Bendy VS Springtrap

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(This is a battle from the Wiki Fandom)

Vampirina: Uh... guys... the episode is going to strart...

Catboy:(gulps) I'm still frightened...

Bridget: Me too...

Gecko: Damn that Bendy!

Batarina: And Springtrap!

Vampirina: Well... remember to stay close so you don't get scared, okay?

Girls: Okay...

Boys (except Shadow): We will...

Shadow: Let's see what is this battle all about...

Wiz: Nowaday, we can see Indie Games everywhere

Bluey: Like Cuphead!

Poppy: And like Undertale

Boomstick: And of all Types, like Adventure, Plattaformers, Maths and one of the most famous, Horror, and their antagonists, like Bendy, the Ink Demon

Gecko: Not that ink monster...

Wiz: And William Afton, the Springtrap

Batarina: Not that animatronic...

Vampirina: I'm guessing Springtrap must be from FNAF

Shadow: He must be...

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons,armors and skills to find out who would win... a Death Battle

Vampirina: Looks like Bendy is first...

Gecko:(gulps) Not him...

Shadow: Let's see him...


Boomstick: The 30s, the golden age of animation, with all the iconic cartoons in black and white amd literally every sound made by a moustache man

Wiz: In this decade, the most famous cartoon was Bendy, and dancing and happy demon made by Joey Drew and his pal Henry Stein, the Studio who created the character, Joey Drew Studio, earn a great fortune thanks to little devil... Until they cancelled it...

Gecko: Deserved it!

Shadow: What?!

Gecko: He scares me! So it's good that they cancelled him!

Vampirina: Let's just continue...

Boomstick: The Studio gained a fortune with the little devil, but this was not enough for Joey... He wanted more, so he decided to create an Ink Machine to bring his creations to the real life, but obviously it wasn't going to end well, specially if you build the Machine in an occult ritual sacrifricing several employees in the proccess

Wiz: Before being sacrified, the employees left several cassetes with messages talking about Joey was obsessed with the Ink Machine, how he wanted to please the gods, and how an experiment gone wrong with Joey creating a monster... 30 Years later after this, Joey sent a letter to his old pal Henry, telling him to come back to the studio, since there was something he needed to show him

Vampirina: Hmm... I wonder what is it...

Shadow: I guess we will figure it out...

Boomstick: But he didn't found anything... only a big Ink Machine, the dead corpse of Boris, the dog friend of Bendy, and moving cutouts that gives jumpscares. Henry decided to rebuilt the Machine to make it work... And he got it... But he freed a monster... an INK Monster

The Ink Monster (Bendy) jumps out of nowere

Everyone (except Shadow and Vampirina): AHHH!

Vampirina: So that must be Bendy

Shadow: Looks like it...

Gecko: Oh. My. GOSH! That was scary!

Vampirina: Now we see why he frightens you, Gecko

Gecko: A lot!

Wiz: The experiment that went worng 30 years earlier was the first try to bring Bendy to the real life, and bringed him to their reality, but not the Bendy they wanted, they bringed a agressive and violent creature that got captured by Joey when this turned off the Ink Machine, but since Henry turned it on again, the Ink Bendy got released

Poppy: Oh my...

Bridget: What an evil monster!

Owlette: That demon is a freak...

Boomstick: Henry managed to escape from the ink demon and he tried to reach to the exit, but suddenly the floor under him collapsed by the ink flood and Henry fell to a ground floor of the Studio. Henry later woke up in the rests of the ritual used to bring Bendy and Boris to life, where only Boris came right... Though they created like 3 different Boris...

Wiz: Henry found an axe and walks through a path full of wood planks, Bendy's cutouts, Ink monsters, and instruments, only to be kidnapped by Sammy Lawrence, a former worker of the studio who drawed all the stars in every episode of the cartoon, who now was the biggest fan of the Ink Demon and wanted to sacrify Henry for him

Vampirina:(thinks) I will also sacrifice myself if I want to protect Shadow someday

Shadow:(thinks) I think I shall do the same for Vampirina

Rainbow Dash: That's lame...

Skye: How can a fan be that crazy?!

Chase: Maybe it was possesed or it was revived like this, since ge mentioned about producers sacrificing themselves

Vampirina: And maybe the Ink Demon revived them as his slaves...

Shadow: He's even worse than that Venom guy...

Boomstick: Sadly, Bendy didn't wanted Henry and Sammy ended dying. Henry escaped from Bendy in his humanoid form and hid in a shelter, where he found Boris... but this time alive. Henry wanted to find the exit but Boris didn't wanted to let him go because it was too dangerous, so Henry made some Bacon soup for him and then Boris was like "let's-a go"

Mario: That's-a my line!

Shadow: He stealed it...

Wiz: After that Boris and Henry went to Heavenly Toys where they found an ink and horrible version of the original voice actress of Alice Angel, Susie Campbell, who ordened Henry to do some favours for her, which includes recollecting several things while Henry is attacked by several ink monsters, an Ink Humanoid with a projector head, and even Bendy

Gecko: Just stop it with Bendy already!

Vampirina: They still didn't ended the description, Gecko!

Shadow: So shut up!

Gecko:(scoffs) Fine...

Boomstick: He did everything for her, and she let the both life... Ha, got it! When Henry and Boris got into the elevator, Alice made the elevator fall, and then she kidnapped Boris to make her "totally beautiful" again, and when Henry woke up, he went to save his friend that he meet like only a chapter ago

Vampirina: That was good of Henry to save Boris

Shadow: At least we hope they survived...

Wiz: He first went to the library of the Studio, where he found a group of pacific ink creatures called "The Lost Ones", which are probably the former workers of the studio that known have been turned into ink monsters, since they just want to go home, and he also finds Bendy but this one let Henry live and just dissapears

Vampirina: Why does Bendy just let's him live like that? Is that some kind of trick to get him to a trap?

Shadow: We will figure it out...

Boomstick: After that, Henry moved through the Vents to Bendy Land, it's like Disney Land but with a devil as mascot... not so different to be hone- Oh yeah, the analysis. He tried to find Boris there but he only found several Bendy Animatronics and a old employee that turned into in some way into an attraction of Bendy Land, so he had to destroy it

Mickey: Now that's a scary version of our world

Minnie: Let's hope it's not like that if Bendy invades it...

Wiz: Henry then got chased by the Projectionist, an ink humanoid monster with a projector on his head, and he noly had the option to hide in a pretty visible locker, so when the Projectionist was going to get him, Bendy appeared and started fighting the projectionist, in a quick fight where Bendy easily won by ripping his head off, and just looked at Henry at dissapeared... again...

Boomstick: He then went to find Boris, he found him... But not how he expected, Alice now turned Boris into a brute and buff version of him, and Henry had to fight him and kill him, and after defeating the Buff Boris, Alice appeared of nowhere in an attempt of killing Henry with her own hands... but then she got stabbed by a person behind her... The true Alice Angel, well, Allison Angel and a Winter Soldier like Boris called Tom, and this two kidnapped Henry

Luna Girl: So they helped him to kidnap him?

Gecko: Lame!

Vampirina: I have to say that's stupid...

Shadow: Agreed...

Wiz: Henry then woke up in the hideout of Alisson and Tom, the prison, where he is trapped, and after saying that he recognised Allison's song, she gave him the Seeing Tool, a tool that helps him to watch secret messages made of ink, with this, Henry escaped from the prison, but he got attacked by Sammy, who survived from the Chapter 2 but he now went insane

Boomstick: But luckily Allison and Tom saved him, and leaded him to entrance of the Giant Ink Machine, where only Henry could enter since he wasn't an ink creature. Now there, Henry found the last episode of the Bendy Cartoon, "The End", and when he was gonna use it, our friend Bendy appeared to stop him and transformed into an horrible-wildmutt Beast and started chasing Henry through the laberynth

Gecko:(gulps) He scares me in that form...

Vampirina: And into a laberynth?

Shadow: So it really was a trap, like you said

Vampirina: Indeed it was a trap... sometimes the villains can be tricky sometimes...

Catboy: That's right! Good that you know it...

Wiz: Henry finally could use the reel and he finally ended with Bendy, forcing him to watch his own end... after that, Henry wakes up in a house, a similar one, with drawings of Bendy and a storyboard of the adventures that Henry went trough, in the kitchen, he found an old Joey Drew, that told him to go to the old studio since he need to show him something... and then, he appeared in the Old Studio, just like when he entered in there after receiving Joey's letter, trapped into a cycle to experiment all his adventures all over, and over, and over again, just like a reel film

Boomstick: There's a Boris Survival Game and a Minion Run Mobile Game, and a sequel incoming, but that's another story

Vampirina: So the story doesn't end there?

Shadow: Looks like it... that demon won't give up that easily...

Vampirina: I bet he's going to find a way out of him prison, and there's when the story continues

Gecko: Damn it! A sequel to that game?! (Growls)


Ink Manipulation






Life Manipulation

Ink Minions


Ink Bendy

Beast Bendy


Wiz: Now going into Bendy's powers and abilities, it's most characteristic one is the ability to manipulate the ink of the Ink Machine, being able to fill entire rooms and hallways with ink, make ink fall from the ceiling, corrupt people by touching them and turn them into Ink Monsters and more abilities like "teleporting" and creating minions, but we are going talk in more detail in a momment about this two

Vampirina: If he says...

Boomstick: Bendy can also change his form, from turning into a simple puddle of ink, an humanoid version and a Wildmu- I mean Beast Version

Gecko: We already saw it...

Bridget: He's so scary!

Ladybug: Muy scary!

Wiz: Bendy is also intangible to bullets of a Tommy Gun, he also showed intangibility when he went through a wall while dragging the body of the Projectionist, only leaving an ink stain in the wall

Boomstick: Bendy also has inmortality, but this only works if there's a reasonable amount of ink where he is, if not, he will die... Now talking about his teleportation, Bendy can teleport to any place fill of ink, always to give some good jumpscares

Vampirina: Now that's a easy going for a jumpscare

Shadow: Have you ever give someone a jumpscare?

Vampirina: A lot of times

Edgar: Yeah! You are good at scaring everyone!

Vampirina: Thanks Edgar

Wiz: Bendy can also create life from the ink, with this ability he is able to create minions like the Searchers, the basic enemies that can be defeated by defeated with 1-3 hits depending on the weapon and also depending on the Searcher, since there's stronger versions of the basic searchers, but slowers than the normal ones

Boomstick: The Lost Ones are humanoid ink monsters that can be defeated with 2 hits of an axe, and the Butcher Gang are the villains of the Bendy cartoon, but now turned into creppy ink monsters and with different names, like Piper, Fisher and Striker; but they can be defeated with likely 2-5-9 hits depending on the weapon

Vampirina: So whatever is the weapon, it will damage it?

Shadow: I guess it is...

Wiz: Now going into Bendy's transformations, Bendy has his Ink form, which is his humanoid form, this one is pretty slow and can't see, but it's pretty smart and agressive, his final form, Beast Bendy, is a buffed version of Ink Bendy but faster and less smarter

Boomstick: And now Bendy's most powerful weapon... his cutouts... This cutouts are practically useless, they only work to hide behind, jumpscare the opponent, and if someone break it, Bendy gets more angry, though, it's unknown if Bendy can use those to attack

Gecko: I never see him doing it either...


Can One shot Henry

Tore appart Sammy Lawrence

Killed the Projectionist, ripped his head off and dragged his body

With his ink he can cover entire rooms

Created a hole on a wall when he slapped Henry in his Beast form

In this form he can also break Glass tubes in half

Easily tanked Tommy's gun bullets

He can quickly cross a maze in his Beast form

Wiz: Now going into his feats, Bendy can easily one shot Henry, an old man that can survive falls, getting hitted by Big Searchers, getting slammed through a wall and more things, he also tore appart Sammy, not killing him but yes making him more insane... more insane than what he was

Boomstick: He also killed the Projectionist by ripping his head off after a punch fight with him, the calculation of this feat is that Bendy had to put a strenght 1,000,000 Newtons, so Bendy should have lifted 112 Tons of TNT.... Thanks Migue!

Shadow: Idiot...

Vampirina: Yeah... Boomstick is like that sometimes...

Wiz: Bendy can also fill entire rooms with his ink and tank the bullets of a Tommy Gun, but this could also be possible because Bendy's intangibility. Now going with his Beast Bendy form, he made a hole in a wall when he slapped Henry through this one

Boomstick: Beast Bendy can also break glass tubes in half with just tackling them like an American Football player, he is also way faster than his normal Ink form, being able to cross a hallway of a maze in seconds

Sonic: That's as fast as I am, but how can he pass a maze without getting lost

Catboy: Yeah... they said he was less smarter in that form...

Gecko: Maybe he played it by his own way, meaning that he cheated

Owlette: That's a tricky demon...


"THE END" tape

Not Actual Combat Experience

Thought he winned in a punch fight with The Projectionist

Regular Searchers and cutouts can be easily destroyed

His base form has no speed feats

And in his Beast form he can still be killed, even without "THE END" tape

He can die if the Ink Machine gets destroyed too/If there's no ink where he is

Wiz: Even with his ink abillities, Bendy has some faults, he actually don't have any combat experience or lethal weapon, though he also beated the Projectionist in a punch fight as we already mentioned

Boomstick: Some of his minions like the normal Searchers are normally weak and easy to destroy, and basically the cutouts aren't real weapons, and in his base (or that humanoid so weird) form he has like no speed feats, I mean, he can easily get outpaced by an old man like Henry

Shadow: That's pathetic...

Vampirina: And dumb...

Wiz: He can die by "THE END" tape, thought, saying that the only way to kill him is that tape would be No Limits Fallacy, since he can also be killed if the Ink Machine gets destroyed (That happened too in "THE END" sequence) and if there's no ink in the place where he is (Which is basically the same thing about the Ink Machine)

Vampirina: So he only survives if there's ink on his path?

Gecko: Duh! He is an INK DEMON!

Boomstick: But even with that, Bendy is the mainly reason why cartoons shouldn't exist in the real world... and to not sacrifice people to create an ink machine, and to not-

Alice Angel: Beware the ink demon, stay out in the open for too long and he will find you

Bridget: Yikes!

Gecko: Good that it ended...

Vampirina: Well, now let's see about Springtrap

Batarina: Oh no...



Name: William Afton

Age: 50+ (maybe the same age Shadow has)

Gender: Male

Height: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Alias: The Purple Guy

But the one who killed the childrens

Boomstick: Around in 1983 two good friends got the idea of creating a family restaurant, and what's better than a family restaurant? Exactly! A family restaurant with creepy and potentially dangerous animal robots

Armadylan: The pizzeria!

Batarina: From FNAF!

Wiz: This two good friends were Henry Emily, a good technician with a nice wife and his daughter (Not confirmed name for both, the daughter is possibly called Charlie because the books), and William Afton, also a good technician but with much more money who also has great family, including his wife Ms. Afton (Not confirmed name) and his 3 childrens: Michael, Crying Child (Speculated to be named Cassidy) and Elizabeth Afton. The restaurant would be called Fredbear's Family Dinner, and a small company would be born from this idea, Fazbear Entertainment

Boomstick: The Restaurant was a success thanks to their animatronic mascots: Fredbear, Spring Bonnie, Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy. So succesful that William wanted to create his own animatronic-based bussiness, but he didn't had any ideas

Tails: It can happen sometimes...

Kit: That's true...

Wiz: That's where Elizabeth enters, she gave her father the idea of making clown-based animatronics since she thought they were funny

Boomstick: Clowns and Funny in the same sentence? HA!

Vampirina: Clowns scare me... they are not funny for me...

Wiz: Anyways, William used the idea of her daughter to create his own restaurant, Circus Baby's Pizza World... But William wasn't mentally stable, and he designed the animatronics to have a mechanisms to catch childrens and keep them in their inside

Boomstick: And to make them more attractive to the childrens, he gave them "l i f e" with a substance called The Remmant, which basically gives part of a soul to inanimate objects... But the things didn't ended like William wanted

Shadow: I think it didn't go well...

Wiz: His beloved daughter ended alone with Baby when she disobeyed her father that didn't wanted to see hear near the animatronics for obvious reasons... And when Baby noticed that she was alone with Elizabeth...

Boomstick: CRASH! Baby literally ate her with her Ice Cream-Scooper-Trooper. William entered in the room and revised the interior of Baby only to see horrified that her daughter's corpse was inside the Funtime Animatronic

Poppy: Oh my gosh!

Vampirina: That's the reason I hate clowns...

Wiz: He closed the restaurant because an alleged gas leak, after that, he locked himself inside the private room of the restaurant to experiment with Baby, he noticed that the eyes of the animatronic turned into the same colour of her daughter, and even it started calling him as "Daddy", discovering that his daughter's soul was inside Baby

Vampirina: Wait! What?!

Shadow: How can that happen?

Luna Girl: Now that's weird...

Boomstick: William was dying inside and becoming more insane because her daughter was now a robot, and because he had also filed for bankruptcy due to the failure of his killing-childrens-restaurant, and his friend Henry didn't wanted to help him, but still wanted to hurt childrens, he started to psychologically torture his youngest son, The Crying Child, through his Fredbear Plush, which has a micro inside it. He told him that his sister died by an animatronic, making him fear the animatronics of Fredbear's

Katie: He killed his own child?!

Ryder: That's cruel!

Wiz: His bigger brother, Michael Afton, knewn about the fears of his little brother and started scaring him with a Foxy Mask, that till the day of Michael's Birthday Party in Fredbear's, where he, and his friends, wanted to play a prank for the Crying Kid... But again, the things never end well for the Aftons

Boomstick: But a thing happened in Fredbear's a day before, William, who was angry with Henry for not helping him, modified the springlocks of the suits and the two star animatronics, Big Yellow Freddy and Golden Bonnie to make them fail, and that's why this happened...

Wiz: The Bullies grabbed the little Child and took him to Fredbear's mouth to "give him a kiss" but the Springlocks failed and...


Wiz: Yep, The Crying Children quickly got hospitalized and went into a deep coma. Michael, went every day to the hospital to give his brother some flowers, since he felt really sorry, until one day, his little brother heard his last words, words of his Fredbear Plush.

"I will put you back together."

Vampirina: What does that mean?

Shadow: We will figure it out...

Boomstick: And people still don't known what this thing actually means, some people thinks that William "put his son together" stuffing hin into the Fredbear Animatronic, but that just as uh... Anyways, the Children sadly died and his soul got locked inside Fredbear. William after hearing this he angrily argued with Henry, even punching him, this made that William got kicked from every Fazbear Restaurant... But what were you expecting? And why do you blame Henry for the death of your son, when you actually killed him indirectly?! Anyway, the Hypothermia...

Wiz/Vampirina/Shadow: Hypocrisy...

Boomstick: Yeah that...

Wiz: William started mistreating Michael for what he did, this one was escaping to Fredbear's every night, and one night, William went to Fredbear's to find his son, but he only found Henry's daughter at the door ... alone, and he remembered all that Henry did to him, and he choked her to death and hided her body in an alley near the place, where the Marionette, the animatronic that Henry created to keep her daughter safe, ended finding her, but it was damaged by the rain and only deactivaded hugging her

Mothsuki: Bad Henry! Eek!

Vampirina: This really has a lot of kids dying...

Shadow: This is disturbing...

Boomstick: The police find her and the Marionette and they ended up the Restaurant... Only to open a new one in 1985: the first Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, where they changed the name of Fredbear to Yellow Bear because you known... Chomp! But William wasn't happy with this new, and he sneaked up into the Restaurant and used a Spring Bonnie suit to kill 5 childrens and 2 workers that discovered him

Poppy: Stop murdering kids!

Vampirina: Oh my gosh...

Wiz: He stuffed the corpse of the 5 childrens in the 4 original animatronics, and one that the Marionette wanted to put inside Golden Freddy... But that was already someone, the Crying Child's soul, so the recently killed soul rested in peace earlier while the one that William should not have kill was still in Golden Freddy, and the two workers that died by the still modified Springlocks became the Shadows, the Restaurant closed after some customers complained that the animatronics smelled like blood and mucus, and the police found the corpses and the Restaurant closed

Boomstick: But William got arrested by the police, since he was the main suspect, and also for mistreating his son. Michael visited his father at the prison, and Michael ordered him to go to the now called Baby Circus Entertainment and Rental to save his sister's soul... In his Sister Location... Hehehe

Batarina:(gulps) That sounds dangerous...

Wiz: Michael entered in the Local as a technical to find her sister, but he only found a big amount of scrapped parts of the Funtimes animatronics called "Ennard", that lured Michael into the Scooping Room to Scoop him and steal his dead body... Until Michael's body couldn't do more and it ended vomiting Ennard into the sewers and dying... But actually no, since he got killed by the Scooper, the machine that William used to put the remmant in the animatronics and a fusion of the Funtimes animatronics, Ennard, stealed his body until Michael vomited it into the sewers

Boomstick: So basically he ended up being a living corpse? I wonder how they can hire him as a nightguard when he is a decomposing corpse that smells really bad... Oh I didn't said that Michael went through all the Pizzerias, working as a Night Guard and searching for his father, all with different identities like Fritz, Mike Smitch and always getting fired for modifying the animatronics and smelling bad

Wiz: William was released in 1987 for lack of evidence, and he started working in the new and improve Freddy Fazbear's Pizza as the guard of the day shift with a different identity, and he tried to finish with Freddy's again, this time modifying the facial recognition of the new Toy Animatronics to make them try to kill the Nightguard

Boomstick: But them all failed, even the Withered one, which are basically the animatronics of the previous Freddy's Fazbear Pizza that thought that the nightguard was William because he was wearing the same suit... But the police had the notice of a employeer that was modifying the animatronics, and his last day before the police catch him, William modified The Mangled animatronic that was supossed to be Toy Foxy, but kids keep destroying it and the other employeers doesn't want to fix it, anyways, William modified the animatronic to make attack the Day Guard that was going to replace him

Vampirina: Is that guy a psycho?!

Shadow: William is really an idiot...

Wiz: The Nightguard, Jeremy, was relegated to the guard of the day shift since the previous one dissapeared, he had to activate The Mangle for a birthday party... But the modified animatronic recognized him as a criminal and attacked him, bitting him in the head and breaking his frontal lobe.

Boomstick: Now THAT is the Bite of the '87!

Batarina: I wouldn't call it like that, Boomstick...

Wiz: William hided for so many years after that, until 1983 where the New Freddy Fazbear's Pizza closed because they found the dead bodies of several nightguards stuffed inside the animatronics, and he went to the pizzeria to dismantle the animatronics in an act of "revenge"

Vampirina: What "revenge" exactly?

Batarina: You will see...

Boomstick: Although this revenge only helped to free the souls from the animatronics, and those scared William, making him to hide inside the Spring Bonnie suit... He though he was safe... But the same springlocks that he modified 10 years ago failed, and then he died inside the suit... and the souls rest in peace... Well, not exactly, because they ended up locked in Ennard's molten body, along with the Funtimes, and Puppet got locked inside a Black Freddy suit... And William... Well...

Vampirina: Don't tell me that he ended up like his children...

William's soul awakes Springtrap

Everyone (except Shadow and Vampirina): AHHHH!

Vampirina: Like I said...

Shadow: Now we know why it frightens Batarina...

Batarina: He really scares you!

Wiz: 30 Years later some workers of an indie enterntainment wanted to make an horror attraction about Fazbear's Entertainment, they found the Spring Bonnie suit with something inside, so they named it Springtrap, because the urban legends of some workers that has died inside the springlocks

Catboy: So that's where the name came from...

Boomstick: They carried the Springtrap to Fazbear's Fright, where he found that the night guard of the place... Was his on son! Michael. When Michael realized thanks to the remmant, which give him the ability to watch souls, that the thing inside the animatronic was his father, he finally found him... And he burned the attraction trying to end with his father, since he also learned that high temperatures can take off the remmant from the animatronics... But Springtrap escaped... but not so well

Wiz: His suit was destroyed, and therefore helpless if his son tried to kill him again, so he went to the only place where he knewn he would be safe, the old and abandoned Fredbear's Family Dinner, where he tried to make a new suit, but all the animatronic's parts were rotten, so he did his bests... When he got an special call from his old partner... Henry, who called him to the New Freddy Fazbear's

Boomstick: "Scraptrap" went to the place where he got Salvaged by his own son, and got trapped in a labyrinth of sounds and smells with his daughter, Scrap Baby, the Puppet but trapped in a bear suit, Lefty, and Ennard, but Molten and with Funtime Freddy taking control of the body... and then burned along with them...

Batarina: I'll say Blaze can take care of him very easily!

Blaze: I would see if I can...

Wiz: This was a plan of Henry and Michael to end this story, they burned the place without a way out to escape, letting the souls rest in peace. The Crying Child had an special gift for his father... His own personalized hell inside the Golden Freddy suit, where William will get killed by the animatronics of the franchise eternally... Until Fazbear Enterntainment scanned the Golden Freddy's suit to make a VR Video Game and an Rent Service with the animatronics, freeing the soul of William and turning this into a Virus inside the VR Game

Mega Man: That kinda sound like Hub's enemies

Ladybug: You mean MegaMan.EXE?

Mega Man: Yeah! That one...

Boomstick: But he got trapped inside a marketable plushie, but don't worry, the last beta tester of the Halloween DLC, Vanessa, was a fan of William, so she decided to free him and for that, they need to do something first on the coming soon Freddy's Mall... Oh god this was really long...

Vampirina: Yeah... the stories of characters can be long sometimes...

Shadow: Especially from the horror ones...


Superhuman Characteristics


Genius Intelligence

Technology Manipulation

Ilussion Creation

Phantom Animatronics

Enhanced Senses


Funtime Animatronics:

Circus Baby


Funtime Freddy

Funtime Foxy




Wiz: William by himself was a genius capable of creating super advanced robots in the 80s, he was pretty manipulative being able to lure 5 kids into their deaths, and... strangely strong, since he was able to outrun and dismantle the original animatronics with his own bare hands... No Axes, only him

Gecko: He sounds like Henry...

Boomstick: And now added to a metal suit that can quickly move through Vents and being almost invisible to the human eye when he run through the office, being almost great at stealth when he hides in the dark parts of the Horror attraction to not get caught by the camera, you have the CEO of Child murdering

Kids: Totally!

Wiz: Springtrap could also be considered inmortal, but this is more a curse than an ability, since he is in constant pain inside the suit, William can also create (In some way) illusions, that while they cannot kill the opponents, they can distract the opponent by taking off the lights, appearing in cameras or Arcades, also appearing in their face or making an annonyng noise

Vampirina: He and Bendy are inmortal? Now that's a connection between them...

Boomstick: William also has access to his own made robots *A picture of the Twisted Animatronics appear*... Whoops, I mean the canon ones *A picture of the Funtime appears* perfection!

Girls and Catboy: AHHH!

Boys: GAH! What the--?!

Wiz: Circus Baby it's the principal Funtime Animatronic, she can make ice creams, inflate balloons with her fingers, play songs, and scoop kids with her own Scooper inside her stomach

Boomstick: Ballora, or also called Spider Mom, is an animatronic dancer made to make children dance so they don't get fat, she can't see because she always has her eyes closed, but she has an amazing audtion, even being able to hear you breath, even if you are in an office with the two doors closed, but always has her music on so is easy to predict her

Wiz: Funtime Freddy is a crazy and energetic animatronic with the best voice acting in the entire series, it also has a Bonnie Puppet on his hand that basically controls his entire system, Bon-Bon, that can also move and attack by itself... but can be stopped by clicking the black button on her chest

Vampirina: So those animatronics are like robots?

Clank: Those animatronics are interesting...

Ratchet: But still scary...

Boomstick: Funtime Foxy, also called the Earrape Fox, it only moves when the player flashes with the Beacon Flash, being as fast as a blink/flash, also it's basically another Foxy recolor

Wiz: There's also the Bidybabs and the Minireenas, the Bidybabs are baby-like animatronics that helps Circus Babies and the Minireenas are little mannequin-like dolls that accompany Ballora

Boomstick: And last but not least, the fusion of all the 4 Funtimes Animatronics (And also probably Bon-Bon), Ennard, a spaguetti made of wires, springs, and animatronic stuff that just to escape the Circus, and for that he needs to steal the boy of the player, it's also pretty fast but too noisy

Batarina: A thing that I hate from him...


Killed 5 childs or even more (the kids got scared)

Dismantled the Original 4 Animatronics with his own hands

Actually pretty fast (the speedsters were shocked)

Survived Fazbear's Fright Fire

Scales to Fredbear and other animatronics

Pretty smart (the smart ones were surprised

Wiz: Now going into William's feats, he was able to kill more than 5 kids only using his intelligence, an Springlocked suit... and a knife of course. He also was able to tore appart and outrun the original 4 animatronics, including Foxy, who can cross a hallway in a few seconds

Kids: (hides behind the teens)

Vampirina: The kids are getting scared...

Shadow: That guy really kills childs...

Knuckles: Now he sounds like the rival I faced

Boomstick: Now as Springtrap, he is able to cross the office of Fazbear's Fright, the camera locations and the vents in only seconds, proving to have a superhuman speed, he also survived this place burning to the ground, which would take like to resist a value of 2.65503233e4 J/s.

Wiz: Springtrap also scales to his Spring-locked buddy, Fredbear, who could accidentaly crush the skull of the Crying Child with a bite, which would take around 1.05931e5 Joules to do it

Vampirina: Now that sounds horrible...


Springtrap gets lured by the laugh of kids (the kids laughed)

High temperatures will make him finally die (Blaze got interesed of that)

Wiz: And finally William's weaknesses, by himself he doesn't have any notable, but as Springtrap he can be fooled by the noise of childrens, since the Springlocks were made to go were the kids are, and if he gets burned at temperatures higher than 179 grades the remmant of his body will disappear and finally die.

Boomstick: But even then, Springtrap is one hell of a robot, and he will come back even he gets killed, he always does... cuz reusing the same villain for all games it's just a great method to keep a franchise fresh...

Vampirina: That's an mean metal creature...

Scraptrap: You may not recognize me at first, but I assure... that's still me

Gecko: Please Springtrap... you have to end Bendy...

Batarina: Come on Bendy, get Springtrap out of my nightmares

Wiz: Alright the combatants are set, and we've run the data through all possibilities

Boomstick: It's time for a Spooky and SCAAAAAARY Death Battle!

Vampirina: Always dramatic Boomstick...

Shadow: Let's just watch it...

(Location: Fazbear's Fright)

The camera shows an attraction inside an amusement park, an horror attraction, the camera shows how a man with a nightguard uniform enters in the place and then showing the hallways and the main attraction of the Place... The Springtrap, an old spinglock suit with a several organs and human parts coming out of the suit, the Nightguard just took a look at him and quietly said.


He then left and walked to his office, the eyes of the animatronic glow...

Batarina: This is scaring me...

(Location: The Office)

(12 AM)

The Nightguard sit on the chair and listened to the message on the phone, the Phone Dude talked.

Phone Dude: Hey-hey, glad you came for another night! Have you seen all the things we found on other abandoned places? I mean, this is a Fazbear Horror Attraction, but I'm tired of finding only crappy cosplays like the Foxy one. Have you ever heard of Joey Drew Studios? We went to that abandoned place and guess what we found? An Ink Machine! It's weird, because I tough it was only an urban legend, there was also a subterranean one... but it was destroyed. So uuhh, yeah, we also found several animatronics pieces from the rival restaurant, Candy's Burgers and blah blah blah

The Guard was looking at the cameras and listening to the message, when suddenly ink started leaking from the walls, he started looking everywhere when the Ventilation failed, he was going to Reboot when an unknown humanoid figure came out of the ink and grabbed the nightguard by the neck

Gecko: Oh no! Bendy is there!

Springtrap was reaching the office when he saw some ink on the floor, he paid no attention to the ink and just went to look at the window, only seeing the entire office filled with ink and the nightguard dissapeared, he walked out and stopped in front of the rests of Bonnie... he heard something behind him.

He looked behind him and saw an humanoid black creature with devil-like horns coming out of the Ink, it was Ink Bendy, who started rushing towards the Purple Guy, William then knewn that the ink creature was going to attack him preparing to fight the creature.

Vampirina: Here it goes...


Bendy tried to punch Springtrap, but this one just stepped back to dodge the attack and then kicked the creature, sending it a bit centimeters back, the creature dissapeared into an ink puddle while the entire started to fill with ink, William ran through the hallway searching for the exit, he found the exit door near the office, but when he was going to escape, the Ink Monster appeared in front of him, grabbing him and throwing him againts the wall.

Gecko: This is a nightmare...

The Animatronic had a few seconds to react since the Ink Monster was charging towards him, he quickly dodged the attack and Ink Bendy dissapeared when he crashed in the wall leaving an stain in the wall, the Purple Guy got into the vents trying to find where that creature came from, he then entered in the hallway with the Chica Head and saw a secret door opened, the Safe Room, the Ink Machine was inside dropping ink from it, he quickly realized that his opponent went from that machine.

William went to find something to destroy the machine, but quickly got attacked by the Ink Devil again, this time, Bendy grabbed his arm left arm and ripped it, Afton screamed in pain and quickly ran away through the Arcade Hallway, the Dancing Devil was following him but then he heard how an Arcade turned on behind him, he couldn't see what was in the screen, but it was a scary chicken face... then he heard a loud scream behind him and a Phantom version of Chica appeared behind him.

Phantom Chica: *Jumpscare*

Girls: AHHH!

Shadow: Are you okay?

Vampirina: This time that scare me...

The Ink Devil got confused for a momment, then he heard where the footsteps of his actual opponent and dissapeared into a ink puddle.

Batarina: Looks like Bendy is taking care of him...

(1 AM)

Afton was searching inside the Toy Box of the office something to destroy the Ink Machine, he only found Withered Foxy's arm with it's hook, but when he was going to leave Bendy teleported in front of him, Springtrap tried to attack the Ink Devil with the hook, but it was useless, the devil had some type of intangibility, this one was going to attack William but the Phantom version of Foxy came out of the box and jumpscared Ink Bendy, letting William escape through the Vents.

The Ink Creature got inside the vent and was going to caught the Animatronic, but then an horrible static sound disoriented him and Spring Bonnie could escape again, Ink Bendy teleported in front of the origin of the Static, only to found the Phantom version of The Mangle, the ink demon got angrier.

Gecko: Now Bendy will get out of my nightmares forever...

(2 AM)

The Springtrap reached the other exit of the Attraction, which was blocked by debris, he turned back and almost got scared... but there only was a cutout of Bendy, William angered broke it with Foxy's Hook, the Ink Monster jumped from behind on Afton, punching him several times, but Purple Guy punched him away with his only arm and with the Hook, Ink Bendy was going to reply with another attack but something appeared in front of his face that was making weird sounds, the Phantom Marionette, when the Puppet dissapeared, the Corpse Animatronic wasn't there either.

Afton found in the hallway with the glowing Foxy Head an old cartoon-like axe behind the head of an old animatronic Rat, he dropped the Foxy arm and ran towards the Safe Room, but the Ink Devil appeared once more in front of him.

Springtrap: *Pointing the Axe at Bendy who stepped back* You are not so strong now huh?

Gecko: Haha!

Batarina: Yikes...

The Ink version of Bendy raised his arms, and then several ink searchers came out of the ink floor along with the Lost Ones and the Butcher Gang, the Rotten Spring Bonnie stepped back... but then the screen glitched, two purple eyes appeared and someone laugh in the distance...

The Funtime Animatronics appeared in front of his creator, William gasped.

Springtrap: I don't known how this is possible... but I'm not complaining...

The Ink Monsters and the Funtimes ran towards each other, while Springtrap sneaked into the vent.

Batarina: Thank you Bendy!

(3 AM)

Funtime Freddy: Hey Bon-Bon, s-say hi to our friends!

Funtime Freddy started using Bon-Bon to hit several Searchers, Funtime Foxy was attacking the Lost Ones by bitting their heads, Ballora kicked both Striker and Fisher while spinninga and Baby scooped Piper, meanwhile Afton was going to reach the Safe Room when he got attacked by a Boss Searcher making him fall to the ground, but the Bidybabs and Minireenas jumped on the boss attacked it, making it dissapear in the ink.

Springtrap entered in the Safe Room and started destroying the Ink Machine with the Axe, but before he could finish, Bendy attacked again now grabbing him by the head of Spring Bonnie and started ripping it off, only to get hitted by the axe and getting throwed againts the wall, there the Bidybabs returned and grabbed Bendy by the legs, making him unable to move for a few seconds, while the Devil started grabbing the little animatronics and toring them appart just like little toys, Afton finally destroyed the machine, no more ink, now Bendy needed to get serious.

Gecko: This won't end good...

(4 AM)

The Funtime where stil fighting with the Ink Monsters, but then William crashed through several walls, the Funtimes looked at the hole in the walls and they saw a giant and buff monster... and Ink Beast... Now in his ultimate form, Ink Bendy appeared through the wall in the hallway where the Funtimes where fighting.

Funtime Freddy: Hey B-Bon-Bon, go get 'em!

Freddy throwed Bon-Bon at Beast Bendy, the puppet then got absorbed by the Ink Devil.

Funtime Freddy: What a party pooper!

Gecko: Yeah!

Beast Bendy punched F. Freddy, sending him towards the wall and getting electrocuted by some wires on the wall, Ballora and Funtime Foxy tried to attack the Beast, but they got tored appart while the camera shows how Baby tries to wake up his father.

Circus Baby: Daddy wake up!

The Ink Devil grabbed Baby, William woke up and saw how the Bendy tore his daughter appart and throwed her rests to the Freddy, who adding to the electrocutation exploded and created a little fire that quickly expanded though the Attraction thanks to the ink, Springtrap got up and attacked Bendy with the axe, but it didn't got affected.

Meanwhile the rests and wires of the Funtime animatronics started to move while Baby repeated the same quote:

"I will put you back together"

Batarina: That phrase means bad news...

(5 AM)

Beast Bendy was going to finally end with his opponent, but then an amount of wires and animatronic parts jumped on Bendy, Ennard, this frankestein attacked him several times, but the Ink Devil grabbed it and throwed it to the fire, Ennard let a final scream before dissapearing in the fire, Afton could reach the exit that wasn't blocked (The one near the Office) but the Beast Bendy was going to reach him, then someone talked from the fire.

???: Get ready for a surpriiiseee!!

Ennard came back, but now with a molten body and a destroyed Funtime Freddy Mask, it then attacked Beast Bendy again.

Molten Freddy: Now we are going to be a happy family!

Bendy realized that the ink was vaporating by the fire. so he decided to end quickly, he touched Molten Freddy, slowly corrupting it and turning it into mere ink who spilled on the floor.

He then grabbed Afton and took him back to the attraction, Bendy then grabbed him by his right arm and by the sharped bone that was his left arm and then...

Afton screamed while he was slowly being corrupted, but suddenly, Phantom Freddy and Phantom BB appeared screaming at Bendy and confusing him, then William, with his last effort while the demon was distracted, kicked the Ink Beast right to the fire, the Beast started to burn violently while the Springtrap escaped and blocked the door with the axe, the Demon roared and then... silence... William looked at his almost turned into ink arm and then he deactivated because...

Batarina: Because of what?!

(6 AM)

The Nightguard of the start that could escape from the Ink Monster dragged the Scrapped Animatronic to a van outside the Park, he entered in the van while an old man was driving away from there, the old man talked.

Henry Emily: So, I guess the Funtimes are now free, right?

The Nightguard washed his face with his own hands, undoing the make-up and revealing a purple zombified face.

Michael Afton: Yes, I guess there's only your daughter LEFT

While they were driving to the New Freddy's Fazbear Pizza establishment, the eyes of Scraptrap glowed and said in a low voice.

Scraptrap: I... always... come... back....


Gecko: Phew... now I'm relieved...

Batarina: I guess I will have nightmares at nights...

Vampirina: That was intense...

Bridget: And scary...

Shadow: Let's see the results...

Boomstick: Wait Springtrap won, how?!

Batarina: I was thinking the same...

Wiz: Well, both monsters were similar in terms of physical Attack Potency and Durability, they both were also inmortal... But with the difference that Afton is the actual inmortal here

Boomstick: In terms of speed, Ink Bendy is way too slow while William Afton even in his human form was capable of outrunning characters like Foxy, who can cross a hallway in a few seconds, and while Beast Bendy may have Superhuman speed too since he can do a similar thing, Springtrap could easily distract him with his illusions and escape while making a plan to end with the Beast

Gecko: He really ended my nightmares for good...

Wiz: In Intelligence Afton was the clearly winner, Bendy may be pretty smart at the time to surprise and kill his opponents, but we are talking about the man that created the Funtime Technology in the 80s. Springtrap even if he didn't known what is Bendy, he would easily found the source of this (The Ink Machine) and find a way to defeat him

Boomstick: The two don't have any fighting experience so let's talk about their arsenal! Bendy's minions were way better than the Phantoms, this guys being only illusions, but at the time to face the Funtimes, animatronics designed to kill, those were really outclassed

Wiz: Now talking about their HAX, Bendy may have a way more versatile amount of HAX, like the Ink Corruption, the teleportation and the intangibility, although the most useful one would be the corruption, since the teleportation and the intangibility would be useless if you can't damage your opponent, and while the corruption would work with William, again, he distract Bendy with his illusions or outrun him

Vampirina: That explains a lot...

Boomstick: And what about the Inmortality and the Intangibility? Springtrap cannot hurt Bendy either way

Wiz: Well yes, and at the same time No. While the Intangibility would work, this is still a bit inclonclusive, since in his fight with the Projectionist, this could punch Bendy without any signs of intangibility and about Inmortality, Bendy is only inmortal thanks to the ink, and when the ink ends Bendy dies with it, while William is already inmortal thanks to the Remmant, being the only way to kill him for good the fire

Gecko: That explains it...

Batarina: I still don't get it...

Boomstick: And finally in terms of Strenght (Not AP), while Springtrap may be able to crush human heads by scaling to other animatronics like Fredbear, Bendy could rip the head of the Projectionist appart... and let's not talk about Beast Bendy being able to slap Henry through the wall.

Wiz: This was actually pretty close, while both were almost equal in Attack Potency and Durability and even with his superior strenght and HAX, Bendy couldn't compete with Springtrap's superior speed (in base form, equal in Beast Mode), intelligence and arsenal

Catboy: Bendy is a cheater, not a speedster...

Boomstick: Looks like Bendy got Springtrapped! Thanks Golden!

Vampirina: Yeah yeah... thanks for the pun, Boomstick

Shadow: What an idiot...

Wiz: The Winner is Springtrap

Batarina: Can someone sleep with me in my room, I think I'm going to have nightmares tonight

Vampirina: Uh... sorry...

Shadow: Not going to happen...

Batarina: Bro?

Armadylan: Sorry sis, I don't think you will fit in my bed

Batarina: Guntz?

Guntz: I like to sleep alone...

Batarina:(with puppy eyes) Please?

Guntz:(signs) Fine...

Boomstick: Next time on Death Battle...

1???: All systems, full speed ahead!

Tails: Yeah!

Kit: (gasps and blushes)

Luigi: The scary episodes are over...

2???: At Last, (thunderclap) My chocolate chip cookies are done!

Vampirina: Okay guys, the episode is over...

Catboy: Leopard, please help me with my nightmares...

Leopard: I will...

Cream: I hope we can sleep tonight...

Vampirina: Me and Shadow didn't get to scared, so we will be okay

Shadow: You're right...

Tails: Better try to sleep for tomorrow's episode

Kit: I will try to do it too

Sonic: Better don't miss it!

Next episode: Tails VS Dexter

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