my harem

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Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucker ! *fake cough* anyway ! here's my harem. Starting with the Aaaaaaaaaal- The Omegas !

The Omegas :

Order And Chaos (Omni goddesses version) :

(Art isn't Mine)

Order is the lady with the white dress and Chaos is the one with the black dress. The two are twin sisters and the Goddesses of... well, Order and Chaos obiously. Order is one very happy and loving women and overhaul the perfect girlfriend, just make sure to not anger her, her light and fire would make Gate Guardian's sword/knife feel like a small burn in comparison. Chaos is simillar to her sister, just more caring and... I think she is Iris Heart's long lost sister. She's  sadistic and dominatrix, and enjoy beaking "bad" peoples, and I'm the one who unfortunatly got her in bed, but hey, I'm happy with them and I wouldn't want it to change.

The others :

Yahwia, the God(dess) of the Bible (Omni goddess version) :

YYYYep ! I have the God, or rather Goddess, of the Bible in my harem. Remember when I said I got one of my sword from God. Well, it was her wedding gift for me. Yahwia has a very stoic face, I think I'm the only one who managed to make her smile. She's also well-manered and very, VERY organised and strict woman. If I'm late even for 1 second, she punish me, AND YOU DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEND TO YOU I'M TELLING YOU !!! Anyway, she has supreme dominion over Heaven, angels and anything that is Holy. Also just call her God or Goddess because unless you're me or someone she allows, saying her name will get you and anyone else killed due to her power. Moral of the story : Never get on her bad-side.

Lucylia Satanael, The Ancient Angel (Omni Goddess version) :

Why so surprised ? If I have God herself in my harem, why not the Devil ? So... Lucylia, or Lucy as I nickname her, is the sister of Lucifer Morningstar the ruler of Hell and everything demonic and unholy. She's capable of doing anything her brother does but if there's one domain I think she's surpassing her brother : is for her love to cause suffering to thoses she doesn't love or thoses she hates. I swear she's the incarnation of sadism and secretly the mother of Iris Heart and Chaos. Still, for thoses she cares about, she's very caring, a bit overprotective and someone you would like to hang-out with. Guess everything is possible if you can have the devil for a friend or a wife.

Gaia, the mother of all Godzillas and the Supreme Goddess of Nature (Omni Goddess version).

(Art isn't mine.)

Mother nature in her true form. No wonder the Godzillas are so powerful and so fierce since they all came from her. Gaia is not very the talkative type, but when she does, better listen to her words. She's very attached to me but like, REALLY, attached to me. Whenever she has the ocassion, she hugs my arm or any part of my body. Being the Supreme Goddess of Nature, anything natural obeys to her, even Godzillas. I met her when I went to see a gathering of Godzillas and since then, she never left my side. Also she's probably the one member of my harem that is better left not pissed off, I though I would die... again. But her great atrait is that she's the most motherly of my harem, often adopting orphans and raising them like their mother.

Gaia Jr, Daughter of Gaia :

(Art isn't mine.)

The Daughter of Gaia and also one of my wifes. Gaia Junior is like her mother but more childish. Despite what you may think, she's actually VEEEEEEEEERY old. Heck, she's a matured woman in a younger body. Just like her mom, she never left my side and hugged me whenever she has the occasion, the only difference is that it not just for love, but also headpats, something she loves. This girl is just too cute for me to say no about anything she desires, except killing, I don't want her to kill an innocent and then get Gaia angry.

Void, Supreme Goddess of the Nothingless and mother of all Ghidorahs (Omni Goddess version) :

(Art isn't mine.)

Gaia's eternal rival for my love : Void, the mother of all Ghidorahs. My nickname for her : Voidy. I met her when I screwed up one of my invention and landed in the Void. Since then, she joined my harem and stalked me anywhere. She's very teasing and so horny she could fill the entire Horny Jail with her hornyness. Also she's the kinkiest of my harem, she has like, all sorts of kinks. Gaia and her never really liked each others and the reason they didn't killed each other already, is because I threaten to break up with the one who kills the other. But overhaul, she's actually a veyr motherly person, one that could be a mother for anyone, just like Gaia. Guess even eternal enemies have something in common.

Lady Death, the Old Death :

(Art isn't mine.)

Remember when I was talking about Gaia that I already died once ? Well, here's the lady that greeted me, and later allowed me to come back to life. I nickname her Dede. Yeah see, when I died, I tried to flirt with her in hope she'll accept letting me live, she accepted... after kissing me and joining my harem. Dede is also a stalker, but one who, wherever she goes, leaves everyone with a sence of death, the fact that she can cause cosmic level disaster doesn't help. Other than that, she's not very evil or cruel, just very responsible and loving, and hated to be treated like a joke. She's like her sister...

Lady Life, the new life :

(Art isn't mine.)

The lady responsible for spreading Life and the twin sister of Death. Life is a girl very responsible about her role, even if it sometimes takes her time with her sister : Lady Death. Like Gaia, she isn't very talkative, but that's because she's very shy around peoples and she likes calm and peace. Also like Emilia, she doesn't speak verbally, but with her eyes, mind and telepathy. Her beauty got her many beings trying to date her, but she easily knew that deep down, they only cared for her power. Unlike me who just wanted to meet Lady Death's sister. This got her to get attracted to me and eventually join my harem like her sister did... I'm lucky I met them all.

And finally, the final member of my harem-

Y/N God : About time, we all expected her to be the first.


Y/N God : As if you can !

*RAGE* *sigh* Anyway, intorducing the Alpha of my Harem the one and only :

Alpha : Pneuma, The Supreme Archdeit Empress aka MY GODDESS !!!

Pretty sure no one saw it coming.

Y/N God : Everyone saw it coming


Anyway ! This women... I have no words to describe my love for her. How I met her ? ... Let's see... It was when I arrived in her home, Elysium by accident, I was young back then, She found me and took care of me, we played together, we talked together, we hanged out as one and many more. This memory stayed in my mind and heart forever. Flash foward many years later. I met her again and we stayed together since then, one day, I got the cougare to confess to her, though I f*cked up a bit that day, and she said... yes. That... was the happiest day of my life. When I got my harem, they all agreed that she would be the Alpha because... I simp for her like HARD, and let me tell you : I. regret. nothing!

So... that was for my harem.

Y/N God : The first part.

fuck you god.

Y/N God : *turns female* At any time.


(What are you thoughts on it ? Part 2 maybe coming next.)

Also why wouldn't I reveal them sooner God ?

Y/N God : I wanted to keep it as a surprise and see everyone's reaction.

*sigh* I hate you and myself

Y/N God : Love you too.

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