4- Clumsiness is a curse

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Aurora hums quietly as she cleans up her kitchen. After her visit to the group home yesterday she was too exhausted to clean so she decided to do it in the morning. But, she left in until one in the afternoon, so after a bit of slacking off she finally got to cleaning.

Aurora sticks her finger in the frosting bowl as she carries it over to the sink. The frosting really is good. She may have to save the recipe for another time.

A knock at the door startles Aurora. She looks over at it, then puts the bowl in the sink. "Coming!" She jogs over to the door and pulls it open. Eddie Brock stands on the other side looking rather jittery. More than his normal amount from what she gathered the first time she met him.

"Hey, Aurora- ah, Rory," Aurora smiles at him and he looks into her apartment. "Ah, you mind if I come in?" Aurora shakes her head and steps out of the way. "Not at all!" Eddie mumbles a thanks and rushes into her apartment.

He rubs his hands together in front of his mouth then turns around to face Aurora as she closes the door. "I need your advice." Aurora blinks at him then nods. "Sure." She glances behind her back. Her wings aren't hidden. She'll have to be careful.

Eddie chuckles bitterly and shakes his head. "I can't believe I'm actually here. I mean, I only met you once, but-" Eddie shakes his head then looks at Aurora kitchen and it's messy state. "What happened here?" He asks glancing between Aurora and the frosting on her counter.

Aurora smiles and crosses her arms. "I made cupcakes for the group home down a few blocks. They needed money so I figured a bake sale would help." Eddie nods and huffs a nervous laugh. "Helping orphans. That's- that's great. Wonderful. Wow."

Aurora smiles at him then Eddie nods, taking a step toward her. "If- If you had the choice to- to stop something bad. Something bad that you know is going on, would you?" Aurora opens her mouth to answer but Eddie cuts her off.

"Something- Something that ruined your life? Would you?" Aurora creases her brows in confusion then steps closer to Eddie. "I would, yes." Eddie nods and starts walking to the door, but Aurora doesn't stop there. "But I would be careful about it. Whatever is going on," Aurora gives Eddie a smile. "Be careful."

Eddie nods and shoves his jittery hands in his pockets. "Okay." He nods. "Okay." And with that Eddie leaves her apartment, not even noticing her wings to Aurora's thanks. She stares at her door as it closes then smiles. "What a funny man." She turns to her kitchen then sighs. "So much to do."

The next morning Aurora strolls through the city. It's warm enough that the cold doesn't have a negative effect on her. She enjoys this. Just being able to stroll and see the people of the city. She knows her effect on people. Draws them in and gives them a happy feeling. It's strongest with children, their minds so open to the possibilities of the world's wonders.

Aurora hums a quiet tune as her phone begins to ring. She pulls it out of her pocket and answers without bothering to look at the number. "Hello?" She asks sweetly. "Aurora, hey, it's Eddie." Aurora smiles widely hearing his voice.

"Eddie! I wasn't expecting a phone call so soon." She wasn't really expecting one at all, but she's happy he did. "Uh, yeah. A- About last night. I found something. It's crazy I mean I'm still- Ah!"

"Who is that?"

Aurora creases her brows as she hears Eddie random outburst. "You okay? She asks calmly. "Uh, yeah. Just something- It's nothing. Look, you know some good publishers right? Like you've got connections in the media?" Aurora slows her walk as she listens to Eddie.

"Yes." She answers simply. "Great. That's great. Um, I'll call you later. Thanks. Thank you." Then he hangs up. Aurora glances at her phone as she pulls it away from her ear. When she isn't paying attention she trips over a crack in the sidewalk, hitting her head on the pavement.

"Ow." She whimpers as her eyes fill with tears. Curse her clumsiness. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" Someone asks. Aurora looks up but finds her vision blurry. "I'm calling an ambulance." Aurora reaches up to touch her forehead but someone stops her. "No, don't touch it. It's bleeding."

"It is?" Aurora slurs her words a bit. A few minutes later she hears sirens and some people help her to her feet. A light shines in her eyes. "Follow the light ma'am." Aurora follows the light as best she can. "Eyes aren't responsive to light. I'd say a concussion." Aurora once again tries to touch her forehead but a stronger arm pulls her arm down. "Let's get moving."

Aurora pouts as she sits in the waiting room of the hospital. The doctor had told her she had a concussion. They tested her blood to make sure she wasn't intoxicated. It was a painstaking process to assure the staff that she was just a clutz.

Now she was just waiting on a prescription for pain, and Aurora was feeling a bit ridiculous. They had put a bandage on her forehead. It wasn't very endearing.

"Aurora?" She hears a familiar voice call. Aurora looks to her left to see Eddie standing there with a concerned expression. Aurora lazily waves at him and rests her head on the wall behind her. Eddie walks up to her and notices how dozed off she seems to be.

"What happened?" He asks, sitting next to her. Aurora shrugs and leans her head against Eddie's shoulder. "Bomped my head on the sidewalk." She says in a giddy voice. A doctor walks over and hands Aurora a prescription. "Thank you." She mumbles as she stuffs the paper in her pocket.

Eddie looks at Aurora and she looks up at him. With a smile she reaches up and boops his nose then begins giggling. Eddie laughs a bit then puts her arm down. "Yeah, I'm walking you home."

- author's notes -

so Venom's words are going to be in bold if not to state the obvious.

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