Chapter 16

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The students, except for Eugene and Yon, boarded the jeep immediately. Panic and urgency filled the air as they scrambled for safety. The distant growls of the approaching danger added to their haste, pushing them to move faster.

Minji stayed behind, her rifle in hand, firing at the threat that loomed ever closer. Her face was set in a determined grimace, each shot calculated to buy her friends a few more precious seconds. Young, already in the jeep, extended his hand towards her, a look of desperation on his face.

"Minji, come on!" he shouted, his voice barely audible over the cacophony of gunfire and snarls.

But Minji didn't seem to notice him. Her focus was entirely on the approaching danger. She pivoted, eyes scanning for any stragglers or potential threats. Young's heart pounded in his chest as he saw her back still turned towards him. He noticed a can down on the road at a dangerous step behind her feet.

"MINJI! CAREFUL!" Young's voice was a mixture of warning and pleading, his eyes wide with fear.

The warning came a second too late. Minji, in her haste, tripped over a discarded can on the ground. She fell hard onto her stomach, the impact knocking the wind out of her. Her rifle slipped from her grasp, skidding to a stop at the edge of the road, tantalizingly out of reach. Pain shot through her body, but she fought to push herself up, her hands scraping against the rough asphalt.

Behind her, the snarling grew louder, more menacing. She could almost feel the hot breath of the creatures on her neck, the sound reverberating through her entire being. Each second felt like an eternity as she struggled to regain her footing.

"MINJI!" Young's voice cracked with urgency and fear.

Hearing Young scream, Eugene's head snapped in their direction. His heart pounded as he saw Minji struggling on the ground, the snarling creatures closing in on her. Without thinking, he lifted his blade and sprinted towards her, each step a battle against the fear threatening to paralyze him.

What am I doing? Eugene's mind raced. Why am I trying to help? I can't fight those things. I will die! His thoughts screamed at him to stop, to turn back, but his feet wouldn't obey. They pounded against the ground, carrying him closer to the fray.

"Eugene!" The voice cut through the chaos, clear and commanding.

Eugene didn't stop running, but he recognized Ji-hoon's voice. He glanced back just in time to see Ji-hoon slam his weapon down, splitting open the skull of a figure that had almost caught up to him. Blood and brain matter splattered across the ground, the creature crumpling in a grotesque heap.

"Go!" Ji-hoon shouted, his eyes fierce. "We will cover you."

Eugene nodded, adrenaline surging through his veins. He pushed himself harder, closing the distance between him and Minji. She had managed to turn onto her back, her boots connecting with the creatures that had caught up to her. Each kick landed with a sickening thud, but the creatures were relentless, their eyes glowing with a predatory hunger.

Minji's breath came in ragged gasps as she fought to keep them at bay. One particularly large creature lunged at her, jaws snapping inches from her face. Eugene flicked his blade around his index finger, the motion almost reflexive. He reached Minji just in time, his blade flashing through the air and slashing across the creature's throat.

The creature gurgled, black blood spurting from the wound. It staggered, clutching at its ruined throat, before collapsing in a twitching, dying mass. Eugene didn't stop. He swung his blade again, carving through another creature's arm, severing it cleanly. The dismembered limb fell to the ground, twitching grotesquely.

Young took a deep breath and made a split-second decision. He jumped off the moving jeep, landing hard but managing to roll to his feet. Mina, still inside the vehicle, quickly closed the door behind him, sealing off the interior from the chaos outside.

Young scrambled to pick up Minji's discarded rifle. Without hesitation, he tossed it back towards her with all his might. The rifle sailed through the air, and Minji, with an incredible display of agility, caught it with her feet. In a fluid motion, she positioned the weapon and squeezed the trigger with her toe. The shot rang out, and the creature nearest to her had its head blown apart, dark blood and fragments of bone spraying in all directions.

Eugene, wheezing from exertion, glared at the older woman who had so effortlessly taken down the threat. Minji immediately sprang to her feet, her movements a blur of determination and fury. She tore her shirt apart, casting it aside to reveal her slender waist and a black undershirt that clung to her form. The grime and sweat only added to the ferocity in her eyes.

With a growl, Minji bit her thumb furiously, the pain focusing her rage. She raised the rifle, her fingers dancing over the trigger. Each shot was precise, each bullet a death sentence. She moved with a deadly grace, her body twisting and turning as she aimed and fired, aiming for the heads of the advancing creatures.

The first creature she targeted had its face obliterated, the bullet tearing through flesh and bone with sickening ease. Black ichor sprayed out, coating the ground in a slick, putrid mess. Another creature lunged at her, but Minji pivoted, shooting it point-blank in the chest. The force of the shot blew a hole through its torso, the ragged wound gushing dark, viscous fluid as it collapsed.

Eugene could barely keep up, his own blade working furiously to fend off the creatures that got too close. He slashed at a creature's arm, severing it cleanly. The limb fell to the ground, twitching, and black blood sprayed across his face. Another creature's claws raked his arm, drawing a line of bright red blood, but Eugene retaliated with a vicious stab, driving his blade through its eye socket and into its brain. The creature convulsed and fell, twitching violently.

Young was back in the fight, grabbing a discarded weapon and swinging it with wild desperation. He cracked a creature's skull open, the bone splintering with a loud crunch. Blood and brain matter splattered onto his clothes, but he didn’t flinch. His only focus was on protecting his friends.

Minji continued her deadly dance, each shot a brutal testament to her skill and determination. She kicked a creature in the gut, knocking it back, and then shot it in the head as it staggered. The top of its skull exploded, showering the ground with blood and gore. Her undershirt was stained with sweat and blood, but she didn't stop. Her eyes burned with a feral intensity as she bit down on her thumb harder, the pain keeping her sharp.

The ground around them was a macabre tapestry of torn flesh, broken bones, and dark, pooling blood. The air was thick with the metallic scent of blood and the acrid smell of gunpowder. The snarls and growls of the creatures mixed with the sounds of gunfire and the wet thuds of bodies hitting the ground.

Finally, the onslaught began to wane.  Minji, Eugene, and Young stood amidst the carnage, their bodies heaving with exhaustion but their spirits unbroken.

"Mina! Open the door! They are safe!" Hailey's voice was tight with tension, her eyes darting towards the figures struggling outside.

"But... what if they are bitten...?" Mina's voice wavered, fear etched into her features. Her body was rigid, blocking the door with a determined stance.

"They are not bitten. Open the damn door," Yohan snapped, his patience wearing thin. His fists clenched in frustration, veins bulging in his neck.

"We can't risk our lives. The grave-ups had clearly closed in on her..." Mina defended her statement, her eyes wide with terror. The creatures outside, distorted and twisted, were a constant reminder of the thin line between life and death.

"Open. The door." Zera's voice cut through the argument, her leg hanging awkwardly, injured in the chaos. Her face was pale, pain and fatigue clear in her eyes, but her tone was resolute.

"Why don't you guys understand what I'm trying to say! IF WE LET THEM IN WE MIGHT DIE!" Mina's voice rose to a near scream, her desperation palpable. Her eyes darted between the faces of the people in the jeep, pleading for them to understand the risk.

"OPEN THE DOOR, DAMN IT! THEY'LL DIE!" Minyoung yelled, her face contorted with anger and fear. She stepped forward, her hands shaking with urgency. Mina stood her ground, blocking the door, her body a barrier between the safety inside and the terror outside.

Suddenly, a loud clank reverberated through the cramped space. "THE METAL DOOR OPENED!" Eunhye announced loudly from the driver's seat, her voice carrying a mix of relief and urgency.

Everyone turned to look outside the front glass of the jeep. The sight made the heated argument fade away. In the cramped space, the tension began to dissolve, replaced by a shared sense of urgency and relief.

Yuri and Jaeyeon rushed inside, their faces streaked with sweat and dirt, eyes wide with adrenaline. The jeep's engine roared to life, and it began to move towards the metal door.

Yon pulled Eugene by his hand, practically dragging him towards the door. Eugene stumbled, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but he kept moving, his eyes fixed on the safety of the space within which was their jeep. Minji followed closely, her rifle still clutched tightly in her hands, her face set in grim determination. Sae Joon Hyun brought up the rear, glancing back to make sure no one was left behind.

Yon, Eugene, Minji, Young, and Sae Joon Hyun were still outside, battling against the oncoming horde. The jeep, now inside a relatively secure space, was the last barrier between them and the creatures that pursued relentlessly.

"OPEN THE DOOR, DAMN IT!" Jay shouted, his voice filled with urgency and frustration. He shoved Mina aside, her protest cut short by his desperate push. With a forceful yank, he pulled open the door of the jeep. He leaped out, followed closely by the others, their faces set with determination and fear. Mina, her hands trembling, slammed the door shut behind them, sealing the interior once more.

The group outside sighed in unison, their breath mingling in the cold, damp air. They could hear the growls and snarls of the creatures drawing closer, their footsteps echoing off the concrete walls.

"Hurry up!" Yuri yelled loudly at the group outside the space, her voice echoing in the confined space. The creatures were right in front of them, their eyes glowing with a hungry intensity.

"Go! Run!" Sae Joon Hyun commanded, his voice authoritative and unyielding. He stopped running and turned to face the oncoming horde. His hands moved with practiced precision as he aimed for the creatures' heads, his bullets tearing through flesh and bone. Each shot was accompanied by a sickening crunch, but with every second, his hands grew heavier, his movements slower. "I hate being like this..." he muttered through gritted teeth, the weight of exhaustion dragging him down.

Jaeyeon and Yuri, working quickly, pulled the heavy metal door to a close, trying to secure their makeshift barricade. "Hyeong is still out there," Yon said, his voice tight with concern. His eyes scanned the dark corridor, searching for any sign of Sae Joon Hyun.

Eugene grabbed Yon's hands, his grip firm despite the tremor in his own. "We can't do anything if we’re dead," he said, shaking his head. "We have to trust he can handle himself."

Inside the cramped, darkened space, the group plopped down on the cold tiles, their bodies shrouded in shadows. The darkness concealed their expressions but not the sound of their heavy breathing, each breath a testament to their exhaustion and fear.

Sae Joon Hyun continued firing, his eyes narrowed in concentration. He took down another creature, its head exploding in a spray of dark blood and gore. But there were too many, and they were closing in. He felt a sharp pain as a claw raked across his side, tearing through his clothes and into his flesh. He grunted in pain, stumbling backward.

Meanwhile inside the space, Eunhye jumped out of the driver's seat, her face set in grim determination. She moved with purpose, snatching the rifle from Minji's hands before anyone could protest. The room was thick with tension and the metallic scent of blood. Eunhye swiftly loaded the magazine, the sound of bullets clicking into place echoing in the dark, cramped space.

Without hesitation, she tore the side of her gown, ripping the fabric to give herself more freedom of movement. She tied her hair up, her fingers moving deftly, and then signaled Yuri to push open the casement. The faint moonlight streamed in, casting long shadows across the floor.

The clicking sound of the rifle being set echoed ominously in the dark room. Eunhye walked out, her steps steady and resolute, as the open arms of the darkness outside seemed to call her. The creaking sound of the entranceway shutting behind her settled in her ears, a final barrier between her and her comrades, sealing her in the danger she was willingly walking into.

Eunhye jumped in and with a fierce cry, bashed in the head of the nearest creature. The skull cracked under the force, a sickening crunch resonating as the figure crumpled to the ground, twitching grotesquely. Sae Joon Hyun glanced at the convulsing body, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Joon. This is payback, alright," Eunhye called out, her voice steady despite the chaos around her.

He smirked slightly, his eyes gleaming with a mix of admiration and amusement. "Since when did you get that kind of a demeanor?"

"I should thank you for this," she replied, her tone light despite the grim task ahead.

"And your dress?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at the torn gown.

"It's uncomfortable. Meh," she shrugged, the corners of her mouth lifting in a slight smile.

"Hah. Ladies first," he said, nodding towards the approaching horde.

Eunhye smiled back at him slightly, then kneeled on one leg, holding the rifle with a steady hand. She focused, her breath even, and discharged her strength through the weapon. The sound of gunfire ripped through the night, each shot precise and deadly. She aimed for their limbs, the bullets tearing through flesh and bone, sending the creatures sprawling.

The scene was brutal, each shot accompanied by the spray of dark blood and the crunch of bones shattering. Limbs were torn from bodies, the ground quickly becoming slick with gore. The creatures' howls of pain and fury mixed with the acrid smell of gunpowder, creating a nightmarish symphony of violence.

Sae Joon Hyun continued his relentless onslaught as well, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His eyes flicked between the twitching bodies of the creatures and Eunhye's fierce form, her gown now stained with blood. She didn't falter, her determination unwavering as she continued to fire, each shot a testament to her willpower.

At the end of the explosive, furious firing, the silence was deafening. The ground was littered with the remains of the creatures, their bodies broken and lifeless. The immense smell of gunpowder hung heavy in the air, mingling with the scent of blood and death. Eunhye stood amidst the carnage, her chest heaving with exertion.

Sae Joon Hyun gasped for breath, his body trembling with a mixture of relief and adrenaline.

Eunhye knocked on the gate, the sound echoing in the dimly lit space. Inside, a different kind of chaos brewed. Mina stood in front of the gate, her arms stretched wide, blocking the entrance. Her face was a mask of defiance and fear.

"Are you insane?" Young banged on the side of the jeep furiously, glaring at her with incredulity. His anger was palpable, his fists clenched tightly. Mina met his gaze with a menacing look, her determination unyielding.

Yon pushed her to the side vehemently, but she quickly stood back up and grabbed his hand violently, her nails digging into his skin. Yon smiled at her with exasperation in his eyes, trying to remain calm. "Don't start this madness again. We must open the door for them."

"They might not have survived," she roared, her voice echoing in the confined space. She shook his hand away from hers, her eyes wild with fear and anger.

"Mina, let's be rational. I can't hear firing or snarling anymore," Yon tried to reason, his voice steady despite the tension.

"MY POINT EXACTLY! THEY ARE DEAD!" Mina screamed, her face contorted with rage and desperation.

"WILL YOU STOP IT ALREADY?" Jay stood up, his face livid. He advanced toward her, his anger barely contained. Mina swallowed hard, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. In a sudden, desperate move, she rushed to pick up a metal pole resting against the wall. She held it in front of her defensively, her knuckles white with the force of her grip.

"Don't come close!" she warned, her voice trembling but determined.

"You are a monster if you don't let alive people in," Young said, his voice dripping with contempt.

Mina glanced around, her eyes meeting each of theirs in turn, pleading for understanding. "Why are you all against me?" she cried out, her voice breaking.

Ignoring her, Yon reached for the entry and pushed it open. Eunhye and Sae Joon Hyun strode in, their faces grim and bloodied. Yuri and Jaeyeon quickly shut the entrance behind them, the heavy metal door clanging shut with a resonant finality. Charyeong, moving quickly, searched for the light switch. Her fingers brushed against a button on the wall, and she pressed it. The bulbs on the ceiling flickered erratically before casting a dim, steady light over the room.

The group settled into corners of the space, their bodies curling up against the walls. No one spoke. The silence was thick, punctuated only by their breathing—some tense, some calm, and some seething with rage. Yunha shuffled and sat up straight, scratching her head as she tried to process the chaos around her. She walked towards the jeep parked inside the room, a little towards the back. There, she spotted Yon sitting on the roof of the vehicle, his shoulders slumped in exhaustion.

"How did you manage to open the door all by yourself?" she asked him quietly, her voice breaking the heavy silence.

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