Solangelo Proposal

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Rick Riordan. He won't give them to me even if I give him money. So I can just borrow them. Pics and gifs from Google.

A/n: So, so my fellow Solangelo shippers, this is Nico's quest to propose Will!! I totally give the credit to mah dear frnd cxtuwu. I was totally out of anything to write and as always that girl came to my rescue. What would I have done without her? Idk. Anyway, On with the story!

Third Person POV

"I love him." Nico had come in touch with his feelings. He couldn't deny this anymore. Everyone could tell. But he was sure if Will was bisexual (In this story, he is.). But, he wasn't sure if Will loved him. As in loved loved. Not your my friend so I love you.

He really wanted to kiss that stupid sunshine. Oh, did he really called Will ,sunshine? It's final. Nico is sick. And this sickness isn't normal. He is lovesick.

[*cue fangirl scream* I am low-key simping!! This pic is so OP 😍]

He didn't knew what to do. He decided to take some advice. He gathered his friends [The 7 (With the exception of Leo)+ Reyna]and asked them point blank: Should I propose Will?

Oh my, Nico hadn't ever be seen more red.

(Frank, Hazel and Reyna are on an iris message. Jason is currently visiting CHB)

Piper: I knew it! I knew it! Way to go, Nico!

Annabeth: *facepalms and hands Piper $10* Ugh. I always thought it was Will who will propose.

Reyna: Ah, well! I so hoped you weren't gay but as this is, Go for it!

Jason: Bu-but Percico? *gets slapped by Nico and Piper* T^T

Percy: Ah so is Will your type? Because I AM NOT!

*everyone facepalms*

Frazel: Do it, Nico! We are sure Will loves you too!

Piper: No doubt about it.

(Notice Percy hiding in left corner)

Well Nico's friends sure are crazy, but if Piper says Will like him, then maybe... She is the daughter of Aphrodite after all!

Nico was ready! He was gonna do it! He just needed the perfect plan.


Nico went over to the Apollo cabin and then to Will's bunk. There he left his letter:


It's me, Nico. Gotta talk to you about something. Meet me at Zeus' Fist at 5 p.m.

P.S. Come alone.

He was just going out when he bumped into Will. Schist!

"Nico! What are you doing here? I haven't seen you the whole day! Could have helped me in the infirmary!" Will do speaks a lot.

"Umm.. uhh" Nico was gonna shadow travel away but..

"Hey! No underworld thingy here! DOCTOR'S ORDER!" Will can be pretty scary when he wants to be.

"Now tell me why were you here" Will asked Nico.

"Oh uh, nothing just meet me at 5 p.m. in front of Zeus' fist Kay?" Nico buttered out.

"Oh....ohkk" For some reason Will was stuttering. He looked nervous. Could he really like Nico? In that way?


Nico had prepared everything. For a picnic.

Will is the son of Apollo. He loves sunny picnics. It's 5 min left to 5'O clock. But Will has arrived. He looks so handsome as ever.

"Wow. How come death boy wants to have a secret picnic with me, huh? Will winked.

Nico knew he was as red as a tomato right now. Both of them sat down.

They were casually sitting and just talking. Nico was waiting for the right moment to propose. Just then Nico heard some bushes brush. He silently moved his head that way, as for Will to not notice.

What the heck?!?! Whoa! Whoa! Hiding in the bushes were his friends and an iris message. Nico rolled his eyes. So much for a little proposal.

As if things couldn't have got worse, they got worst. A girl appeared there. Daughter of Aphrodite. Name? Lana.

The moment she saw Will, she came rushing forward with a smile. She was drunk.

"Oh Will. My love. You are so handsome." She said. Will blushed. Nuuuuuuu!

"Why don't you leave death boy here and come with me. We will have fun. Just you and me." She winked. Will came closer to her and held her in his hands.

Nico was ready to make skeletons appear and drag that girl into the underworld. A perfect time? RUINED.

"We need to take her to her cabin, Nico. She is drunk. C'mon." Nico did not want to go. He saw how Will was looking at the girl. He did not like it. So after all, Will likes Lana. Not death boy.

Nico shadow travelled away from there to Hades cabin. There he just lied on the bed, crying.

Nico Di Angelo was crying after a long, long time. At least compared to earlier. Earlier, he used to cry all the time. After meeting his sunshine though, he never had anything to cry about.. Now he was crying because his sunshine had left. How ironic.

He heard shuffled footsteps outside his door. Oh, he had forgotten about those eavesdroppers behind the bushes. He didn't wanted to talk. He shadow travelled to his mom's grave. He always came here when he was sad.

He would always talk with his mom. Even when he didn't wanted to talk with anyone. Mom never came in 'anyone'.

He wouldn't like anything better than returning to the underworld. He had nothing more at CHB anymore. But that would look suspicious. He had to stay 2-3 days there and then he will talk to Chiron.


The next day, Nico avoided Will at all costs. He did not linger at any place where he could be present. Also, he had to stay away from his pestering friends.

They said they were worried for him and all. He just ignored them and went away. They wouldn't however give up. It was getting irritating.

After dinner, he was returning to his cabin, when those dam friends blocked his way at his cabin's door. The iris message was always there for the ones at CJ. It looked kinda comical.

The conversation went this way:

Piper: Nico, will you please stop with this cold shoulder you are giving us? *Annabeth stepped on her foot cough intentionally cough* OUCH!

Annabeth: Oh forget Piper, Nico. Why don't we go catch coffee, all of us? For old times' sake?

Piper rolled her eyes.

Percy: Aww c'mon man! I know I AMN'T YOUR TYPE, but we sure can have a friendly cup of coffee, yah? *Annabeth did what she did with Piper* ANNABETH!!

Annabeth facepalms and whispers: Ugh, these two!

Jason: C'mon Nico. Please. *puppy dog eyes*

Jason's puppy dog eyes is a total FAIL! 😦 <-- Jason


Frank flinched.

Annabeth: Nico! We are just trying to help you. We are worried-

Nico (interrupted Annabeth) : I TOLD YA! I DONT NEED YOUR DAM WORRINESS (is that even a word?). JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!

It came out too harsh. Just then his cabin's door opened and out came Will. Nico was gonna shadow travel away but Will grabbed him.

Will: Nico.

He had tears in his eyes.

Will: Nico I don't ... I don't u-understand. Wh-why are you s-so angry? Wh-why did you left yesterday? Wh-why a-are y-you ignoring m-me? L-look I-I DONT really understand. I-I just wanted you to know, th-that I-I ... th-that.. I-LOVE-YOU!

Nico blinked a few times and then he fainted. What a cute reaction, huh? Nico hated it!!! AAAHHHHH


Nico woke up to see Will holding his hands. They were in the infirmary. He immediately sat straight and was gonna hyperventilate when Will gently put his hand on Nico's forehead and said(See the pic below!):

*fangirl scream*

This was it. He was gonna propose Will when Will himself asked him, " Nico Di Angelo, will you be my boyfriend?"

"YES!" Nico screamed too loudly and eagerly.

"I-I mean of course. Y-you are k-kinda cute, s-so.." Nico muttered.

Will smiled. "Now tell me why did you run away yesterday?"

"Oh that, I-I guess it's just th-that I-I was ma-maybe jealous?"

Will laughed. He looked cute when he laughed.

"Omg Nico! Lana?! Really?! I was just nervous and blushing because you were staring at me 😳"


Will was still laughing. And then suddenly he bent his head forward and kissed Nico.


Some Solangelo pics for you:

This is the longest chap I have ever written so YAY!

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