Link VS Sora

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Catboy:(gasps) Guys! Look who are the hosts!

Mario: When the world is in danger, when the universe needs saving there was always a need of a hero to save them all. Rather you're superhero alien flying in the sky, or a female military leading an army

Sonic: Or an ordinary teenager with magical swords they don't understand and yet people still rely on them anyway. Like Link, the Champion of Hyrule and welder of the Master Sword

Mega Man: And Sora, the Guardian of Light and welder of the Keyblade, their Mario and Sonic and I'm Mega Man

Gecko: No way! Awesome!

Owlette: Cool!

Vampirina: Mario, Sonic and Mega Man are the hosts?!

Armadylan: Best. Day. Ever!

Mario: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle

Chase: I'm excited already!


Mario: In the ancient land of Hyrule long before practically anything, there was a wise goddess
named Hylia. Since the beginning, Hylia was a courageous, wise, and powerful goddess bestowing her land with peace from evil

Sonic: Those aspects would be used to make the Tri-Force, an ancient artifact that is a golden triangle, capable of granting any wish that anyone wanted and making those wishes become a reality. I wish that Eggman can stop trying to take over the world when he knows he fails

Mega Man: You and me both, Sonic. I just wish our villains would just give up already when they know they can't win

Owlette: We should say the same for our villains

Romeo: Ugh!

Night Ninja: Aw man!

Mothsuki: Eek!

Gecko:(to Luna Girl) No offense...

Luna Girl: No... I'm not offended...

Kevin: Me either...

Howler and Rip: Me either...

Catboy and Owlette: Phew!

Mario: Except that very goal is similar to that of the main villain of the series. Ganondorf is a evil king who's is to take all the Tri-Force for himself and take over

Sonic: Oh you gotta be kidding me!

Mega Man: Why can't we have a story where just once there is no evil around?

Armadylan: Because what's a hero without villains?

Fred: That's true!

Poppy: Yeah, they should think about it...

Mario: Well you can't have one without the other guess. But hope came through, when even the Demon King is around one did not have to wait until a certain warrior to stop him. His name was Link

Age: 17
Weight: Unknown
Bears the Spirit of the Hero
Humble &Courageous
Skilled in Boxing, Sumo Wrestling
Basically Nintendo's Peter Pan

Sonic: Uhhhh, hang on, Mario. This guy supposed to be a warrior?

Mega Man: Yeah I mean this dude looks like Peter Pan

Gecko: He really looks like him...

Batarina: Except that he doesn't have blond hair

Tesh: And he doesn't have a sword and a shield

Mario: Don't let looks fool you, Link may be young and is still a teenager but he is the hope Hyrule has
into defeating Ganondorf and the forces of evil. Each incarnation of Link bears the Spirit of the
Hero, bestowing the unbreakable will and combat prowess of each previous owner

Sonic: This guy has multiple timelines?!

Male pups: What?!

Romeo: That's insane!

Mario: I know it's complicated

Mega Man: Man no wonder you get along with this guy so well I mean you both are quite similar after all

Catboy: They totally are!

Vampirina and Ryder: Yeah!

Mario: Yes I know but we'll discuss this later. Anyways he's an expert with tons of weapons and magic, especially his iconic Master Sword

Master Sword
Name: Goddess Sword
Crafted by the Goddess Hylia
Repels evil
Sword Beam/Skyward Strike
Deflects light energy magic
    Bombos- Launches fire
    Ether- Freezes foes
    Quake- Makes earthquakes

Mario: This blade was created from Hyila, it's made to slay evil and deflects light-based magic

Sonic: Link uses this sword to to shoot out many beams from it every time he slashes it, very useful must say

Mega Man: When low on energy, the Master Sword can still launch the Skyward Strike by calling on help from above. In addition, it utilizes three magical medallions, like fire, ice, and makes Earthquakes. Now that's a sword I need

Catboy: I agree with you Mega Man, I totally need a sword like that

Gecko: Me too!

Wasabi: I should have one too!

Fred: Me too!

Mario: However the Master Sword is far from Link's only weapon

Attacks up to 5 times; always returns
Remotely detonated
Water Bombs
Hero's Bow
Fire Arrows
Ice Arrows
Light Arrows
Silver Arrows

Sonic: Yeah no kidding Link's got a big arsenal of weaponry. He carries around a boomerang, and tons of bombs which used to take at least 5
seconds to go off, he can now detonate it remotely

Batarina: Wow! That's a lot of weapons...

Mega Man: Link also has this hookshot which can basically take him to high places, kinda like
Batman. He also has this glider thing which let's him glide to places. That's nothing compared to
flying but it can help escape Phoenix every time he gets angry at us and chases us when he goes Super Sayian God

Kit: Who's Phoenix?

Catboy: I think is the one who does the battle

(Phoenix is the one who wrote the book to inspire me for this battle: MarioandSonicfanboy)

Mario: Doubt it. Link is an excellent archer, and uses the Hero's Bow in conjunction with several arrow types. However, much of Link's arsenal is more suited to exploration than combat

Sonic: Hey! At least he has some defense equipment...

Red Ring
Defense +75%
Chain Mail Shirt
Golden Gauntlets
Bracers can withstand over 1000 tons
Iron Boots
Hover Boots
Pegasus Boots
Roc's Feather
Hylian Shield

Mega Man: Like the Red Ring, which reduces injury by 75%

Mario: The Golden Gauntlets brace his arms against intense pressure, though do not increase striking power. He also carries three different pairs of boots

Sonic The Iron Boots weigh 130 pounds, the Hover Boots float in midair, and the Pegasus Boots with
attached Roc's Feather increases Link's speed and agility to superhuman levels

Catboy: Woah! I would like to have those shoes

Mega Man: But his best defense is the Hylian Shield

Mario: Originally forged from the Thunder Dragon Lanayru, the Hylian Shield is completely

Gecko: I would like that type of shields

Sonic: Link also has a few spells which he uses for combat

Din's Fire
Nayru's Love

Mario: Many of these spells allow Link to control fire and thunder, jump higher, and take half the
damage. And even reflect attacks

Sonic He also has one that..turns him into a fairy?

Everyone: What?!

Rip: He's a fairy?!

Rocky: Woah woah woah... what?!

Mega Man: I think Boomstick was right about Link being a fairy. Anyways Link also has a little help from the goddesses, via the Triforce of Courage. This tiny golden triangle embodies his ability to beat overwhelming odds

Mario: That originated from an alternate dimension called the Sacred Realm. Within it lay the Triforce, a magical artifact left by the gods said to grant the wish of whomever touches it

Sonic: However only someone with a perfect balance of courage, wisdom, and power can wield the complete Triforce. If someone with an imbalance between those three virtues touches it, it splits

Mega Man: Ganondorf being a imbalance for obvious reasons was the reason why it split

Katie: Oh man...

Mario: Ganondorf has the Triforce of Power, Zelda had the Triforce of Wisdom, and Link had the Triforce of Courage

Triforce of Courage
Embodies the essesnce of Farore, the Goddess of
Enhanced magic
Dispels curses
Increases sword skills
Prevents fear from affecting the user
Increases bravery
The Triforce slash
Deals out a devastating barrage of attacks
Strong enough to ohko most foes

Mario: With the Triforce of Courage, Link's sword skills are improved, dispels curses, and has enhanced magic

Sonic: He can trap you with the Triforce slash and does some serious slashes on you. While it sends you flying in Smash it would slice you into pieces

Mega Man: Yeah, good luck fighting Link once he calls up the Triforce of Courage

Catboy: If we confront him, we can be slashed...

Gecko: Yeah...

Has Single-Handedly beaten Armies
Survived sleeping for 100 years
Dodged a laser
Reflected light off his shield to defeat Twinrova
Faster than Yuga, who deflected a light arrow
Survived hits from Demise, who created a
dimension with a sun.
Can stand in malice without dying
Defeated Ganondorf, Demise, Twinrova, Vaati,
Malladus, and Majora

Mario: Link was able of reflecting light from Twinrova with his shield.

Sonic: Think that's cool how about the time in Breath of the Wild to when he reflected that beam? He would probably have to react at hypersonic speeds

Catboy and Chase: Tell me about it...

Vampirina: Yeah... true...

Mega Man: Link is so tough he can take a hit from Demise which has the power of Star Level attacks

Mario: Link has been able to hold his own against without dying once

Sonic: Wow, that's crazy

Marshall: Totally crazy...

Mega Man: And get this he's capable of being faster than Yuga who deflected a arrow of light

Mario: Link single-hardly beat dozens of armies with little to no effort

Sonic: Wow this guy must be smart

Armadylan: Very smart

Mega Man: And get this: Link has been around for over 10 generations, that's a lot of
experience on the battlefield. Heck he's even gone toe to toe with Ganondorf he survived a castle falling on top of him twice.

Mario: Based on its size and composition here, and accounting for the hollowed-out interior, should weigh 11,002 tons.

Sonic: He survived a greater an even greater castle explosion. By measuring the size of the in-game
castle model and assuming violent fragmentation, we can determine it was a blast worth almost 2 kilotons of TNT

Mega Man: This fairy boy can also dodge Beamos lasers.

Mario: Which are literal lasers. They move in a straight line, burn instead of exploding, and according to the game's guide book, are called lasers. So they should move at light speed. Based on the distance Link moved relative to this beam, we can estimate his own reaction speed to be about 11% the speed of light about 78,993,226 miles per hour if you're curious (and also 35,313,132 meters per second.) He is a puzzle solver, analyzing and exploiting his opponents' weaknesses even when there is only one possiblemeans of winning. But let's talk about weaknesses

Gecko: Then let's see...

Arsenal is limited and requires magic
The majority of Link's powers derives from his
magical tools. Without his tools; Link is much less
of a threat.
Fighting style is diverse but doesn't specialize on
any specific weapon. Link normally combines his
swordsmanship with his other tools
Whenever Link takes a hit that deals damage to
him for any reason, he's unable to shoot Sword
Beams from his sword until he recovers to full
The Hero of Time version of Link in one timeline
did suffer a defeat by Ganondorf despite his best
efforts to bring him down this resulting in the
sealing wars.
Can be instantly killed by his own Cannonball

Mario: Despite Link having the necessary tools to take on any opponent, his over-reliance of
inventory over pure skill leaves him vulnerable

Sonic: Plus Ganondorf actually beat him in an alternate timeline

Bridget: Oh my...

Ladybug: Pobre...

Mega Man: Also some of Link's arsenal is limited so he might run out eventually

Mario: Still he's a incredible warrior just like me. With so many weapons and skills, don't underestimate Nintendo's greatest swordsman

Link slowly pulls the Master Sword out of its tomb while struggling, but eventuallyhe managed to pull it out and raise it in the air

Ryder: I have to say Link is very cool

Catboy: He is... now let's see Sora...


Mario: Once upon a time, there was a small child, full of promise, named Sora.

Sonic: And he lived on the one and only Destiny Island. Sora and his friends, Riku and Kairi, grew up
honing their athletic skills by playing sports with Final Fantasy characters

Mega Man: Okay, wait a second, why are Final Fantasy characters here?

Owlette: Final Fantasy? In Disney?

Mario: For those who don't know the Kingdom Hearts series is Disney and Square Enix combined
into one. Yeah I know strange, l don't understand why Phoenix likes this series

Catboy: I actually like that series...

Hiro: Yeah... and I actually met Sora once...

Vampirina: You did?

Honey Lemon: Yeah, when Heartless attacked our city

Batarina: Oh man...

Age: 15
Height:5'2" | 157 cm
Weight: 112 lbs |51 kg
Homeland: Destiny lsland
One of the Guardians of Lights
Bearer of Ventus's heart
Original outfit inspired by Mickey Mouse
Weirder of the Kingdom Key

Sonic: So one day Sora and his pals got really bored and wanted to see more worlds beyond their own

Mega Man: And guess what their best solution was: Building a small wooded and sword fight with stick swords to see who will be the leader

Sonic Uhhhhhhh..Okay? If that's how they do it than I'm fine with it

Armadylan: Seriously? Like that?

Luna Girl: Now that weird...

Gogo: I agree...

Mario: Moving on. Things were going pretty well. However one fateful night changed Sora, Riku, and Kairi's lives forever

Catboy: I wonder what is it...

Mega Man: Oh boy, here it comes

Mario: A soulless embodiment of evil would invade the island, this was the Heartless

Sonic: Now were in for it

Mario: The Heartless spread everywhere across Destiny Islands which resulted in multiple tragedies, Riku fell into darkness, Kairi disappeared leaving Sora all alone and just like that, Destiny
Islands was gone

Sonic: Whoa

Ladybug: Pobre Sora...

Poppy: Yeah... poor Sora..

Mario: This Keyblade in particular was known as the Kingdom Key, and was drawn to Sora thanks to his pure heart. With the Kingdom Key, Sora had the means to combat the Heartless

Sonic: By unlocking doors?

Mega Man: I don't get it.

Mario: Well... yes. The Keyblade can get past almost any lock out there, but despite not having a long, sharp edge, it's a surprisingly deadly sword

Astrid: I never knew a key sword can be that...

Sonic: It's a key, it's a sword, and it's also a wand. Sora can use it to cast all sorts of magic spells like a wizard. He can even shoot a laser beam all the way to the moon

Mega Man: Yeah but despite Sora's new weapon the Heartless still took away Sora's home regardless.....But thanks to cosmic reasons, Sora wound up face to face with Goofy and Donald Duck. Yep, he ended up in the most magical place on Earth: Disney

Everyone: Disney?!

Mario: If you're confused: Don't worry, you're not hallucinating. Somehow, in some way, this impossibility exists. Turns out, while Goofy and Donald have been lovable cartoons for decades, they're also world-hopping warriors

Sonic:I still can't see why Phoenix likes this so much

Mega Man: Anyways Sora teamed up with his new friends to lock the doors to the hearts of worlds, saving them from the Heartless grip. And get this Sora at that time was 14 years old and he wasn't old enough to drive yet

Mario: While Sora may not have been strong enough to save Destiny Island, he quickly learned an enormous amount of talents perfect for beating back the darkness

Mega Man: Like some ass-kicking magic

Catboy: Woo-hoo!

Gecko: That will be the type of magic we will use

Firaga (Fire magic)
Thundaga (Electric magic)
Blizzaga (lce magic)

aterga (Water magic)
Aeroga (Air magic)
Cure (Healing magic)
Graviga (Gravity magic)
Stopga (Time stopping)
Reflega (Barrier magic)
Magnega (Magnet magic)
Sparkga (Light magic)
Balloonga (Balloon magic)
Warp (Erases enemies from existence in a instant)
Trinity Limit
Triple Plasma

Mario: He can shooting fireballs, freezing baddies with blizzards, fighting with lightning, and make air attacks that can send his opponents flying

Sonic: He can reflect projectiles, stop time even resisting similar effects when others tried to their
own time abilities, magnetize objects, and even alter gravity. Plus Sora can turn his enemies into
balloons, reflects attacks, or even just erase them from existence. But when he get serious he bust out his Drive Forms each form which completely boosts his power increases his speed, strength,
toughness, lets him fly, (or hover in the air) gives him an extra Keyblade, and many more

Mega Man: He'e got more than just elemental magic, and powerful magic he can do other magic attacks and the dopiest one is Ragnarok, which fires a bunch of homing energy beams, and I guess he's got some magic abilities that
don't involve beating monsters up, which is not that bad, I mean the kid's already tough without the magic anyway

Pj Masks: Awesome!

Mario: Thanks to the Kingdom Key sword, he can use spells which remove negative effects, including
curing his own wounds. He can also glide like Peter Pan and teleport like Figment. And if he loses his
Keyblade Sora can always return it to his hand at will

Sonic: That's not even enough but Sora can make it even better with Keychains, they can even transform the whole Keyblade into more powerful versions with way more badass names, like Oathkeeper

Luna Girl: That's really badass...

Mega Man: And that one Keyblade from Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Even the Oblivion. but let's talk about his transformations the Drive Forms

Drive Forms
Limit Form
Sonic Blade
  Ars Arcanum
  Strike Raid
  Ripple Drive
  Aerial Sweep
Valor Form
  Omega Finale
  Brave Shot
  Sonic Strike
  Sonic End
  Over the Horizon
  Retaliating Slash
  High Jump
  Synch Blade
  Combo Plus
  Air Combo Plus
Wisdom Form
  Growth Ability
  Quick Run
  Wisdom Shot
  Mobile Action
  Magic Haste
  Magic Spice
  Retaliating Slash
  Combo Plus
  Master Form
  Master Strike
  Master Magic
  Aerial Dodge
  Synch Blade
  Endless Magic
  Air Combo Plus
Final Form
Final Arcana
Final Strike
Final Arts
Auto Assault
Synch Blade
Only used if Sora's in darkness

Mario: While many of these transformations requires help from Donald and Goofy it's all a
gaming mechanic as he's shown to transform into one of his Drive Forms without any aid

Sonic: This is where things get really messy, these forms increases his strength, speed, and powers,
let's him swing his sword a lot faster than before, and has some RIDICULES combos

Mega Man: These some of these forms give him an extra Keyblade, one form allows him to fly or just hover in the air, the other forms give him endless magic, and has a makes a big X when slashing opponents. Damn Sora in one of these forms would probably be the last thing I wanna encounter

Rocky: Yeah! Tell me about it...

Batted an army of Heartless and Nobodies
Sliced through 7 buildings at once
Overpowered Titans
Resisted transmutation & time manipulation
Shot a laser to the moon in 1 second
Blocked hundreds of lasers in less than a second
Survived multiple Gummi ship crashed
Was able to defeat the Organization XIll twice with help
Defeated Ansem, Riku, Roxas, Xemnas, Aqua, and Xehanort

Mario: With all these abilities, Sora battled the Heartless and took the fight to the man who discovered them... Xehanort. He even defeated Xenhnort's Heartless and his Nobody

Sonic: Nobody?

Mega Man: Mario why are you calling him a Nobody he's definitely somebody

Mario: No see a Nobody is a somebody without a heart, but a Heartless isn't a somebody or a
nobody though they may have been a somebody filled with anger, like Scar from The Lion King

Sonic: Uh okay

Mega Man: Still don't get why Phoenix likes this series so much, l'll have to ask him later

Mario: But to save all worlds, Sora found he had to be insanely strong, fast, and tough

Sonic: He's speedy enough to run up a building, and quick enough to dodge magic lightning. Not
just magic lightning, real legitimate lightning from the sky. A feat which could only take mere milliseconds

Catboy: That's very fast!

Mega Man: Sora put all that speed to good use once, by perfectly blocking hundreds of lasers from damn nearly every angle in just a few seconds. So, it's safe to say he's no slouch

Zuma: No kidding!

Mario: As for his strength, not only has he cut through giant building-like structures with ease, he's launched them as projectiles. Though gravity is in flux here, a building this size normally weighs
around 100,000 pounds

Sonic: He's held back two of Cerberus' heads, held up this black ceiling also destroying it, and went
toe-to-toe with Hercules, you know, the demigod who threw a giant rock monster into space?

Mario: Although this Titan's shape is too inconsistent to scale, by treating him as a series of cones made of granite, we can estimate his weight as over 1,600 tons. Based on the distance it was thrown it must have been 60,258,128,195 tons of TNT

Mega Man: Geez this kid can take a hit from him like no problem

Owlette: And you said it!

Mario: Honestly, Sora's ability to take a hit might be one of his strongest characteristics. He survived the jaws of Cerberus, ancient Chinese dragons, being shot by a musket and, hell, the fires of Hades

Sonic: Sora has not only defeated Disney and Square Enix villains but he's defeated Keyblade Welders more powerful and stronger than him. Like his best friend Riku whom he saved, and Aqua

Mega Man: Oh yeah... that one blue hair chick who Phoenix has a crush on

Everyone: Ooooh...

Mario: Aqua is a Keyblade Master and she's fairly tough, Aqua once clashed with the X-Blade and
created a large shockwave which later she destroyed it implies that at best her striking power should be at best Large Star level because the X-Blade was fully completed at the time and she survived the explosion of it giving her Large Star level durability and while Sora isn't necessarily taking this sort of damage EVERY time Aqua lands a
strike he does fight on equal footing with her

Sonic: Damn! Who keeps making these Kingdom Hearts characters so freaking powerful?

Catboy:(sarcasticaly) I don't know...

Mega Man: Yeah that can't be right, and this kid can take on about anybody and still emerge victorious

Batarina: We are also like that!

Mario: He also when toe to toe with his Nobody Roxas a member of the Organization XIlI basically a group of Nobodies without a heart. Roxas once defeated Xion who used all of his power in their fight

Sonic: And was able to defeat the Organization XIIl with help

Mega Man: Yeah speaking of help that's something we gotta talk about

Always rely on his friends
Nearly helpless without his Keyblade, which he has
been separated from before
Overuse of his Drive Forms can cause him to turn
into his Anti-Form
Limited magic reserve (is effectively regained by
attacking physically)
Not smart
Pretty emotional at times
Failed the Mark of Mastery Exam

Mega Man: While he's strong in his own right, he relies a lot on his friends, like, all the goddamn time

Sonic: He's always so emotional, he's not really that smart unlike a certain green swordsman we know that led him into failing the Mark of Mastery Exam

Ryder: I guess he is talking about his opponent...

Mario: And like most super forms his Drive Forms have a time limit. But even like Sora still manages to rise up top, by the end of the Saga(Kingdom Hearts lIl), the Heartless and the Organization got
stronger than ever before but Sora manages to defeat them

Sonic: Than the big finale happened where Sora finally defeated his archenemy Xehanort who planed to destroy the universe with Kingdom
Hearts and the fully completed X-Blade but Sora manages to foil his plots

Mega Man: And the day was finally saved. Who would've thought that this ordinary teenager who uses a house key as a weapon and become
so powerful with it was able to save the entire universe

Catboy: I don't know... maybe because, he is a good warrior!

Mario: Well that is however he lost his heart in a last ditch effort to save his girlfriend Kairi, but
luckily there's a secret ending to where it shows that Sora is still alive just in another realm waiting
to be rescued

Everyone: Oh...

Owlette: I wonder who will save him...

Mega Man: Yeah it sucks that everyone who spent their entire childhood playing the Kingdom Hearts series is over for now and have to wait and see how their gonna rescue the protagonist of the franchise but still. With his key, Sora sure spent a lot of time kickin' ass

Catboy: Yeah! I know!

Sora: They can take your world. They can take your heart. Cut you loose from all you know. But if it's
your fate... Then every step forward will always be a step closer to home

Mario: Alright the combatants are set

Sonic: And we've run the data on all possibilities

Mega Man: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!

Everyone: Woohoo!

(The Disney and Disney Junior characters voted for Sora while the Nickelodeon and Dreamworks characters voted for Link)

Sword dual of Light

In Gerudo Desert we see Sora along with Donald and Goofy walking along the way Donald starts

Donald: Oh come on! Are we there yet?!

Sora: Not yet Donald, we still have a long way to go

Goofy: Yeah Donald, so just be patient, it won't take that long

Donald sighs as they continue walking.

Vampirina: Donald is very impatient

Gecko: Like Catboy...

Catboy: Hey!

An hour later Sora, Donald, and Goofy continue walking as Link who was standing in their way
begins to question the trio.

Link: You three. Where are you going?

Instead of answering the Hero of Hyrule the trio walks past him and ignore him.

Sora: It's personal

Donald: Nothing that concerns you

Goofy: We'll just keep going

Angered Link pulls out his Master Sword and Hylian Shield and begins to make a threat forcing the trio to stop.

Link: Turn back or-

Before Link could finish his warning Sora summons his Keyblade and attacks Link and knocks him away

Sora: Donald, Goofy, you guys go on ahead, I'll take care of him!

Donald: Okay!

Goofy: Be careful Sora!

Donald and Goofy ran ahead while Sora faces his new foe.

Link: I'll end this quickly!


Link and Sora charge at each other and clash swords. The two swords clash at blinding speed with both teenage swordsmen not landing a hit on the other. But that soon changed as the Guardian of Light hits Link by downing a slide kick. He then charges up a magic attack.

Sora: Freeze!

Sora shoots out ices attacks and throws his Kingdom Key like a boomerang and chases after it.
Link crashes into a rock as he deflects two ice attacks though one of them hit his feet freezing
them. The Hyrule warrior as the Keyblade Sora threw comes towards him comes as he knocks the Keyblade away as Sora charges at him and summons his Keyblade back to his hand and strikes Link as the camera zooms out and we see
light bursting towards the sky a distance away.

Ryder: Come on Link!

Armadylan: Get him Sora!

When the camera zooms back into the fight, Link successfully blocks Sora's attack with his shield and knocks him down from a nearby hill before throwing 5 bombs surrounding the Keyblade Welder before he can recover. Link pulls out his detonator and looks down at his enemy

Link: No match. Sayonara!

Link pushes the button and the bombs exploded killing Sora in the process. Link looks at the smoke
as he sighs for his victory and puts his weapons away

Link: (Sighs) It's done. About time

Team Sora: Noo!

Team Link: Yes!

Before Link can walk away he hears a familiar voice behind him.

Sora: Not yet fairy boy!

Some magic attacks come from the smoke as Link barely dodges it and looks as dust clears and Sora is revealed to be alive and unharmed much to Link's shock.

Link: What? How?

Team Link: Huh?!

Team Sora: Phew!

Sora explains himself to the Hylian with a brief flashback moments ago from. As it turns out Sora manages to shield himself with his defense shield from Link's bombs. We return to the present day.

Sora: I used a defense magic spell to shield my magic is more powerful than you could ever have. Aeroga!

Sora unleashes a large air magic attack sending wind at Link who pulls out his shield in attempt to
defend himself but the attack was too much for him and sends the Wind Waker in the air.

Link: Why you little!

Everest: Sora deflected his attack?!

Rex: And now he lost his Wind Waker?!

Link manages to land on the ground and shoots arrows at Sora but the Guardian of Light jumps in
the air and glides into the sky to avoid the attacks and shoots Ragnarok at him, Link tries to dodge but was hit by the attack. The Kingdom Hearts hero prepares to launch another attack.

Sora: How about this?!

Sora charges up his Keyblade to shoot out a beam but Link has another trick up his sleeve.

Sora charges up his Keyblade to shoot out a beam but Link has another trick up his sleeve.

Link: Oh no you don't!

The Champion of Hyrule uses his Hookshot to grab Sora and pull him out of the sky and successes, Link attempts to shoot out a fire arrow but Sora counters with his own fire attack as they clash. The green elf than prepares to fire a light arrow.

Link: Let's see what you think of this!

The latter fires the arrow as Sora charges his Keyblade.

Sora: Whatever.

He fires the Keyblade beam as it collides with the arrow and causing a giant enormous massive explosion which covered up to 100 kilometers within the desert with blinding light as the fighters are scene covering their faces while flying backwards. When the light settles both warriors find themselves on opposite sides of a crater covered in bruises and scars with a 3 tears in their clothes. Link is the first to wake up and as Sora still trying to recover.

Bridget: This is so intense... I hope Sora can recover...

Chase: This is your chance Link...

Link: This time l'll make sure you rest now.

Link uses the remaining of his strength by charging up the Master Sword by pointing it to the sky and
makes a Sword Beam from a Skyward Strike and calls upon the Triforce of Courage increasing his
power and this also wakes Sora up who sees this. With all his strength and power left Link leaps forward towards Sora ready to finish him off. Sora responds by closing his eyes and quickly opening them and says.

Sora: Give me strength!

A blinding light surrounds Sora and transforms him into his Limit Form and charging his Keyblade. Both fighters charge at each other with their full might and unleash one final sword strike causing another blinding light explosion.

Skye: This is getting VERY intense!

Violet: I wonder who will win...

When the light settles the Triforce of Courage disappears and Link is coughing out blood. Sora turns back into his base form and appears wounded with several scars on his chest. Link notices his Master Sword break in half before his whole body falls apart into pieces shortly after. Sora sighs in relief and looks back at his opponent's remains.

Sora: Now it's over

Team Link: (gasp)

Team Sora: Woah!

The Keyblade Welder heals his wounds causing all the scars and bruises to disappear as he hears a familiar voice.

Donald and Goofy: Sora!

As it turns out to be Goofy and Donald who runs towards the victorious Sora

Sora: Donald! Goofy!

Donald: Are you okay?

Goofy: We saw those explosions so we came to see if you're okay

Sora: I'm fine now

As he says this Donald and Goofy look at a distance to see Link's remains from a distance and question Sora.

Goofy: Is it over?

Sora: Yep

Donald: Did you win?

Sora: Yes

Donald and Goofy look at each other but decided to forget about it.

Donald: Okay now let's get going

Goofy: Sure thing

Sora: Okay

Sora agrees as his friends run on ahead while Sora looks at his defeated opponents remains for one last time.

Sora: Sayonara

Sora runs off to catch up with Donald and Goofy leaving Link's remains behind.


Catboy: Alright!

Gecko: Woohoo!

Rocky and Zuma: Aw man!

Mega Man: Wow I was sure Link had this one in the bag

Sonic: Sorry, Mario. I understand that Link gets along with you as much as I do but unfortunately he doesn't stand a chance in this fight

Mario: Yeah I know, now let's explain why. This is an extremely close match. Link most certainly had a more bigger arsenal at his side, plus he is fairly really smart as he's been shown thinking his way around the battlefield, he also had WAY more experience, and technology Link has way more
solo experience on the battlefield so there are some versions of this fight Link can use those advantages to win

Mega Man: But we're always lookin' for who has the best chances to win most often, not just in very specific situations

Sonic Exactly. At first glance, Link does have a bigger arsenal so you would think he would use that to overwhelm Sora, right?

Catboy: Yep!

Vampirina: Right!

Batarina: Totally!

Mario: But to our surprise Sora had perfect counters for pretty much everything Link can throw at him. Despite Link's spells almost all of
them were nothin new to what Sora has

Mega Man: Plus Sora's magic is super freaking powerfulif not more powerful than anything Link has

Sonic: Let's talk speed at best Link can react to around 78,993,226 which is 11% the speed of light but Sora has done WAY more than that like dodging lightning that's about to hit the ground which moves around 220,000,000 miles per hour

Catboy: And that's very fast

Mario: Sora is also stronger too sure Link can lift giant boulders but not as impressive as lifting and
giant rock monster with the other Titans

Mega Man: Now that's impressive also Link and Sora can take a hit from pretty nasty foes who have been through worse situations like how Link can take a hit from Ganondorf who survived an explosion which is about 2 kilotons
of TNT

Luna Girl: That's a lot...

Sonic: Yeah but however Sora can take a hit from Aqua who destroyed the X-Blade that was incomplete and survived an explosion of it based on the calculations we found the explosion must be around 965 megatons of TNT. 400 (482) times
greater than Ganondorf's proven durability

Mario: And because of this Sora would be way too tough for Link to land any meaning for damage

Mega Man: Okay but I know what your thinking "What about the Triforce of Courage which makes him stronger? Shouldn't Link be much stronger with it?" Because this all comes down to it's power

Sonic: Despite literally welding the Triforce of Courage it doesn't make him any stronger than Sora but for the sake of argument let's do some

Mario: If I remember currently the Triforce of Courage comes from the goddess Farore who along with the other goddesses created the Earth

Mega Man: Though we don't know how much power did it take to do this let's just highball it and directly compare it to her

Sonic: So the energy attributed to the Triforce of Courage could be compared to the size and energy of a planet

Mario: However Sora has gone toe to toe with Xehanort with a complete X-Blade which has the
energy of an entire universe and arguably a multiverse which is much greater than the power Link possessed

Sonic: So overall not only does Sora have more power than Link but has defeated foes who are way more powerful than Link

Mega Man: So while Link is smarter, has a more verity arsenal, and more experienced he had a
hard time trying to land a fatal blow

Mario: Link was certainly no pushover but Sora's strength, speed, durability, magic, perfect
counters, more amounts of power were the key needed to claiming the victory

Mega Man: You might say he had the Key to this fight

Sonic And when we Link'em together one of them was bound to be a Sora loser

Everyone: (laughs)

Catboy: Good one!

Mario: The winner is Sora

Team Sora: Woohoo!

Team Link: (claps)

Ryder: Sora really impressed us...

Vampirina: Yeah... but I wonder who will save him...

Gecko: It was great that Mario, Sonic and Mega Man were the hosts

Owlette: Are we ready to watch the next episode?


Poppy: Huh? Who could it be?

Catboy: I'll get it... COMING!

Next episode: New guestes - Wonder Woman VS Rogue

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