Subject P4

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The hall stretched out for what felt like miles, light fittings hung from the floor and potted plants stood upon the ceiling. A snow globe sat in her dainty hands, the white powder gathering in it's roof, around a little inverted sculpture of the Eiffel Tower. She shook it, watching the little flecks of snow dance downwards, floating among the pointy structure before slowly rising back to their resting spot.

She cocked her head to the side, warmth rushing to her fingertips as, within a second, the snow began to pour to the side, pooling in the left side of the globe. A smile tugged at her lips; despite the stagnant air, the confines she was bound in and the frequent sensations of loneliness, the globe kept her company, the globe was fun.

With a hum, she turned it round, watching the snow shift towards the base. Then, she reached down, placing it upon the ground next to a round light bulb. Her stony grey eyes rose from it, locking with a ticking clock hung just off the floor. She turned her head, taking note of the orientation of the hands.

The big one was down by the twelve, whilst the little one was further up, by the eight. That meant he'd be showing up soon. Her eyes drifted up to the door, hand reaching out to guide the snow globe behind her. She wasn't exactly allowed to have it, at least that was what the man who'd given it to her had said, apparently the others wouldn't approve.

And then, as if the thought had summoned him, the door slid open, a tall man in a white coat striding in across the ceiling. She cocked her head the other way, gaze landing on the round spectacles that covered his eyes, the tufts of hair that dangled from his head like cave stalactites. A smile crossed her face, digging dimples into her sparsely freckled cheeks.

He met her gaze, his lips curling downwards into a smile. This was Doctor Mackles, she liked Doctor Mackles. She reached a hand out, a giggle escaping her lips as his glasses slipped from his eyes, falling down into her hand. She tried to put them on, finding them a little too big as they balanced awkwardly on her face.

"Very funny," His voice echoed out into the featureless room, "Can you come down from there P4? You know I have work to do,"

Her expression shifted into one of thought for a moment, the girl sticking her tongue out at him in faked contemplation. After a few seconds, she gave a nod, fingers curling around her globe as she rose to her feet. With a quick hop, the girl was suspended in the air, floating for a few moments.

The world spun around her, the lights in the hallway shifting to the ceiling and the potted plants returning to the floor. The man was on the ground now as well, standing taller than her, as was normal. She felt her globe fighting her in her hand, trying to rise up to the roof, where she had once been. With a little squeeze, she stopped it, keeping it resting behind her back.

"Hi Macky!" She hummed, "How are you today?"

"That's what I'm meant to be asking you, P4, are you feeling well?" He replied, crouching down to be more on her level. He reached forwards, taking the glasses from her face.

"Mhm!" She replied, snickering to herself as he took his specs back, "I'm really good!"

"I'm good as well," The doctor replied, casting a small smile at the girl. He jotted down her answer on his clipboard, "Now, what's your favorite colour, P4?"

"You asked me this yesterday," She replied with a huff, puffing her cheeks out grumpily as he only nodded in response. A silence played out between them both, before she quite begrudgingly replied, "Magenta,"

"Magenta, yes, that's what you told me last time," He commented, ignoring the confusion that spread across her face like wildfire, "What am I going to ask you next?"

Her eyes shifted off to the side, face scrunching up as she thought on his question. He asked her a bunch of them every day, why? Did he not remember the answers she gave him? It went how are you, colour, shape, number and then finally what she'd like for dinner, had he forgotten what the next question was, why was he asking her about it? Didn't he have them on that weird clipboard of his?

"You're gonna ask me about which shape I like the best, then I say pentagons, then you ask how many sides those have, and I count on my hand and say five!" She smirked at him, waiting until he was about to open his mouth before she continued, "Then, you ask me what I'd like for lunch, can I have soup today please? Lovely, warm soup!"

The man took a moment, smiled and reached a hand out, patting her on the head.
"Your memory is getting better, P4, have you been practicing?"

"No, you just ask me all the time," She replied, sticking her tongue out at him as she hopped up a little; the world shifting and rolling onto it's side as she landed in a sitting position on the smooth paneled wall. She looked up at him, smiling a little smugly, "I'm gonna tell you all of them right away tomorrow, just you watch!"

The man chuckled softly to himself, though his reaction was quite a bit more subdued than she was expecting, it left her... wanting. She watched him approach, body stretched across the sky like a beam. She puffed out her cheeks as he reached out, taking her hand with a smile.
"Have you ever wanted a name?"

She went quiet, expression becoming one of thought for a moment.
"Don't I already have one? Everybody calls me P4, that's my name, it's on my clothes,"

He shook his head.
"No, that's your code, not a name. I'm Doctor Mackles, the lady who does your biometrics is called Doctor Shelley," The man explained, "Those are names,"

"Oh?" She asked, cocking her head to the side, "Can I have one then? Please? Pretty please?"

"What do you want it to be?" He asked, voice soft. "It can be whatever you want,"

She looked away, slowly bringing her snowglobe in front of her, Mackles had given it to her, so she supposed it was fine with him. The girl gave it a little shake, redirecting the powder in all sorts of directions around the little globe.
"I, uh, I don't know," She mumbled, finally glancing back at the man, "Can you make one up?"

"Hmm, I don't see why not," Mackles hummed, eyes following the snow globe as she played with it, "Just give me a minute to think,"

She gave a nod, pushing off the wall once more. The girl shifted again, landing upon her knees on the ceiling. Peering down at him with brightened eyes, she waited for him to come up with something. The girl would straighten up every time it looked like he was about to speak, deflating when he inevitably didn't. The silence came to a merciful end, however, as the man's soft voice finally filled the room.

"How about, Pandora?" He asked her, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Like the girl from the box story?" She asked, a little grin crossing her face, "I love that story, you should tell me it again sometime!"

"Do you like it?" He replied, a hum escaping his lips, "I can try and come up with another if you'd like,"

"Yeah! I love it! I wanna be Pandora!" The girl cheered, pushing off of the roof and dropping down towards him. She wrapped her arms and legs around the man, giving him as tight of a hug as she could muster, "Is that my name now? Is it that easy to make one?"

"Yup," His low voice rung in her ears, "So, Pandora, shall we continue with your tests?"

((Note from ya boi Pizza: This is a short based on the idea for a story I feel like I've been wanting to write. It's not g/t, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Feedback is appreciated.))

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