The 7+Reyna+Nico went to high school (AU)

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to Uncle Rick though I wish they were mine (I wish!) The pictures and gif are also not mine ( ik sad, right?) BUT I hope u enjoy :)

Imagine the 7 along with Reyna and Nico going to school in a single suv.

Frank is driving but being our clumsy dude lost the way.

Annabeth then took charge of the map and is trying to concentrate. *evil eye to frank*

Piper is that kid who doesn't know what to listen to and keeps changing the song on the radio.

Percy is the enthusiastic child who sits by the window and happily checks out the scenery.

Leo is that annoying lil kid who keeps asking how much more time is needed to reach.

Jason and hazel are having fun teasing Leo, who is shouting and screaming.

Reyna is the mature Mom-ish one who is telling Jason and hazel to stop with the teasing.

Nico sits at the corner with his headphone and is thinking what the heck did he got himself into.

Uh-huh! Looks like they have reached! [Stop shouting and running Leo!]

Now they are in class and the teacher is not there [Well as per them...... Actually, the teacher is spying on them... See top-left corner].

Frank has been locked out by Leo [Leo:Hey Frank! Looks like the teacher is outside the window! Go call her please. *Frank checks out of the window* *leo kicks him and locks the window* *cue evil laughter* Don't cry Frankie, good boys don't cry].

Reyna, being annoyed has went to look for the teacher.

Annabeth is trying to do her homework while Percy keeps trying to get her attention by hitting her with paper balls [Beware! She seems ready to snap at any moment! Never disturb Annabeth when she is READING].

Nico has successfully found a way to escape and is on his way to get away from this HORRID PLACE *cough* school *cough* Smart of you to figure the window is open! Way to go, Nico! [shhhh.. don't let Frank know!!].

Meanwhile, Leo has come up with a escape plan too [Shhh again... Leo must not see Nico!] with Piper and Hazel. All 3 of them are ready to make a run for it!

Jason on the other hand is trying to hit his rival [that too with a paper airplane *notice on the airplane it's written to loser aka Percy* *salute to eternal rivalry*], none other than Percy.

Uh-huh Looks like the teacher is a monster 😬.

Oops looks like Nico got caught by the Principal!

Principal: Where do ya think u r going kid?

Nico: Home

Principal: What?!

Nico: Uhh I-I mean .... I-I am uhh.. I am going to... uhh yah! I am going to the home clinic !

Principal: And why should I believe you?

Nico: uhh.. I-I have... [checks his pocket! Ugh it should be here somewhere!] Found it! I have a note from the doctor ! [*cue Will's ghost appears outta nowhere* He confirms, mhm I am his doctor, any doubt? Hey BTW Nico! What are you doing here! Return to the infirmary NOW!]

*The principal runs away screaming GHOST! GHOST!*

*Nico also runs away from Will's ghost who is shouting at him to immediately return to the infirmary*

Well now they are all in the playground (they killed that teacher *cough* monster *cough*). After some crazy pranking, playing and laughing they are all tired and lie down together.

They hold hands and casually raise them so as to declare their forever friendship. They have never been happier. After all those near-death experiences, they finally got to relax for once.


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