I- we- you poem

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I (Sidewalk)
I am stepped on and trampled.
Walked on and forgotten.
I am needed but not appreciated.
Cracks run through me caused by the same creator that built me.
Each step on me is short lived.
Each thought of me is quickly replaced by new ideas.
It is not until I am unavailable to use that they realize my importance.

WE (Crowd )
Step after step we tirelessly continue.
Like a blur our surrounding pass by.
Nothing important enough for us to remember, or to think about.
We don't notice the others around us, thinking, walking, hurting.
We are oblivious to the lives of our peers.
Nothing else concerns us.
For we are walking on the same broken, cracked sidewalk as always.
Nothing has to change, so nothing will.

YOU (Adressing a person)
You look at me but don't see me.
You hear me but don't listen to what I have to say.
You talk but you don't mean it.
You are scared but you don't show it.
You take the same beaten path as them.
You are scared to take a step in the wrong direction.
I am too.
We all are.
But you don't see it.
None of you do.
You don't see what is wrong.
You don't see what we have done and let happen.
And you probably never will.

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