Hold up a sec... Is that Pix I hear?"
"Is this sir Joseph Henry Jones?"
"Yes it is little lady"
"Great now you can explain why Justin is so much more of a geek than me!"
"Nope, don't drag me into this!"
""We aren't""
"Aww you two are cute together! "
""Whoa what!?""
""We aren't together""
"We are not together
"Yeah we barely know each other"
"Did you jus-"
"Punch the wall? Yep"
"Did it break?"
"Why are you excited!?"
"Not yet"
"Has she ever broken a wall before? What kind of friends are you two? Are you two seriou-"
"Sherlock holmes has entered the conversation. I repeat, sherlock holmes has entered the conversation. "
"Question 1, what kind of friends are Joe and I? Very strange ones."
"Question two, has pix ever broken a wall before?"
"Yup. In the third, fourth, seventh and eighth grade."
*evil laughter*
"They still don't know it was me."

"Did he just hide under a couch?"
"Nope, under the kitchen table."
"Awn, I got it wrong. "
"We can't always be right Pixel"
"Did it break?"
"Yup!!! Now stop hidin from me Justy...
*whispering voice* I smell fear."
"Justy and Pixel, sittin in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-OW!
*whimper* why did you pinch me?
Becuse he is sane
Okay, at least admit you like each other.
Alright, at least Justin admit it because it's obvious.
Jus, I know you. You don't go around telling people your past.
Jus, it took you three years to tell me, To tell her, it took three days.
*spitting noise*
"Three years!?"
"Okay, sorry pix but Jus and I need guy talk."
"I'll call you later Pixie!"
"Ooh! She let's you call her Pixie? I tried to call her that in the fifth grade and I had to wear a cast for a month afterwards."
"Want another one!?"
"You punch me enough already!"
"So instead, I started to call her Pixel."
"Hey, at least you can make a reference to a video game instead of an imaginary creature!"
"But Pixie! Babe! You're just that rare!" *
"Ooh! There's a crack in it!!!"
"Well Pix, I think you're missing your One Piece series by now so I'm gonna go now. See ya at school Pixie!"
"He still didn't awnser the question. "
"You sound amused"
"I am"
"Because you're so gonna lose Jus"
"We'll see Pixie"
"Yo, Joe!"
"Are you looking for my stash? "
"Are you serious? "
"He'll show you where it is if you awnser a question for us"
"What is it!?"
"Did you just punch him?"
"Yeah. He went candy crazed... that happens a lot."
"Candy crazed?"
"Yeah. It's when all he can concentrate on is finding and/or devouring candy. Most of the time you'll see him running down an aisle in the mall with half of a chocolate bar in one hand and his wallet in the other."
"That is definitely the Joseph I know."
"How long have you know each other? "
"We've been friends since kindergarten. "
"No, since before that. Don't you remember the party that my dad pulled on my fourth birthday? You had been invited and back then was when you met the devil."
"The devil?"
"A.K.A, Kath."
"Oh hush, she ain't that bad-"
"To you. She ain't that bad to you. She acts like the devil to me."
"You are her sister. It is an odd kind of love."
"Yeah yeah."
"Do you still want to awnser the question and win the key to Justy's candy stash?"
"Alright, awnser this wisely."
"Between me and Justin, who is the bigger geek?"
"What is the point of the question? There has to be a catch... so, what is it this time?"
"If you say that he is the bigger geek, Justin has to do my homework for a whole month."
"And if I say you are the bigger geek?"
"Justin didn't explain that part of the deal. Ask him"
"Jus, what is the catch if I say that Pixel is Geek-zilla?"
"She has to do something. "
"What kind of Something?"
"Justin tell him or else you're gonna win, hands down."
"Damn daniel! Good for you"
"Care to clue me in?"
"You don't know? She doesn't know?"
"I don't really care for that."
"Pretty please!?"
"With a candy stash on top?"
"If he would have won, you would have had to k-"
"You just knocked out my witness! How dare you."
"I dared."
"Enjoy your pirates, I'll see ya at school."
"He didn't awnser the question yet."
"It's a good thing that I hit him with a pillow then... other than the fact that he's trying to kill me."
"My best friend is Joseph Jones."
"Instead of Mike Myers it's Joe Jones"
"You are such a geek."
"There you are!"
"Awnser who is the bigger geek so I can go watch some more One piece and catch up with how far you are in the series."
"Both of you equally are geeks."
"So, Justin you will do my homework for a week and I will do whatever 'something' is. Deal?"
"Enjoy your pirates! See ya Monday Pixie!"
"Wait? What do I gotta do for you!?"
"You gotta k-"
"-like at th-"
"See ya soon Pixie!"

Justin's P.O.V.

I threw the phone onto the coffee table and I punched him in the gut. Joseph stumbled backwards and I took a step closer to him. Without being conscious of my actions, I punched Joseph in the gut again. He grabbed my fist this time and pushed me against the wall. "Justy! Wake up!" He screamed as I tried to free my fist from his grip. He threw me to the ground. I kicked his heel and he landed next to me with a thud. I straddled him and started punching him repeatedly in the jaw. I hate to admit it but... it felt good to punch someone right now. I had been restraining myself all week and I finally let it go. Joseph grabbed my wrists and held them away from his face.

The look in his eyes was frightening. He was afraid... of me. I looked at my fists and realized they were covered in blood. My head whipped towards Joseph's. I looked at the boy, the victim of my wrath, and I foolishly started to cry. His eyes widened and he let go of my wrists.

I got up and sat on the couch, my head in my hands. What have I done!? My only friend... if I can still call him that! What did I do!? What did I do to him!?!? I wept. I jumped as an arm wrapped around my shoulder. I looked up and saw Joseph; nose bleeding, both eyes black, his lip swollen, his cheek cut and blood staining his blond hair. I tried to fight the tears but they kept unsuccessfully rolling down my cheeks. I shifted my gaze between my blood-covered hands and Joseph's bleeding nose. He opened his mouth to speak but he seemed to have a hard time trying to find the right words.
"I... I'm sorry" I said faintly.
His eyes bore into me as I managed to stop my tears from flowing.
"Joseph... I don't kno-" My voice was cut off by him hugging me.
He and I had rarely had moments like this, where both of us were vulnerable.
"It was not your fault. I'm the one to blame" He said as he let me go.
I felt my eyes widen and my jaw drop. How could he blame himself!? Joseph wiped a drop of blood away from his jaw using the back of his hand.

I jump up from the couch and led him to the kitchen. What did mom used to do when I came home with a scraped knee? Joseph sat on the kitchen as I started pacing around the kitchen, trying to jog my memory. Eureka! I grabbed a cloth from under the sink and placed it under a running tap of lukewarm water. I handed it to him before reaching for the freezer and retrieving an ice-pack. Joseph wiped his face with the cloth, the white cloth. Right now I could care less of the coulor but I know my father will interrogate me later. He placed it next to him on the kitchen table and I slowly placed the ice-pack in his hand. He pressed it against his fore head and... started to laugh!? What...!? I stared at him as his smile spread from ear-to-ear.

"It looks like Justin has fallen in love!" He said teasingly in between laughs. His words struck me as I stumbled backwards and fell, never leaving my eyes from him. "Oh, come on! It's pretty darn obvious after she has now agreed to kiss you" My eyes widened"H-how are you... What... How are you so forgiving after what I did to you!?" I yelled breathlessly. "Justin.." he placed the ice-pack on the table next to him and stared at me straight in the eye. "this is the first time you've ever felt like this, isn't it..?" He spoke slowly, as if he was worried I would throw another punch. I nodded. He slowly nodded too as he looked at the floor. "What does that have to do with the fact that I hurt- no, caused you bodily harm!?" I yelled. "Justin," he paused again which caused my blood to boil. " really do love her... don't you?" My jaw dropped. What did he just say? I gazed at him dumbfounded and unable to muster up the courage to speak. "I-I... I..." What do I say!? He grinned and stood up. I stumbled to my feet and ran a hand through my hair. "Joe, things never happen this fast, even when they're in fairytales... this kind of... 'feeling'... takes a long time to figure out." I said as I pulled at the tips of my hair. I really need a haircut... not a good time to think of this!!!

Joseph rolled his eyes as he sat on the couch. "Actually... if the feeling is right... this is the easiest thing in the world." He concluded as he turned on the television. I ignore his statement as I threw the bloody cloth in the garbage and put the ice-pack back in the freezer. I picked up a sheet of paper towel and wiped away a few drop of blood that were on the glass table. I threw it out and walked over to him, standing besides the armrest of the couch.

"How would you know?" I questioned. "Uh, Justin... I have had the same girlfriend my whole life... you think that's normal? No, it ain't. Kath is the kind of girl I would've never pictured myself with... and yet here I am, cherishing every second of the day she spends with a loser like me. Love isn't something that everyone finds and it ain't the easiest thing to handle either... but just to know how it feels to love and be loved is breathtaking. Kath is a girl who I could spend days on end with and a girl who I'm comfortable around..." he took a deep breath and exhaled quickly as I managed to understand what he had just said. "Justin, I know you and I know Pix like the back of my hand."

"What is she like? What makes you think she is the right girl for me?" I interrupted impatiently. He sighed. "Pix is the kind of girl who doesn't get involved socially... ever. Pix is a girl who likes to hide her emotions and find excuses so people don't bring up sensitive subjects... like her mother. So far, the only contact I have seen- heard between you is a phone call. I can already sense a connection... and that's near impossible. I have never felt something so strong between two people." He said as he cycled through TV channels. He threw the TV remote at me. "Go ahead and pick something, nothing seems interesting right now" he said as he crossed his legs over the coffee table. I took a seat next to him and turned on the AniméChannel (chanel #187). The screen showed giant red letters spelling out the words 'OnePiece'. Joseph chuckled from besides me and I felt a wave of relief.

"We are still friends...?" I questioned. "Justy, we will be 'nakama' until death do us part. No, we will still be 'nakama' in the afterlife. " he smiled. "How did I find such a good friend?" I said as I began to smile too. "I'm the kind of person who pops out of nowhere and stays in your life forever" he said as he smiled full heartedly. I flipped to the weather channel. "-and there is a high chance of snow storms in the west region of greenwood" the TV announcer concluded.

I whipped my head to face Joseph. "That's all I had to hear" Joseph said as he jumped up from the couch and ran for the bags of microwavable popcorn and chocolate bars. I lifted the cushion of the couch while he wasn't looking and pulled out a few treats from my secret candy stash. To be precise, I pulled out four 'coffee crisps' and two containers of 'smarties'. I heard the microwave beep and I ran to the cabinet in the corner of the room, reaching for the stack of horror movies. " 'Friday the 13', 'When a stanger calls', 'Scream' or '1408'?" I asked, holding up all four movie cases. "Hmmm... 1408" He said as he poured a cup of melted butter into the popcorn bowl. "I love the 'directors cut' version of the movie. It has an excellent twist ending." He said as I placed the disk into the DVD player. I nodded my head as I pressed play. I walked over to the couch and pulled the bowl of popcorn onto my lap. Joseph growled a bit but he calmed down once John Cusack went to check-in the hotel room and refused leaving the hotel. I spent the rest of the night watching horror movies with my best friend and wondering if he was right about the connection between Pix and I.

Joseph slept over in a sleeping bag I had layed out next to my bed. Just before I closed my I eyes and drifted asleep,, I concluded that Joseph, my matchmaker, was right...


I ♡ this chapter so much!!! I think I might have rushed it a bit but whatever... this is all you guys are gonna get from this chapter. \(>○<)/

I know...                                   ( \
I'm evil!                                     \ \   ^   ^
But I am also a kawaii kitty!    \ ( >,w<)
                                                          * ||
~♡ Mew! ♡~                                     *

I actually had to write this twice because the first time I wrote all of this it hadn't saved. So yeah, please be grateful.
*♡* ~Izu-Chan~ *♡*
(2975 words.. not including A/N ♡)

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