Mega Man VS Astro Boy

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Catboy: Come on guys! It will start in any minute!

Gecko: Yeah! Today we will see two robots fighting

Pj Robot: (beeps happily)

Romeo: Interesting...

Hiro: Which robots?

Catboy: Amazing ones! Today is a fight from MarioandSonicfanboy

Owlette: And we heard that Mario and Sonic are going to be the hosts!

Sonicboy: My bro and Mario?! Yeah!

Ladybug:(blushes) I hope he wins this battle

Batarina: Uh... Lily... are you blushing?

Ladybug: I think so... is that--

Vampirina: Is going to start!

Mario: In 1942, author Isaac Asimov introduced the Three Laws of Robotics, to protect man from their
cybernetic creations

Sonic: It is the duty of all who dedicate their lives to the science of robotics: Make the coolest, deadliest machine you possibly can

Pj Robot: (beeps intrigued)

Romeo: I'm intrigued too...

Mario: Mega Man, the Blue Bomber

Catboy:(gasps) Mega Man!

Klonoa: Wahoo! (Hi-fives Catboy)

Ladybug: (blushes)

Sonic: And Astro Boy, the Atomic Wonder Child, he's Mario and I'm Sonic the Hedgehog

Mario: And it's our job to analyze their weapons armor and skills to find out who would win a Death

Poppy: Astro Boy? I never heard about him...

Edgar: I think we will know later...

Sonicboy: First let's see Mega Man

Mega Man

Mario: In the year 20xx a new age of robotics was dawning, heralded by Dr. Thomas Light, and his partner, Dr. Albert Wily. Together, they planned to launch mankind into a new age of prosperity

Sonic: So, they made a bunch of Robot Masters to do things too dangerous for people, like
cutting down trees, bringing down buildings, and.. being cold. Hmm now that's pretty interesting if I do say so myself

Catboy: You said it!

Romeo: Those Robot Masters sound interesting...

Mario: However, jealous of Dr. Light's increasing notoriety-

Sonic: Now we're in for it

Mario: -Dr. Wily stole all of Light's robots and used them to try to take over the world

Klonoa: What?!

Zuma: Whoa! That's... how can I say it?

Owlette: Selfish and cruel!

Zuma: I was going to say that...

Sonic: Yeah just like Eggman. Oh and Bowser too. Anyways Wily took all the robots except three. Roll, a robo-girl built for housekeeping,
Rush is the robot dog of the house...

Mario:...and Rock, Light's loyal lab assistant and surrogate son

Sonic: Yeah Wily just made a big mistake right there

Catboy: Yep! Since then those robots started chasing him like crazy!

Klonoa: That's true!

Mario: After watching his human father fall to ruin over Wily's betrayal, Rock stepped up to take on the burden of saving the world himself. But first, he would have to upgrade into the super fighting
robot, called Mega Man

Ladybug: (blushes)

Gecko: Uh... Ladybug... why are you starring at the screen like that?

Ladybug: I'm not starring at la pantalla, I'm starring at Mega Man

Owlette:(gasps) Ladybug! Don't tell me that--!

Ladybug: Yeah... I have a crush on him...

Batarina: I was going to say it!

Catboy: Oh my...

Klonoa: If Mega Man meets Ladybug, he will totally like her

Catboy: And they can work together with Ladybug's potions and Mega Man's technology skills, they can be a good duo

Klonoa: You're right, now let's continue

Real Name: Rock
Serial Number: DLN-001
A.LAge: 10
Height: 4'4" | 132 cm
Weight: 230 lbs | 105 kg
Created by Dr. Thomas Light
Powered by solar energy
Armor: Ceramic titanium alloy
Is a pro at soccer

Owlette: He is good at soccer? Now I have a competition

Sonicboy: I'm sure you both will be soccer pals, Amaya

Owlette: You're right, and he can be close to Lily

Ladybug: Thank you Owlette...

Owlette: Anything for your love, Ladybug

Ladybug: (blushes)

Sonic: Yep and that's our boi came to be

Mario: Mega Man is armored with ultra strong Ceratanium, and comes equipped with the Mega
Buster, a literal hand cannon for each arm

Kit: It really is like Tails' arm cannon

Tesh: Yeah!

Sonic: While its normal lemon energy bloops aren't too deadly, he can charge 'em up to tear through Robot Master ass like nothing! (Shows Sonic using the Mega Buster.) check this out Mario

Mario: Where'd you get that?

Rocky:(spits drink) How did he get that?!

Sonic: Don't worry about (charges it up) everything will be just fine (Mario ducks as the Mega Buster is blasted to a wall.) Oops. Phoenix
is not gonna be happy

Sonicboy: Oh bro... that's not cool...

Mario: (sighs) I'll fix it later. Moving on Mega Man's most notable tool is his variable weapons system, which allows him to copy the data of fallen enemies to gain their weapons as his own

Romeo: I did the same!

Owlette: But you didn't used a robot, you used an invention

Ladybug: And he uses that for cosas buenas

Romeo: Ugh!

Mega Buster
Variable Weapons System
Metal Blade, Hard Knuckle, Concrete Shot, Mega
Ball, Astro Crush, Magnet Missiles, Bounce Ball,
Black Hole Bomb, Commando Bomb, Bubble
Bomb, etc.
Elemental Weapons
Atomic Fire, Spark Shot, Ice Wall, Tornado Blow,
Ice Slasher, Thunder Beam etc.
Napalm Bomb, Chain Blast, Crash Bomber, Napalm
Bomb, Pharaoh Shot, etc.
Skull Barrier, Barrier Wind, Mirror Buster, Acid
Barrier, Leaf Shield, etc.
Pile Driver, Flame Sword, Slash Claw, Top Spin,
Copy Vision, Star Crash, Time Stopper, Gravity
Hold, etc.
Super Adapter
Also known as Super Mega Man
Combined with Rush
Shoots out fists like rocket
Double Gear System
Speed Gear increases speed and slows down time
Power Gear increases power and equipment to a max
Double Gear allows user to use Speed Gear and
Power Gear at the same time

Vampirina: That's a lot of things he has...

Sonic: So now, he can cut you down with the Metal Blade, light you up with the Napalm Bomb, and burn you alive with Atomic Fire, which is twice as hot as the surface of the sun. He's basically got a tool for every occasion

Pj Robot: Beep beep bop (Just like me)

Batarina: Yep! Like Pj Robot!

Catboy: Now we have another pal for him

Owlette: His pals now are Tails and Mega Man

Pj Robot: (beeps happily)

Mario: Sure, he can shield himself with the Skull Barrier, reflect projectiles with the Mirror Buster,
bypass armor with the Centaur Flash, stop time with the.. Time Stopper, and create localized
singularities with the Black Hole Bomb

Sonic: He has a lot of them because he has taken hundreds of abilities from Robot Masters and other robotic foes, but his most powerful
weapon yet is the Double Gear System. They jack up his power, his speed, or both at the same time

Mario: He also has Rush by his side which he uses to bounce in the air, and use him as a pilot, but Mega Man can also access his Super Adaptor form, which grants him flight, a boost in power, and rocket-propelled punches

Chase: I'm sure Rush is just like Robo-Dog, is he?

Ryder: Yep! I think he is!

Held up a 60,000 ton tower
Fought Quick Man, who is near light speed
Has beaten hundreds of Robot Masters
Piloted Rush and dodged lasers that can travel to the asteroid belt in 2 seconds
Withstood the gravity of Jupiter
Comparable to Duo, who survived a 2.8 exaton blast
Instigated the 25 exaton Wily Star explosion
Fought on par with Duo
Survived a fall from orbit
Defeated Wily, Sunstar, Quint, Porto Man, and Bass

Sonic: Mega Man is strong enough to lift a sixty thousand tower. He's tough enough to survive the gravity of Jupiter, the heat of the sun, and
absolute zero. Plus, he's fast enough to keep up with Quick Man, who can dodge lightning and
can get close to the speed of light! He's even comparable to Duo in many ways, Duo once flew between Saturn and the Earth within thirty five seconds. That means he would have to be moving 114 times the speed of light. And even his robot dog Rush is fast too he once dodged
lasers from Wily's canons which can travel to the distance of an asteroid belt in 2 seconds

Armadylan: That's a lot!

Batarina: Now we know why Ladybug likes him

Ladybug: Yeah, he is an amazing hero, isn't he?

Catboy: He totally is!

Mario: Which means that Mega Man with Rush combined in his Super Adaptor form can move
around 250 times the speed of light

Sonic: That's insane but he's not faster than me though

Mario: You do realize you still have yet to prove it in base form right?

Sonicboy: Oh...

Owlette: Actually, he's right

Sonic: Oh whatever

Mario: Mega Man has battled over one hundred robot masters and other robotic foes, including
Sunstar, who was powerful enough to self-destruct and destroy the Wily Star, basically a small Death
Star. With its size in mind, this would need energy equivalent to over seven trillion megatons of TNT

Chase: That's a lot of TNT

Instantly killed by spikes
Limited ammo for copied weapons
A substantial amount of lava/magma can cause Mega Man to explode
Powered by sunlight, so spending large amounts of time underground without an alternate source of power can be dangerous
Over-using Double Gear System will cause Mega Man to overheat, preventing him from using either
gear until he's cooled down a bit

Chase: He can be killed by spikes?

Ladybug: Yikes!

Owlette: But, how?

Catboy: In Ridley's trailer in Smash, Ridley attacked Mario and Mega Man with his tail, and it has a lot spikes

Gecko: For good, Samus healed them with the help of the other Smashers and they came back alive

Ladybug: Good to hear that... I almost got worried for Mega Man...

Sonic: Despite his awesome weaponry too bad it runs on limited time

Mario: Just like us, he can die from spikes and is fairly naive

Catboy: All heroes can be naive...

Gecko: Like us!

Owlette: You're right

Sonic: Plus he can overheat if he over uses the Double Gear System which will take some time to cool off. But despite these weaknessses he's just as awesome as me and Mario are

Sonicboy: You're right bro! He is as awesome as you and Mario are!

Rainbow Dash:(thinks) For me Sonic is way cooler...

Ladybug: He really is awesome...

Mario: Mega Man would carry the banner of peace across the world, fighting Wily's tyranny and
spreading Dr. Light's dream of human-robot coexistence. The world can rest easy with the Blue
Bomber around to save the day

Sonic: If there's some crazy evil mad scientist trying to take over the world than you can call
on Capcom's Super Fighting Robot, Mega Man to stop him

Klonoa: And you said it!

Ladybug: He is the best... me gusta...

Mega Man: I can take it, Doctor. I wanna do this, no matter the cost. Hook me up!

Batarina: I think he is going to win!

Catboy: Now let's see Astro Boy...

Astro Boy

Mario: In the futuristic year of 2003, tensions were escalating mankind and the robots they built to serve under them. But one brilliant robotics engineer was dealing with a far more personal

Sonic: Meet Dr. Umataro Tenma a scientist who paid more attention to his work than his family, especially his 13 year old son: Tobio

Skye: That doctor had a son?

Everest: It seems like...

Mario: Okay why are there so many times to where a parent never has more time with his or her family
than whatever is theirs doing? That's never a good thing

Sonic: Yeah that's right, Mario, because while he was busy with work Toby decided to take their
future car out for a spin only to end up getting into an accident which got him killed

Toby screams as he gets into a bad car wreck.

Bridget:(gasps) Oh no!

Katie: Oh my gosh! Poor Tobio...

Chase: He should have watched his son, and that wouldn't have happened

Sonic: Oh so now you pay attention to your son? You should've done that earlier

Gecko: At least he agrees with us...

Mario: Filled with grief and regret, Tenma became desperate for a second chance at being a father

Sonic: But instead of doing it the old fashioned and fun way, he called up all his robotic engineering nerd friends to build him a new son, they did and they called him... The Mighty Atom. Or called by his well known name Astro Boy

Ryder: Oh! So Astro Boy must be kind of like a copy of Tobio

Catboy: Maybe... we never heard about him...

Height: 4'5 | 135 cm
Weight: 66 lbs |30 kg
Regarded as the "God of Manga"
Regularly faces anti-robot prejudice from humans
His boots and underwear are not actually clothes;
he's actually naked
Created by Dr. Umataro Tenma
Has a holiday named after him in honor of his
heroics: Astro Boy Day

Mario: Astro Boy assumed the role of Tenma's late son; even attending school and doing chores. Things were going well.. until Tenma came to the realization that Astro would never truly replace Tobio. His resentment only grew every time he looked at the young robot's un-aging face

Sonic: So Tenma had a solution and that solution is: Selling the poor robot kid into a circus. I don't like where this is going. At least Dr. Light actually cared about his children

Rocky: He's right!

Lolo: Poor Astro...

Marshall: That was so cruel!

Mario: Astro spent his time preforming until he was found and adopted Dr. Hiroshi Ochanomizu whose kindness inspired Astro to stand up for what's right and defend the world

Zuma: At least he had a kind adoptive father...

Powers and abilities
100,000 horsepower base strength later upgraded
to 1,000,000
Jet-powered flight
Can increase hearing up to 1000x
Energy cannons in his arms
Finger Lasers
Incredible strength and durability
Fast-reacting electronic brain
A machine gun in each butt cheek

Sonic: Good thing Tenma equipped him with weapons because he's scared of losing another son, like like a finger laser and transforming
arm cannons

Mario: Astro Boy was built with seven amazing powers. He has jet-powered flight, flashlight eyes,
the ability to translate more than sixty languages, instant discernment between good and evil, a hyper-intelligent electronic brain, ears one thousands times more sensitive than a human's
and finally he has guns on his butt

Rocky: Whoa whoa whoa... what?!

Armadylan: Wait, what?!

Astro's Butt Guns emerge and blast the Peacekeeper, shattering its eye.

Astro Boy: I got machine guns.. in my butt?!

Luna Girl: Now that was weird...

Batarina: Very weird...

Sonic: I'm sorry but who uses that?

Everyone: No one!

Mario: I know I know crazy but let's move on. It's kind of a funny move anyway

Owlette: More like a weirdo move...

Sonic: Well aside from that Astro also possesses 100,000 horsepower strength and can break concrete without even trying, or tunnel through solid rock with ease

Lifted a city
Tore off the entire top of a skyscraper
Flew straight through 30 feet of solid iron
Once stopped a space station's orbit
Flew around the Earth in two seconds
Lifted a 100,000 ton ocean liner with ease
Tanked get hit with lightning bolts
Flew on a mission that was heading to the sun
Defeated Death Mask, Atlas, Pluto, Stone, and Garon

Mario: But his most fascinating aspect is his skin. Derived from an artificially-created super-plastic,
Astro's body is tough enough to survive everything from the depths of the ocean to a dip in the sun

Sonic: Plus, he's a versatile fighter. He's taken on water-stealing aliens, dogs turned into human robots stealing diamonds from the moon, and a robot named Satan that shot lasers out of his nipples. Okay anime is SO weird

Batarina: Then talk about Sonic X!

Mario: He beat Pluto, the most dangerous robot assassin in the world, after being upgraded to
1,000,000 Horse Power. This gave him the strength to lift a cruise ship out of the water, and fly through thirty feet of solid iron like it was thin air

Sonic: If that's not enough for you guess what happened: Astro can fly so fast that he flew around the Earth in 2 straight seconds!

Catboy: 2 seconds?!

Sonicboy: Woah! That's very fast!

Mario: Based on the distance he traveled, Astro must have been moving around 44,821,800 miles
per hour

Vampirina: Now we get why he's so fast...

Sonic: Well that's not enough because that's not even his most impressive feat, Astro once out
raced a missile to the sun in 43 seconds. He would have to be moving around 11,691,905,862 miles per hour to pull that off

Rocky: He has a point...

Mario: Well too bad he has his downfalls though

Possesses an innate fear of being melted by extreme heat
A strong enough blow can sometimes cause his joints to break apart
Sometimes over-exerts himself to the point of dangerously draining his power supply
Often has to deal with prejudice from humans who fear robots
Is very helpless if said energy is completely depleted

Sonic: Yeah even this robot kid isn't perfect

Catboy: No one is perfect...

Owlette: Not even everybody...

Vampirina: Robot, superhero, humans, animals, monsters, no one is perfect

Mario: Tough as his super-plastic skin may be, Astro does have an innate fear of being melted by
extreme heat. And sometimes a strong enough blow can cause his joints to break apart. In addition Astro sometimes over-exerts himself to the point of dangerously draining his power supply

Sonic: If completely depleted, he's as good as dead. But hey, sometimes it's worth spending the energy to plow a robo-chick so hard, it
levels an entire city

Mario: But despite not fully replacing the late Toby and having some downfalls Astro Boy will continue to fight for peace and save the day

Klonoa: That's right!

Catboy: A hero never gives up!

Dr. Tenma: Wait! Are you sure you're ready for this Astro?

Astro Boy: I was made ready!

Astro Boy flies up to the camera and punches it.

Catboy: This a tough decision... we don't know who is going to win...

Ladybug: I vote for Mega Man

Pj Robot: Beep bop! (Me too!)

Klonoa: I'm with you guys!

Rocky: I think I go with Astro

Zuma: Me too

Tracker: Yo tambien!

Mario: Alright the combatants are set and we've run the data on all possibilities

Sonic: It's time for a DEATH BATTLE!!!!!!

Batarina: Here we go!

In a futuristic city, Astro Boy was seen standing on a building taking a look at a big view.

Astro Boy: Now this a nice view. I wonder what it would look like up above

Before Astro can take off he hears a electric sound coming from behind.

Astro Boy: Huh?

Astro turns around and sees blue electricity line giving the later a confused face.

Astro Boy: That's a little... strange

As Astro Boy watches the electrical line, Mega Man teleports into the scene from it. Mega Man looks up
and processes to speak with Astro.

Mega Man: Ah ha! I found you!

Ladybug: There he is!

Astro is confused at what the Super Fighting Robot is saying

Astro Boy: What?

Mega Man: l knew something fishy was up going around here in this town! So tell me!

Rocky: Hey! Let him explain!

Astro starches his head as he has no idea what's going on as Mega Man points at him demanding

Mega Man: Are you another Robot Master or are you another one of Wily's creations?

Zuma: He was created by other doctor, Mega Man!

Klonoa: I don't think he will listen to him...

Once again still confused Astro tried to explain.

Astro Boy: Wha-wait a second hold on l'm not who you think l am and who's-

The Blue Bomber transformations his hand into a Mega Buster and points it at the Atomic Wonder
Child before he could even finish.

Klonoa: See? I told you...

Mega Man wastes no time firing a few shots at Astro Boy which he deflects with his arms. Realizing this is not going anywhere, Astro Boy is left with no other option but to fight Mega Man.

Astro Boy: Okay, [Gets into fighting stance] I guess this is how it's going to be!

Astro fires a few laser blast but Mega Man blocks with the Mirror Buster but once he takes it down
Astro kicks him in the face and takes flight. While in the air Astro shoots out lasers from his fingers and shoot them at Rock, who shoots out Homing Missiles at his enemy but Astro dodges them with total ease.

Astro Boy: Is that the best you can do?

Mega Man: I'm just getting started!

Ladybug: Be careful, Rock!

Mega Man uses Tornado Blow and which hit Astro Boy. This however angers the Mighty Atom and starts to charge at the Super Fighting Robot at full speed.
Mega Man tries his Leaf Shield and send the leaves at him but Astro Boy simply punches them out of
his way and dives towards Mega Man.

Zuma: Good move Astro!

Pj Robot: (beeps nervious)

Mega Man: Oh crud...

Mega Man tries to escape but Astro just knocks him off the building.
Astro holds on to Mega Man as they fly but Mega Man uses Hard Knuckle and not only knock Astro
off him but also knock him to the ground. The Mighty Atom hits the ground and gets up and recovers.

Astro Boy: Man who was that guy anyway?

Catboy: Someone who you don't know...

Mega Man with the help of Rush was able to land safely on the ground. The Super Fighting Robot
uses Atomic Fire as Astro flies at him however upon getting close Rock hits him with his weapon
knocking his opponent back in the process. Mega Man walks up to him and prepares to finish off his enemy.

Klonoa: Now Mega Man!

Mega Man: Now this battle's done

Mega Man prepares to fire another shot however guns come from Astro's butt much to Mega Man's

Mega Man: Huh? What the-

Ladybug: (gasps)

Klonoa: Oh no! We forgot about that!

Pj Robot: (beeps terrified)

Astro's butt guns opened fire at Mega Man which bounces off of him. Astro then charges at Mega
Man who dodges it and uses Speed Gear to slow down time and throw a Metal Blade which is about to hit Astro's back which it did once time
processed. Astro Boy crashes into a building. Mega Man fires a Crash Bomber which goes into the building Astro crashed into. Astro Boy gets up after the crash.

Astro Boy: Okay that's it I'm done with this!

Ladybug: Yikes! Please be okay, Rock

Mega Man summons Rush and gets into his Super Adaptor form. Astro prepares to attack but fails to
notice the bomb next to him which exposes sending flying towards Mega Man who does an uppercut sending him flying to the sky. Astro holds his ground and looks down as Mega Man taunts him.

Rocky: Come on Astro!

Tracker: This thing is intenso...

Mega Man: What's the matter got nothing left?!

Klonoa: What's the matter Astro? You want to give up already?

Astro Boy: Not yet you blue nuisance!

Rocky: I knew he was going to say that!

Mega Man flies towards Astro Boy and starts firing fists at him. The robot children fly all over town clashing attacks, but Mega Man is usually the one getting the up hand. Astro however has another trick up
his sleeve.

Astro Boy: Alright you're strong I'm not gonna lie. But are you fast enough?

Astro charges at his enemy and manages to hit him with his finger lasers at him but before he could do it again Mega Man counters with his shots from his Mega Buster then uses Gravity Hold to stop him from doing anything else.

Mega Man: Nice try but it's not gonna work pal!

Mega Man then grabs Astro Boy and rams him straight through buildings as it damages Astro through the process.

Mega Man: How does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine?

Mega Man throws Astro straight throw more buildings before crashing into the ground.

Astro Boy: Darn it!

Mega Man: Hey chump!

Astro looks up and sees Mega Man above him who is taunting him.

Klonoa: Good move Mega Man!

Pj Robot: (beeps happily)

Mega Man: Come on bet you can't catch me!

Mega Man flies off angering Astro and motivated him to catch him.

Astro Boy: I'll show you!

Astro flies off and chases his opponent.
During the chase Mega Man fires Homing Missiles at Astro forcing him to fly another direction in
order to evade them.

Astro Boy: How about you have a taste of your own medicine yourself!

Astro Boy leads the missiles towards his enemy.

Ladybug:(gasps) Rock! Watch out!

Mega Man: Oh no you don't!

Mega Man uses Time Stopper and freezes time with time frozen, Mega Man takes this opportunity
to his advantage. First he shoots out a bomb behind from way his enemy, then he shoots a Magnet Missile to his face uses Star Crash and another Magnet Missile 10 seconds away then flies off.
Time unfreezes and the Magnet Missile hits Astro knocking him into the missiles that were chasing
him and straight to the bomb which later becomes a bomb which later becomes a black hole.

Astro Boy: Shoot!

Desperate to escape Astro increases his jet boost to a max and evades it only the stars to surround
him and another Magnet Missile to connect them and pull Astro straight towards the black hole
which did damage on him. Fortunately for Astro Boy, the black hole disappears before it can do
anymore damage to him or even disintegrate him.

Zuma: Phew! Almost!

Astro Boy: (Sighs in relief) That was a close one. Now let's finish this

Astro Boy flies of looking for his enemy. Meanwhile Mega Man still in his Super Adaptor form flies and smiles thinking he won.

Mega Man: It's done. About time

Klonoa: Phew!

Before the Blue Bomber can leave he hears a familiar face behind him.

Astro Boy: Not yet, scuzball!

The voice turns out to be Astro who is charging at him at full speed.

Mega Man: What? How did you--

Before Mega Man could finish, Astro Boy punches him so hard that it knocked Rush out of him thus
disarming him of his Super Adaptor form in the process.

Pj Robot: Beep beep! (It's Rush!)

Ladybug: Oh no! He hurt him!

Mega Man falls to the ground in an open field away from the city and catches an injured Rush while
doing it. Mega Man then pets.

Mega Man: You did good, thanks Rush you're the good dog, now let me take it from here

Rush agrees at what Mega Man said and teleports away. Astro Boy is scene charging at Mega Man ready to finish the fight.

Astro Boy: This ends right now!

Astro charges at Mega Man at full speed while Mega Man has one last trick up his sleeve.

Mega Man: You're right it, it is time to end this so...

Mega Man transformations both of his hands into Mega Busters and charges them up.

Zuma, Rocky and Tracker: (gasps)

Mega Man: Sayonara!

Mega Man charges his Mega Busters at a max as Astro Boy gets in close the Blue Bomber fires his Mega Busters which blasts straight through Astro Boy who is screaming from the impact.

Astro Boy: SCREW YOU!!!!!!

As Astro says this the camera zooms and we see a big blue explosion. When the explosion stops, Mega Man emerges from the smoke. The Blue Bomber sees all of the pieces and parts Astro Boy,
and with all that, thus claiming the victory over the Atomic Wonder Child.

Mega Man: Now that's what l'm talking about

Ladybug: Yes! He did it!

Klonoa: Alright!

Pj Robot: (beeps cheerfully)

Mega Man than celebrities his victory over the remains of his enemy.


Mega Man then copies the abilities from Astro Boy's remains and uses his all of abilities as his own and also testing out all of his opponents
abilities. After that, the Blue Bomber teleports away from the scene.

Armadylan: That was the most epic battle I ever seen!

Catboy: Good job Mega Man! That was awesome!

Sonic: Damn, now that's one huge explosion right there

Mario: Astro Boy may have had the advantage in flight, and maneuverability, that's about all the edges he has

Sonic: Yeah Mega Man outclassed him everywhere else

Sonicboy: You said it!

Mario: Astro Boy did lift a one 100,000 ton boat with ease while Mega Man struggled to lift a 60,000
ton castle but that clearly doesn't matter

Gecko: Yeah! Streight is not the only thing that matters!

Sonic: Mega Man scales to Sunstar who destroyed multiple stars including the Wily Star which we found out it takes 7 trillion megatons of TNT and while Astro scales to a robot who also destroyed a star before but Sunstar has destroyed more than one star before and Mega Man has defeated Star Level foes before

Mario: Let's talk speed. Astro flew acros Earth in 2 seconds which is clocking in at 44,821,800 miles
per hour

Sonic: Impressive but remember Mario that Mega Man can scale to Duo who flew across the Earth to Saturn in seconds?

Mario: Yep that's right and he'd have to be moving around 114 times light speed based on this we can
conform that Duo must have been moving around 34,176,340,21 miles per hour. Over 75 times faster than Astro Boy's best travel speed feat

Sonic: But remember there's a big difference between travel speed and combat speed plus I can already see people typing the comments is that while they fought, Duo didn't use his full potential in their fight

Owlette: Yeah! Sonic has a point...

Mario: But It's still fair to scale Mega Man to Duo but let's say we go by other people's logic. Remember how Astro Boy out raced a missile to the sun in 43 seconds which is clocked in at 11,691,905,862 miles per hour?

Sonic: Yeah but remember how Mega Man piloted Rush who dodged lasers from Wily's canons which can travel to the distance of an
asteroid belt in 2 seconds?

Mario: The average is about 150 kilometers thick. For Rush to dodge something like that means he would have to be moving around 250 times the speed of light based on the calculations this means that Mega Man with Rush combined with his Super Adaptor form can move and react up to 74,948,114,500 miles per hour. Over 6 times faster than Astro Boy

Sonic: That combined with Speed Gear which increases his speed and Time Stopper which stops time meant Mega Man was just too quick for Astro Boy to land very many big hits, heck Mega Man is so fast that Astro can't seem to land a big hit at all

Klonoa: That's right!

Catboy: Yep! He's right!

Mario: In terms of durability Astro survived a bomb capable of stopping a solar flare. Heck, he got accidentally blasted by an atomic disintegrator gun and was still completely intact

Sonic: True but Mega Man was able to instigated the Wily Star explosion which was about 25 exatons of TNT and he's comparable to Duo who survived a 2.8 exaton blast

Mario: Plus Mega Man's large arsenal gave him multiple counter options for anything Astro can throw at him like Elemental, Gravity, Black Hole, and Time Manipulation. And the Double Gear System makes Rock more powerful even if they are limited their still more reliable

Sonic: Even if he uses the weapons the weapons the official Death Battle gave him the victor won't change, sure while it would increase Astro Boy's chances of winning Mega Man still outclasses him everywhere else which is something ScrewAttack didn't do research on

Ryder: He's right, they totally forgot about that

Mario: Overall Astro Boy did put up a great fight and this is a fairly close match, but ultimately Mega
Man's strength, speed, durability, and verity arsenal meant that all the Atomic Wonder Child could do was delay the inevitable

Sonic: Astro Boy got Blue Bombed and even Mega blasted off the track

Everyone: (laughs)

Catboy: It really makes sense!

Gecko: Yeah! Since they call him the Blue Bomber!

Mario: The winner is Mega Man

Owlette: That was an amazing fight!

Ladybug: I totally like it too!

Batarina: It looks like your love really helped him out, Lily

Ladybug:(blushes) It think you're right...

Poppy: Okay, let's watch the next episode, a fighter is coming back

Batarina: And Vee would like it...

Vampirina:(thinks) No way... he is coming back!

Next episode: Shadow VS Dark Pit

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