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Kitty, a fourteen year old high school freshman  steps onto the yellow bus as it arrives to take her to school. She smiles when she sees her friend since seventh grade sitting in a seat in the third row. They would be Kendal and they are actually a year ahead of Kitty. They also identify as nonbinary.

"Hi, Kendal!" Kitty chirps.

"Hey, Kitty." Kendal replies, pulling an eyebud out of their left ear.

Kitty quickly takes control of the conversation, knowing that Kendal isn't really the best at talking even if she's known the other person for years. The two talk and laugh until the bus arrives at the school. The teenagers inside the yellow vehicle step off, immediately rushing towards their friend groups. Kitty and Kendal climb a small hill and sit down at a picnic table with a chubby blonde girl with a blue band-aid over her nose. That's Cheyenne, Kendal best friend/ex-girlfriend.

Immediately upon setting their stuff down, Kendal rushes off towards the school shop, a dollar in hand, so they may purchase a hot chocolate. Yes, they all may live in Florida, but that morning was cold. A couple other friends arrive, including Cheyenne's ginger boyfriend, James, and Kendal's friend/ex-boyfriend, Trey (or Sedrick, depending how annoying he's being). Kendal arrives back at the picnic table, cold hands gripping a lukewarm styrofoam cup.

James immediately begins spouting dank memes and Kendal turns on an ear rape version of 'Spooky Scary Skeletons'. That seems to have summoned Alex, a tall male with limp light brown hair who is always wielding a bag of dry cereal as a weapon. Today seemed to Rice Krispies. Alex smacks James over the head with his cereal bag before running off. Trey laughs and follows after him. To be completely honest, I ship it, but Alex is asexual, so it'll never happen. The group of friends talk, laughing loudly when Hanna, a dirty blonde junior, takes a sip of Kendal's hot chocolate, thinking it was a soda, and burns her tongue. Soon, the bell rings and they all head in different directions for their first period class.

The day passes by rather quickly and soon enough, it's time to get on the bus to head back home. Strangely, Kendal gets on the bus first, making sure to claim an empty seat in the front. Kitty gets in just a couple minutes later, some 'Three Days Grace' blaring in her earphones. Kitty sits next to Kendal and, without a word, pulls a bag of pixie sticks from her backpack. Kendal raises an eyebrow, but says nothing as they swipe three from the bag. Two oranges and a blue. As the bus starts up, a pencil flies across the bus and hits Kendal in the back of the head.

"Fight me!" They hiss to themselves.

"Y'know, one day you're gonna say that and someone's gonna just fucking deck you right in the face." Kitty says, downing a purple pixie stick in one hit.

"Hmm... Yeah, you're probably right."

The two busy themselves with eating more of the packages of pure sugar, Kendal laughing as Kitty tells the story of how Ava, one of their mutual friends, told the auburn haired girl she could probably take over the world with a plasic cup. Sugar fell all over and into Kendal's red hoodie as the bus hits a speed bump, causing them to mutter a swear in some foreign language (probably Swedish) and attempt to subtly remove the sugar from the depths of their chest binder.

Kitty laughs a bit at their struggles, holding the remains of their pixie stick for them as they remove the hoodie, revealing the black tank top underneath, and shake the sugar loose from the red fabric. After a bit more cursing, the hoodie is clean enough and is replaced back to its rightful place. As Kendal pulls their head back through their hoodie, the bus stops and Kendal is forced to get off as it is their bus stop. The two exchange goodbyes and Kendal steps off, already waving to their mother who is standing a little ways away.

Kitty downs another pixie stick before deciding to put the bag away. Her stop rolls up a few minutes later and she steps off. Her mind is already racing into a sugar high and she grins from ear to ear, reminding herself of the Chesire Cat. The rest of her night passes in a blur and the only thing she can remember before passing out is someone calling her name in a laughing manner.

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