Chapter 27

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"What kind of an idea?"

"Like how Hailey divided us in teams of two."

"One team goes to Jeonju and the other?"

"No, Noona. There will be three teams."

Did he just call me Noona? He never used honorifics with me. What gives, Sae Joon Hyun?

"Yes. One team goes to Jeongu. One to Andong. And one stays here. In Seoul."

"Why do we even need to stay in Seoul?"

"Anything can happen. The team in Seoul can act as a backup."

"A rescue team, huh."


"Who will go to Jeonju?"

"It's a given. In - Ha will go. But the baby can't. So. I need In - Ha to decide that part. Yon will go with her. Let's include myself and-"

"Me too then!" Eunhye raised her hand.

Sae Joon Hyun glanced at her, "but-"

"I.. want to be a part of this team.. please...?"


"Yay~ and the team to Andong?"

"Jay. Ji - Hoon. Charyeong. Minji and Young."

"Oh. The rest will stay back...."

"Yeah" he nodded, "Does that work for everyone?" Sae Joon Hyun then asked.

"Sure" They said together. Following the discussion In - Ha only quietly stared at her little baby. She couldn't get the fact out of her head that she was supposed to seperate from her child. In-Ha clenched her fists and made up her mind to refuse the proposal when Jeha spoke up, "Shall I take care of Kaneisyeon?"

Neither did she reply nor did she look his way. Her eyes welled up. She lifted her head up closing her eyes. Looking back down she lost her vision on the jeep mats.

"Hello?" Jeha snapped his fingers in front of her eyes. She quickly blinked a couple times before looking his way.


"Shall I take care of her for you?"


"You will have to go to Jeonju with will go right?"


"Ma'am. We need you. We need you to solve this."

"No Jeha. I just can't leave my child alone-"

"Kaneisyeon should not grow up alongside zombies. She doesn't deserve that."


"You are the mother. So help her."

"Should I I really have to go?"

"For her sake atleast find a cure. Do whatever you can so she doesn't live with the zombies."

"What about now?"

"Someone needs to take care of her in your stead."


"I can do that."

"I can...."

"Ma'am. Your child is probably the one factor that is still leading us forward. I'll make sure absolutely nothing happens to your daughter no matter what."

"Then... Will you be okay?"

"Off course. Having a baby next to me gives me more of a reason to survive."

"I see..."

"Go ahead then. She'll be fine."

"Alright Jeha.. this is because I have no choice but... I'm going to trust you..."

"There, there. Don't get all sappy. She is a cute child alright. Who won't want to look after her?" Jeha said slowly taking the baby from her hands to his. He rocked her slightly in his arms - the baby giggled at the motion.

"There is one more thing we must keep in mind." Sae Joon Hyun began, "Time. We can't lose track of time."

"You are right." Eunhye said sipping from the bottle from the 'food' bag Jeha had arranged for them.

"I know. How long has it been since we all came together to fend off those creatures?"

"A week and four days!" Eunhye replied immediately to Sae Joon Hyun's question.

"Aha. Then forget about how long you alone have been in this situation. All we have to remember is 'us'. This is the only thing that will help us move on by staying on track."

"Okay" They nodded together. As their conversation ended Jaeyeon parked the jeep in the base under the bridge. They jumped down and spread sheets across the blue lit space to spend the night.

Tossing and turning, none of them seemed to have caught even a wink of sleep. Morning approached just like that. Eunhye shuffled in her sheets before sitting up slowly. She - yawning trudged towards the jeep. Eunhye unlocked the door and shuffled through the bags. She pulled out a plastic bottle of water. Eunhye chugged down the water like a thirsty whale before tightly closing the lid. She slipped the bottle back in the bag when her ears caught the tease from a familiar voice.

"Wow. A thirsty demon~"

She turned at the voice hurriedly losing control of her feet and toppling over at the figure she missed to glance over at. The figure held her tightly securing her head. She winced looking up her weight on the figure, "SAE JOON HYUN" She yelled in a whisper. His hands held onto her shoulders while her hands were curled up in fists resting on top of his chest.

"Are you okay?" She voiced glancing at his face.


"Did you hit your head? Are you hurt?"

"No, no. I'm fine."

"....never creep behind me like that."

"Haha. This is how we met the first time."

"That was horrible..."


"The blood thirsty guard was behind my life.."

"Yeah. True. Things have changed so much since then."

"What has changed so much?"

"You are less timid for one~"

"That's not even funny Sae Joon Hyun." Eunhye said lightly pounding on his chest.

"It wasn't supposed to be~"

"Actually. There are a lot of things that have changed."

"See? My point exactly."

"Like you~"

"Me? What is so different?"

"Hm. You are friendlier for one."

"Seriously. That's not funny."

"But you commented on me first, stupid."

"And? That's it? You are so child like."

"Gosh. Shut up."



"Do you trust Jaeyeon a lot?"

"Huh? Where is this going?"

"Just answer the question."

"I guess I do trust him. Why?"

"What about the others? Them as well?"

"Hm, yeah. We gotta trust each other, you know."

"Oh. Like that." He sighed.

"Tell me why."

"Nothing, nothing." He shook his head slightly.

"How long do you both plan on whispering like that?" Came a voice from above them. They glanced at each other. Eunhye was lying on top of him with his back against the floor of the jeep. Eunhye hurriedly got off him. Sae Joon Hyun sat up quickly looking over at the owner of the voice - Yuri.

"What did I just witness. Sheesh." Yuri scoffed slightly.

"It's not like that, Seonsangnim." Eunhye said playing with her hair nervously.

"What were you both even doing then?" She asked her smiling sheepishly.

"Haha.. the conversation just began and I didn't notice that we were on the floor like that..." Eunhye replied trying to explain her way out of the situation.

"Sure. So you were comfortable on top of him~"

"No! That's not it!" She said pushing Yuri out the jeep. Yuri giggled along as the girls walked away.

"How come they forgot about me?" Sae Joon Hyun sighed watching the two females being playful with each other.

Hearing Yuri giggle Jaeyeon and In - Ha woke up. They looked at each other and shrugged. An hour later, all of them were standing obediently in a vertical line in front of the jeep.

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