Finale Part 1

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Quick side note!!! The character in this fanfic previously know as "Night Mayor" has been renamed "Griffon the Totem Mage" 


Night, in the city. . . . . and the PJ Masks were chasing after the chaotic Wolfies. . . again. .  .

Wolfies:*howl while running away*

Catboy: Get back here you dirty dogs!

Rip:*sticks out tongue* Catch us if you can! Split up guys!

The Wolfys quickly run in different directions, causing all the PJs to hault.

Gekko: They're splitting up? Now how are gonna get it back?

Catboy: Owlette! Batarina! Find out which wolfy has it!

Owlette:*flies up* Owl Eyes!

Batarina: Bat Sonar!*spots wolfy* Howler? Nope.

Owlette: Rip doesn't have it either. That leaves Kevin.*spots Kevin* And he has it! 

Gekko: Kevin has the Recovery Glove?

Catboy: Where's he heading?

Owlette: I'm not sure, *preses com* PJ Robot, find out where Kevin is heading and then come join us to lead the way!

PJ Robot(from hq): Aye-aye! *types away at computer*

The other PJs followed Owlette. On top of a building, four villains watched the heroes make their way there.

Catboy(running): What do those Wolfies want with the Recovery Glove anyways?

Batarina(running): Beats me. But whatever they want it for, I doubt they'll know how to use it!

Meanwhile, Kevin had ran so far he had ended up at local beach not too far away from the city. Kevin stopped to take a breath when he was met there by Rip and Howler.

Rip: Kevin! What are you doing? You're supposed to be breaking the Pajama Kids' glove!

Kevin: But why? It's just a metal glove.

Howler: Because, uhhh... we wanna break it! I wanna break it!*grabs glove*

Howler takes the glove and starts shaking it around, soon resulting in the three Wolfys fighting over it. Seconds later the PJ Masks arrived on the scene.

Gekko: Thanks for leading the way PJ Robot!

PJ Robot: *gives thumbs up*

Gekko:*looks around* Since when was there a beach?

other PJs:*shrug*

Wolfys:*roll past pjs*

Catboy: PJ Masks, you know what to do!

Other PJs: Aye-aye Catboy!

Gekko activated his camo and grabbed Kevin, Catboy grabbed Howler with his stripes and pulled him away, and Owlette threw a gust of wind at Rip, sending the glove out of her hand. Batarina then activated her claws, jumped off a tree then grabbed the glove before it hit the floor. Not soon after the Wolfys fled.

Batarina: And stay out! Ya furry flea-bags!

Gekko: Yikes. Looks like the Recovery Glove got a beat down from the Wolfies.

Batarina: Good thing we don't need it tonight. 

Catboy: Yeah, nice work team!*looks around* Owlette?

Catboy turned and saw Owlette looking out at the dark horizon that met the water of the beach.

Catboy: Owlette?

Owlette: Hm?*turns to team* Oh, sorry! I was just thinking.

Catboy: About what?

Owlette: About the past few months, they've been...

Gekko: Busy?

Batarina: Chaotic and awesome?!

Owlette: A lot. The past few months have been a lot. We've made a lot of new enemies, spent a lot of time during the day investigating and planning, and have had a lot of back-to-back long nights fighting them. Not only that, missions have been getting really dangerous.

Batarina(energetic): Oh you bet! Remember that time we all got thrown of the Flying Factory? Or the time I got hit with a treadmill? Or the time that you got infected with venom, moon magic, and-

Catboy(eyes widened): *swating at his neck mouthing "stop"*

Batarina: *chuckles nervously* Sorry...

Owlette: Point is, *sighs* I could really use a break. I know it's out job to do this every night, but I don't know how many more nights I can go without actual sleep.

Gekko: I hear you, our powers can only make up for so much sleep every night. A break would be nice. Right PJ Robot?

PJ Robot: *beeps happily*

Owlette: Yeah, even for just one night. Just imagine no villains and relaxing here on the beach, watching the sunrise!

Batarina: *sighs in relief* Now bat sounds amazing!

Catboy: It does, but we can't stay 'til sunrise, we're too far away from our part of the city. We won't be able to make it back home without being seen in daylight.

Owlette(disappointed):*sighs* Yeah, you're right...

Catboy:*thinks for a moment* How about we come back tomorrow with the Gecko-Mobile? That way we can head home in camouflage!

Gekko: Yeah, first thing tomorrow night! After stopping villains every night, I could use a break!

Catboy: Sound good Owlette?

Owlette: ...*smiles lightly* sounds great.

Catboy: Sweet! Now, let's go home!

Meanwhile, the Wolfys ran to the far side of the city, into a dark alley. Four villains waited for them there.

Howler: Uhh, h-hello?

Luna Girl: Hmp, 'bout time! Did you do it?

Rip: Yeah, we destroyed the Pajama Kids' glove! Now take us to the moon like you said!

Luna Girl:*evil laughs* Sorry little mutts, I changed my mind.

Mothzuki: No moon for Wolfys! Eek!

Rip: What?! But we had a deal!

Just then, Romeo and Night Ninja step into the light beside Luna.

Romeo: You're deal,

Night Ninja: Just expired. . . 

Luna Girl:*aims magnet*

Howler: RUN!!!

Wolfys: Ahhh!

The Wolfys are about to run for it, but suddenly a blues mist flows around them, causing them all to fall asleep.

Romeo: Well, it's about time you showed up!

Griffon:*walks up to group* I'm not sure how you guys talked me into this alliance.

Night Ninja: Doesn't matter! With the PJs' silly 'Recovery Glove' broken, we have the upper hand!

Mothzuki: Eek! No more glove! No more PJs!

Romeo: So that smoke you used on the Wolfys was your new 'Sleep Smog?'

Griffon: It is indeed.*snaps finger*

Boo and Hoo appeared as Griffon snapped his fingers. The two ghosts were holding four bags with little blue smoke bombs on the inside. The ghosts then passed the bags to the other villains.

Griffon: Be sure to get every house in the city. Except the PJ Masks' rooms. We have a special surprise for them.

Night Ninja:*looks left*  Yikes, the Sun is rising! We better hurry! C'mon Ninjalinos!*jumps away*

Ninjalinos:*follow NN*

Griffon: Why rush, the night is still young! Or at least it will be. Come Luna Girl, we have a spell to cast! 

Luna Girl:*snickers and readies magnet*

Griffon teleports himself and Luna to the top of a building. From there they could see the sun slowly rising.

Griffon: Enjoy the sunrise Luna.

Luna Girl: Hm? Why?

Griffon: Beacuse it's the last one you ever see!*mild chuckle*

Luna Girl:*evil laughs* *fires moon bubble*

Griffon waves his wand around the moon bubble, changing it to a dark blue color. Then he sends it high into the sky. When the bubble popped, a blue energy surge spread across the sky. Slowly, the Sun began to sink back down, as night became once more. . . 

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