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Hi im going to try to write another story because it clearly works so well for me. Anyways as the description said I'm going to have you guys play a role in the writing this story. Between character creation to important ways the plot goes what you say and ask for will alter what I write. Also if you see spelling errors please point them out so I can fix them. Thanks. This chapter will probably be changed a lot so come check back to see if I ask for more help. So let's start with the main cast!

How this will work is you need to reply to one of my comments to build a character piece by piece so don't say something that no one can work with. If I see joke replies I'll ignore them to make a working character. Please avoid talking in the replies too so I can keep track of the character design. Finally one reply per character to start and dont take one trait on all three characters (ex. Take all the hair color or body type)

Body type:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length and style:
Skin tone:
Extra traits(tattoos, freckles, etc):

Body type:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length and style:
Skin tone:
Extra traits(tattoos, freckles, etc):

Body type:
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair length and style:
Skin tone:
Extra traits(tattoos, freckles, etc):

Finally what time period is this taking place? Is it the mid-evil time period? Or modern or far far into the future. I leave that up to you

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