Chapter One

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"A series of unforutnate and unexpected events happened in our kingdom. The recent attacks had killed many of our dragons, and now, we shall pay respects to those who had fallen. May their souls rest peacefully."
Silence surged through the crowd gathered below the castle. Dragons would dip their heads, and some even shed tears. It wasn't long enough till the moment of silence was broken by the leader's speech.
"Alongside this, our dear deputy had passed away. He had been attacked and killed by another dragon. We are currently investigating what monster could have done such a horrendous act, and if we find who they are, they will be punished by death."
The tall and large dragon cleared his throat before continuing. "This also means I have to annouce, who the next deputy will be." He looked at his companion who stood aside, then turned his gaze back at the dragons below.
"A brave and fierce solider had proved himself worthy of this position. My own adopted brother, Quickstrike shall now take the place of my deputy."

Quickstrike sighed, more out of relief. Chronos had been talking about this for weeks after Oleander's death. The sleek dragon stepped forward and showed his face to the crowd. Most cheered, while some still mourned the death of their old deputy, but the crowd was bustling with noise nonetheless.
Chronos interrupted the joy with more news. He arrogantly stepped in front of Quickstrike, who had to flinch in order to not get stomped on by the massive dragon.
"Yet, this doesn't solve our issues with the Evergreen kingdom. The unity we all desire is often frowned upon there, and it is up to us to find a solution." The haughty red and grey dragon paused for a while, before carrying on his speech.
"If the Evergreen kingdom continues with the attacks, we might have to strike back" He said with a serious tone.

The crowded dragons started mumbling again. Many frowned and turned their gazes away from the leader, some seemed to support his idea. Chronos had to put an end to the racket anyways.
"Silence!" He yelled at the dragons. "This could indeed lead to a declaration of a war" He proceeded in a much calmer and more confident voice.
"However, in case my worries come true, I will prioritize your safety rather than anything else."
Quickstrike glared at Chronos with a puzzled look. But we attacked Evergreen Kingom first... They had the right to defend... Is Chronos trying to lie? His thoughts faded into oblivion as he completely stopped listening to him.

The mighty leader made a quick agressive glance at the deputy, reminding him to pay attention, then he continued to speak. "This is all for now, you may go" His words drifted away as he stepped back.
Quickstrike fixed his gaze back at his brother, his face full of worry and his mind full of questions. He waited for a while, unsure wether to approach the leader. Chronos was that type of dragon who'd snap at anybody who disagreed with his opinions. Often times you'd get roared at even before you could say a word. Despite that, Quickstrike gathered up his courage to discuss his thoughts with his brother.
"Hey,...... Chronos, May I have a talk to you? It's considering your speech" He said in a hesitant tone, halting his speech for a brief moment, before mumbling again."Not in here, I wanna speak in private"
"Of course, go on. Follow me to my room first." Chronos insisted, wanting to make sure noone could be able to eavesdrop on them, even though he didn't know what Quickstrike wanted in the first place. He turned away and lead the young dragon towards the castle.

Chronos made a quick glance over the hall prior to closing the door to his room.
"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about?" The leader began with a deep tone, seemingly uninterested in Quickstrike, however, still giving him a chance to speak up.
"Well, you said Evergreen kingdom's attacks were an issue" he paused for a second, thinking what to say "Hadn't we attacked them first?" Quickstrike mumbled quietly, making sure noone besides Chronos could hear him. The closed door wasn't giving him much assurance.
"What? I've told you about this before. If we want to unite all the tribes, we will have to strike if it's truly needed" Chronos snapped at his younger brother arrogantly. His words made no sence to Quickstrike, who briskly retaliated with confidence.
"But maybe unity isn't the ultimate solution for eve-" his attempts on arguing were cut out by Chronos. "Nonsence! And if they resist, we will pursue them into accepting our ideas!" He said without a second thought, determined to state his own.
The only nonsence here is what he's saying right now.... Quickstrike thought to himself, whilst glaring at the leader fiercly. He was getting fed up by his brother's twaddle. Chronos believed that he could do anything since he is the leader. He was so ambitious, it was hard to talk to him, without hearing him boast about his achievements.

After a long moment of silence, Quickstrike got up and turned away from the leader. He could hear Chronos whisper something to himself, perhaps an insult. One couldn't know for sure. Quickstrike huffed something to himself aswell, opened the door, and marched out of it as fast as possible. He wanted to get away from his brother's frustrating presence.

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