Chapter 37

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"Huh? Charyeong? What are you guys doing here?" Asked Sae Joon Hyun loudly stepping out of the vehicle he was driving along with the rest of his team.

"Hyeong. We got a text from Minyoung", began Jay, "she said something was wrong so we came here almost immediately. But we found this instead.." He paused trembling at the sight of the broken metal doors.

"Kaneisyeon! Mumma is here, honey!" In-Ha said rushing towards the exposed space they had managed to keep safe up untill now. "M - miss. In - Ha? In - Ha ma'am, is -- is that really you?" Came a voice from inside the jeep that was originally parked in the base. Hearing the cracked sniffling voice In-Ha banged on the door of the jeep, "yes! It is me! Open the door!"

"Miss. In - Ha. Oh.. and Eunhye and the others.." said Mina spotting them together as she slowly opened the door.

"Mina! What happened here?" Yon asked her.

"Ah -- I don't understand.. how is that even possible -- we - I--"

"Mina. Look at me. Calm down. You are okay. We are here. It's fine." Sae Joon Hyun said shaking her a little holding her by her shoulders. "Sae--" she began crying not even being able to utter his name in full. From within the jeep came Minyoung, Zera and Yunha.

"Minyoung" In - Ha pulled her out by her wrist alone, "where is Jeha? Is Kaneisyeon okay? Tell me!"

"Ah-- miss. In - Ha.. my hand.."

"In - Ha! Calm down!" Yon pulled the woman away from Minyoung. Minyoung held onto her right wrist looking at In - Ha nervously. "Zera. Yunha. Are you girls alright?" Eunhye asked them. They nodded heavily.

"Eunnie.. it was unexpected.. what happened when you guys left.." Zera mumbled towards Eunhye.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Eunhye asked.


[Day thirteen - three days ago]

{Zera POV}

We asked Jaeyeon what we were supposed to do since you guys had your missions and we decided to be a bit productive considering we were already getting accustomed to all this saving and surviving. But he just brushed it off saying he was too tired to do anything. He then lay himself on the jeep's seat lazily trying to catch sleep. Yuri politely asked us students to leave the jeep.

..and we did. It was getting really boring because when you guys where there with us you practically guided us forward. Especially Sae Joon Hyun seonbanim. Alone we had no idea what to do. So me, Yunha and Minyoung decided to check up on our stocks.

We counted every food item twice before putting them into bags. We neatly organised everything we had with us - weapons, food, water and even medical supplies.

But surprisingly that only took about two to three hours even after all the one purpose dallying we did. We were then just sitting idly hoping for you guys to come back earlier than decided. Night approached. We students walked into the jeep to sleep. For some reason, it was just too lonely even with all of us to sleep spread out in the base.

"Let's just sit ourselves to sleep." Yuri had suggested. And so we did. I don't know how much time had passed but it was definitely past midnight. Minyoung woke up from her slumber and approached the window of the jeep on the right side as she had told us.

She peeped through the window. There was some very disturbing noise that woke her up. And also because she ain't a sound sleeper like the rest of us. What she saw though - chains attached to a cage dangling carelessly in someone's hands.

She pressed her face closer on the window and found a man. She immediately dropped down and sealed her mouth with her hands. She hurriedly woke Yuri and Jaeyeon up. They saw the man as well. The man then went back to the end - almost to the end of this very room. It was very unexpected. There was a door carved on the tile yet so neatly that we couldn't have possibly noticed it if not for the incident. He pulled open the door which was the seemingly tile and entered in.

We only pondered over who he was as each of urs woke up to the information. The man walked out of the seemingly floor holding chains attached to yet another cage. What the cages contained - those zombies in a surprisingly large, devastating numbers.

It shocked us. We were terrified. But we were sure if was that he knew we were here. After all - he lived in that storage room in this base with us this whole time.

After that Jaeyeon asked us to pretend to go back to sleep. He asked me, Yunha, Mina and Minyoung to hide under the seats. If the man had no idea how many we were then it would be to our advantage. And so we did. Without any further arguments.

Only maybe some mere minutes later, the man furiously knocked on the doors of the jeep. Jaeyeon opened the door as if he did not know about the man. The others who weren't hiding with us girls followed his directions.

"Come with me." I heard the man command them coldly.

"What the heck! Who are you?" Jaeyeon had argued. The man had then swung the chains he was holding vigorously. With the sound, the zombies in the cage began snarling horribly. He was threatening them.

Jaeyeon immediately lifted his arms up. So did the others. We could only witness. Then the man asked them to follow him discreetly. They went to the back of the room with him. I don't really know what happened after that. Mina peeped through the window but couldn't see anything. As soon as she heard the dangling of the chains she immediately came back and hid under the seat, trembling.

We heard the sound of a bus's engine running followed by certain blurry conversations. And then the vehicle seemingly tore down the doors and left.


"What? There was someone here all along? All this time?" Eunhye asked looking at the tiles around her. Yunha guided them to the tile that was the entrance to the storage room below.

"Where is Jeha?!" In - Ha asked again.

"Jeha? Oh right... We didn't see him.. I think he is also in the bus with Jaeyeon seonbamin and the others.." Minyoung replied.

"What? Then my child.. my daughter is also.."

"Is Eugene with them as well?" Yon asked immediately. Zera nodded.

"How many cages did he have?" He then asked.

"I don't know.. but it was definitely more than two.." replied Zera.

"More than two cages.. I don't really think they are safe right now, huh.."

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